Coverletter and oper

SUPPLEMENT submitted by The Boeing Company

Coverletter + Eutelsat and SKY Perfect Letters


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20140922-00748 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                   51 LOUISIANA AVENUE, N.W. • WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001.2113

                                                   TELEPHONE: +1.202.879.3939 • FACSIMILE: +1.202.626.1700

                                                                                                                                                       Direct Number: (202) 879-3630

                                                                         December 15, 2014
Paul Blais
System Analysis Branch, Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

                                       Re:           IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20140922-00748
                                                     Supplement to Amend Satellite Coordination Letters From
                                                     Eutelsat and SKY Perfect

Dear Mr. Blais,

         Please find attached amended versions of two satellite operator coordination letters from
Eutelsat, S.A. (“Eutelsat”) and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation (“SKY Perfect”) for operation of
the Boeing Broadband Satcom Network (“BBSN”), to be included as a supplement to the above-
captioned application of The Boeing Company (“Boeing”).1 Boeing seeks Commission authority
to operate BBSN with Eutelsat satellites 7A, 36B, 113WA, and 172A and with SKY Perfect
satellite Superbird C2. The attached letters have been revised to conform to the requirements of
Section 25.227(b)(3)(ii) of the Commission’s ESAA rules.2

             Please let us know if you have any questions about the amended letters.


                                                                                                       Bruce A. Olcott

 Application of The Boeing Company for Authority to Operate Up to 100 Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft, File No.
SES-LIC-20140922-00748 (Filed Sep. 22, 2014).
    47 C.F.R. § 25.227(b)(3)(ii).

ALKHOBAR         AMS TERDAM               ATL ANTA      BEIJ ING         BOS TO N         BRUSSEL S           CHICAGO                 CLEV EL AND                  CO LU MBUS        DALL AS
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December 11, 2014

Ms. Carol Peterson
Supplier Management
The Boeing Company
P.CQ. Box 3707
Seattie, WA 98124—2207

Re:      Euteisat Power Level Density Certification for Boeing Earth Station Aboard Aircraft
         {(ESAA) transmissions.

Dear Ms. Peterson,

Eutelsat confirms and hereby certifies the following with respect to the operations proposed in
the above reference application:

(a)      The proposed Ku—band Earth Station Aboard Aircraft (ESAA) operation of The Boging
Company has the potential to create harmful interference to satellifte networks adjacent to the
target satellite(s) that may be unacceptable;

(B)    The Bosing Company is currently using Eutelsat capacity on the following satellites:
Euteisat 7A at T®East ("E7ZA"), Eutelsat 368 at 36°%East (°ES6S"), Eutelsat 11B3WA at 1138West
{"E113WA"). and Eutelsat 172A at 172°%ERast ("E172A"). These operations are subject of the
following conditions:

The off—axis EIRP in any 40 kHz band in the direction of an adjacent satellite shall not exceed
the following values:
                                      dBW       for       2° < § <7°
                                      dBW       for   7° < § <9.7°
                            )         dBW       for   9.7° < 8 <48"°
                                dBW   for       48° < 8

Where 8 is the angle, in degrees, between the main—beam axis and the direction considered,

Eutelsat S.A. > société anonyme & Conseil d‘Administration au capital de 987 459 990 € — ACS n" 422 551 176 Paris
Sigge social — 70 rue Balard — F—75502 Paris Cedex 15 — France — tel. +33 1 53 98 47 47 fax 133 1 53 98 37 00

                                                                                                                     Page 2/2

And where Y is defined, according the satellite — transponder as follow:

    Capacit                Frequency band (MHz                     Polarisation                             ¥
     ETA — J2                      14133 — 14160                           ¥
    E36B — G6                      14208 — 14244                           X
   E1727A — 1N                     14259 — 14287                           X
   E172A — 3P                      14341 — 14377                           ¥
   E172A — 4W                      14083 — 14155                           ¥
    E172A — 5N                     14379 — 14407                           X
  E113WA —18K                      14342 — 14378                           X

The existing services operated by Bosing on the mentioned satellites, when operated in the
prescribed manner, do not result in unacceptable interference to the adjacent satellite networks.

The above power density levels are consistent with the Eutelsat‘s coordination agreements for
the satellite here above mentioned.

Eutelsat confirms that, if operated as described here above, operation of the Bosing ESAA
terminal will not cause unacceptable interference into operations of the satellites adjacent to
E7A, E36B, E113WA and E172A.

Iif the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Bosing, Eutelsat will include the power
density levels specified above in this lstter in all future satellite network coordination with
operators of satellites that are adjacent to those satellites addressed by this letter.

Please let us know if you require any further support from Eutelsat relative to Boeing‘s
operations on the Eutelsat satellites.


                                                                       fcz;?gets’sf        [|
                                                                       Jaetues Dutronc
                                                                       Chist Development and Innovation Officer


Eutelsat S.A. — société anonyme & Consell d‘Administration au capital de 658 555 372.80€. RCS n° 422 551 176 Paris
Sigge social «70 rue Salard <« F—75502 Paris Cedex 15 — France » tél. +83 1 59 98 47 47 — fax +33 1 53 98 37 00

                                                                                              SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation
                                                                                              1—14—14, Akasaka, Minato—ku
                                                                                              Tokyo 107—0052, Japan

SKY Perfect JSAT                                                                              TEL +01—3—5571—7800

      September 18, 2014

      The Boeing Company
      P.O. Box 3707
      Seattle, WA 98124—2207

      Re:       Satellite Operator Coordination Certification of Boeing Earth Station Aboard Aircraft (ESAA)
                License Application.

       To Whom it May Concern,

       Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation confitms and hereby certifies the following with respect to the operations
       proposed in the above referenced application in accordance with section 25.227 paragraph (b)(3) of the
       Code of Federal Regulations:

       (a). The proposed Ku—band Earth Station Aboard Aircraft (ESAA) operation of The Boeing Company
       has the potential to create harmful interferenceto satellite networks adjacent to the target satellite(s) that
       may be unacceptable;

       (b). The power density levels that Boeing provided to this Satellite Operator are consistent with the
       existing coordination agreements between the Superbird—C2 satellite and the adjacent satellite networks
       within 6 degrees of orbital separation from the satellite, and

       (c). The power density levels of the proposed ESAA operations will be included in future coordination

       Please let us know if additional information is required.


       Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation

        M. Orfel
       Mitsuru Ishii
       General Manager
       Mobile Business Division
       Space & Satellite Business Group

Document Created: 2014-12-15 14:48:53
Document Modified: 2014-12-15 14:48:53

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