Attachment Exhibit D

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20140725-00619 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Submitted: 06/20/2014 at 17:37:05
File Number: A0907712

FCC Form 854                                                                          Approved by OMD – 3060-0139
Main Form                                                                             See instructions for public burden estimate

                                            Application for Antenna Structure Registration

Purpose of Filing
 1) Enter the application purpose: (NE )

 AM – Amendment of a Pending Application                                        NE – Registration of a New Antenna Structure
 AU – Administrative Update                                                     NT – Required Construction/Alteration Notification
 CA – Cancellation of an Antenna Structure Registration                         OC – Ownership Change
 DI – Notification of an Antenna Structure Dismantlement                        RE – Registration of a Replacement Antenna Structure
 DU – Request for a Duplicate Antenna Structure Registration                    WD – Withdrawal of a Pending Application
 MD – Modification of a Antenna Structure Registration

 2a) If the answer to 1 is AU, CA, DI, DU, MD, NT, OC or RE, provide the FCC Antenna Structure                         FCC ASR Number:
 Registration (ASR) Number.
 2b) If the answer to 1 is AM or WD, provide the File Number of the pending application on file.                       File Number:

 2c) If the answer to 1 is MD or NT, provide the date the Antenna Structure was constructed or the date it             Date:
     was last altered (mm/dd/yyyy).
 2d) If the answer to 1 is DI, provide the date the Antenna Structure was dismantled (mm/dd/yyyy).                     Date:

Antenna Structure Ownership Information
 3) Select one of the entity types:

 (    ) Individual          (     ) Unincorporated Association          (   ) Trust                        (    ) Government Entity

 (    ) Corporation        ( X ) Limited Liability Company              (    ) General Partnership         (    ) Limited Partnership

 (    ) Consortium         (      ) Limited Liability Partnership       (    ) Other: ____________________________________

 4) FCC Registration Number (FRN):                                          5) Assignor FCC Registration Number (FRN):
 6) First Name (if individual):                            MI:              Last Name:                                              Suffix:

 7) Legal Entity Name (if not an individual):
   The Alaska Wireless Network, LLC
 8) Attention To:                                                           9) P.O. Box:                                            And/Or
   Cindy L Hall
 10a) Street Address 1:                                    10b) Street Address 2:
  2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000
 11) City:                                                 12) State:       13) Zip Code:
  Anchorage                                                AK                   99503
 14) Telephone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx):                                       15) Fax Number: (xxx-xxx-xxxx):
   (907) 868-5615                                                              (907) 868-9817
 16) E-mail Address:

                                                                                                                        FCC Form 854 – Page 1
                                                                                                                                 June 2012
                                                                                                                                Version 1.1

Contact Representative Information
 17) First Name (if individual):                      MI:             Last Name:                                        Suffix:
     Cindy                                             L                   Hall
 18) Business Name:
     The Alaska Wireless Network, LLC
 19) Attention To:                                    20) P.O. Box                                                      And/Or
     Regulatory, License Manager
 21a) Street Address 1:                                               21b) Street Address 2:
     2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000
 22) City:                                            23) State:      24) Zip Code:
     Anchorage                                         AK               99503
 25) Telephone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx):                                 26) Fax Number: (xxx-xxx-xxxx):
     (907) 868-5615                                                      (907) 868-9817
 27) E-mail Address:

Antenna Structure Information
 28a) Latitude (DD-MM-SS.S):                                       28b) North or South:
     57- 03- 01.7                                                       North
 29a) Longitude (DDD-MM-SS.S):                                     29b) East or West:
     135- 18- 32.3                                                      West
 30) Street Address or Geographic Location:                        31) City:
     SE portion of Lot A, Dawson Subdivision                           Sitka
 32) County:                                 33) State:                                        34) Zip Code:
     SITKA                                       ALASKA                                         99835
 35) Elevation of site above mean sea level (meters):                                                              15.2 meters

 36) Overall height above ground level (AGL) of the supporting structure without appurtenances:                    10.2 meters

 37) Overall height above ground level (AGL) of the antenna structure including all appurtenances:                  10.2 meters

 38) Overall height above mean sea level (add items 35 and 37 together):                                            25.4 meters

 39a) Enter the type of structure on which the antenna will be mounted: ( BANT        )

 B – Building                                                           NNLTANN – Lattice Tower Array
 BANT – Building with Antenna on Top                                    NNMTANN – Monopole Array
 BMAST – Building with Mast                                             PIPE – Any type of Pipe
 BPIPE – Building with Pipe                                             POLE – Any type of Pole
 BPOLE – Building with Pole                                             RIG – Oil or Other Type of Rig
 BRIDG – Bridge                                                         SIGN – Any type of Sign or Billboard
 BTWR – Building with Tower                                             SILO – Any type of Silo
 GTOWER – Guyed Structure Used For Communication Purposes               STACK – Smoke Stack
 LTOWER – Lattice Tower                                                 TANK – Any type of Tank (water, gas, etc.)
 MAST – Mast                                                            TREE – When used as a support for an antenna
 MTOWER – Monopole                                                      UPOLE – Utility Pole/Tower used to provide service
 NNGTANN – Guyed Tower Array                                                       (electric, telephone, etc.)

 39b) Number of Towers in Array:                                   39c) Position of this Tower in the Array:

 40a) Array Center Latitude (DD-MM-SS.S):                          40b) North or South

 41a) Array Center Longitude (DDD-MM-SS.S):                        41b) East or West:

                                                                                                         FCC Form 854 – Page 2
                                                                                                                     June 2012
                                                                                                                     Version 1.1

Proposed Marking and/or Lighting
 42) Enter the proposed marking and/or lighting: ( 1 )

 Tier 1 - No Lights                          Tier 2 – No Red Steady Lights                      Tier 3 – Red Steady Lights

 1) None                                     4) FAA Style B (L-856)                             7) FAA Style E (L-864/L-865/L-810)
 2) Paint Only                               5) FAA Style D (L-865)                             8) FAA Style F (L-856/L-864/L-810)
 3) Other ____________________               6) FAA Style C (L-856/L-865)                       9) FAA Style A (L-864/L-810)

FAA Notification
 43) FAA Study Number:                                                 44) Date Issued:

Environmental Compliance
 45) Does the applicant request a waiver of the Commission’s rules for environmental notice prior to             ( No ) Yes or No
     construction due to an emergency situation?

 46a) If the answer to 45 is No, is another federal agency taking responsibility for environmental review of     ( No ) Yes or No
      the Antenna Structure?

 46b) If the answer to 46a is Yes, indicate why:                                                                 (      ) 1 or 2

  1)   The Antenna Structure is on Federal Land and the landholding agency is taking responsibility for the
       environmental review of the Antenna Structure.

  2)   Another federal agency has agreed with the FCC in writing to take responsibility for the environmental
       review of the Antenna Structure.

 46c) If the answer to 46a is Yes, provide the name of the federal agency taking responsibility for the          Name:
       environmental review of the Antenna Structure.

 47) If the answers to 45 and 46a are No, provide the National Notice Date for the application to be             Date:
     posted on the FCC’s website (mm/dd/yyyy).
 48) Is the applicant submitting an environmental assessment?                                                    ( No ) Yes or No

 49) Does the applicant certify that grant of Authorizations at this location would not have a significant       (      ) Yes or No
     environmental effect pursuant to Section 1.1307 of the FCC’s rules?

 50) If the answer to 49 is Yes, select the basis for this certification.                                        (      ) 1, 2, 3, 4

 1)    The construction is exempt from environmental notification (other than due to another agency’s review)
       and it does not fall within one of the categories in Section 1.1307(a) or (b) of the FCC’s rules?

 2)    The construction is exempt from environmental notification due to another agency’s review, and the
       other agency has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact.

 3)    The environmental notification has been completed, and the FCC has notified the applicant that an
       Environmental Assessment is not required under Section 1.1307(c) or (d) of the FCC’s rules, and the
       Construction does not fall within one of the categories in Section 1.1307(a) or (b) of the FCC’s rules.

 4)    The FCC has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact.

 51) If the answer to 50 is 3 or 4, enter the date that Local Notice was provided (mm/dd/yyyy).                  Date:

                                                                                                             FCC Form 854 – Page 3
                                                                                                                              June 2012
                                                                                                                             Version 1.1

Certification Statements
 1) The applicant certifies that all statements made in this application and in the exhibits, attachments, or documents incorporated by
    reference are material, are part of this application, and are true, complete, correct, and made in good faith.

 2) The applicant certifies that neither the applicant nor any other party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits
    pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862, because of a conviction for possession or
    distribution of a controlled substance. See Section 1.2002(b) of the rules, 47 CFR § 1.2002(b), for the definition of "party to the
    application" as used in this certification

Signature (Typed or Printed Name of Party Authorized to Sign)
 52) First Name:                                        MI:              Last Name:                                           Suffix:
     Jimmy                                                               Sipes
 53) Title:
     VP, Network Services & Chief Engineer
 54) Signature:                                                                                                     55) Date:
     Jimmy      Sipes                                                                                                   Jun 20, 2014

 PERMIT (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).

                                                                                                             FCC Form 854 – Page 4
                                                                                                                              June 2012
                                                                                                                             Version 1.1

Document Created: 2014-07-25 10:05:11
Document Modified: 2014-07-25 10:05:11

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