Attachment Power Density Exhib.

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20131122-01160 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                      Exhibit D – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                 Page 1 of 8



At any given time during the operation of the Ku-band satellite earth station, one of the
following signal types will be uplinked to a selected satellite within the domestic arc.

               Signal Type                           Occupied Signal Bandwidth

       1. Digital QPSK (low-rate SCPC                        4.00 MHz
               compressed digital video)

       2. Digital QPSK (low-rate SCPC                        6.00 MHz
              compressed digital video)


Current operational plans for the Ku-band satellite earth station include the following
uplinked signal(s):

   •   One or more low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signals (Type 1 or 2),
       with per-carrier RF power density levels (into the antenna) that will not
       exceed -14.0 dBW/4 kHz.


For any of the specified transmitted signal types, the RF power density into the antenna is
given by:

       Power Density (dBW/4 kHz) = P (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF,

            where     P = per-carrier input power (to the antenna)

                      36.0 dB-Hz is a factor to convert power density from a 1 Hz
                             bandwidth to a 4 kHz bandwidth

                                                      Exhibit D – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                 Page 2 of 8

                       B is the bandwidth occupied by the signal

                       PF = signal peaking factor (dependent on the signal type)

The per-carrier input power (to the antenna) is determined by reducing the per-carrier output
power from the HPA by the transmitting system losses, or

               P (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB)

                 where    Pt = per-carrier output power (from the HPA)

                 and     Lt = transmitting system losses (a fractional numeric, with a
                       negative dB value)

For routine licensing of Ku-band narrowband digital transmissions from antennas less than 5
meters in diameter, it is understood that the per-carrier power density into the antenna should
be no greater than -14.0 dBW/4 kHz. No specific additional constraints/limitations related
to transmitted power levels (or power densities) of narrowband digital signals at Ku-band are
known to exist.

As shown below, all signals to be transmitted from the Ku-band satellite earth station will be
operated in strict compliance with all known applicable limitations on input power levels and
input power densities for Ku-band signals. The maximum power levels are established for
both signal types listed in Section I, and the input power densities are calculated for each.
Maximum EIRP and EIRP density levels, both on-axis and toward the horizon, are also
calculated for the specified signal types. The specified SCPC compressed digital video
signals will be operated such that the requirements for narrowband digital transmissions will
be satisfied.

                                                    Exhibit D – Power Density Calculations
                                                                               Page 3 of 8


       1. Input Power Level (to antenna)

For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum operating power level (at the output of
the HPA) for a low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal (Type 1) will never exceed 60
Watts (17.8 dBW). Using a minimum value of 3.0 dB for the aggregate transmitting system
losses, the corresponding maximum power level into the antenna will therefore be:

       P (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB)

                 = 17.8 dBW - 3.0 dB

                 = 14.8 dBW

A per-carrier operating input power level of 14.8 dBW will be substantially above what will
be required for good performance margins to a network of 1.2-m to 1.8-m receiving
antennas. Such a high power level will normally only be used during occasional periods of
uplink degradation due to rainfall.

       2. Input Power Density (to antenna)

Assuming a maximum antenna input power level of 14.8 dBW, the worst-case input power
density for a Type 1 low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal can be determined. This
signal is in the MPEG2/DVB SCPC format, with an information rate of 4.15 Mbps. Use of
3/4 convolutional and Reed-Solomon FEC encoding results in a transmitted data rate of
approximately 6.0 Mbps. The modulation technique is QPSK and the transmitted symbol
rate is approximately 3.0 Msps. The occupied signal bandwidth is approximately 4.00 Mhz,
but (for conservatism) an even lower bandwidth equal to the symbol rate of 3.0 MHz (64.8
dB-Hz) will be used to calculate the input power density to the antenna. For this bandwidth,
a peaking factor of 0.0 dB can be safely assumed, and the calculation is as follows:

 Input Power Density (dBW/4 kHz) = P (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                    = 14.8 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 64.8 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                    = -14.0 dBW/4 kHz

Under no circumstances will the input power density (to the antenna) of a Type 1 low-rate
SCPC compressed digital video signal be permitted to exceed -14.0 dBW/4 kHz.

                                                    Exhibit D – Power Density Calculations
                                                                               Page 4 of 8


       1. Input Power Level (to antenna)

For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum operating power level (at the output of
the HPA) for a low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal (Type 2) will never exceed 90
Watts (19.5 dBW). Using a minimum value of 3.0 dB for the aggregate transmitting system
losses, the corresponding maximum power level into the antenna will therefore be:

       P (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB)

                 = 19.5 dBW - 3.0 dB

                 = 16.5 dBW

A per-carrier operating input power level of 16.5 dBW will be substantially above what will
be required for good performance margins to a network of 1.2-m to 1.8-m receiving
antennas. Such a high power level will normally only be used during occasional periods of
uplink degradation due to rainfall.

       2. Input Power Density (to antenna)

Assuming a maximum antenna input power level of 16.5 dBW, the worst-case input power
density for a Type 2 low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal can be determined. This
signal is in the MPEG2/DVB SCPC format, with an information rate of 6.22 Mbps. Use of
3/4 convolutional and Reed-Solomon FEC encoding results in a transmitted data rate of
approximately 9.0 Mbps. The modulation technique is QPSK and the transmitted symbol
rate is approximately 4.5 Msps. The occupied signal bandwidth is approximately 6.00 Mhz,
but (for conservatism) an even lower bandwidth equal to the symbol rate of 4.5 MHz (66.5
dB-Hz) will be used to calculate the input power density to the antenna. For this bandwidth,
a peaking factor of 0.0 dB can be safely assumed, and the calculation is as follows:

 Input Power Density (dBW/4 kHz) = P (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                    = 16.5 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 66.5 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                    = -14.0 dBW/4 kHz

Under no circumstances will the input power density (to the antenna) of a Type 2 low-rate
SCPC compressed digital video signal be permitted to exceed -14.0 dBW/4 kHz.

                                                     Exhibit D – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                Page 5 of 8


For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum (on-axis) value of per-carrier EIRP is
calculated as follows:

               EIRP (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB) + Gt (dBi) ,

       where          Pt = maximum value of per-carrier power (from the HPA)

                      Lt = minimum value of transmitting system losses = - 3.0 dB

                      Gt = maximum value of transmit antenna gain = 55.0dBi

For a given transmitted signal, the maximum (on-axis) RF power density (at the output of the
antenna) is given by:

               EIRP Density (dBW/4 kHz) = EIRP (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF,

       where          EIRP = maximum (on-axis) value of per-carrier output EIRP

                      36.0 dB-Hz is a factor to convert power density from a 1 Hz
                             bandwidth to a 4 kHz bandwidth

                      B is the bandwidth occupied by the signal

                      PF = signal peaking factor (dependent on the signal type)

Equivalently, maximum (on-axis) EIRP density values can be determined by simply
increasing the maximum values of per-carrier input power density (determined previously for
each signal type) by the on-axis antenna gain.

At any off-axis angle, the EIRP and EIRP density values will be reduced by an amount equal
to the antenna gain reduction. For any given transmitted signal type from the Ku-band
satellite earth station being considered, the maximum EIRP density toward the horizon will
occur when the elevation angle is at its minimum value of 28.5 degrees. At an off-axis angle
of 28.5 degrees, the antenna gain will be no greater than the allowable sidelobe envelope. At
this angle, the off-axis gain will therefore be no greater than:

               29 - 25log (28.5 deg) = -7.4 dBi

                                                     Exhibit D – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                Page 6 of 8

The gain reduction at an off-axis angle of 28.5 degrees will be equal to the difference in on-
axis and off-axis gain values, and will be at least:

               55.0 dBi - (-7.4 dBi) = 62.4 dB


       1. Maximum EIRP (on-axis)

Assuming that per-carrier input power level (to the antenna) is increased up to its maximum
allowable value of 14.8 dBW, the maximum EIRP for the specified low-rate SCPC
compressed digital video signal can be determined as follows:

               EIRP (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB) + Gt (dBi) ,

                              = 17.8 dBW - 3.0 dB + 55.0 dBi

                              = 69.8 dBW

       2. Maximum EIRP Density (on-axis)

          EIRP Density (dBW/4 kHz) = EIRP (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                     = 69.8 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 64.8 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                     = 41.0 dBW/4 kHz

       3. Maximum EIRP Density (toward horizon)

          EIRP Density (at 28.5 degrees) = EIRP Density (on-axis) - 62.4 dB

                                     = 41.0 dBW/4 kHz - 62.4 dB

                                     = -21.4 dBW/4 kHz

                                                   Exhibit D – Power Density Calculations
                                                                              Page 7 of 8


       1. Maximum EIRP (on-axis)

Assuming that per-carrier input power level (to the antenna) is increased up to its maximum
allowable value of 16.5 dBW, the maximum EIRP for the specified low-rate SCPC
compressed digital video signal can be determined as follows:

              EIRP (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB) + Gt (dBi) ,

                             = 19.5 dBW - 3.0 dB + 55.0 dBi

                             = 71.5 dBW

       2. Maximum EIRP Density (on-axis)

          EIRP Density (dBW/4 kHz) = EIRP (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                    = 71.5 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 66.5 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                    = 41.0 dBW/4 kHz

       3. Maximum EIRP Density (toward horizon)

          EIRP Density (at 28.5 degrees) = EIRP Density (on-axis) - 62.4 dB

                                    = 41.0 dBW/4 kHz - 62.4 dB

                                    = -21.4 dBW/4 kHz

                                                             Exhibit D – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                        Page 8 of 8


                                                   Maximum                        Maximum        Maximum
                   Minimum         Maximum        Input Power      Maximum        On-Axis       EIRP Density
  Signal Type        Signal       Input Power      Density to      On-Axis          EIRP           toward
                   Bandwidth       to Antenna       Antenna         EIRP           Density        Horizon

                     (MHz)           (dBW)       (dBW/4 kHz)        (dBW)        (dBW/4 kHz)     (dBW/4kHz)
Digital QPSK
(low-rate SCPC        3.0*            14.8           -14.0          69.8            41.0           -21.4
digital video)
Digital QPSK
(low-rate SCPC        4.5*            16.5           -14.0          71.5            41.0           -21.4
digital video)

*Symbol rate bandwidth (very conservative assumption).


The analyses presented herein, and summarized in the preceding table, show that the maximum power levels
and maximum power density values for the given signal types are all within the values that are considered
applicable for routine licensing of Ku-band transmit/receive earth stations.

                                                      Exhibit C – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                 Page 1 of 8



At any given time during the operation of the Ku-band satellite earth station, one of the
following signal types will be uplinked to a selected satellite within the domestic arc.

               Signal Type                           Occupied Signal Bandwidth

       1. Digital QPSK (low-rate SCPC                        4.00 MHz
               compressed digital video)

       2. Digital QPSK (low-rate SCPC                        6.00 MHz
              compressed digital video)


Current operational plans for the Ku-band satellite earth station include the following
uplinked signal(s):

   •   One or more low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signals (Type 1 or 2),
       with per-carrier RF power density levels (into the antenna) that will not
       exceed -14.0 dBW/4 kHz.


For any of the specified transmitted signal types, the RF power density into the antenna is
given by:

       Power Density (dBW/4 kHz) = P (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF,

            where     P = per-carrier input power (to the antenna)

                      36.0 dB-Hz is a factor to convert power density from a 1 Hz
                             bandwidth to a 4 kHz bandwidth

                                                      Exhibit C – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                 Page 2 of 8

                       B is the bandwidth occupied by the signal

                       PF = signal peaking factor (dependent on the signal type)

The per-carrier input power (to the antenna) is determined by reducing the per-carrier output
power from the HPA by the transmitting system losses, or

               P (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB)

                 where    Pt = per-carrier output power (from the HPA)

                 and     Lt = transmitting system losses (a fractional numeric, with a
                       negative dB value)

For routine licensing of Ku-band narrowband digital transmissions from antennas less than 5
meters in diameter, it is understood that the per-carrier power density into the antenna should
be no greater than -14.0 dBW/4 kHz. No specific additional constraints/limitations related
to transmitted power levels (or power densities) of narrowband digital signals at Ku-band are
known to exist.

As shown below, all signals to be transmitted from the Ku-band satellite earth station will be
operated in strict compliance with all known applicable limitations on input power levels and
input power densities for Ku-band signals. The maximum power levels are established for
both signal types listed in Section I, and the input power densities are calculated for each.
Maximum EIRP and EIRP density levels, both on-axis and toward the horizon, are also
calculated for the specified signal types. The specified SCPC compressed digital video
signals will be operated such that the requirements for narrowband digital transmissions will
be satisfied.

                                                    Exhibit C – Power Density Calculations
                                                                               Page 3 of 8


       1. Input Power Level (to antenna)

For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum operating power level (at the output of
the HPA) for a low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal (Type 1) will never exceed 60
Watts (17.8 dBW). Using a minimum value of 3.0 dB for the aggregate transmitting system
losses, the corresponding maximum power level into the antenna will therefore be:

       P (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB)

                 = 17.8 dBW - 3.0 dB

                 = 14.8 dBW

A per-carrier operating input power level of 14.8 dBW will be substantially above what will
be required for good performance margins to a network of 1.2-m to 1.8-m receiving
antennas. Such a high power level will normally only be used during occasional periods of
uplink degradation due to rainfall.

       2. Input Power Density (to antenna)

Assuming a maximum antenna input power level of 14.8 dBW, the worst-case input power
density for a Type 1 low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal can be determined. This
signal is in the MPEG2/DVB SCPC format, with an information rate of 4.15 Mbps. Use of
3/4 convolutional and Reed-Solomon FEC encoding results in a transmitted data rate of
approximately 6.0 Mbps. The modulation technique is QPSK and the transmitted symbol
rate is approximately 3.0 Msps. The occupied signal bandwidth is approximately 4.00 Mhz,
but (for conservatism) an even lower bandwidth equal to the symbol rate of 3.0 MHz (64.8
dB-Hz) will be used to calculate the input power density to the antenna. For this bandwidth,
a peaking factor of 0.0 dB can be safely assumed, and the calculation is as follows:

 Input Power Density (dBW/4 kHz) = P (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                    = 14.8 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 64.8 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                    = -14.0 dBW/4 kHz

Under no circumstances will the input power density (to the antenna) of a Type 1 low-rate
SCPC compressed digital video signal be permitted to exceed -14.0 dBW/4 kHz.

                                                    Exhibit C – Power Density Calculations
                                                                               Page 4 of 8


       1. Input Power Level (to antenna)

For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum operating power level (at the output of
the HPA) for a low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal (Type 2) will never exceed 90
Watts (19.5 dBW). Using a minimum value of 3.0 dB for the aggregate transmitting system
losses, the corresponding maximum power level into the antenna will therefore be:

       P (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB)

                 = 19.5 dBW - 3.0 dB

                 = 16.5 dBW

A per-carrier operating input power level of 16.5 dBW will be substantially above what will
be required for good performance margins to a network of 1.2-m to 1.8-m receiving
antennas. Such a high power level will normally only be used during occasional periods of
uplink degradation due to rainfall.

       2. Input Power Density (to antenna)

Assuming a maximum antenna input power level of 16.5 dBW, the worst-case input power
density for a Type 2 low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal can be determined. This
signal is in the MPEG2/DVB SCPC format, with an information rate of 6.22 Mbps. Use of
3/4 convolutional and Reed-Solomon FEC encoding results in a transmitted data rate of
approximately 9.0 Mbps. The modulation technique is QPSK and the transmitted symbol
rate is approximately 4.5 Msps. The occupied signal bandwidth is approximately 6.00 Mhz,
but (for conservatism) an even lower bandwidth equal to the symbol rate of 4.5 MHz (66.5
dB-Hz) will be used to calculate the input power density to the antenna. For this bandwidth,
a peaking factor of 0.0 dB can be safely assumed, and the calculation is as follows:

 Input Power Density (dBW/4 kHz) = P (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                    = 16.5 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 66.5 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                    = -14.0 dBW/4 kHz

Under no circumstances will the input power density (to the antenna) of a Type 2 low-rate
SCPC compressed digital video signal be permitted to exceed -14.0 dBW/4 kHz.

                                                     Exhibit C – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                Page 5 of 8


For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum (on-axis) value of per-carrier EIRP is
calculated as follows:

               EIRP (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB) + Gt (dBi) ,

       where          Pt = maximum value of per-carrier power (from the HPA)

                      Lt = minimum value of transmitting system losses = - 3.0 dB

                      Gt = maximum value of transmit antenna gain = 48.8 dBi

For a given transmitted signal, the maximum (on-axis) RF power density (at the output of the
antenna) is given by:

               EIRP Density (dBW/4 kHz) = EIRP (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF,

       where          EIRP = maximum (on-axis) value of per-carrier output EIRP

                      36.0 dB-Hz is a factor to convert power density from a 1 Hz
                             bandwidth to a 4 kHz bandwidth

                      B is the bandwidth occupied by the signal

                      PF = signal peaking factor (dependent on the signal type)

Equivalently, maximum (on-axis) EIRP density values can be determined by simply
increasing the maximum values of per-carrier input power density (determined previously for
each signal type) by the on-axis antenna gain.

At any off-axis angle, the EIRP and EIRP density values will be reduced by an amount equal
to the antenna gain reduction. For any given transmitted signal type from the Ku-band
satellite earth station being considered, the maximum EIRP density toward the horizon will
occur when the elevation angle is at its minimum value of 28.5 degrees. At an off-axis angle
of 28.5 degrees, the antenna gain will be no greater than the allowable sidelobe envelope. At
this angle, the off-axis gain will therefore be no greater than:

               29 - 25log (28.5 deg) = -7.4 dBi

                                                     Exhibit C – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                Page 6 of 8

The gain reduction at an off-axis angle of 28.5 degrees will be equal to the difference in on-
axis and off-axis gain values, and will be at least:

               55.0 dBi - (-7.4 dBi) = 62.4 dB


       1. Maximum EIRP (on-axis)

Assuming that per-carrier input power level (to the antenna) is increased up to its maximum
allowable value of 14.8 dBW, the maximum EIRP for the specified low-rate SCPC
compressed digital video signal can be determined as follows:

               EIRP (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB) + Gt (dBi) ,

                              = 17.8 dBW - 3.0 dB + 48.8 dBi

                              = 63.6 dBW

       2. Maximum EIRP Density (on-axis)

          EIRP Density (dBW/4 kHz) = EIRP (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                     = 63.6 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 64.8 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                     = 34.8 dBW/4 kHz

       3. Maximum EIRP Density (toward horizon)

          EIRP Density (at 28.5 degrees) = EIRP Density (on-axis) - 62.4 dB

                                     = 34.8 dBW/4 kHz - 62.4 dB

                                     = -27.6 dBW/4 kHz

                                                    Exhibit C – Power Density Calculations
                                                                               Page 7 of 8


       1. Maximum EIRP (on-axis)

Assuming that per-carrier input power level (to the antenna) is increased up to its maximum
allowable value of 16.5 dBW, the maximum EIRP for the specified low-rate SCPC
compressed digital video signal can be determined as follows:

              EIRP (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB) + Gt (dBi) ,

                             = 19.5 dBW - 3.0 dB + 48.8 dBi

                             = 65.3 dBW

       2. Maximum EIRP Density (on-axis)

          EIRP Density (dBW/4 kHz) = EIRP (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                    = 65.3 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 66.5 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                    = 34.8 dBW/4 kHz

       3. Maximum EIRP Density (toward horizon)

          EIRP Density (at 28.5 degrees) = EIRP Density (on-axis) - 62.4 dB

                                    = 34.8 dBW/4 kHz - 62.4 dB

                                    = -27.6 dBW/4 kHz

                                                             Exhibit C – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                        Page 8 of 8


                                                   Maximum                      Maximum      Maximum
                   Minimum         Maximum        Input Power     Maximum       On-Axis     EIRP Density
  Signal Type        Signal       Input Power      Density to     On-Axis         EIRP         toward
                   Bandwidth       to Antenna       Antenna        EIRP          Density      Horizon

                     (MHz)           (dBW)       (dBW/4 kHz)        (dBW)     (dBW/4 kHz)   (dBW/4kHz)
Digital QPSK
(low-rate SCPC        3.0*            14.8           -14.0         63.6          34.8         -27.6
digital video)
Digital QPSK
(low-rate SCPC        4.5*            16.5           -14.0         65.3          34.8         -27.6
digital video)

*Symbol rate bandwidth (very conservative assumption).


The analyses presented herein, and summarized in the preceding table, show that the
maximum power levels and maximum power density values for the given signal types are all
within the values that are considered applicable for routine licensing of Ku-band
transmit/receive earth stations.

                                                      Exhibit B – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                  Page 1 of 6



At any given time during the operation of the Ku-band satellite earth station, only the
following signal type will be uplinked to a selected satellite within the domestic arc.

               Signal Type                           Occupied Signal Bandwidth

         Digital QPSK (low-rate SCPC                         4.00 MHz
              compressed digital video)


Current operational plans for the Ku-band satellite earth station include only the following
uplinked signal(s):

   •   One or more low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signals, with per-carrier
       RF power density levels (into the antenna) that will not exceed -14.0 dBW/4


For the specified transmitted signal type, the RF power density into the antenna is given by:

       Power Density (dBW/4 kHz) =        P (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF,

            where     P = per-carrier input power (to the antenna)

                      36.0 dB-Hz is a factor to convert power density from a 1 Hz
                             bandwidth to a 4 kHz bandwidth

                      B is the bandwidth occupied by the signal

                      PF = signal peaking factor (dependent on the signal type)

                                                      Exhibit B – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                  Page 2 of 6

The per-carrier input power (to the antenna) is determined by reducing the per-carrier output
power from the HPA by the transmitting system losses, or

               P (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB)

                 where Pt = per-carrier output power (from the HPA)

                 and     Lt = transmitting system losses (a fractional numeric, with a
                       negative dB value)

For routine licensing of Ku-band narrowband digital transmissions from antennas less than 5
meters in diameter, it is understood that the per-carrier power density into the antenna should
be no greater than -14.0 dBW/4 kHz. No specific additional constraints/limitations related
to transmitted power levels (or power densities) of narrowband digital signals at Ku-band are
known to exist.

As shown below, all signals to be transmitted from the Ku-band satellite earth station will be
operated in strict compliance with all known applicable limitations on input power levels and
input power densities for Ku-band signals. The maximum power level is established for the
signal type listed in Section I, and the input power density is calculated for it. Maximum
EIRP and EIRP density levels, both on-axis and toward the horizon, are also calculated for
the specified signal type. The specified SCPC compressed digital video signal will be
operated such that the requirements for narrowband digital transmissions will be satisfied.

                                                    Exhibit B – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                Page 3 of 6


       1. Input Power Level (to antenna)

For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum operating power level (at the output of
the HPA) for a low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal will never exceed 60.2 Watts
(17.8 dBW). Using a minimum value of 3.0 dB for the aggregate transmitting system losses,
the corresponding maximum power level into the antenna will therefore be:

       P (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB)

                 = 17.8 dBW - 3.0 dB

                 = 14.8 dBW

A per-carrier operating input power level of 14.8 dBW will be substantially above what will
be required for good performance margins to a network of 1.2- m to 2.4- m receiving
antennas. Such a high power level will normally only be used during occasional periods of
uplink degradation due to rainfall.

       2. Input Power Density (to antenna)

Assuming a maximum antenna input power level of 14.8 dBW, the worst-case input power
density for the low-rate SCPC compressed digital video signal can be determined. This
signal is in the MPEG2/DVB SCPC format, with an information rate of 4.15 Mbps. Use of
3/4 convolutional and Reed-Solomon FEC encoding results in a transmitted data rate of
approximately 6.0 Mbps. The modulation technique is QPSK and the transmitted symbol
rate is approximately 3.0 Msps. The occupied signal bandwidth is approximately 4.0 Mhz,
but (for conservatism) an even lower bandwidth equal to the symbol rate of 3.0 MHz (64.8
dB-Hz) will be used to calculate the input power density to the antenna. For this bandwidth,
a peaking factor of 0.0 dB can be safely assumed, and the calculation is as follows:

 Input Power Density (dBW/4 kHz) = P (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                    = 14.8 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 64.8 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                    = -14.0 dBW/4 kHz

Under no circumstances will the input power density (to the antenna) of the specified low-
rate SCPC compressed digital video signal be permitted to exceed -14.0 dBW/4 kHz.

                                                     Exhibit B – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                 Page 4 of 6


For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum (on-axis) value of per-carrier EIRP is
calculated as follows:

               EIRP (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB) + Gt (dBi) ,

       where          Pt = maximum value of per-carrier power (from the HPA)

                      Lt = minimum value of transmitting system losses = - 3.0 dB

                      Gt = maximum value of transmit antenna gain = 61.0 dBi

For a given transmitted signal, the maximum (on-axis) RF power density (at the output of the
antenna) is given by:

               EIRP Density (dBW/4 kHz) = EIRP (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF,

       where          EIRP = maximum (on-axis) value of per-carrier output EIRP

                      36.0 dB-Hz is a factor to convert power density from a 1 Hz
                             bandwidth to a 4 kHz bandwidth

                      B is the bandwidth occupied by the signal

                      PF = signal peaking factor (dependent on the signal type)

Equivalently, maximum (on-axis) EIRP density values can be determined by simply
increasing the maximum values of per-carrier input power density (determined previously for
each signal type) by the on-axis antenna gain.

At any off-axis angle, the EIRP and EIRP density values will be reduced by an amount equal
to the antenna gain reduction. For any given transmitted signal type from the Ku-band
satellite earth station being considered, the maximum EIRP density toward the horizon will
occur when the elevation angle is at its minimum value of 20.4 degrees. At an off-axis angle
of 20.4 degrees, the antenna gain will be no greater than the allowable sidelobe envelope. At
this angle, the off-axis gain will therefore be no greater than:

               29 - 25log (20.4 deg) = -3.7 dBi

                                                     Exhibit B – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                 Page 5 of 6

The gain reduction at an off-axis angle of 20.4 degrees will be equal to the difference in on-
axis and off-axis gain values, and will be at least:

               61.0 dBi - (-3.7 dBi) = 64.7 dB


       1. Maximum EIRP (on-axis)

Assuming that per-carrier input power level (to the antenna) is increased up to its maximum
allowable value of 14.8 dBW, the maximum EIRP for the specified low-rate SCPC
compressed digital video signal can be determined as follows:

               EIRP (dBW) = Pt (dBW) + Lt (dB) + Gt (dBi) ,

                              = 17.8 dBW – 3.0 dB + 61.0 dBi

                              = 75.8 dBW

       2. Maximum EIRP Density (on-axis)

          EIRP Density (dBW/4 kHz) = EIRP (dBW) + 36.0 dB-Hz - 10 log B + PF

                                     = 75.8 dBW + 36.0 dB-Hz - 64.8 dB-Hz + 0.0 dB

                                     = 47.0 dBW/4 kHz

       3. Maximum EIRP Density (toward horizon)

          EIRP Density (at 20.4 degrees) = EIRP Density (on-axis) – 64.7 dB

                                     = 47.0 dBW/4 kHz - 64.7 dB

                                     = -17.7 dBW/4 kHz

                                                             Exhibit B – Power Density Calculations
                                                                                         Page 6 of 6


                                                   Maximum                      Maximum       Maximum
                   Minimum         Maximum        Input Power      Maximum      On-Axis      EIRP Density
  Signal Type        Signal       Input Power      Density to      On-Axis        EIRP          toward
                   Bandwidth      to Antenna        Antenna         EIRP         Density       Horizon

                      (MHz)          (dBW)        (dBW/4 kHz)       (dBW)      (dBW/4 kHz)   (dBW/4kHz)
Digital QPSK
(low-rate SCPC        3.0*            14.8           -14.0          75.8         47.0          -17.7
digital video)

*Symbol rate bandwidth (very conservative assumption).


The analyses presented herein, and summarized in the preceding table, show that the
maximum power levels and maximum power density values for the given signal type are all
within the values that are considered applicable for routine licensing of Ku-band
transmit/receive earth stations.

Document Created: 2013-11-19 10:18:10
Document Modified: 2013-11-19 10:18:10

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