Attachment Skehan-Env Statement

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130930-00840 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        EXHIBIT E

             ON BEHALF OF
            SEPTEMBER 2013

            WASHINGTON, D.C.

                                  Cohen, Dippell and Everist, P.C.
Engineering Statement
Skehan Communications, LLC                                                                PAGE 1


       This engineering statement provides an environmental assessment to accompany the

application for Ku-band satellite truck. The engineering statement has been prepared on behalf of

Skehan Communications, LLC. Skehan Communications, LLC proposes to construct a transportable

transmit Ku-band satellite uplink truck.

       The following provides the technical information.

       The details for the environmental assessment are provided below.

       1)      Applicant:

                      Skehan Communications, LLC

       2)      Site Location:

                      N/A - Transportable in the Washington, DC area

       3)      Type of Domestic Service:

                      a)        Class of Station -                   Vehicle-mounted earth station

                      b)        Regulatory Class -                   Private

                      c)        Type of Facility -                   Transmit-Only

       4)      Frequency Bands:                                      Transmit 14.0-14.5 GHz

       5)      Points of Communications:                             ALSAT

       6)      Site Elevation Above Mean Sea Level:         N/A - Transportable

       7)      Transmitting Equipment:

               a)     Number of high power amplifiers       1

               b)     Manufacturer and Model No.:           Advantech Wireless,

                                                            Model SSPBM-K100-CRE

               c)     Maximum Power Output (watts) each:             125 watts

                               Cohen, Dippell and Everist, P.C.
Engineering Statement
Skehan Communications, LLC                                                               PAGE 2

      8)     Antenna Facilities:

                    a)       Antenna conforms to                   Section 25.209 of FCC Rules

                    b)       Use of antenna:                       Communications

                    c)       Antenna size:                               1.25 meters

                    d)       Type of feed:                               Single Offset [Prime

                                                                         Focus Offset]

                    e)       Manufacturer and Model No.: General Dynamics Satcom C125M

                    f)       Antenna gain in dBi and the frequency at which it is measured:

                             43.40 dBi, measured at 14.25 GHz

                    g)       Maximum antenna height above ground: 11 feet, 9 inches

                                                                         (3.58 meters)

      11)    Remote Control Operation:                             No

      12)    Receiving System Noise Temperature: N/A (Transmit-only being applied)

      13)    Specifics of Operation

                    a)       Frequency Limits:                           14.0 - 14.5 GHz

                    b)       Earth Station Antenna Polarization:                         linear

                    c)       Emission Designator:                               9M00G7F

                    d)       Maximum EIRP for each RF carrier in the main-beam:

                                                                                62.15 dBw

                    e)       Maximum EIRP density for each carrier in main-beam:

                                                                         22.6 dBw/4 KHz

                    f)       Description of each RF carrier: Phase modulated digital video with

                             digital audio/data

                                   Cohen, Dippell and Everist, P.C.
Engineering Statement
Skehan Communications, LLC                                                                   PAGE 3

                                       Environmental Assessment

       Based on the off-axis radiation characteristics of the 1.25 meter truck-mounted General

Dynamics, Model No. C125M parabolic uplink antenna, the proposed operation complies with

Section 1.1307 of the FCC Rules as it meets the provisions of the limits adopted by the Commission

for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)1 at all locations surrounding the truck at two meters

above ground level.

       For an antenna input power of 108.87 Watts, the radio frequency power density outside of

the 1.25 meter diameter project cylinder in front of the antenna will be less than 5 µW/m².

       The antenna is attached atop a van as shown in Exhibit E-1 of this engineering statement.

The center of radiation for the antenna is located 3.58 meters (11 feet, 9 inches) above ground level.

The radio frequency power density levels behind the antenna system, and at 2 meters above ground

level around the van, will be less than 5 µW/m². The applicant states that transmitting system will

be placed in the non-operative mode when authorized personnel are working on the top of the van.

       The applicant states it will ensure that its portable uplink system will be operated in such a

way as to contribute less than 1% of the allowable MPE limit to site areas containing

non-categorically excluded stations. In order to obtain proper illumination of the satellite, the

proposed uplink will be operated such that the major on-axis 1.25 meter cylinder, plus its

accompanying 5E cone, will be located well away from buildings or towers. The minimum vertical

operating angle to any domestic satellite will be at least 15E above the horizon.

       For a 1.25 meter diameter parabolic antenna at 14.25 GHz, an antenna input power of 108.87

watts (50.369 dBm) and antenna gain of 43.4 dBi, the results of the five equations2 follows:

        See Appendix A of OET Bulletin No. 65, Edition 97-01, August 1997.
        See OET Bulletin No. 65, Edition 97-01, August 1997, Pages 27 and 28.

                                  Cohen, Dippell and Everist, P.C.
Engineering Statement
Skehan Communications, LLC                                                                   PAGE 4

       1.      Extent of Near Field                         (Equation)                       Page

               R(nf) = D² / 4 Lambda                                  (12)                   27
               = 18.6 m (61 feet)

       2.      Maximum Near Field On-Axis Power Density

               S(nf) = 16ηP / Pi D²                                   (13)                   28
               = 23.066 mW/cm², for η = 0.65

       3.      Distance to Beginning of Far Field Region

               R(ff) = 0.6 D² / Lambda                                (16)                   29
               = 44.64 m (146.5 feet)

       4.      Transition Region

               S=[S(nf) R (nf)] / R                         (17)                             29
               = 23.066 mW/cm² @ 18.6 m to 9.62 mW/cm² @ 44.6 m

       5.      Far Field

               S = PG / 4 Pi R²                                       (18)                   29
               = 9.511 mW/cm²
                                  Radiation Hazard Study
Antenna Diameter (D) =                                 1.25 meters
Antenna Surface Area (AS) =                            1.227 m²
Wavelength at 14.25 GHz (λ) =                          0.02103806709 m
Power at Flange =                                      125 Watts (20.969 dBm)
Antenna Gain at 14.25 GHz =                            43.4 dBi
Antenna Aperture Efficiency (η) =                      0.65

                                                          Radiation              Hazard
              Region                     Distance          Level                Assessment
                                          meters          mW/cm²
 Far Field                                 44.64            9.511             Potential Hazard
 Far Field off-axis                          --            0.09511           Complies with MPE
 Transition Field (RT)                18.6<(RT)<44.64      <23.066            Potential Hazard
 Near Field                                1.857           23.066             Potential Hazard

                                    Cohen, Dippell and Everist, P.C.
Engineering Statement
Skehan Communications, LLC                                                                      PAGE 5

 Near Field off-axis                            --              0.231              Meets ANSI
 Between Main Reflector                         --               N/A                     --
 and Subreflector
 Main Reflector Region (Wm)                                     17.743           Potential Hazard
 Between Reflector and                          --              8.872            Potential Hazard
 Ground (WG)
 Between Reflector and                          --                 --          Complies with MPE
 Ground at 2 meters

       An environmental assessment (“EA”) is, therefore, categorically excluded under Section

1.1307 of the FCC Rules and Regulations since the applicant indicates:

       (a)(1) to (a)(8)          The proposed operation is truck-mounted portable unit and not
                                 subject to these subsections.

       (b)                Workers and the general public will not be subjected to RF radiation levels
                          in excess of the FCC adopted limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure
                          (MPE) as set forth in Table 1, Limits for MPE of Appendix A of OET
                          Bulletin No. 65, Edition 97-01, August 1997. Authorized personnel will be
                          alerted to areas of the truck where potential radiation levels are in excess of
                          the MPE standard. The transmitting equipment will be placed in the non-
                          operative mode when authorized personnel are on the truck bed. Workers
                          will ensure that uplink operations will contribute less than 1% of the
                          applicable RF exposure limit to the site areas of any non-categorically
                          excluded facilities including AM and FM radio stations, TV stations, LPTV
                          and TV translator stations, FM booster stations with ERP > 100 watts, ITFS,
                          MDS, and MMDS stations with ERP > 200 watts, experimental stations, and
                          other satellite earth stations. The operation will be in full accordance with
                          FCC Public Notice, Report No. DS-1202 entitled, Guidelines for Filing
                          Domestic Satellite Earth Station Applications, Released June 10, 1992.

                                     Environmental Considerations
       The facility will not be located in any officially designated wilderness area or wildlife

preserve. The facility does not protect, shelter, or affect any threatened or endangered species nor

will it result in the destruction or adverse modification of proposed or existing critical habitats. The

                                    Cohen, Dippell and Everist, P.C.
Engineering Statement
Skehan Communications, LLC                                                                         PAGE 6

facility will not affect districts, sites, buildings, structures or objects significant in American history,

architecture, archaeology, engineering or culture.

        The facility will not affect Indian religious sites and is not located in a flood plain.

Construction of the facility will not involve significant change in surface features, nor be equipped

with high intensity white lights.

        Based on the above, the facility will not cause exposure to workers or the general public to

levels of radio frequency radiation in excess of Maximum Permissible Exposure limits.

        The applicant anticipates that the facility will meet or exceed MPE objectives of the OET

Bulletin No. 65, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to

Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, Edition 97-01, August 1997. During operation, the

applicant indicates that all personnel will be restricted from areas where hazardous radiation will

be encountered. Equipment shielding and warning signs will be employed as needed.

3.58 meters (11'9")


                                                  EXHIBIT E-1
                                           DIGITAL SATELLITE UPLINK
                                          VAN AND ANTENNA PROFILE
                                                 SEPTEMBER 2013

                      COHEN, DIPPELL AND EVERIST, P.C.   Consulting Engineers   Washington, D.C.

Document Created: 2013-09-17 13:47:01
Document Modified: 2013-09-17 13:47:01

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