Attachment App Purp-Link Bud

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130828-00760 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                HARRIS CORPORATION
                                                                                        FCC FORM 312
                                                                                 NEW EARTH STATION
                                                                                         AUGUST 2013

                                            Application Purpose

Harris Corporation ("Harris") hereby submits this FCC Form 312 application for a proposed 3.8
meter transmit/receive C Band earth station to be located in Old Town, Florida. This application
is a resubmission of its Form 312 application made with the Commission on June 07, 20131
under File No. SES-LIC-20130607-00474.

On August 12, 2013 the Commission dismissed File No. SES-LIC-20130607-00474 without
prejudice to refiling2 for the following reasons:

Harris lists the Total Input Power at antenna flange in Item E38 of its Schedule B
as 0.071 Watts for the digital emission designator 64K0G7W listed in Item E47.
However, the RF Radiation Hazard study provided as part of Harris’s application
lists the input power at antenna flange as 0.067 Watts. Furthermore, the stated
maximum input power of 0.071 Watts (-11.5dBW) does not appear to be
sufficient to close the link with SES-2. Therefore, if Harris elects to re-file this
application, it must confirm that the power requested is sufficient to close the link
with SES-2, submit a link budget in support of such a confirmation, and update
the frequency coordination.

Harris lists, in Items E54-58 of Schedule B, the eastern and western limits of the
satellite arc, the range of antenna elevation angles, and the range of antenna
azimuth angles. Specifically, Harris lists the antenna azimuth angle in the western
limit as 252.0 degrees. However, our computations show the antenna azimuth
angle in the western limit should be 251.5 degrees.

Harris has corrected the relevant portions of FCC Form 312, Schedule B within this application.
As requested, Harris is also supplying the link budget demonstrating that the power level noted
within the application is sufficient to close the link with SES-2.

Because this submission only supplies the corrected information as noted, an additional
application fee is not required pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.1111(d).

  Which in turn was a resubmission of a Form 312 application filed by Harris on January 31, 2013 under File No.
  See DA 13-1746, released August 12, 2013.

                                                                                   SES WORLD SKIES LINK BUDGET ANALYSIS

                                                 Prepared by:                 kavanaught                                                               Date:                  7-Sep-12

                                                 Customer Name:               <insert prospect name>
                                                 Project Name:

                                                 Scenario name:               FTI-SAT CTY C BAND SOM STATION

Common Link Budget Tool - v 3.3.10
       All Rights Reserved

Spacecraft:                                                          SES-2
Orbital location:                                                      273 ° E longitude

Transponder information
Transponder ID:                                                       13C
Start frequency (U/D):                 MHz                  6167.0/3942.0
Bandwidth:                             MHz                            36.0
Saturated EIRP:                        dBW                            43.6
Saturated flux density:                dBW/m²                        -90.5
G/T:                                   dB/K                            3.5
Input back-off:                        dB                              5.5
Output back-off:                       dB                              4.0
Operational mode:                                             Multi carrier
Inclined orbit:                                                        0.0
ALC mode, Range:                       dB                          No, 0.0

Resource usage summary
Required bandwidth:                    MHz                             0.20
Equivalent EIRP:                       dBW                             17.1
EIRP margin:                           dB                               6.0
Number of carriers:                                                      2
EIRP:                                  dBW                            11.1
PEB of carriers:                       MHz                            0.05
Allocated bandwidth:                   MHz                           0.160
Bandwidth margin:                      MHz                           0.040

Calculation type:                                Clear Sky + Worse of Up & Downlink Fades
Analysis target:                                    Transponder Resource

Earth stations
Tx earth station ID:                                       USA-SOM-008                USA-AGH-0038N
Earth station city:                                      Somis , California           Cross City , FL
Antenna diameter:                      m                              9.00                        3.80
Latitude:                              deg. N                        41.83                      29.63
Longitude:                             deg. E                     -120.63                      276.87
Antenna elevation angle:               degrees                        30.9                        55.2
Antenna azimuth angle (E of N):        degrees                       135.1                      187.8
Uplink aspect correction:              dB                               1.2                         1.1
Tracking capability (yes/no):                                            no                          no

Receive earth station ID:                                 USA-AGH-0038N                USA-SOM-008
Earth station city:                                       Cross City , FL            Somis , California
Antenna diameter:                      m                              3.80                        9.00
Latitude:                              deg. N                       29.63                        41.83
Longitude:                             deg. E                      276.87                     -120.63
Antenna elevation angle:               degrees                        55.2                        30.9
Antenna azimuth angle (E of N):        degrees                      187.8                        135.1
Rx E/S G/T clear sky:                  dB/K                           21.9                        29.7
Downlink aspect correction:            dB                               1.2                         2.8
Tracking capability (yes/no):                                            no                          no

                                                    C:USA-SOM-008>USA- C:USA-AGH-0038N>USA-
Carrier ID:                                                  AGH-0038N              SOM-008
Part of topology:                                              Duplex (2)           Duplex (2)
Information rate:                      Mbps                        0.096                0.096
Overhead rate:                         kbps                           0.0                  0.0
FEC inner coding:                                                  0.750                0.750
RS outer coding (if used):                                            n/a                  n/a
Coding type:                                                Turbo Coding         Turbo Coding
Transmission rate:                     Mbps                        0.128                0.128
Modulation scheme:                                                QPSK                 QPSK
Symbol rate:                           Msps                        0.064                0.064
Allocated bandwidth:                   MHz                         0.080                0.080
Noise bandwidth:                       MHz                         0.064                0.064
Desired threshold Eb/No:               dB                             6.1                  6.1
Frame length                                                          n/a                  n/a
Pilot insertion                                                       n/a                  n/a

Allocated bandwidth:                   MHz                           0.080                       0.080
Calculated PEB, one carrier:           MHz                           0.030                       0.020
PEB/ABW ratio:                                                       0.378                       0.250
Required bandwidth, one carrier:       MHz                            0.08                        0.08
Number of carriers (multiplier):                                         1                           1
Total BW per carrier type:             MHz                            0.10                        0.10

13C           DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent a performance obligation of New Skies Satellites B.V. or any of its affiliated entities ("SES")   Page 1 of 2

                                                                                   SES WORLD SKIES LINK BUDGET ANALYSIS

LINK BUDGET                                                       Clear sky                  Clear sky
Earth station transmit EIRP/carrier:      dBW                          37.4                       35.2
Transmit pointing loss:                   dB                           0.25                       0.25
Uplink path loss:                         dB                          200.0                      199.6
Uplink aspect correction:                 dB                            1.2                        1.1
Uplink atmospheric loss:                  dB                           0.08                       0.06
Uplink rain margin, if used:              dB                            0.3                        1.2
Target uplink availability:               %                           99.98                      99.98
Availability calculated for:                                         Annual                     Annual
Per carrier flux density:                 dBW/m²                     -126.8                     -128.6
Transponder saturation flux density:      dBW/m²                      -90.5                      -90.5
Transponder beam centre G/T:              dB/K                          3.5                        3.5
C/T uplink (thermal):                     dBW/K                      -160.5                     -162.4
C/N uplink:                               dB                           20.0                       18.2
C/T uplink (interference prior to ASI): dBW/K                        -150.5                     -150.5
C/I uplink (prior to ASI):                dB                           30.0                       30.0
Carrier input back-off:                   dB                           36.3                       38.1
Carrier output back-off:                  dB                           34.8                       36.6
Carrier downlink EIRP at BC:              dBW                            8.9                        7.1
Calculated power equivalent bandwidth: MHz                            0.030                      0.020
Receive pointing loss:                    dB                           0.25                       0.25
Downlink atmospheric loss:                dB                           0.05                       0.08
Downlink aspect correction:               dB                            1.2                        2.8
Downlink path loss:                       dB                          195.7                      196.1
Downlink rain margin, if used:            dB                            0.2                        2.0
Target downlink availability:             %                           99.98                    100.00
Rx E/S G/T clear sky:                     dB/K                         21.9                       29.7
Rx E/S G/T degraded:                      dB/K                           n/a                        n/a
C/T downlink (thermal):                   dBW/K                      -166.4                     -162.5
C/N downlink:                             dB                           14.1                       18.1
C/T downlink (interference prior to ASI): dBW/K                      -162.4                     -162.4
C/I downlink (prior to ASI):              dB                           18.1                       18.1
C/(N+I) total prior ASI:                  dB                           11.9                       13.3
C/I adjacent spacecraft interference: dB                               12.4                       12.6
C/(N+I) total:                            dB                             9.1                        9.9
Eb/No total, clear sky:                   dB                            7.3                        8.1

Implementation margin:                 dB                               1.0                        1.0
Required threshold C/(N+I):            dB                               8.9                        8.9
Desired threshold Eb/No:               dB                               6.1                        6.1

Threshold margin:                      dB                              0.2                        1.0
Margins shown for:                                               Clear Sky                  Clear Sky
Link availability:                     %                           99.964                     99.979

Power density and ITU Limits
On-axis power spectral density:        dBW/Hz                         -64.3                     -59.1
Off-axis EIRP density per 4 KHz:       dBW/4 kH                      -11.21                     -6.00
ITU limit -3 degrees:                  dBW/4 kH                       20.07                     20.07
Margin to ITU limit:                   dB                              31.3                      26.1
On-axis power spectral density:        dBW/Hz                        -39.2                      -41.0
PSD at earth's surface per 4 kHz:      dBW/4 kH                    -165.45                    -167.67
ITU limit per 4 kHz:                   dBW/4 kH                    -152.00                    -152.00
Margin to ITU limit:                   dB                             13.5                       15.7

Interference and Intermodulation
Earth station intermodulation:         dB                              33.0                       33.0
Transponder intermodulation:           dB                              20.0                       20.0
Adjacent carrier interference:         dB                              27.0                       27.0
Co-channel interference:               dB                              26.0                       26.0
Adjacent channel interference:         dB                              33.0                       33.0

Terrestrial interference uplink:       dB                              33.0                       33.0
Terrestrial interference downlink:     dB                              33.0                       33.0
ASI uplink:                            dBW/Hz                         -43.0                      -43.0
ASI downlink:                          dBW/Hz                         -30.0                      -30.0

HPA Sizing
Earth Station:                                              USA-SOM-008              USA-AGH-0038N
Antenna diameter:                      m                               9.0                        3.8
Total number of carriers:                                                 1                          1
Total EIRP required:                   dBW                            37.4                       35.2
Peak antenna gain:                     dBi                            53.7                       46.2
UPC:                                   dB                              n/a                        n/a
Post HPA losses:                       dB                              0.0                        0.0
HPA type:                                                            SSPA                       SSPA
HPA mode:                                                     Multi carrier             Single carrier
Required backoff:                      dB                              4.0                        1.0
Additional margin:                     dB                              0.0                        0.0
Required HPA size:                     Watts                           0.1                        0.1
Recommended HPA size:                  Watts                           1.0                        1.0

13C           DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent a performance obligation of New Skies Satellites B.V. or any of its affiliated entities ("SES")   Page 2 of 2

                                                                                   SES WORLD SKIES LINK BUDGET ANALYSIS

                                                 Prepared by:                 kavanaught                                                             Date:                  7-Sep-12

                                                 Customer Name:               <insert prospect name>
                                                 Project Name:

                                                 Scenario name:               FTI-SAT CTY C BAND SOM STATION

    © 2011 SES WORLD SKIES
 Common Link Budget Tool - v 3.3.10
        All Rights Reserved

Spacecraft:                                                          SES-2
Orbital location:                                                      273 ° E longitude

Transponder ID                                                       13C
Start frequency (U/D):                 MHz                  6167.0/3942.0

Earth Station:                                            USA-AGH-0038N
Antenna diameter:                      m                               3.8
Total number of carriers:                                                 1
Total EIRP required:                   dBW                            35.2
Peak antenna gain:                     dBi                            46.2
UPC:                                   dB                              n/a
Post HPA losses:                       dB                              0.0
HPA type:                                                            SSPA
HPA mode:                                                    Single carrier
Required backoff:                      dB                              1.0
Additional margin:                     dB                              0.0
Required HPA size:                     Watts                           0.1
Recommended HPA size:                  Watts                           1.0

Earth Station:                                              USA-SOM-008
Antenna diameter:                      m                               9.0
Total number of carriers:                                                 1
Total EIRP required:                   dBW                            37.4
Peak antenna gain:                     dBi                            53.7
UPC:                                   dB                              n/a
Post HPA losses:                       dB                              0.0
HPA type:                                                            SSPA
HPA mode:                                                     Multi carrier
Required backoff:                      dB                              4.0
Additional margin:                     dB                              0.0
Required HPA size:                     Watts                           0.1
Recommended HPA size:                  Watts                           1.0

ES Summary (HPA
                Sizing) The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent a performance obligation of New Skies Satellites B.V. or any of its affiliated entities ("SES")   Page 1 of 1

Document Created: 2013-08-19 12:51:25
Document Modified: 2013-08-19 12:51:25

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