Response to HNS.F.pd

REPLY submitted by O3b Networks USA LLC

Reply to HNS and EchoStar


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130618-00516 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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                                                January 17, 2014


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commussion
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

         Re:    _O3b License Application SES—LIC—20130618—00516 under Call Sign E130107, as
                amended by SES—AMD—20131122—01187 (December 18, 2013)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Hughes Network Systems, LLC (HNS) and EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation
(ESOC) (collectively, EchoStar) provide these comments in response to the above—referenced
application of O3b Limited (O3b) for an earth station license in the 17.8—18.6 GHz, 18.8—19.3
GHz, 27.6—28.4 GHz and the 28.6—29.1 GHz band (the Ka band) in Bristow, Virginia.‘ As a
satellite operator providing important services, including broadband, to U.S. consumers,
businesses and the government, EchoStar‘s networks must be protected from interference.
EchoStar has several satellites that operate in Ka band that may be impacted by O3b‘s proposed
operations in the United States and elsewhere." Accordingly, EchoStar strongly urges that any
authorization granted to 03b include express conditions to mitigate the potential for any harmful
interference between EchoStar‘s and O3b‘s proposed operations.

       In its application, O3b describes its plans to operate its Virginia earth station in certain
frequencies where geostationary orbit (GSO) fixed satellite service and fixed service operators‘

‘ See O3b License Application SES—LIC—20130618—00516 under Call Sign E130107, as amended by SES—AMD—
20131122—01187(released Dec. 18, 2013) ("O3b License Application").
 Specifically, EchoStar operates satellites in the 18.3—18.6 GHz, 18.8—19.3 GHz, 28.35—28.4 GHz and 28.6—29 GHz
> An EchoStar company, Alta Wireless, Inc., is the licensee of four Local Multi—Point Distribution Service (LMDS)
authorizations in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Phoenix, Arizona, Kansas City, Missouri and San Diego, California that
operate in the FS Ka band frequencies that O3b has asked for authority to operate in. See Alta Wireless, Inc., File
No. 0005368543, Call Sign WPOH667 (granted Aug. 14, 2008); Alta Wireless, Inc., File No. 0005368544, Call
Sign WPOH668 (granted Sept. 22, 1998); Alta Wireless, Inc., File No. 0005368 545, Call Sign WPOH669 (granted
Aug. 14, 2008); and Alta Wireless, Inc., File No. 005368546, Call Sign WPOH670 (granted Aug. 14, 2008).
While, because of the geographic separation of the proposed O3b earth station from these licenses there is minimal
chance of harmful interference, EchoStar still has a general interest in ensuring that all LMDS licensees are
protected and not subject to harmful interference. Accordingly, EchoStar urges the FCC to condition any grant of
authorization to 03b on protecting LMDS services.

                                            EchoStar Corporation
                     100 Inverness Terrace East » Englewood, CO 80112 » Tel: 303.706.4000

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC
January 17, 2013
Page 2 of 3

are primary.* While 03b rightfully acknowledges that it must protect current GSO and FS
services in the bands where EchoStar operates on a primary basis," EchoStar believes it is
important that this obligation be an express condition of any authorization granted to O3b in
order to ensure it is adequately protected from any harmful interference.©

         Second, EchoStar is concerned that O3b has not fully complied with its obligations under
its United Kingdom space station authorization which includes coordinating with Hughes‘
satellite networks. While O3b and EchoStar have met once, there is no current coordination
agreement in place between the two operators. Until a coordination agreement has been
negotiated, there is the potential for harmful interference to Hughes‘ networks both in the United
States and elsewhere. Accordingly, any authorization granted to O3b must expressly condition
such use on a non—harmful interference basis until coordination is concluded."

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        As a leading satellite technology and services company, EchoStar has a strong interest in
ensuring that its networks are protected from interference. Thus, to the extent that the O3b
authorization is granted, EchoStar urges that it be conditioned on protecting primary services in
the band, and be made subject to coordination with other satellite operators.


                                                                         Resjfiectfully submitted,
                                                                                  'f       1

                                                                        l] GZ_—a——_
                                                        ~                Jcfl,fiifer A. Manner
                                                                         Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                                                         EchoStar Satellite Operating Company and
                                                                         Hughes Network Systems, LLC
                                                                         11717 Exploration Lane
                                                                         Germantown, MD 20876

* See O3b License Application, Exhibit 1, Legal Narrative, at p.3 ("O3b Legal Narrative").
° See id. at pp. 4—7.
° The Commission has already imposed such a condition when granting O3b a license to operate a gateway in
Haleiwa, Hawaii. See FCC File No. SES—LIC—20100723—00952, Sec. H, Condition 90039 (granted Sep. 25, 2012)
(stating, "Transmissions ... shall be on a secondary basis. Such secondary operations must not cause harmful
interference to primary users. Further, O3b Limited cannot claim protection from harmful interference caused by
primary users."). O3b agrees to operate its Virginia earth station in accordance with such conditions. See O3b
Legal Narrative at p. 8.
? See SES—LIC—20111021—01243 (Call Sign E1 10149), n. 90024 (FCC conditioned operation of earth stations on the
compliance with UK domestic rules).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, FCC
January 17, 2013
Page 3 of 3

Joslyn Read, 03b
Hazem Moakkit, O3b
Jose Albuquerque
Robert Nelson
Fern Jarmulnek
Steven Duall
Cassandra Thomas
Roderick Porter
Jennifer Gilsenan

Document Created: 2014-01-27 17:55:01
Document Modified: 2014-01-27 17:55:01

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