Attachment Narrative and Tech

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130618-00516 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC Form 312                                                         Exhibit 1

                              LEGAL NARRATIVE AND
                            RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS 35:
                               WAIVER OF THE RULES

        This application is filed by O3b Limited (“O3b”). As the Commission is
aware, O3b will be launching a U.K.-authorized non-geostationary orbit
(“NGSO”) Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”) system operating in the Ka-band. The
first four of the space stations comprising O3b’s NGSO FSS system are scheduled
to be launched later this month. 1

       Multiple applications are pending or have been granted for earth stations
that will be associated with O3b’s system. In September 2012, the Commission
granted O3b a license to operate a gateway in Haleiwa, Hawaii (“O3b Hawaii
License”). 2 O3b has filed an application for a license to operate a second gateway
in Vernon, Texas, 3 and has requested special temporary authority (“STA”) to
operate the second gateway on an interim basis while its license application is
pending. 4

       One June 17, 2013, O3b filed an STA seeking to use its Bristow, Virginia
earth station (the “Virginia Earth Station”) to support post-launch operations,
beginning on June 28, 2013. 5 In this application, O3b seeks regular authority to
operate the Virginia Earth Station. The earth station, which is manufactured by
General Dynamics SATCOM, has two 2.4m antennas. The Virginia Earth Station
will be used primarily for satellite monitoring, network troubleshooting, and
customer demonstrations.

        Public Interest Statement

        Soon after launch, the Virginia Earth Station will begin the proposed
operations in a closely monitored environment with local control capability.
Combining real-time knowledge of the local weather with locally-controlled
terminal operations will help O3b’s Network Operations Center and engineering
staff identify and resolve space station and system anomalies, particularly
important in the early days after O3b’s first launch, but also important as an

1 The launch is scheduled for June 24, 2013.
2 See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952 (granted Sep. 25, 2012).
3 See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20130124-00089.
4 See FCC File No. SES-STA-20130611-00484.
5 See FCC File No. SES-STA-20130617-00497.


ongoing capability. O3b will be able to emulate remote ground station
conditions, thereby providing a means for isolating issues. O3b also will use the
Virginia Earth Station as a test platform for on-satellite certification of various
modems and service offerings. Giving O3b these capabilities is unquestionably
in the public interest.

        U.S. Market Access

       Under the Commission’s “DISCO II” procedure, a company may obtain
U.S. “landing rights” for a non-U.S. licensed space station by filing an initial
earth station application that lists the space station as a “point of
communication” and demonstrating that the space station meets applicable
Commission requirements. 6 O3b provided such a showing as part of its Hawaii
and Texas gateway earth station applications. Those showings are hereby
incorporated into this application by reference. 7 In September 2012, the
Commission found that O3b meets the criteria for U.S. market access when it
granted the Hawaii License and associated waivers.

        In its DISCO II decision, the Commission adopted requirements that
apply once an initial application seeking U.S. market access for a non-U.S.
satellite system has been granted. There is no need, the Commission found, for a
new DISCO II showing to be made by future earth station applicants requesting
authority to communicate with the non-U.S. satellite system. 8 Rather, it is
sufficient that any such earth station applicant cite to the initial grant of market
access; confirm that there has been no change in the services the satellite system
will be used to provide; and represent that there has been no change to the
satellite system’s operating parameters. 9 Consistent with these requirements,
O3b hereby cites to the O3b Hawaii License; confirms that there has been no
change in the services its satellite system will be used to provide; and represents
that there has been no change to its satellite system’s operating parameters.

        O3b System and Frequency Plan

       The description of the O3b NGSO satellite system submitted with the
applications for the Hawaii and Texas licenses are hereby incorporated by
reference. O3b proposes to operate its Virginia Earth Station on the same full set
of frequencies as were previously licensed at its Hawaii gateway. For ease of

6 See Amendment of the Commission's Regulatory Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Space Stations to

Provide Domestic and International Satellite Service in the United States (“DISCO II”), 15 FCC Rcd
7207, ¶ 5 (1999).
7 See O3b’s Hawaii application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, narrative at Section V.
8 DISCO II, 15 FCC Rcd 7207 at ¶ 192.
9 Id.


reference, the O3b frequencies are summarized in the following Table and

     Downlink Frequency                                              Ka-Band Plan                                    O3B Proposed Use
 17.8-18.3 GHz                                        FS                                                       Service Links and Gateway
 18.3-18.6 GHz                                        GSO FSS down                                             Service Links and Gateway
 18.8-19.3 GHz                                        NGSO FSS down                                            Service Links, Gateway Links
                                                                                                               and TT&C 10
      Uplink Frequency                                               Ka-Band Plan                                    O3B Proposed Use
 27.6-28.35 GHz                                       LMDS                                                     Service Links and Gateway
                                                      fss (secondary)                                          Links
 28.35-28.4 GHz                                       GSO FSS up                                               Service Links and Gateway
                                                      ngso fss up (secondary)                                  Links
 28.6-29.1 GHz                                        NGSO FSS up                                              Service Links, Gateway Links
                                                      gso fss up (secondary)                                   and TT&C 11

     Figure 1: O3b Proposed Frequency Plan Compared to the U.S. Ka-Band Plan

                                                                                                                           MSS FL
                                          FS                    GSO FSS                         NGSO FSS                      &                          GSO FSS

                                 17.8                                 18.6                                                   FS

     Ka- band Downlink:
     17.70 – 20.20 GHz
                                        600 MHz                 500 MHz                         500 MHz                   400 MHz                        500 MHz

                          17.7                        18 .3                         18.8                       19 .3                       19 .7                        20 .2

                                                                                                                                  GSO FSS
                                                                               GSO FSS                                 MSS FL                           GSO FSS
                                           LMDS                                                 NGSO FSS
                                                                                                                         &             &
                                           (& f ss)                       ( (& ngso f ss)       (& gso f ss)                          NGSO
                                                                                                                                                       (& ngso f ss )
                             27.6                                      28.4
                                                                                                                                      MSS FL
  Ka- band Uplink
 27.50 – 30.00 GHz
                                          850 MHz                             250 MHz            500 MHz           150 MHz       250 MHz                500 MHz

                     27.5                                            28 .35             28 .6                  29 .1          29.25            29 .5                    30 .0

                                                              FS = Terrestrial Fixed Service
                                                              LMDS = Local Multipoint Distribution Service
                                                              GSO FSS = Geostationary Orbit Fixed Satellite Service
                                                              NGSO FSS = Non-Geostationary Orbit Fixed Satellite Service
                                                              MSS FL = Mobile Satellite Service Feeder Links
                                                              FSS = Fixed Satellite Service
                                                                   denotes 03b frequencies
                                                              *lower case denotes secondary service

10 O3b will conduct TT&C operations in the band edges just below 19.3 GHz (downlink) and 29.1
GHz (uplink). See 47 C.F.R. § 25.202(g).
11 Id.


       O3b Operations in Shared Bands

      Apart from waivers that the Commission already has granted, O3b’s
proposed Virginia Earth Station operations in shared bands are consistent with
the Commission’s rules and policies. O3b addresses each of these bands below.

        27.6-28.35 GHz – Secondary uplink band shared with primary terrestrial
stations. The 27.6-28.35 GHz uplink band is allocated to the local multipoint
distribution service (“LMDS”) on a primary basis. NGSO FSS operations are
allocated on a secondary basis in the same band. Accordingly, O3b’s proposed
secondary operations in this band must not cause harmful interference to
primary LMDS stations in the same band.

       A Comsearch frequency coordination report is filed with this application.
As stated in the report, Comsearch sent prior notification letters to 28 GHz band
terrestrial station licensees that are within applicable coordination distances, and
none of the licensees objected to O3b’s proposed operations.

       The Comsearch coordination report demonstrates that O3b can operate its
Virginia Earth Station on a secondary basis in this band without causing harmful
interference to LMDS licensees. O3b has identified four mitigation techniques
that could be used if necessary to avoid interference in the future, 12 which,
coupled with terrain path losses, should facilitate secondary operations on a non-
harmful interference basis by O3b in the LMDS bands.

        28.35-28.4 GHz – Secondary uplink band shared with primary GSO FSS
stations. In the 28.35-28.4 GHz band, there is a primary allocation for GSO FSS
systems and a secondary allocation for NGSO FSS systems. O3b’s Virginia Earth
Station transmissions in this band will be consistent with their secondary status
vis-à-vis GSO FSS transmissions.

       The Commission has allowed similar secondary use of frequencies in the
Ka-band uplink allocated to GSO FSS on a primary basis where applicants are
prepared to accept interference from and can demonstrate that their proposed
operations are not likely to cause harmful interference to primary operations. 13
As a secondary user of the 28.35-28.4 GHz band in the United States, O3b makes
no claim of protection from interference from U.S.-licensed GSO FSS networks in
this band segment. In the 28.35-28.4 GHz band, the ITU has developed uplink
equivalent power flux density limits (“EPFDup”) limits to protect co-frequency

 See O3b’s Hawaii application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, App. B, Section 7.

 Northrop Grumman Space & Missions Systems Corporation, 24 FCC Rcd 2330, at ¶¶ 72-73 (Int'l

Bur. 2009); contactMEO Communications, LLC, 21
FCC Rcd 4035, at ¶¶ 23-24, (Int'l Bur., 2006).


GSO FSS operations from unacceptable interference from NGSO FSS systems
operating in the same frequencies. 14 Specifically, in accordance with Article 22 of
the ITU Radio Regulations, if the applicable EPFDup limits are met, the NGSO
FSS satellite system is considered to have met its obligations to protect GSO FSS
networks from unacceptable interference.

        In these bands, transmissions from the Virginia Earth Station to the O3b
constellation will meet the applicable ITU EPFDup limits. As demonstrated in the
Technical Attachment that accompanied O3b’s Hawaii application, which is
hereby incorporated by reference, O3b will satisfy the EPFDup limits by
controlling the maximum power spectral density into transmitting earth stations
as a function of their latitude and their antenna size and off-axis gain towards the
GSO. O3b showed that its gateway located at Hawaii operating at its authorized
power levels will meet the applicable ITU EPFDup limits in all frequency ranges
where these limits apply and which overlap those used by the O3b system (i.e.,
27.6-28.4 GHz) due to the inherent angular separation between the O3b and
geostationary orbits when viewed from the Earth at latitudes away from the
equator.15 The Virginia Earth Station will be operated at the same power levels,
but is located further north in latitude than the Hawaii gateway, which means an
even greater angular separation between the O3b and geostationary orbits as
viewed from the Earth. As a result, compliance with the applicable ITU EPFDup
limits from the Virginia Earth Station is assured and co-coverage GSO FSS
networks will not experience unacceptable interference in the 28.35-28.4 GHz
band. In any event, O3b confirms that its operations will be on a secondary basis
relative to U.S.-licensed GSO FSS networks in the same band.

       17.8-18.3 GHz – Non-conforming downlink band shared with terrestrial stations
– waiver requested to the extent necessary. The 17.8-18.3 GHz band is allocated on a
primary basis to the Fixed Service, and there is no secondary allocation for
NGSO FSS in the band. For that reason, in its Hawaii application O3b requested,
and the Commission granted, a waiver of the Ka-Band Plan and Section 2.106 of
the Commission’s rules to permit O3b to operate its NGSO FSS system in the
17.8-18.3 GHz band for downlink operations on a non-conforming, non-
interference basis. Such waiver was granted based on a showing that O3b will
meet the PFD limits at the Earth’s surface prescribed by the ITU for the
protection of terrestrial services in this band, 16 and an acknowledgment that, as a

14 See ITU Radio Regulations, Article 22. See also O3b’s Hawaii application, FCC File No. SES-

LIC-20100723-00952, Technical Attachment at A.10.1 for a discussion of O3b's compliance with the
operational limits in Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations.
15 See O3b’s Hawaii application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Technical Attachment at

16 See ITU Radio Regulations tbl. 21-4. See also Recommendation ITU-R SF.1483, at 4 (“Extensive

studies have provided ample technical justification that the pfd limits of recommends 1 are


non-conforming user, O3b must accept interference from FS operations in the
band. Additionally, a study of fixed microwave deployments in the vicinity of
the proposed Hawaii gateway showed that O3b could operate satisfactorily
without interference protection. 17

       To the extent one is required, and for the same reasons, O3b requests a
similar waiver of the Ka-Band Plan and Section 2.106 of the Commission’s rules
to allow its Virginia Earth Station to receive transmissions in the 17.8-18.3 GHz
band. The PFD limits at the Earth’s surface for the protection of terrestrial fixed
services in this band will continue to be met. O3b makes no claim of protection
from primary fixed services in this band. O3b is also submitting with this
application a coordination study of the 18 GHz band, prepared by Comsearch,
for the proposed Virginia Earth Station. The study shows that the Virginia Earth
Station can operate satisfactorily in the 18 GHz fixed microwave environment.

       18.3-18.6 GHz – Non-conforming downlink band shared with GSO FSS stations
– waiver requested to the extent necessary. The 18.3-18.6 GHz band is allocated in
the United States on a primary basis to GSO FSS. Because the 18.3-18.6 GHz
band is not allocated to NGSO FSS downlink transmissions on a primary or
secondary basis, O3b proposed in its Hawaii earth station application to use the
band on a non-conforming basis – i.e., on a non-harmful interference, non-
protected basis relative to any service allocated in that band – and requested a
waiver of the Ka-Band Plan and Section 2.106 (footnote NG 164) of the
Commission’s rules to permit such use.

       In support of its waiver request, O3b acknowledged that it has no
protection against interference from U.S.-licensed GSO FSS networks in the 18.3-
18.6 GHz band and committed to keeping the downlink transmissions in the
band from its space stations within the downlink equivalent power flux density
(“EPFDdown”) limits developed by the ITU to protect GSO FSS networks from
unacceptable interference from NGSO FSS systems operating on the same
frequencies. 18 As an example of how these limits can be satisfied, O3b provided

certainly adequate to protect the FS systems from aggregate interference from the satellites of
multiple, co-frequency non-GSO FSS systems operating in the 17.7-19.3 GHz band. Therefore, the
pfd limits of recommends 1 are acceptable in that they protect the FS systems without unduly
constraining the development of non-GSO FSS networks.”).
17 O3b also identified at least three steps that could be undertaken to eliminate or mitigate

potential interference if future FS licensees were to establish operations in the vicinity of an O3b
gateway earth station. First, O3b could add bandpass filtering to its low noise amplifier
assemblies. Second, O3b could modify the timing of satellite handover events such that they
occur at higher elevation angles. Third, O3b could work constructively with the FS licensee to
explore alternate FS link configurations.
18 See ITU Radio Regulations, Article 22.


EPFDdown calculations for transmissions to its Hawaii gateway earth station. 19
O3b also showed how the EPFDdown limits can be satisfied at all latitudes.

        Given that O3b’s waiver request covered all latitudes and that the
Commission granted the waiver request unconditionally, O3b believes it should
be unnecessary to seek an additional waiver for downlink transmissions in the
18.3-18.6 GHz band in connection with its application for a Virginia Earth
Station. To the extent necessary, however, O3b requests that an additional
waiver be granted. Compliance with the EPFDdown limits is more easily achieved
in the case of transmissions to O3b’s Virginia Earth Station than it is in the case of
transmissions to O3b’s Hawaii earth station. O3b is able to satisfy the limits by
taking advantage of the inherent angular separation of the O3b and the GSO
orbits when viewed from the surface of the Earth at latitudes away from the
equator,20 and O3b’s Virginia Earth Station will be located further from the
equator than its Hawaii earth station. The Virginia Earth Station location,
therefore, presents an even stronger case for a waiver than the Hawaii location,
and the considerations that led the Commission to grant an initial waiver apply
with even greater force to a waiver associated with the Virginia location.

           Other Technical Waivers

        Geographic coverage. Section 25.145(c) of the Commission's rules requires
Ka-band NGSO systems to provide service coverage (i) to all locations as far
north as 70 degrees latitude and as far south as 55 degrees latitude for at least
75% of every 24-hour period and (ii) on a continuous basis throughout the fifty
states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 21 In the application for its Hawaii
gateway earth station, O3b stated that it cannot satisfy either of these
requirements and requested a waiver of these coverage requirements based on
various factors.

       The Commission has waived Section 25.145(c) for O3b’s Hawaii gateway
earth station but has reserved judgment as to whether a waiver of Section
25.145(c) is appropriate with respect to O3b’s service links. 22 The Commission
based the waiver for the Hawaii earth station on the fact that the Hawaii

 See O3b’s Hawaii application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Technical Attachment at

20   See id.
21 47 C.F.R. § 25.145(c).
22 See the license for O3b’s Hawaii gateway earth station (E100088, File No. SES-LIC-20100723-

00952), issued September 25, 2012, Condition 90044 (grant of Section 25.145(c) waiver for the
Hawaii gateway earth station is “without prejudice to action on any waiver request filed in
connection with an application to provide additional services to, from, or within the United


authorization “is limited to a single earth station that is providing gateway and
TT&C services only.” 23

       It is unclear whether a waiver of the coverage requirements of Section
25.145(c) is needed to add an earth station in Virginia, given that this earth
station will be used for (among other things) satellite monitoring and network
troubleshooting purposes. Such functions are substantially similar to the TT&C
and gateway functions performed by the Hawaii gateway, and for which a
waiver already has been granted. To the extent that an additional waiver is
required, however, O3b hereby requests one. O3b’s request is supported by
good cause. The public interest considerations that led the Commission to grant
a waiver of the coverage requirements to permit operation of a gateway in
Hawaii also are applicable to operation of a single earth station in Virginia that
will be used to identify and resolve space station and system anomalies and to
test various modems and service offerings. O3b hereby incorporates by reference
the request for a waiver of Section 25.145(c) from its Hawaii application.

       Cross-polarization Isolation and Relief of Pressure Vessels. In granting the
Hawaii License, the Commission found good cause to grant the O3b constellation
(1) a waiver of the requirement in Section 25.210(i)(1) for FSS space station
antennas to have a minimum cross-polarization isolation of 30 dB in their
primary coverage area; and (2) a waiver of that portion of Section 25.283(c)
relating to relief of pressure vessels aboard the O3b spacecraft at their end of life.
These waiver grants were not limited to the Hawaii License. Accordingly, O3b
should not need to request or obtain these waivers again for the spacecraft in the
O3b constellation. However, out of an abundance of caution and to the extent
necessary, O3b hereby incorporates by reference the waiver requests in its
Hawaii application related to Sections 25.210(i)(1) and 25.283(c). For the reasons
stated therein, which apply with equal force here, those waivers, if needed again,
should be granted in this case as well.

           Conditions of License

       The Commission attached various conditions to its grant of O3b’s Hawaii
application that pertain to operation of the Hawaii gateway earth station. The
conditions relate to, among other things, the fact that O3b will be operating the
Hawaii earth station on a secondary or non-conforming basis on some
frequencies. O3b hereby agrees to operate its Virginia Earth Station in
accordance with the same conditions, with one exception.

23   Id.


        The exception is the condition in the Hawaii License relating to the
posting of a performance bond. O3b respectfully requests that it not be required
to post a second bond to secure the implementation of the O3b satellite system,
since it has already posted a bond in connection with the Hawaii License. 24
Indeed, the Commission has previously determined that it would be
inappropriate to impose a bond requirement for a foreign-licensed satellite
entrant that would have necessitated the posting of a duplicative bond. 25 The
same result should obtain here.

24 See
25See Telesat Canada, DA 07-118, Order, File No. SAT-PPL-20060516-00061, at ¶ 14 (Jan. 19, 2007)
(“We agree with Telesat that it is not necessary to have more than one bond posted with respect
to ANIK F3 to fulfill the purposes of the bond requirement.”).



       As demonstrated in this application and in the materials with which this
application is associated, and subject to a limited number of waiver requests, the
proposed Virginia Earth Station fully complies with the Commission's Part 25
rules. Thus, grant of this earth station application will serve the public interest,
convenience and necessity.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       O3B LIMITED

                                       By:      /s/Joslyn Read
                                               Joslyn Read
                                               Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                               for O3b Limited
                                               1129 20th St, NW, #1000
                                               Washington, DC 20036

June 18, 2013

 Joseph A. Godles
 1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
 Washington, DC 20036
 (202) 429-4900

Document Created: 2013-06-18 15:55:16
Document Modified: 2013-06-18 15:55:16

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