Attachment RF Study

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130530-00459 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                        UNIVISION NETWORKS
                        CHICAGO, IL
 This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for an earth
station antenna. The OET Bulletin 65, Edit. 97-01, August 1997, Evaluating
Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio      frequency
Electromagnetic Fields specifies that the maximun level of non-ionizing
radiation that a person may be exposed to cover a six minute period is
an average power density equal to 5 mw/cm2 in a controlled environment.
For the general population, a person may be exposed to cover a thirty
minute period is an average power density equal to 1mw/cm2 in an uncon-
trolled environment.    It is the purpose of this report to    determine
the power flux densities of the earth station surface area, in the near
field, transition region and far field.

P=Antenna Power(watts), G=Antenna Gain(db), D=Antenna Diameter(meters)
F=Ctr Frequency(gHz),   Wl=WaveLength(meters)

Antenna Surface(m2)           A=3.14*D2/4
Antenna Surface Density(w/m2) Ss=4*P/A

Wavelength Wl(m)=3/(F*10)
Near Field Region           Rnf(m)=D2/(4*Wl)

Near Field Region Density   Snf(m/m2)=16*.6*P/(3.14*D2)

Transition Region           Rff(m)=.6*d2/Wl
Transition Region Density   St(w/m2)=Snf*Rnf/Rff

Far Field   Region          Sff(m)=P*G/(4*3.14*Rff)

               Earth Station Radiation Hazard Calculations

Freq(ghz)= 6.2 Power(w)=-15.5     AntGain(db)= 46.2 AntSize(m)=      4.5
Wavelength(m)= .048               Antenna surface(m2)= 15.9

AntSurfDen Ss(w/m2)=            -3.91        Ss(mw/cm2)=      -.39
Near-Field Region Rnf(m)=      104.62
Near-Field Den Snf(w/m2)=       -2.54        Snf(mw/cm2)=     -.25
Transition Region Rff(m)=       251.1
Tran Region Den St(w/cm2)=      -1.06        St(mw/cm2)=      -.11
Far Field Region Sff(w/cm2)=      .00        Sff(mw/cm2)=      .00

                          ANALYSIS RESULTS
            LIMITS - 1mw/cm2 Uncontrolled,   5mw/cm2 Controlled

Antenna Surface Density     Ss(mw/cm -.391 No Potential Hazard, < Limit
Near Field Density          Snf(mw/c -.254
Transition Region           St(mw/cm -.106
Far Field Density           Sff(mw/c .000

For a minimum elevation angle of 39.1(deg) and a object height of 10.0(ft)
For radiation non-hazard, the minimum distance to object= 22.6(ft)

Prepared by: TELE-SCI SOLUTIONS, LLC P.O. Box 237 Augusta, NJ 07822-0237_

Document Created: 2013-02-12 14:54:12
Document Modified: 2013-02-12 14:54:12

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