Attachment Schedule S DOC 16

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130528-00455 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Link Budget Creator— Rev 1.1. July 16. 2010                              Tier1              Tier1
Ground Paramerer                                                       Teloport             Telco
  Location                                                Sunset Beach RHCT, Unted States    Sve
  Laitude                                     0                           213               «8 d
  Longtude (East)                             0                          2019               taa
  ES Range to SV                              m                         1ossr 6             soa5a
  ES Eleration to SV                          0                           24                 so a
  Es Alitede                                  im                           o0                 a0
  SV Scam Identner                            @                                    T2
  Minutes Into Pass (Gemple #15)              (in)                                 so
  Telco Spot Beam Of—Angle                    (d                                   02
  Telco Spot Beam Diameter                    tm                                  so 1
  Maximumn Roundtip Latenc                    imsee)                              107
Modulation Paramerers                                                  Forwara              Rewrm
  Enter Reconer                               Tyse                      ovese
  Avalable Bandwidth                          (i2)                   40.003,200
  Channel Symbol Rate                         (s00)                   33 336 000
  Channal Modultion Type                                                 srek
  Channel FEC Rate                                                        osr
  Channal Spectral Eficiency                  pptofiie)                   200
  Channl Throughout                           ies                   s« so7 toa ce
Uptink                                                                 Forward              Retrn
  ES Tx Chamals parH2A                        @                             s
  E9 T Carer Frequency                        (ibe)                    20020 00
  E3 Tx HPA Power Lval                        on                         s0o oo
  es 1x 080                                   (co)                        00
  ES Tx PostHPA Losses                        (5)                         150
  E3 T Antena Gain (7.3 meten                 (5)                         s oe
  ES Tx ERP Per Channel                       wom                         so 32
  ES Tx Poining Loss                          (o)                         0 50
  E8 Tx RF Link Avalabity                     C                          so 5oo
  FIS Ts Atmosphori I onses                   «m                         Jnz
  E9 Ts Spreating Loss                        o)                        —istss
Sereiite                                                               Forward              Retrn
  SV Number o Chamals per HFA                 @                             1
  sy ReGT                                     ul                          a32
  SV Rxc Pover Rer Tier                       wom)                      «130.05
  SV RicF ux Density Por Tier                 (d@wim‘)                   «n or
  sy m« 080                                   (5)                         30
  SV Tx PostTWTA Losses                       (5)                         150
  SV Tx Antenna Gain                          (e)                         3069
  SV Tx EIR® Per ChannelGarier                wom                        a3 52
  SV Ts Pointing Loss                         o)                          000
Downlink                                                               Forward              Retrn
  ES Rx Gamer Frequency                       tke                      Tezzo o0
  ES Rx Spreading Loss                        o)                        —150.00
  ES RxHR> Link Avaiabity                     ()                         so s00
  ES Rx AtmespharLoases                       (co)                        750
  ES Rx Pointing Loss                         (5)                         o 50
  ES Rx Antenna Gain (15 meted                (e)                        arar
  ES Rx Efectne GT                            warg                       2001
  ES Rx Power Per Channel                     wom)                      anoor
  E9 Rx Flux Density Per Channel              (d@Wi                     w
Total Line                                                             Forward              Retrn
  Camer / Neise Bandwcth                      o)                          Teas
  Carier / Noise Uplink                       (5)                         1532
  Carier / Noise Dornlinc                     (5)                         1304
  Carier/ ntermodulation im (CIm)             (5)                        20 20
  (@M)— Total Actual                          (5)                         are
  (CM)— Total Required                        (5)                         ase
  (E/) Total Actual                           o)                          a77
  (E/M, — TotalRequired                       o)                          sor
  Excess Margin                               (c8)                        oss
  Fade Margin tto Toss o fink)                (00)                        Toas

Document Created: 2013-10-28 16:04:08
Document Modified: 2013-10-28 16:04:08

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