Attachment Schedule S DOC 17

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130528-00455 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Link Budget Creator — Rev 1.1;_July 16. 2010                               fert
Ground Parameter                                                      Teleport
  Location                                                Sunset Beach RHCF, Unted States
  Laitude                                      0                          213
  Longitude (East)                             0                        2010
  E/S Range to SV                              (am                     1ossr s
  E/S Elevation to SV                          0                          234
  Es Akitude                                   im)                         o0
  SV Seam Ientier                              ®                                   T2
  Minutes Into Pass (Gample #15)               (Min)                              se
  Telco Spot Beam OffAngle                     0                                  21
  Telco Spot Beam Diameter                     (am                               sans
  Meximum Roundrip Latencs                     imsee)                            Tor
Medulation Poramerers                                                 Fomard                Retum
  Enter Recaner                                Type                    ove—se
  Medam Overhead                               o                         aa%
  Number of Cariers per Channel                ©                          7os
  Avaiable Bandiicth                           (e)                  216,000.000
  Channel Symbo! Rate                          0)                      250 010
  Channel Modulation Type                                               arsk
  Channel FEC Rete                                                        o 25
  Channel Spectial Eficiency                   fptstic)                   o so
  Channel Throughoot                           (bes)                 122 597 so
Uplink                                                                Fomard                Retumn
  ES Tx Channels per HEA                       ®                            s
  E/S Ts Carter Frequency                      (Mie)                  20020 00
  ES Tx HPA Pover Lerel                        m                        50o 00
  es tx oso                                    tS                        —3.00
  E/S Tx PostHPA Losses                        tS                        —1.50
  ES Ts Antemna Gain (7.3 meter)               tS                        oi se
  E/S Tx ERP Rer Channel                       wom                       s1.a5
  ES Ts Poining Loss                           to                        —a.50
  E8 Tx RF Link Avaihilty                      o                        so 500
  ES Ts Amospharic Losses                      o                        20 23
  ES Ts Spreacing Loss                         «o)                     s1 se
Sereilte                                                              Forward               Retumn
  SV Number of Channels per HEA                ®                            1
  sy x o                                       wary                       a32
  SV Rx Power Par Ter                          ww                      1305
  SV Rx Flux Density Rer Tier                  wowint)                  «cnor
  sy tx opo                                    to                        300
  SV Tx PostTWTA Losses                        tS                        —1.50
  SV Tx Antenna Gain                           «en                      2s os
  SV Tx EIRP Por ChannelCarier                 wom                        sa1
  SV Ts Rointing Loss                          «o)                        a.00
Downlink                                                              Forward               Retumn
  E Rx Comer Frequency                         (re)                   Tozzo oo
  E/S Rx Spreaing Loss                         o)                      —150.00
  E/S Rx RF Link Arolabiity                    o                        so 500
  E/S Rx Atmospheric Losses                    o                         «150
  E/S Rx Pointing Loss                         tS                        —a50
  ES Rx Anterna Gain (15 meten                 ts                       arer
  E/S Rx Efectve GT                            wery                     20 o1
  E/S Rx Power Rer Channel                     ww                      usc
  E/ R Flux Density Par Channel                owin®)                  us se
Tort Link                                                             Forward               Retumn
  Carmer / Noise Bandiatn                      co)                       s 0s
  Carier / Noise Un                            tS                         13e
  Carier / Noise Downlinc                      tS                         a0
  Carer/ ntermadlation tm (C/m)                tS                        1010
  (GM)— Total Actual                           tS                        o73
  (CMN)— Total Required                        tS                        a1s
  (E/11,— Totel Actual                         co)                      2619
  (E/1L,— Totel Required                       c8)                      2561
  Excess Margin                                (8)                        ue
  Fade Margin (to Toss of ind                  (a8)                       oz

Document Created: 2013-10-28 16:03:48
Document Modified: 2013-10-28 16:03:48

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