Attachment Exhibits A, B, and C

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130319-00279 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                             Exhibit A
                                                                                            Page 1 of 5

                      Description of Application & Additional Information

I.      Nature of the Application and Services

Ocean Exploration Trust (“OET”) respectfully requests that the Federal Communications
Commission (“FCC”) grant it a license to operate Earths Station on Vessels (“ESV”) in the Gulf of
Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. The proposed ESVs will operate in the 3700-4200
MHz and 5925-6425 MHz frequency bands (“C-Band”) and will communication with Hub Stations
located in the United States.

OET was founded in 2008 by Dr. Robert Ballard to engage in pure ocean exploration. Dr. Ballard is
best known for his 1985 discovery of the RMS Titanic, and is also a National Geographic Society
Explorer-In-Residence, a commissioner on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, and a Senior
Scientist Emeritus in the Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering at the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. Dr. Ballard received the National Geographic Society’s prestigious
Hubbard Medal in 1996 for “extraordinary accomplishments in coaxing secrets from the world’s
oceans and engaging students in the wonder of science.”

OET plans to begin exploring geological, archaeological, and biological aspects of the Gulf of
Mexico and Caribbean Sea, and will require the C-Band ESVs to transmit video, audio, and data to
its operations center in the United States. This information will be used in part for educational
programming that will be available to students and others across the country.

At this time, OET will not be operating ESVs using C-Band frequencies within 200 km from the
baseline of the United States or within 200 km from a U.S.-licensed fixed service offshore
installation and, therefore, coordination is not required. However, should OET desire to transmit
within this 200 km range in the future, it will first file a separate coordination pursuant to FCC Rule

OET respectfully requests that the FCC grant this application no later than June 1, 2013.

II.     Responses to FCC Rule 25.221

As set forth in FCC Rule 25.211 and requested by the FCC staff, below and attached is additional
information regarding OET’s proposed operations:

Rule 25.221 (a)(1)(i): Off-Axis Spectral Density
“(i) An ESV system shall not exceed the off-axis EIRP spectral-density limits and conditions defined
in paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A) through (a)(1)(i)(D) of this section.”

OET's proposed C-Band operations comply with the off-axis EIRP spectral density limits and
conditions in FCC Rule 25.221(a)(1)(i). See Exhibits B and C.

Rule 25.221(a)(1)(ii)(A): Pointing Error
“Each ESV transmitter shall maintain a pointing error of less than or equal to 0.2° between the
orbital location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna.”

                                                                                             Exhibit A
                                                                                            Page 2 of 5

OET ESV transmitters will meet this pointing error requirement. See Exhibit B.

Rule 25.221(a)(1)(iii)(A): Cessation of Operations
“For ESVs operating under paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, all emissions from the ESV shall
automatically cease within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital location of the target
satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna exceeds 0.5°, and transmission will not
resume until such angle is less than or equal to 0.2°.”

All emissions from the OET ESVs will automatically cease within 100 milliseconds if the angle
between the orbital location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna
exceeds 0.5°, and transmission will not resume until such angle is less than or equal to 0.2°. See
Exhibit B.

Rule 25.221(a)(4): United States Contact Information
“There shall be a point of contact in the United States, with phone number and address, available 24
hours a day, seven days a week, with authority and ability to cease all emissions from the ESVs,
either directly or through the facilities of a U.S. Hub or a Hub located in another country with which
the United States has a bilateral agreement that enables such cessation of emissions.”

The following facility is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and has authority and ability to
cease all emissions from the ESVs.

7000 Weston Parkway
Cary, NC 27513
Domestic: 888-322-1728
International: +1 919-377-7705

Rule 25.221(a)(5): Vessel Tracking
“For each ESV transmitter, a record of the ship location ( i.e., latitude/longitude), transmit
frequency, channel bandwidth and satellite used shall be time annotated and maintained for a period
of not less than 1 year. Records will be recorded at time intervals no greater than every 20 minutes
while the ESV is transmitting. The ESV operator will make this data available upon request to a
coordinator, fixed system operator, fixed-satellite system operator, or the Commission within 24
hours of the request.”

OET’s system maintains records of the vessel’s location, transmit frequency, channel bandwidth and
satellite used. These records are maintained pursuant to the above rule on computers located on the
vessels, at the Hub Earth Stations, and/or at the OET Operations Center. OET will make this data
available within 24 hours of a request.

Rule 25.221(a)(6): Vessels of Foreign Registry
“ESV operators communicating with vessels of foreign registry must maintain detailed information
on each vessel’s country of registry and a point of contact for the relevant administration responsible
for licensing ESVs.”

                                                                                                Exhibit A
                                                                                               Page 3 of 5

In addition to communicating with U.S.-registered vessels, OET anticipates that it will communicate
with a vessel registered in St Vincent and the Grenadines. The company is investigating the
requirements for licensing ESVs in this country, but its understanding is that the National
Regulatory Telecommunications Commission (NTRC) of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is the
relevant administration responsible for licensing ESVs for this vessel. The telephone number for
the NTRC is (784) 457-2279. OET will file updated contact information with the FCC if it is
determined that another administration is responsible for licensing ESVs on this vessel.

Rule 25.221(a)(7): Hub Earth Station
“ESV operators shall control all ESVs by a Hub earth station located in the United States, except
that an ESV on U.S.-registered vessels may operate under control of a Hub earth station location
outside the United States provided the ESV operator maintains a point of contact within the United
States that will have the capability and authority to cause an ESV on a U.S.-registered vessel to cease
transmitting if necessary.”

The OET ESVs shall be controlled by the following Hub Earth Stations: E990175 and E010140.
These earth stations can shut down the OET ESVs remotely. Contact information for both stations
is included in the application.

Rule 25.221(a)(8): Frequency Coordination and Multiple Satellites
“ESV operators transmitting in the 5925-6425 MHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands to GSO
satellites in the fixed-satellite service (FSS) shall not seek to coordinate, in any geographic location,
more than 36 megahertz of uplink bandwidth on each of no more than two GSO FSS satellites.”

OET is seeking to transmit ESVs in the 5925-6425 MHz band to geostationary satellites in the
fixed-satellite service. However, at this time, OET will not be operating ESVs using C-Band
frequencies within 200 km from the baseline of the United States or within 200 km from a U.S.-
licensed fixed service offshore installation and, therefore, coordination is not required. However,
should OET desire to transmit within this 200 km range in the future, it will first file a separate
coordination pursuant to FCC Rule 25.221(a)(12).

Rule 25.221(a)(9): Vessel Weight
“ESVs shall not operate in the 5925-6425 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-
Earth) frequency bands on vessels smaller than 300 gross tons.”

OET confirms that it will not operate ESVs on vessels smaller than 300 gross tons.

Rule 25.221(a)(10): Operations While Docked
“ESVs, operating while docked, that complete coordination with terrestrial stations in the 3700-4200
MHz band in accordance with § 25.251, shall receive protection from such terrestrial stations in
accordance with the coordination agreements, for 180 days, renewable for 180 days.”

At this time, OET will not be operating ESVs using C-Band frequencies within 200 km from the
baseline of the United States or within 200 km from a U.S.-licensed fixed service offshore
installation and, therefore, OET does not currently contemplate any coordination with terrestrial
stations in the C-Band.

                                                                                               Exhibit A
                                                                                              Page 4 of 5

Rule 25.221(a)(11): Protection from Interference
“ESVs in motion shall not claim protection from harmful interference from any authorized
terrestrial stations or lawfully operating satellites to which frequencies are either already assigned, or
may be assigned in the future in the 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency band.”

While in motion, OET shall not claim protection from harmful interference from any authorized
terrestrial stations or lawfully operating satellites to which frequencies are either already assigned, or
may be assigned in the future in the 3700-4200 MHz frequency band.

Rule 25.221(a)(12): Coordination Within 200 km
“ESVs operating within 200 km from the baseline of the United States, or within 200 km from a
U.S.-licensed fixed service offshore installation, shall complete coordination with potentially affected
U.S.-licensed fixed service operators prior to operation. The coordination method and the
interference criteria objective shall be determined by the frequency coordinator. The details of the
coordination shall be maintained and available at the frequency coordinator, and shall be filed with
the Commission electronically via the International Bureau Filing System
( ) to be placed on public notice. The coordination notifications
must be filed in the form of a statement referencing the relevant call signs and file numbers.
Operation of each individual ESV may commence immediately after the public notice is released
that identifies the notification sent to the Commission. Continuance of operation of that ESV for
the duration of the coordination term shall be dependent upon successful completion of the normal
public notice process. If, prior to the end of the 30-day comment period of the public notice, any
objections are received from U.S.-licensed fixed service operators that have been excluded from
coordination, the ESV licensee shall immediately cease operation of that particular station on
frequencies used by the affected U.S.-licensed fixed service station until the coordination dispute is
resolved and the ESV licensee informs the Commission of the resolution.”

As discussed above, at this time, OET will not operate its ESVs on the C-Band within 200 km from
the baseline of the United States, or within 200 km from a U.S.-licensed fixed service offshore
installation and, therefore, coordination is not required. However, should OET desire to transmit
within this 200 km range in the future, it will first file a separate coordination pursuant to FCC Rule

Rule 25.221(a)(13): Automatic Cease of Transmissions
“ESV operators must automatically cease transmission if the ESV operates in violation of the terms
of its coordination agreement, including, but not limited to, conditions related to speed of the vessel
or if the ESV travels outside the coordinated area, if within 200 km from the baseline of the United
States, or within 200 km from a U.S.-licensed fixed service offshore installation. Transmissions may
be controlled by the ESV network. The frequency coordinator may decide whether ESV operators
should automatically cease transmissions if the vessel falls below a prescribed speed within a
prescribed geographic area.”

As discussed above, OET will not operate these ESVs on the C-Band within 200 km from the
baseline of the United States, or within 200 km from a U.S.-licensed fixed service offshore
installation and, therefore, is not required to coordinate pursuant to FCC Rule 25.221(a)(12) and is
not subject to a coordination agreement. Nonetheless, OET constantly tracks the location of the
vessels and ESVs will cease C-Band transmissions before any vessel comes within 200 km from the

                                                                                              Exhibit A
                                                                                             Page 5 of 5

baseline of the United States, or within 200 km from a U.S.-licensed fixed service offshore

Rule 25.221(b)(1): Spectral Density, Pointing Error, and Cessation of Emission
“An ESV applicant proposing to implement a transmitter under paragraph (a)(1) of this section
must demonstrate that the transmitter meets the off-axis EIRP spectral-density limits contained in
paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section. To provide this demonstration, the application shall include the
tables described in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section or the certification described in paragraph
(b)(1)(ii) of this section. The ESV applicant also must provide the value N described in paragraph
(a)(1)(i)(A) of this section. An ESV applicant proposing to implement a transmitter under paragraph
(a)(1)(ii)(A) of this section must provide the certifications identified in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this
section. An ESV applicant proposing to implement a transmitter under paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this
section must provide the demonstrations identified in paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section.”

Table and certifications demonstrating OET's compliance with the spectral density, pointing error
and cessation of emission requirements of FCC Rule 25.221(a)(1)(i), (a)(1)(ii)(A) and (a)(1)(iii)(A) are
attached as Exhibits B and C. The value N described in FCC Rule 25.221(a)(1)(i)(A) is “1”.

Rule 25.221(b)(4): Geographic Areas
“There shall be an exhibit included with the application describing the geographic area(s) in which
the ESVs will operate.”

The OET ESVs will operate in the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

Rule 25.221(b)(5): Contact Information
“The point of contact information referred to in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and, if applicable,
paragraph (a)(6) of this section, must be included in the application.”

See above.

Rule 25.221(b)(6): Antenna Radiation Guidelines
“ESVs that exceed the radiation guidelines of § 1.1310 of this chapter, Radiofrequency radiation
exposure limits, must provide, with their environmental assessment, a plan for mitigation of
radiation exposure to the extent required to meet those guidelines.”

See Radiation Hazard Study attached to his application as Exhibit D.


                                                                                                  Exhibit B
                                                                                                Page 1 of 1

                               Declaration of Mike J. Durbin Ph.D. E.E.

I, Mike Durbin, and do hereby declare that the following statements are true and correct:

     1. I am an engineer for the Ocean Exploration Trust‘s ("OET") and have a close working
        knowledge of OET‘s C—Band Earth Station on Vessel ("ESV") system.

          The OET‘s ESV system employees Channel Master 2.4m receive—transmit offset antennas
          (model number 622433901L/R). Technical specifications are enclosed with this declaration.

          OET‘s ESV system will not exceed the off—axis EIRP spectral—density limits and conditions
          defined in paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A) through (a)(1)()(D) of § 25.221. See Exhibit C.

          The antenna tracking system employed with the OET ESV system will maintain a pointing
          error of less than or equal to 0.2° between the orbital location of the target satellite and the
          axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna. The antenna tracking system also will cease
          emissions within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital location of the target
          satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna exceeds 0.5°.
     Executed on March A, 2013                               M/%\/A'l
                                                           Michael J. Durbin Ph.D.



                                                                       TYPE 243
  2.4m Receive-Transmit Offset Antenna System
                                                        Ku-Band Rx-Tx Feed

                                                                              Heavy-duty galvanized
                                                                                        Az/El mount

  ■ Two-piece precision offset thermoset-          ■ Factory pre-assembled mount.
    molded reflector.
                                                   ■ Galvanized and stainless hardware for
  ■ Fine azimuth and elevation adjustments.          maximum corrosion resistance.
  ■ Galvanized feed support arm and                ■ Ava i l able with a wide va riety of
    alignment struts.                                C-Band and Ku-Band Rx-Tx feed
                                                     assemblies and ODU mounting kits.

  The Channel Master® Type 243 2.4m Offset Rx-Tx Antenna is a rugged commercial grade product
  suitable for the most demanding applications. The two-piece reflector is thermoset-molded
  for strength and surface accuracy. Molded into the rear of each reflector half is a network of
  support ribs which not only strengthens the antenna, but also helps to sustain the critical
  parabolic shape necessary for transmit perfor mance.

  The Az/El mount is constructed from heavy-gauge steel to provide a rigid support to the
  reflector and feed support arm. Heavy-duty lockdown bolts secure the mount to any
  6.63 i n . O. D. mast to prevent slippage in high winds. Hot-dip ga l vanizing is standard fo r
  ma x i mum env i ronmental pro t e c t i o n .

  SPECIFICATIONS                                                                        TYPE 243
   2.4m Receive-Transmit Offset Antenna System
                                                       C-Band                               Ku-Band
                                                       Linear                               Linear
  Effective Aperture                                   2.4m (96 in.)                        2.4m (96 in.)
  Operating Frequency                      Tx          5.850 - 6.725 GHz                    13.75 - 14.50 GHz
                                           Rx          3.400 - 4.200 GHz                    10.70 - 12.75 GHz
  Polarization                                         Linear, Co or Cross-Polarized        Linear, Co or Cross-Polarized
  Gain (±.3 dBi)                           Tx          42.0 dBi @ 6.138 GHz                 49.3 dBi @ 14.25 GHz
                                           Rx          38.0 dBi @ 3.913 GHz                 47.6 dBi @ 11.95 GHz
  3 dB Beamwidth                           Tx          1.3° @ 6.1 GHz                       .59° @ 14.3 GHz
                                           Rx          2.1° @ 3.9 GHz                       .71° @ 12.0 GHz
  Sidelobe Envelope (Tx,Co-Pol dBi)
                    2°* < O < 20°                      29-25 Log O                          29-25 Log O
                    20° < O < 26.3°                    -3.5                                 -3.5
                  26.3° < O < 48°                      32-25 Log O                          32-25 Log O
                    48° < O < 180°                     -10 (Typical)                        -10 (Typical)
  Antenna Cross-Polarization                           >30 dB (on axis)                     >30 dB (on axis)
  Antenna Noise Temperature**              10° El      40°K                                 42°K
                                           20° El      35°K                                 34°K
                                           30° El      32°K                                 31°K
  VSWR                                                 1.3:1 Max.                           1.3:1 Max.
  Isolation,Tx to Rx                                   60 dB Min.                           80 dB Min.
  Feed Interface                           Tx          Type N or CPR-137                    WR-75
                                           Rx          CPR-229                              WR-75
  * 1° for Ku-Band Envelope
  ** Does not include dissipative losses

  Reflector Material                            Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester
  Antenna Optics                                Two-Piece Offset Feed Prime Focus
  Mount Type                                    Elevation over Azimuth
  Elevation Adjust.Range                        10°-90° Continuous Fine Adjustment
  Azimuth Adjust.Range                          360° Continuous; ±12° Fine Adjustment
  Mast Pipe Interface                           6.63 in.(168 mm) Diameter
  Wind Loading               Operational        50 mi/h (80 km/h)
                             Survival           125 mi/h (200 km/h)
  Temperature                                   -50°C to 80°C
  Humidity                                      0 to 100% (Condensing)
  Atmosphere                                    Salt, Pollutants and Contaminants               US Sales Office
                                                                                   S m i t h fi e l d ,N o rth Carolina USA
                                                  as Encountered in Coastal and            Phone: (919) 989-2205
                                                  Industrial Areas                           Fax: (919) 989-2200
  Solar Radiation                               360 BTU/h/ft2
  Shock and Vibration                           As Encountered During                 G e rm a ny Sales Office
                                                                                            P fo r z h e i m ,G e rmany
                                                  Shipping and Handling                 Tel. +49 (0) 7231-14557-0
                                                                                              Fax +49 (0) 7231-14557-10

  ©2001 Channel Master LLC                                                                     Printed in U.S.A.2/01 (17026) Rev.D

                                                                                                                    Exhibit C
                                              10 degrees from main beam                                           Page 1 of 3
                                     WORSE CASE DENSITY MAX EIRP DENSITY PER 4 Khz
                                       Based on 2 Mhz QPSK on Axis EIRP 31.0 dBw

   Co-pol Azimuth 2.4 Meter Channel Master 243                  X-pol Azimuth 2.4 Meter Channel Master 243
Antenna        EIRP          Mask          Mask             Antenna         EIRP          Mask          Mask
 Angle       dBw/4kHz      dBW/4kHz     Difference           Angle        dBw/4kHz     dBW/4kHz      Difference
     0.0           31.0                                       0.0            -6.4
     0.1           31.0                                       0.1           -11.5
     0.2           31.0                                       0.2            -9.8
     0.3           31.0                                       0.3            -4.8
     0.4           30.7                                       0.4            -1.6
     0.5           30.4                                       0.5            0.6
     0.6           30.0                                       0.6            2.2
     0.7           29.5                                       0.7            3.4
     0.8           28.9                                       0.8            4.2
     0.9           28.1                                       0.9            4.7
     1.0           27.3                                       1.0            5.0
     1.1           26.4                                       1.1            5.1
     1.2           25.4                                       1.2            5.0
     1.3           24.3                                       1.3            4.7
     1.4           23.1                                       1.4            4.2
     1.5           21.8         21.9           -0.1           1.5            3.5
     1.6           20.4         21.2           -0.8           1.6            2.6
     1.7           19.1         20.5           -1.4           1.7            1.5
     1.8           17.8         19.9           -2.1           1.8            0.1           9.9           -9.8
     1.9           16.3         19.3           -3.0           1.9            -1.7          9.3          -11.0
     2.0           14.8         18.8           -4.0           2.0            -3.8          8.8          -12.6
     2.1           13.4         18.2           -4.8           2.1            -6.4          8.2          -14.6
     2.2           11.9         17.7           -5.8           2.2            -9.4          7.7          -17.1
     2.3           10.4         17.3           -6.9           2.3           -12.3          7.3          -19.6
     2.4            8.8         16.8           -8.0           2.4           -12.8          6.8          -19.6
     2.5            7.1         16.4           -9.3           2.5           -11.4          6.4          -17.8
     2.6            5.1         15.9          -10.8           2.6            -9.8          5.9          -15.7
     2.7            3.0         15.5          -12.5           2.7            -8.6          5.5          -14.1
     2.8            0.7         15.1          -14.4           2.8            -8.0          5.1          -13.1
     2.9           -1.9         14.7          -16.6           2.9            -7.9          4.7          -12.6
     3.0           -4.7         14.4          -19.1           3.0            -8.1          4.4          -12.5
     3.1           -7.7         14.0          -21.7           3.1            -8.7          4.0          -12.7
     3.2          -10.8         13.7          -24.5           3.2            -9.6          3.7          -13.3
     3.3          -14.0         13.3          -27.3           3.3           -10.9          3.3          -14.2
     3.4          -18.0         13.0          -31.0           3.4           -12.8          3.0          -15.8
     3.5          -21.8         12.7          -34.5           3.5           -15.2          2.7          -17.9
     3.6          -18.9         12.4          -31.3           3.6           -18.4          2.4          -20.8
     3.7          -14.3         12.1          -26.4           3.7           -22.6          2.1          -24.7
     3.8          -10.8         11.8          -22.6           3.8           -27.9          1.8          -29.7
     3.9           -8.3         11.5          -19.8           3.9           -27.2          1.5          -28.7
     4.0           -6.5         11.2          -17.7           4.0           -23.0          1.2          -24.2
     4.1           -5.2         11.0          -16.2           4.1           -20.2          0.7          -20.9
     4.2           -4.2         10.7          -14.9           4.2           -18.4          0.5          -18.9
     4.3           -3.5         10.5          -14.0           4.3           -17.0          0.2          -17.2
     4.4           -3.1         10.2          -13.3           4.4           -16.0          0.0          -16.0

        4.5         -2.7   10.0   -12.7   4.5   -15.1    0.0   -15.1     Exhibit C
        4.6         -2.6    9.7   -12.3   4.6   -14.4   -0.3   -14.1   Page 2 of 3
        4.7         -2.5    9.5   -12.0   4.7   -13.7   -0.5   -13.2
        4.8         -2.5    9.3   -11.8   4.8   -12.9   -0.7   -12.2
        4.9         -2.6    9.0   -11.6   4.9   -12.1   -1.0   -11.1
        5.0         -2.8    8.8   -11.6   5.0   -12.5   -1.2   -11.3
        5.1         -3.3    8.6   -11.9   5.1   -10.9   -1.4    -9.5
        5.2         -3.9    8.4   -12.3   5.2   -10.2   -1.6    -8.6
        5.3         -4.7    8.2   -12.9   5.3    -9.5   -1.8    -7.7
        5.4         -5.9    8.0   -13.9   5.4    -9.0   -2.0    -7.0
        5.5         -7.5    7.8   -15.3   5.5    -8.5   -2.2    -6.3
        5.6         -9.3    7.6   -16.9   5.6    -8.0   -2.4    -5.6
        5.7        -10.8    7.4   -18.2   5.7    -7.6   -2.6    -5.0
        5.8        -11.6    7.2   -18.8   5.8    -7.2   -2.8    -4.4
        5.9        -10.9    7.0   -17.9   5.9    -7.0   -3.0    -4.0
        6.0         -9.6    6.8   -16.4   6.0    -6.8   -3.2    -3.6
        6.1         -8.3    6.7   -15.0   6.1    -6.8   -3.3    -3.5
        6.2         -7.2    6.5   -13.7   6.2    -6.9   -3.5    -3.4
        6.3         -6.5    6.3   -12.8   6.3    -7.1   -3.7    -3.4
        6.4         -6.2    6.1   -12.3   6.4    -7.3   -3.9    -3.4
        6.5         -6.2    6.0   -12.2   6.5    -7.6   -4.0    -3.6
        6.6         -6.5    5.8   -12.3   6.6    -8.0   -4.2    -3.8
        6.7         -7.0    5.6   -12.6   6.7    -8.3   -4.4    -3.9
        6.8         -7.7    5.5   -13.2   6.8    -8.5   -4.5    -4.0
        6.9         -8.5    5.3   -13.8   6.9    -8.6   -4.7    -3.9
        7.0         -9.5    5.3   -14.8   7.0    -8.5   -4.7    -3.8
        7.1        -10.6    5.3   -15.9   7.1    -8.3   -4.7    -3.6
        7.2        -11.8    5.3   -17.1   7.2    -8.1   -4.7    -3.4
        7.3        -13.2    5.3   -18.5   7.3    -7.9   -4.7    -3.2
        7.4        -15.4    5.3   -20.7   7.4    -7.6   -4.7    -2.9
        7.5        -19.2    5.3   -24.5   7.5    -7.3   -4.7    -2.6
        7.6        -25.2    5.3   -30.5   7.6    -7.3   -4.7    -2.6
        7.7        -21.6    5.3   -26.9   7.7    -7.3   -4.7    -2.6
        7.8        -15.9    5.3   -21.2   7.8    -7.2   -4.7    -2.5
        7.9         -9.6    5.3   -14.9   7.9    -7.3   -4.7    -2.6
        8.0         -6.5    5.3   -11.8   8.0    -7.4   -4.7    -2.7
        8.1         -4.3    5.3    -9.6   8.1    -7.5   -4.7    -2.8
        8.2         -2.4    5.3    -7.7   8.2    -7.7   -4.7    -3.0
        8.3         -0.9    5.3    -6.2   8.3    -7.9   -4.7    -3.2
        8.4          0.1    5.3    -5.2   8.4    -8.0   -4.7    -3.3
        8.5          0.9    5.3    -4.4   8.5    -8.2   -4.7    -3.5
        8.6          1.5    5.3    -3.8   8.6    -8.5   -4.7    -3.8
        8.7          1.9    5.3    -3.4   8.7    -8.8   -4.7    -4.1
        8.8          2.0    5.3    -3.3   8.8    -9.1   -4.7    -4.4
        8.9          2.0    5.3    -3.3   8.9    -9.4   -4.7    -4.7
        9.0          1.8    5.3    -3.5   9.0    -9.7   -4.7    -5.0
        9.1          1.3    5.3    -4.0   9.1   -10.0   -4.7    -5.3
        9.2          0.8    5.2    -4.4   9.2   -10.2   -4.7    -5.5
        9.3          0.0    5.1    -5.1   9.3   -10.3   -4.7    -5.6
        9.4         -1.0    5.0    -6.0   9.4   -10.4   -4.7    -5.7
        9.5         -2.1    4.9    -7.0   9.5   -10.2   -4.7    -5.5
        9.6         -3.3    4.7    -8.0   9.6   -10.1   -4.7    -5.4
        9.7         -4.8    4.6    -9.4   9.7    -9.9   -4.7    -5.2
        9.8         -6.3    4.5   -10.8   9.8    -9.7   -4.7    -5.0

        9.9        -7.9   4.4           -12.3             9.9           -9.5          -4.7   -4.8     Exhibit C
       10.0        -9.4   4.3           -13.7             10.0          -9.4          -4.7   -4.7   Page 3 of 3

                                As shown below all Required Mask are below FCC requirement

                                                    X-pol patterns


Document Created: 2013-03-19 13:16:51
Document Modified: 2013-03-19 13:16:51

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