Attachment radiation-hazard-2 4

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20121011-00916 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                   RADIATION HAZARD STUDY
             Washington State University (WSU)

WSU has evaluated the radio frequency environment in and
around the proposed earth station and found it to be safe
for continuous exposure of operating personnel and the
general public.
Only the internal antenna structure, specifically the area
between the feedhorn and the dish, shows a radio frequency
environment that is considered excessive for continuous
exposure of personnel.
This area is sufficiently high above ground level that it
cannot accidentally be entered without the aid of
mechanical equipment.
The supporting calculations that are submitted as part of
this study show that the proposed earth station is
environmentally safe, not only based on the criteria
published in the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA),
but also in the light of recent recommendations for
stricter control of radio frequency radiation.

1.0 Station Parameters
Antenna Diameter (D) = 2.4 M
Operating Wavelength (λ) = .021 M
Antenna Gain (G) = 48.9 dBi
Transmitter RF Power (P) = 100.0 W (max)

2.0 Summary of Results
RF Power Density - Centerline of Near Field = 4.55 mw/cm²
RF Power Density - Far Field = 1.93 mw/cm²
*RF Power Density - Edge of Near Field = 0.05 mw/cm²
*RF Power Density - Behind Antenna = 0.017 mw/cm²
* The density levels denoted by an asterisk are
representative of the maximum radiation environment in or
around the proposed earth station to which the general
public may be exposed.

3.0 Near Field Evaluation
The earth station antenna that will be employed for this
service is designed to focus nearly all of the radiated
radio frequency energy into a cylindrical beam with a
diameter only slightly larger than that of the antenna
dish. Any intrusion into this beam would impair the
performance of this earth station. This broadcaster has,
therefore, selected a site location for the antenna that
will insure that the beam of principle radio frequency

radiation is clear of any obstructions, buildings, etc. and
cannot accidentally be entered by the general public.
3.1 The near field cylindrical projection extends to a
(d) that is defined by the following relationship:
d(nf)= D²/4λ
d(ff)= .6D²/λ
For the proposed antenna, the near field extends,
therefore,to a distance of: 68.40 meters
And the far field extends, therefore, to a distance of:
164.16 meters

3.2 The maximum radio frequency power density within this
near field cylinder is a function of the antenna diameter
and transmitter power as follows:
W(nf) = 9.6P/πD²
For the proposed earth station, the maximum power density
in the near field was computed not to exceed: 4.55 mw/cm²

3.3 At the edge of the near field cylindrical beam, 0.7
antenna diameter removed from its center, the power density
is attenuated at least 20 dB to 1/100th of the maximum near
field power. The power along the outside edge of the beam
will, therefore, not exceed: 0.046 mw/cm²

4.0 Far Field Evaluation
Beyond the near field region, the cylindrical beam begins
to spread gradually into a slightly tapered cone in
accordance with the published radiation pattern for the
proposed antenna. The specified antenna gain is realized
and the radiated power density decreases proportionally to
the inverse square of distance from the antenna.

4.1 For the purpose of determining the maximum power
density within the far field, this broadcaster has
conservatively assumed that the full antenna gain is
already realized at the limit of the near field cylindrical
region. The radio frequency power density in the far field
region is given by: W(ff) = PG/4πd²
For the proposed earth station, the maximum radiated power
at the point of transition between the near field and far
field regions was computed not to exceed: 1.93 mw/cm²

5.0 Off-Axis Evaluation
The proposed antenna meets or exceeds the performance
specifications under part #25 of the FCC rules. The off-
axis gain of this antenna is, therefore, - 10dBi or less in

any direction more than 48° removed from the centerline of
the main beam.
5.1 The off-axis power density may be conservatively
evaluated using the far field method of computation:
W (OA) = 0.1P/4πd²
Assuming a distance of 2 meters from the antenna, the
density was calculated to be: 0.017 mw/cm²

6.0 Summary
6.1 The computed values for near field projection distance,
RF power density at the centerline, RF power density in the
far field, RF power density at the edge of the near field,
and RF power density behind the antenna are furnished by
the systems vendor.
6.2 Radiation calculations verify that the actual levels,
which are accessible to the general public given the system
design, do not exceed the OSHA maximum of 5mw/cm² with-in
the off-axis access areas of the system.
6.3 Additionally, WSU has fenced off the area surrounding
the antenna and has placarded the perimeter fencing with RF
radiation hazards signs to alert the general public and
maintenance personnel.

Document Created: 2012-10-11 16:35:59
Document Modified: 2012-10-11 16:35:59

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