Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20120925-00848 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                               Exhibit B

                                     Radiation Hazard Analysis

Per the instructions in the Environmental Policy section of FCC Form 312, a Radiation Hazard Analysis
performed in accordance with The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin No. 65 (August
1997) is attached.

                                                                   Exhibit B - Radiation Hazard Study

                                                      ANALYSIS OF NON‐IONIZING RADIATION
                                           FOR VARIOUS ANTENNAS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 0.95M TO 3.60M
                                                             Completed 08/20/2012

This report analyzes the non‐ionizing radiation levels for various Ku‐band earth station antennas ranging in size from 0.95m to 3.6m. The analysis
and calculations performed in this report comply with the methods described in the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65
entitled "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields" ‐ first published in 1985 and
revised in 1997 in Edition 97‐01. Bulletin No. 65 specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure limits that are dependant on the situation
in which the exposure takes place and/or the status of teh individuals who are subject to the exposure. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
limits for persons in a General Population/Uncontrolled Environment are shown in Table 1, below. The General Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a
function of the transmit frequency and is for an exposure period of thirty (30) minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in an
Occupational/Controlled environment are shown in Table 2, below. The Occupational/Controlled MPE is a function of the transmit frequency and
is for an exposure period of six (6) minutes or less. The purpose of the analysis described in this report is to determine the power flux density levels
of the earth station ni the far‐field, near‐field, transition region, between the subreflector or feed and the main reflector surface, and at the main
reflector surface and to compare these levels to the specified MPE limits.

The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 3 on the last page of this analysis.

                                                Table 1. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)
                                                 Frequency Range (MHz)                                  Power Density(mW/cm2)
                                                        30‐300                                                    0.2
                                                       300‐1500                                          Frequency (MHz)/1500
                                                     1500‐100,000                                                1.0

                                                     Table 2. Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE)
                                                 Frequency Range (MHz)                                  Power Density(mW/cm2)
                                                        30‐300                                                   1.0
                                                       300‐1500                                          Frequency (MHz)/300
                                                     1500‐100,000                                                5.0

The following parameters were used to calculate the various power flux densities for this earth station:

           Location:                                  Various locations within Alaska, Hawaii and CONUS.
           Latitude:                                      Various °N
           Longitude:                                     Various °W
           Operating Frequency:                             14250 MHz
           Wavelength (λ)                                0.02104 meters
           Antenna Diameter (D):                          0.95         1.00        1.20         1.25      1.80             2.40        3.60       meters
           Antenna Area (A):                              0.71         0.79         1.13        1.23      2.54             4.52       10.18       meters²
           Transmit Antenna Gain:                         41.2         42.0         43.5        43.4      46.8             49.3        52.3       dBi
           Transmit Antenna Gain (G):                  13182.6       15848.9     22387.2      21877.6    47863.0          85113.8    169824.4     numeric
           Maximum 5° Off Axis Gain:                      11.5         11.5         11.5        11.5      11.5             11.5        11.5       dBi
           Maximum 5° Off Axis Gain (G5°):                14.2         14.2         14.2        14.2      14.2             14.2        14.2       numeric
           Antenna Efficiency (ƞ):                       0.655        0.711        0.697       0.628      0.662            0.663      0.588       numeric
           Feed Power (P):                                 40           40           40          40        40               40          40        Watts

1. Antenna/Main Reflector Surface Calculation
The power density in the main reflector region can be estimated by
                                                                                              Antenna Diameter
                                                            0.95        1.00          1.20          1.25       1.80         2.40       3.60       meters
  Power Density at Reflector Surface,        Ssurface = 4P/A
                                             Ssurface = 225.73        203.72         141.47        130.38      62.88       35.37       15.72      W/m²
                                             Ssurface =    22.57      20.37          14.15         13.04       6.29        3.54        1.57       mW/cm²
   Ssurface = maximum power density at antenna surface
         P = power fed to the antenna
         A = physical area of the antenna
2. Near Field Calculations
In the near field region, of the main beam, the power density can reach a maximum before it begins to decrease with distance
The magnitude of the on axis (main beam) power density varies according to location in the near‐field
The distance to the end of the near field can be determined by the following equation:
                                                                                              Antenna Diameter
                                                          0.95          1.00          1.20          1.25       1.80         2.40       3.60       meters
                  Extent of Near Field,         Rnf = D²/4(λ)
                                                Rnf =    10.72         11.88         17.11          18.57      38.50       68.45      154.01      meters
      Rnf = extent of near field

                                                                                                                                               Exhibit B Page 1 of 4

                                                                           Exhibit B - Radiation Hazard Study

        D = maximum dimension of antenna (diameter if circular)
        λ = wavelength
The maximum near‐field, on‐axis, power density is determined by:
                                                                                                      Antenna Diameter
                                                              0.95              1.00          1.20          1.25       1.80     2.40     3.60      meters
    On Axis Near Field Power Density,                Snf = 16ƞP/πD²
                                                     Snf = 147.86              144.79        98.63          81.87     41.65    23.44     9.24      W/m²
                                                     Snf =   14.79             14.48         9.86           8.19      4.17     2.34      0.92      mW/cm²
The maximum near‐field, 5° off‐axis, power density is determined by:
                                                                                                      Antenna Diameter
                                                               0.95             1.00          1.20          1.25       1.80     2.40     3.60
                Power Density at 5° Off Axis       Snf 5°= (Snf/G)*G5°
                                                   Snf 5°= 0.0159              0.0130        0.0063        0.0053     0.0012   0.0004   0.0001     mW/cm²
       Snf=     maximum near‐field power density
     Snf 5° =   maximum near‐field power density (5° off axis)
         ƞ=     aperture efficiency
         P=     power fed to antenna
        D=      maximum dimension of antenna (diameter if circular)

3. Far Field Calculations

The power density in the far‐field region decreases inversely with the square of the distance

The distance to the beginning of the far field region can be found by the following equation:

                                                                                                      Antenna Diameter
                                                               0.95             1.00          1.20          1.25       1.80     2.40     3.60      meters
      Distance to the Far Field Region,              Rff = 0.6D²/λ
                                                     Rff =    25.74            28.52         41.07          44.56     92.40    164.27   369.62     meters

       Rff = distance to beginning of far field
        D = maximum dimension of antenna (diameter if circular)
        λ = wavelength

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be calculated as follows:
                                                                                                      Antenna Diameter
                                                                0.95        1.00              1.20          1.25       1.80     2.40     3.60      meters
On‐Axis Power Density in the Far Field,              Sff = (P)(G)/4π(Rff)
                                                     Sff =     63.34       62.02             42.25          35.07     17.84    10.04     3.96      W/m²
                                                     Sff =     6.33        6.20              4.23           3.51      1.78     1.00      0.40      mW/cm²
The maximum far‐field, 5° off‐axis, power density is determined by:
                                                                                                      Antenna Diameter
                                                                0.95            1.00          1.20          1.25       1.80     2.40     3.60      meters
            Power Density at 5° Off Axis            Sff 5°= (Sff/G)*G5°
                                                    Sff 5°= 0.0068             0.0056        0.0027        0.0023     0.0005   0.0002   0.0000     mW/cm²
       Sff=     power density (on axis)
     Sff 5°=    power density (5° off axis)
         P=     power fed to antenna
         G=     power gain of antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiato
      Rff =     distance to beginning of far field

4. Transition Region Calculations

The transition region is located between the near and far field regions. The power density decreases inversely with distance in the transition region,
while the power density decreases inversely with the square of the distance in the far‐field region. The maximum power density in the transition region
will not exceed that calculated for the near‐field region. The power density in the near field region, as shown above will not exceed:

                                                                                                      Antenna Diameter
                                                                   0.95         1.00          1.20          1.25       1.80     2.40     3.60      meters
                                                       St=    (Snf*Rnf)/R
                                                    St 5° =   (Snf 5°*Rnf)/R
                                                       St=        14.79         14.48         9.86          8.19       4.17     2.34     0.92      mW/cm²
                                                    St 5° =      0.0159        0.0130        0.0063        0.0053     0.0012   0.0004   0.0001     mW/cm²

                                                                                                                                                Exhibit B Page 2 of 4

                                                              Exhibit B - Radiation Hazard Study

                                                                       Table 3
                                                     Summary of Expected Radiation Levels
                                      Calculated Maximum                     Distance to           Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE
Region                              Radiation Level (mW/cm²                  Region (m)            Occupational       General Population
0.95m Earth Station Antenna
 1. Antenna Surface                     Ssurface=    22.57                                         Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 2. Near Field                               Snf=    14.79                       10.7              Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 3. Far Field                                Sff=    6.33                        25.7              Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 4. Transition Region                         St=    14.79                                         Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 5. Near Field 5° Off Axis                Snf 5°=    0.0159                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 6. Far Field 5° Off Axis                 Sff 5°=    0.01                                           Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 7. Transition Region 5° Off Axis          St 5° =   0.0159                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
1.0m Earth Station Antenna
 1. Antenna Surface                     Ssurface=    20.37                                         Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 2. Near Field                               Snf=    14.48                       11.9              Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 3. Far Field                                Sff=    6.20                        28.5              Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 4. Transition Region                         St=    14.48                                         Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 5. Near Field 5° Off Axis                Snf 5°=    0.0130                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 6. Far Field 5° Off Axis                 Sff 5°=    0.01                                           Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 7. Transition Region 5° Off Axis          St 5° =   0.0130                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
1.2m Earth Station Antenna
 1. Antenna Surface                     Ssurface=    14.15                                         Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 2. Near Field                               Snf=    9.86                        17.1              Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 3. Far Field                                Sff=    4.23                        41.1               Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 4. Transition Region                         St=    9.86                                          Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 5. Near Field 5° Off Axis                Snf 5°=    0.0063                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 6. Far Field 5° Off Axis                 Sff 5°=    0.00                                           Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 7. Transition Region 5° Off Axis          St 5° =   0.0063                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
1.25m Earth Station Antenna
 1. Antenna Surface                     Ssurface=    13.04                                         Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 2. Near Field                               Snf=    8.19                        18.6              Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 3. Far Field                                Sff=    3.51                        44.6               Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 4. Transition Region                         St=    8.19                                          Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 5. Near Field 5° Off Axis                Snf 5°=    0.0053                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 6. Far Field 5° Off Axis                 Sff 5°=    0.00                                           Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 7. Transition Region 5° Off Axis          St 5° =   0.0053                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
1.80m Earth Station Antenna
 1. Antenna Surface                     Ssurface=    6.29                                          Potential Hazard     Potential Hazard
 2. Near Field                               Snf=    4.17                        38.5               Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 3. Far Field                                Sff=    1.78                        92.4               Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 4. Transition Region                         St=    4.17                                           Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 5. Near Field 5° Off Axis                Snf 5°=    0.0012                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 6. Far Field 5° Off Axis                 Sff 5°=    0.00                                           Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 7. Transition Region 5° Off Axis          St 5° =   0.0012                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
2.40m Earth Station Antenna
 1. Antenna Surface                     Ssurface=    3.54                                           Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 2. Near Field                               Snf=    2.34                         68.4              Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 3. Far Field                                Sff=    1.00                        164.3              Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 4. Transition Region                         St=    2.34                                           Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 5. Near Field 5° Off Axis                Snf 5°=    0.0004                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 6. Far Field 5° Off Axis                 Sff 5°=    0.00                                           Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 7. Transition Region 5° Off Axis          St 5° =   0.0004                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
3.60m Earth Station Antenna
 1. Antenna Surface                     Ssurface=    1.57                                           Satisfies MPE       Potential Hazard
 2. Near Field                               Snf=    0.92                        154.0              Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 3. Far Field                                Sff=    0.40                        369.6              Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 4. Transition Region                         St=    0.92                                           Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 5. Near Field 5° Off Axis                Snf 5°=    0.0001                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 6. Far Field 5° Off Axis                 Sff 5°=    0.00                                           Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE
 7. Transition Region 5° Off Axis          St 5° =   0.0001                                         Satisfies MPE        Satisfies MPE

                                                                                                                                   Exhibit B Page 3 of 4

                                                                 Exhibit B - Radiation Hazard Study

7. Conclusions
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the OET/FCC Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields guidelines for Maximum Permissible Exposure
(MPE) have been exceeded in the region(s) specified in Table 3. However, it should be noted that General Population/Uncontrolled MPE limit is always
satisifed at angles 5° off of boresite or greater. As this earth station antenna will never be operated with an elevation angle of less than the minimum
specified in 47 C.F.R. Ch. 1 §25.205 (namely 5°), then the MPE associated with the General Population/Uncontrolled limits will always be satisied. GCI will
post appropriate RF Radiation Hazard placards and other signage in the areas near these antennas and will restrict access to the antenna by means of
fencing or other appropriate devices. Finally, access to the antenna surface, as well as the region between the feedhorn and the antenna surface will be
restricted to qualified personnel and the transmitter will be disabled during maintenance activities in these areas to protect personnel from exposure.

                                                                 Andrew F. Rzeszut (8‐20‐2012)
                                                                 Senior Staff Engineer
                                                                 GCI Communication Corp.

                                                                                                                                           Exhibit B Page 4 of 4

Document Created: 2012-08-20 13:57:19
Document Modified: 2012-08-20 13:57:19

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