Attachment HDNetSprinter01RadB.

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20120917-00825 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


           Exhibit A                 Page 1 of 4

     Radiation Hazard Study

Site: Temporary Fixed (Sprinter01)
Applicant: HDNet, LLC
Date: Tue Aug 28th 2012

                 Exhibit A                   Page 2 of 4
                        Radiation Hazard Study

                                             Radiation Levels                Hazard Assessment
     Far Field Rf = 92.6 meters                    8.490                       Potential Hazard
    Near Field Rn = 38.6 meters                     1.89                   Complies with Guidelines
      Transisitional Region Rt                     < 1.89                  Complies with Guidelines
         Reflector Surface                         7.859                       Potential Hazard
   Between Antenna and Ground                      .0786                   Complies with Guidelines
 Between Main Reflector and Feed                   4386                        Potential Hazard

Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that harmful levels of radiation will not exist in regions
normally occupied by the public or the station's operating personal. The Earth Station and on the
antenna itself, will be marked with the standard radiation hazard warnings warning personal to avoid
the area in front of the reflector when the transmitter is operational. To ensure compliance with the
safety limits, the earth station's transmitter will be turned off whenever maintenance and repair personal
are required to work in the area where the radiation level exceeds or could exceed the recommended
guidelines. Additionally, the earth station will be secured and it's access will be controlled.

                              Exhibit A               Page 3 of 4
                                  Supporting Calculations
                                   Ref: FCC Bulletin #65
A: Far Field

        0.6D2 0.6x 1.82
 Rf =        =            =93 meters
               0.021
         ant gaindb         46.6
 G=10        10
                      =10    10
                                   =4.57x10 4
     PG      200x4.57x10           2
 S=      2
           =           2
                         =84.9W /m
    4 R        4  93
 S=8.49W / cm

B: Near Field
        D2    1.82
 Rf =      =           =38.6 meters
        4  4 x0.021

      16 nP 16 .6200           2
 S=        2
             =         2
                           =188.6W /m
      D       1.8

 S=1.89mW /cm2

C: Transitional Region
Since the transitional extends between Rn and Rf, the power density can never exceed the power density
of the near field

      S nf  Rnf 

D: Reflector Surface
With even distribution of energy over the surface of the dish,

       P     200x10
 S=      2
           =        2 2
                        =7.8595 mW /cm2
       r  .9 x10 

              Exhibit A                                                    Page 4 of 4

E: Beween Antenna and Ground
The nearest point is more then 1 times diameter removed from the center of the main beam

     S reflector Surface
S=                         = .0786/cm2

F: Between Main Reflector and Feed
The diameter of the feed aperture is 7.62cm. The highest density will be at the aperture

      P        200x103
S=      2 =               = 4386mw/cm2
     r         3.18 2

Document Created: 2019-04-20 05:00:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 05:00:36

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