Attachment RFR Hazard Study

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20120522-00456 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   RADIO FREQUENCY EXPOSURE ANALYSIS
                                              SCRIPPS MEDIA, INC
                                               KANSAS CITY, MO


            Scripps Media, Inc. (Scripps) recently acquired a new transportable Ku‐Band satellite
uplink truck. The uplink transmit antenna is located on the vehicle roof and will be operated at
various locations throughout the United States. As a part of its application to the FCC for licensure
of the unit, a study was completed, in accordance with the FCC guidelines of OET‐65, to evaluate
the potential for human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.

RFR Analysis

            The FCC guidelines for evaluating exposure to RF emissions incorporate limits for
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) for transmitters operating at frequencies between
300 kHz and 100 GHz.              The guidelines incorporate two separate tiers of exposure limits:
Controlled (occupational) and Uncontrolled (general population). The assumption for comparing
calculated exposure levels to the MPE for either tier is dependent on the situation in which the
exposure is likely to take place and/or the status of the individuals that are subject to exposure.
Controlled areas are those in which:

                  1. the area is identified with appropriate warning signage,
                  2. access to the area is controlled by its owner or agent,


CORPORATE OFFICE                                                                 REGIONAL OFFICE
1475 NORTH 200 WEST                                                                    1172 S. M-13
POST OFFICE BOX 311                                                               Lennon, MI 48449
NEPHI, UT 84648                                                                 TEL: (810) 621-5656

TEL: (435) 623-8601                                                             FAX: (810) 621-4146
FAX: (435) 623-8610

                  3. persons entering such areas are aware of the presence of radio frequency
                     radiation (RFR) and have been instructed on the hazards and mitigation
                     methods and
                  4. there is an assumption that persons entering controlled areas will be
                     exposed to the RFR for a limited time period.

            Uncontrolled areas are those in which access is not controlled and/or those in which the
persons entering are not aware of the presence of significant levels of RFR. In this case, the
satellite uplink truck will operate on frequencies in the Ku Band (above 1500 GHz) and the limits
for maximum permissible RFR exposure in each area for the frequencies of operation are as
follows (as specified in OET 65):

                                                     Power          Averaging
                                                    Density           Time
                                                   (mW/cm2)         (minutes)
                                   Controlled:        5.0               6
                                   Uncontrolled:      1.0              30

            The RFR analysis is based on the following data provided by the applicant and equipment

                          Parameter                         Symbol   Value         Units
                          Center Frequency:                   F      14.25         GHz
                          Wavelength at Center Frequency:     λ    0.021053         m
                          Transmit Power:                     P       100           W
                          Antenna Diameter:                   D        1.2          m
                          Antenna Gain:                       Ges      43           dBi
                          Antenna Gain (Factor):              G    19952.62
                          Antenna Efficiency:                 η     0.62223
                          Antenna Surface Area:               A        1.13          m2
                          Feed Flange Diameter:               Dfa       8.1          cm
                          Area of Feed Flange:                Afa      51.53        cm2


CORPORATE OFFICE                                                                 REGIONAL OFFICE
1475 NORTH 200 WEST                                                                    1172 S. M-13
POST OFFICE BOX 311                                                               Lennon, MI 48449
NEPHI, UT 84648                                                                 TEL: (810) 621-5656

TEL: (435) 623-8601                                                             FAX: (810) 621-4146
FAX: (435) 623-8610

            The study was conducted under the procedures and guidelines provided in OET‐65 for
Aperture Antennas and follows the format presented therein for calculating power flux density
levels of the earth station at the main reflector surface, in the near‐field, far‐field, transition region,
between the feed assembly and main reflector surface, and between the antenna edge and the
ground. All of these values are then compared to the MPE limits, listed above, for controlled and
uncontrolled areas.

Main Reflector (Antenna) Surface

Power density at the antenna surface (Ssurface):

                           4      4 100
                                                 353.68   /         35.368           /

Near‐Field Region

Distance to the limit of the near‐field (Rnf):

                      4        4 0.021053

Maximum value of the near‐field, on–axis, power density (Snf):

                      16        16 0.62223 100
                                                          220.07     /         22.007                /


CORPORATE OFFICE                                                                REGIONAL OFFICE
1475 NORTH 200 WEST                                                                   1172 S. M-13
POST OFFICE BOX 311                                                              Lennon, MI 48449
NEPHI, UT 84648                                                                TEL: (810) 621-5656

TEL: (435) 623-8601                                                            FAX: (810) 621-4146
FAX: (435) 623-8610

Far‐Field Region

Distance to the beginning of the far‐field region (Rff):

                      0.6    0.6 1.2

Maximum main beam power density (Sff):

                             100   19952.62
                                                      94.27    /        9.427              /
                      4        4 41.04

Transition Region

            The transition region is between the end of near‐field region (Rnf = 17.1m) and the

beginning of the far‐field region (Rff = 41.04m). The power density in the transition region
decreases linearly with an increase in distance; therefore, the maximum power density in the
transition (Str) region will not exceed the power density calculated for the near‐field region.

                            220.07    /      17.1
                                                           220.07   /          22.007             /


CORPORATE OFFICE                                                            REGIONAL OFFICE
1475 NORTH 200 WEST                                                               1172 S. M-13
POST OFFICE BOX 311                                                          Lennon, MI 48449
NEPHI, UT 84648                                                            TEL: (810) 621-5656

TEL: (435) 623-8601                                                         FAX: (810) 621-4146
FAX: (435) 623-8610

Region Between Feed Assembly (Sub‐Reflector) and Main Reflector

Maximum power density at the antenna feed‐flange (Sfeed):

                          4000     4000 100
                                                       7762.47         /
                            2             2

Region Between Main Reflector and Ground

Maximum power density between the main reflector and ground (Sground):

                                              88.42     /         8.842         /

            The table below provides a summary of the above calculations:

                                                                  Maximum Power
     Region                                           Symbol        (mW/cm2)                    Assessment
     Main Reflector Surface                            Ssurface       35.368                Potential Hazard
     Near‐Field                                        Snf            22.007                Potential Hazard
     Far‐Field                                         Sff            9.427                 Potential Hazard
     Transition                                        Str            22.007                Potential Hazard
     Between Feed Assembly and Main Reflector          Sfeed         7762.472               Potential Hazard
     Between Main Reflector and Ground                 Sground        8.842                 Potential Hazard


CORPORATE OFFICE                                                                 REGIONAL OFFICE
1475 NORTH 200 WEST                                                                    1172 S. M-13
POST OFFICE BOX 311                                                               Lennon, MI 48449
NEPHI, UT 84648                                                                 TEL: (810) 621-5656

TEL: (435) 623-8601                                                                 FAX: (810) 621-4146
FAX: (435) 623-8610


            The uplink antenna will have a center of radiation 4.4 meters above ground when erected
above the truck in an operational mode. OET‐65 stipulates that, at a distance of one diameter
(D=1.2m) from the edge of the cylinder formed by the “face” of the circular antenna, the field will
be reduced by a factor of 100 (20 dB). Thus, at a distance of 1.2m from the lower edge of the
antenna (2.4m from the antenna centerline and approximately 2m above ground level) the field
can be expected to be 2.20 W/m2 or 0.220 mW/cm2 based on the above calculation of the near
field maximum value.


            When in operation, the licensee shall establish an area around the truck extending at least
2 meters (horizontally) using access restricting devices to define the perimeter (rope cordon and
appropriate signage) to restrict public access. In addition, operating personnel will monitor the
area to prevent unauthorized access. As shown above, at distances greater than one diameter
removed from the main beam, the calculated power density is less than the MPE limit for
uncontrolled areas.

            Access within the area around and on‐top of the truck will be limited to authorized persons
eligible to be considered under the occupational exposure MPE. These persons will be trained as
to the extent of potential for RFR exposure in excess of the limits and the areas where this
condition might occur will be defined. Mitigation will include mandatory shut‐down for antenna
maintenance or adjustment.

            The licensee will conduct measurements with appropriate equipment to verify the
conclusions drawn from the calculations herein and shall make a permanent record of that data.


CORPORATE OFFICE                                                              REGIONAL OFFICE
1475 NORTH 200 WEST                                                                 1172 S. M-13
POST OFFICE BOX 311                                                            Lennon, MI 48449
NEPHI, UT 84648                                                              TEL: (810) 621-5656

TEL: (435) 623-8601                                                          FAX: (810) 621-4146
FAX: (435) 623-8610

Should measured data indicate fields in excess of the values calculated herein, appropriate
adjustments will be made in establishing the area in which public access will be limited.


            Based on the above analyses, it is concluded that the subject transportable earth station
can be operated in accordance with the exposure limits established in Section 1.1310 of the
Commission’s Rules and Regulations as detailed in OET‐65 provided that the specified
precautionary measures to protect members of the public and workers are adhered‐to.


            I hereby certify that the foregoing report or statement was prepared by me but may include
work performed by others under my supervision or direction. The statements of fact contained
therein are believed to be true and correct based on personal knowledge, information and belief
unless otherwise stated; with respect to facts not known of my own personal knowledge, I believe
them to be true and correct based on their origin from sources known to me to be generally
reliable and accurate. I have prepared this document with due care and in accordance with
applicable standards of professional practice.

                                                                Benjamin L. Pidek, P.E.
                                                                May 17, 2012


CORPORATE OFFICE                                                              REGIONAL OFFICE
1475 NORTH 200 WEST                                                                 1172 S. M-13
POST OFFICE BOX 311                                                            Lennon, MI 48449
NEPHI, UT 84648                                                              TEL: (810) 621-5656

TEL: (435) 623-8601                                                          FAX: (810) 621-4146
FAX: (435) 623-8610

Document Created: 2012-05-17 11:32:07
Document Modified: 2012-05-17 11:32:07

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