Attachment ViaSat 8060

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20120127-00098 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


This attachment contains the following items:

Viasat 8060 Specifications            Pages 2 and 3
Viasat 8060 Plots                     Pages 4 through 11
Viasat 8060 Radiation Hazard Study    Page 12 through 15
Viasat 8060 Frequency Coordination    Page 16 through 25

                                                       Model 8060 Earth Station Antenna                                               6.1 Meter

                                                                    HIGH-PERFORMANCE VIDEO, VOICE, AND DATA   :   C-BAND   :   EXTENDED C-BAND   :    Ku-BAND

                                                 Model 8060 6.1 Meter Earth Station Antenna
                                                 Model 8060 is a 6.1 meter earth station antenna that provides
                                                 superior performance through the use of precision stretch-
                                                 formed reflector panels and a dual-shaped Cassegrain feed.
                                                 Corrugated conical feed horns ensure excellent antenna gain
                                                 and sidelobe performance. Sixteen high-strength aluminum
                                                 panels are durable enough to withstand a range of environ-
                                                 mental conditions. Antenna panels mount to radial trusses
                                                 attached to a central hub.

                                                 The hub also provides a protective enclosure for sensitive
                                                 electronics. The high-strength structural steel tripod mount
                                                 employs an elevation-over-azimuth geometry for easy pointing
                                                 to any satellite within the visible orbital arc. The mount’s stiff,
                                                 rugged construction provides pointing accuracy for continu-
                                                 ous operation, even under adverse wind conditions.

   Model 8060 At-A-Glance                        Model 8060 includes a galvanized structural steel tripod mount
                                                 with a continuous 115° of motorized azimuth coverage in three
• Compliant with FCC, ASIASAT, INTELSAT,         overlapping sectors. An optional TORQUETUBE™ configura-
   EUTELSAT ITU and more                         tion adds continuous 180° motorized azimuth coverage.
• Meets INTELSAT Standard F-2 and
   E-3 requirements                              Options
                                                 • 180° continuous azimuth
• High-efficiency shaped Cassegrain optics
                                                 • Multiband feeds
• Use with C-, Extended C-, or Ku-band           • Cross-axis transmit waveguide (2 kW C-band, 700 W
   systems (optional combined feed —               Ku-band)
                                                 • Waveguide loads
• Add our 8860/8861A/8862 Antenna                • Crossguide couplers
   Controller with patented AdaptTrack for       • Hub cover
   accurate tracking
                                                 • Hub heater
• Minimal satellite repointing time with high-   • Lightning protection
   speed motorized option                        • De-icing
• Protected environment for LNAs/LNBs in

• CE compliant

                                                                                          Model 8060 Earth Station Antenna                           6.1 Meter

                                                                                                                                                      Model 8060 Earth Station Antenna                                                         6.1 Meter


ELECTRICAL                                                                                      MECHANICAL
                       C-band                                                     Ku-band       Antenna Diameter: 6.15 meters (242 inches)
Operating Frequency (GHz):                                                                      Antenna Type: shaped dual reflector
  Transmit          5.850 – 6.425                                                 14.0 – 14.5   Reflector Construction: 16 precision stretch formed steel
  Receive            3.625 – 4.2                                                 10.95 –12.75     panels on galvanized steel hub and truss structure
Gain (Midband, Ref. Feed Horn):                                                                 Mount Type: elevation-over-azimuth
  Transmit            49.8 dBi3                                                    57.3 dBi4    Antenna Travel:
  Receive             46.0 dBi1                                                    56.1 dBi2      Elevation: 0° to 90° continuous5
Feed Insertion Loss (dB):                                                                         Azimuth: 225° in 3 overlapping 120° sectors
DP – 2-Port RX/RX Linear:                                                                         Optional 180° continuous
  Receive             0.051 dB                                                     0.12 dB      Polarization Adjustment:
RT – 2-Port RX/TX Linear:                                                                         Manual: 360°
  Transmit             0.10 dB                                                     0.10 dB        Motorized: ±90°
  Receive              0.10 dB                                                     0.12 dB      Antenna Travel Rate (Motorized):
4PL – 4-Port RX/TX Linear:                                                                        Various — consult factory
  Transmit             0.15 dB                                                     0.27 dB      Feed Interface:
  Receive              0.15 dB                                                     0.27 dB        Transmit C-band: CPR-137G
4PC – 4-Port RX/TX Circular:                                                                      Transmit Ku-band: WR-75
  Transmit             0.17 dB                                                       N/A          Receive C-band: CPR-229G
  Receive              0.17 dB                                                       N/A          Receive Ku-band: WR-75
VSWR:                                                                                           Weight C-band:
   TX                                                    1.3:1                      1.3:1         Net: 1,360 kg (3,000 lb.)
   RX                                                    1.3:1                      1.3:1         Ship: 2,630 kg (5,800 lb.)
Beamwidth (-3 dB):                                                                              Shipping Volume: 14.2 cubic meters (500 cubic feet)
   Transmit                                              0.56°                      0.25°
   Receive                                               0.86°                      0.30°
First Sidelobe Level:                                                                           ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                       14.0 dB                     14.0 dB      Wind Loading:
Radiation Pattern:                                                                                Operational: Drive-to-stow 129 km/h (80 MPH)
  C- and Ku-band: Meets standards set by FCC, INTELSAT, ASIASAT,                                  177 km/h (110 MPH) any position, 15° C, no ice
  EUTELSAT, ITU and others.                                                                       Survival: 201 km/h (125 MPH), stowed, 15° C, no ice
Antenna Noise Temp (Typical, Ref. Feed Horn):                                                   Temperature Range:
Elevation                C-band             Ku-band                                               Operational: -40° C to +65° C (-40° F to +150° F)
  10°                      27 K               36 K                                              Atmospheric Conditions:
  20°                      20 K               27 K                                                Salt, pollutants and corrosive contaminants as
  30°                      17 K               25 K                                                found in coastal and industrial areas
  40°                      14 K               24 K
Power Handling Per TX Port:
                        5 kW (CW)          2 kW (CW)
Cross Pol Isolation (on axis, min.) (Linear):
  Transmit                 35 dB              35 dB
  Receive                  35 dB              35 dB
Feed Port Isolation (4-Port Linear):
  RX/TX (RX-band)          85 dB              50 dB
  TX/RX (TX-band)          85 dB              85 dB
  TX/TX                    21 dB              35 dB
  RX/RX                    18 dB              35 dB
Axial Ratio:
(Circular Polarization)   1.06:1                                                                                   atlanta beijing new delhi rome san diego sydney

                                                                                                  4356 Communications Drive • Norcross, Georgia • 30093 • USA

                                                                                                US Sales Telephone +1 678.924.2632                                          Int. Sale Telephone +1 678.924.2633

NOTES:                                                                                                                                       facsimile +1 770.935.3285

      Referenced at 3.95 GHz
      Referenced at 11.95 GHz
      Referenced at 6.175 GHz
                                                                                                      Designs, specifications, and availability of products and services presented in this announcement are subject to change without notice.
      Referenced at 14.25 GHz
                                                                                                                   The ViaSat logo is a trademark of ViaSat, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned are the sole property of their
      Minimum elevation angle is 5° with the hot air de-icing option installed
                                                                                                                          respective companies. © Copyright 2004 ViaSat, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA..


                            RADIATION HAZARD EVALUATION
                   Clear Channel Hub Station - 6.1M Viasat 8060 C-Band Antenna

1     Overview
      Determining the region around an antenna where radiation hazardous to human health is a consideration of many
      factors. With a parabolic dish antenna, the region is highly directional and the actual hazardous region is
      dependent on the antenna elevation angle. The following formulae are used to determine the near and far field
      regions. These regions are in the main beam of the radiation pattern, which we will assume consists of a conical
      angle extending +/- 3 degrees from the center axis of the antenna.

      The analysis contained herein predicts the radiation levels around the proposed antenna. The calculations
      contained in this report are in accordance with FCC guidelines as contained in CFR 47 Part 1.1310 and OET Bulletin
      65. The maximum level of non-ionizing radiation to which the general public is exposed is defined for controlled
      and uncontrolled environments as follows:
                                                                                                     Exposure Limit
      Environment                                                                               Power       Duration
      Controlled - (applicable to system operators and technicians in the service area of
      the antenna):                                                                             5 mW/cm2      6 Minutes

           Uncontrolled - (applicable to general public in proximity of the antenna):           1 mW/cm2      30 Minutes

2.1   Earth Station Technical Parameters - Input Data

         1A      Antenna Diameter - Standard Parabola                  6.1          meters
         1B      Antenna Diameter - Elliptical Reflector                            meters
           1B1     Major Axis Diameter                                              meters
           1B2     Minor Axis Diameter                                              meters
          2      G = Antenna Isotropic Gain                           49.8          dBi
          3      h = Nominal Antenna Efficiency                        65           Percent
          4      Nominal Frequency                                      6           GHz
          5      Maximum Transmit Power Amplifier Size                398           Watts
          6      Number of Carriers                                     2           each
          7      W/G Loss from Transmitter to Feed                    0.5           dB
          8      Multicarrier Fixed Backoff                             3           dB
          9      Desired Object Clearance Height                        3           meters

2.2   Earth Station Technical Parameters - Calculated Data
          10     A = Antenna Surface Area                                  29.22    sq meters
           10A     Standard Parabolic Reflector                    29.22466566      sq meters
           10B     Elliptical Reflector                                     0.00    sq meters
          11     D = Effective Antenna Diameter                               6.1   meters
          12     Total Transmit Power                                        796    Watts
          13     P = Total Feed Input Power (watts)                      177.78     Watts
          14     E = Maximum E/S EIRP - Calculated                         72.30    dBW
          15     λ = Wavelength (= c/f in m/GHz)                         0.0500     m/GHz
          16     p = Pi                                                 3.14159
          17     Rnf = Near Field Limit (D2/4λ)                             186 meters                    610 feet
          18     Rff = Far Field Limit (Rff=0.6D2/λ )                       447 meters                   1467 feet
          19     Rnf to Rff = Transition Region                      186 to 447 meters            610 to 1467 feet

3   Power Density at the Antenna Surface
    The power density at the reflector surface is expected to exceed the safe limits. The reflector is not accessible to the
    public and will not present a hazard. Terminal operators and technicians receive training identifying the area as
    presenting high exposure levels. Procedures are incorporated requiring that transmitters are not operating when
    access to the reflector surface is required.

    The power density at the antenna reflector surface can be calculated by the expression:
              PDREFL = 4P/A =                                                                            2.43 mW/cm2
    Where:        P = Total power at the feed, milliwatts
                  A = Total area of reflector, sq cm
               Controlled Environment (less than 5 mW/cm2 in 6 minutes):                                  SAFE
               Uncontrolled environment (less than 1 mW/cm in 30 minutes):                        Mitigation Required

4   On-Axis Power Density in the Near Field Region
    The Radiating Near Field Region for a parabolic, circular reflector, is defined as extending from the reflector to a
    distance equal to the diameter squared divided by twice the wavelength. This distance is referred to as the Rayleigh
    distance. In this region the power is nearly all contained within a cylinder of radius 0.5D. As a safety measure the
    highest possible power density is applied to the whole of this region.

    The power density in the Near Field Region of the antenna can be calculated by the expression:
              16*P*h/π*D 2 =                                                                             1.58 mW/cm

    Where:        P = Total power at the feed, milliwatts
                  h = Nominal antenna efficiency
                  D = Effective antenna diameter, meters

               Controlled Environment (less than 5 mW/cm2 in 6 minutes):                                  SAFE
               Uncontrolled environment (less than 1 mW/cm 2 in 30 minutes):                      Mitigation Required

5   On-Axis Power Density in the Transition Region
    The transition region is located between the Near Field and Far Field regions. The power density begins to vary
    inversely with distance from the antenna in the transition region. The maximum power density in this region will
    not exceed the power density calculated for the Near Field region. Once again the power density figures are for the
    On-Axis and contained with a cylinder extending within +/- 1 degree of beam center. Where the antennas are
    normally operated at an elevation angle typically greater than 10°, the actual safe distance in front of the antenna
    may be found in paragraph 10. The formula for the calculation is used to evaluate the power density at any given
    distance in the transition as expressed below:

    The power density in the On-Axis Transition Region can be calculated by the expression:
    Where:        PDnf = The Near Field power density, mW/cm2
                  Rnf = Near Field maximum distance, meters
                  R = Distance to point of interest
    For:          186 < R < 447 meters

               Controlled Environment Safe Operating Distance, meters:                                     59 meters
               Uncontrolled environment Safe Operating Distance, meters :                                 294 meters

6   On-Axis Power Density in the Far Field Region
    The On-Axis power density in the far field region (PDff) varies inversely with the square of the distance. The
    calculation is performed below:

    The Power Density at the start of the Far Field region can be calculated by the expression:
               E-10log(4pR 2)                                                                                8.30 dBW/m

               antilog((E-10log(4pR2)/10)/10                                                                 0.68 mW/cm

               Controlled Environment (less than 5 mW/cm2 in 6 minutes):                                     SAFE
               Uncontrolled environment (less than 1 mW/cm 2 in 30 minutes):                                 SAFE

7   Off-Axis Power Density Levels at the Far Field Limit and Beyond
    In the far field region, the power is distributed in a pattern of sidelobes as a function of the off-axis angle between
    the antenna center line and the point of interest. Off-axis power density in the far field can be estimated using the
    antenna radiation patterns prescribed for the antenna in use. Usually this will correspond to the antenna gain
    pattern envelope defined by the FCC or the ITU, which takes the form of:
                 Goff = 32 - 25log(θ)
               for θ from 1 to 48 degrees; -10 dBi from 48 to 180 degrees
               (Applicable for commonly used satellite transmit antennas)
    For example: At one (1) degree off axis At the far-field limit, we can calculate the power density as:
               Goff = 32 - 25log(1) = 32 - 0 dBi =                                                       1585 numeric
               PD1 deg off-axis = PDffx 1585/G                                                         0.0112 mW/cm²

    Considering that satellite antenna beams are aimed skyward, power density in the far field will usually not be a
    problem except at low look angles. In these cases, off axis gain reduction techniques may be used to further reduce
    the power density levels.

8   Off-Axis Power Density Levels at the Near Field and Transitional Regions
    According to Bulletin 65, off-axis calculations in the near field may be performed as follows: assuming that the
    point of interest is at least one antenna diameter removed from the center of the main beam, the power density at
    that point is at least a factor of 100 (20 dB) less than the value calculated for the near field main beam power
    density. This may be calculated as follows:
                PDnf(off-axis) = PDnf/100 =                                                         0.0158 mW/cm²

9   Region Between the Feed Horn and Reflector/Sub-Reflector
    Transmissions from the feed horn are directed toward the main reflector or the sub-reflector depending on the type
    of antenna (prime focus, Gregorian or Cassegrain). The transmission is confined within a conical shape defined by
    the feed horn. The energy between the feedhorn and the reflector/sub-reflector is assumed to be in excess of any
    limit for permissible exposure. This region is not accessible to the general public, and operators and technicians
    should be suitable trained and procedures in place to preclude access to this region during active transmission.

10   Evaluation of Safe Occupancy Area in Front of the Antenna
     The distance (L) from a vertical axis passing through the dish center to a safe off-axis point in front of the antenna
     can be determined based on the dish diameter. Assuming a flat terrain and a point on the horizontal plane with the
     center point of the antenna, the relationship is determined by the following formula:
                L = (D/sin a) + (2h - D - 2)/(2 tan a)
      Where:    a = minimum elevation angle of antenna
                D = Dish diameter in meters
                h = Maximum height of object to be cleared, meters
     For distances equal to or greater than determined by the equation above, the radiation hazard will be below safe
        For:    D=                                                           6.1 meters
                h=                                                             3 meters
     Safe distance for the following elevation angles (a):
                           a - Elevation Angle (degrees)              L - Safe Distance
                                         10                           29.17     meters
                                         15                           19.65     meters
                                         20                           14.95     meters
                                         25                           12.18     meters
                                         30                           10.38     meters
                                         40                            8.24     meters
                                         50                            7.08     meters

11   Mitigation Analysis
     Mitigation of accessibility to hazardous regions may take several forms depending on the antenna application and
     location. In instances such as mobile applications, the antenna may be located such that the hazardous region is not
     accessible during operation. An example may be in a mobile configuration where the antenna is located on top of a
     vehicle during operation. In other fixed installation instances the hazardous area may be fenced off to prevent
     access. In areas where only operators and technicians have access, training in safeguards and proper markings of
     hazardous areas may be sufficient. This analysis tool is designed to identify the hazardous exposure regions around
     an operating antenna system in accordance with the defined power density limits in CFR 47, part 1.1310 and OET
     bulletin 65.


                      Prepared for
            Clear Channel Satellite Services
                   ENGLEWOOD, CO
                       (6.1 Meter)
                 Satellite Earth Station

                     Prepared By:
             19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
                 Ashburn, VA 20147
                   October 10, 2011

                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2. SUMMARY OF RESULTS ............................................................................................................................ 4
3. SUPPLEMENTAL SHOWING....................................................................................................................... 5
4. EARTH STATION COORDINATION DATA.................................................................................................. 6
5. CERTIFICATION......................................................................................................................................... 10

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                                             10/10/2011                        Page 2 of 10


An interference study considering all existing, proposed and prior coordinated microwave
facilities within the coordination contours of the proposed earth station demonstrates that
this site will operate satisfactorily with the common carrier microwave environment.
Further, there will be no restrictions of its operation due to interference considerations.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   10/10/2011         Page 3 of 10


A number of great circle interference cases were identified during the interference study of
the proposed earth station. Each of the cases, which exceeded the interference objective
on a line-of-sight basis, was profiled and the propagation losses estimated using NBS
TN101 (Revised) techniques. The losses were found to be sufficient to reduce the signal
levels to acceptable magnitudes in every case.

The following companies reported potential great circle interference conflicts that did not
meet the objectives on a line-of-sight basis. When over-the-horizon losses are considered
on the interfering paths, sufficient blockage exists to negate harmful interference from
occurring with the proposed transmit-receive earth station.


       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC -Colorado
       State of Colorado
       Tri State Generation & Transmission
       Great Western Communications, LLC

No other carriers reported potential interference cases.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report    10/10/2011         Page 4 of 10

Pursuant to Part 25.203(c) of the FCC Rules and Regulations, the satellite earth station proposed in this
application was coordinated by Comsearch using computer techniques and in accordance with Part 25 of
the FCC Rules and Regulations.

Coordination data for this earth station was sent to the below listed carriers with a letter dated 09/08/2011.

        AT&T CORP
        Adcom 911
        AirLife Denver
        BNSF Railway Company
        Boulder, County of
        CBS Communications Services
        CBS Television Stations
        City of Colorado Springs
        Colorado Interstate Gas Company
        Colorado Springs Utilities
        Gray Television Licensee, Inc. (KKTV)
        Great Western Communications, LLC
        Intermountain Rural Electric Association
        International Communications Group, Inc.
        Larimer County Sheriff's Department
        MHO Networks
        Multimedia Holdings Corporation
        NE Colorado Cellular, Inc.
        New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC -Colorado
        Open Range Communications
        Platte River Power Authority
        Sprint Communications Company, LP
        State of Colorado
        Tri State Generation & Transmission
        Verizon Wireless - Mountain Region

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                 10/10/2011              Page 5 of 10

This section presents the data pertinent to frequency coordination of the proposed earth station that was
circulated to all carriers within its coordination contours.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report            10/10/2011            Page 6 of 10

                                                      Earth Station Data Sheet
                                             19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Date:                                    10/10/2011
Job Number:                              110908COMSGE02
Administrative Information
Status                                   ENGINEER PROPOSAL
Call Sign
Licensee Code                            CLCSAT
Licensee Name                            Clear Channel Satellite Services
Site Information                         ENGLEWOOD, CO
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                        39° 34' 47.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                       104° 51' 35.0" W
Climate Zone                             A
Rain Zone                                2
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                  1751.0 m / 5744.8 ft
Link Information
Satellite Type                           Geostationary
Mode                                     TR - Transmit-Receive
Modulation                               Digital
Satellite Arc                            60° W to 143° West Longitude
Azimuth Range                            122.6° to 230.9°
Corresponding Elevation Angles           25.3° / 29.8°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                 3.66 m / 12.0 ft
Antenna Information                            Receive - FCC32                        Transmit - FCC32
Manufacturer                                   ViaSat                                 ViaSat
Model                                          8060                                   8060
Gain / Diameter                                46.0 dBi / 6.1 m                       49.8 dBi / 6.1 m
3-dB / 15-dB Beamwidth                         0.85° / 1.70°                          0.56° / 1.20°

Max Available RF Power        (dBW/4 kHz)                                             -15.8
                              (dBW/MHz)                                               8.2

Maximum EIRP                  (dBW/4 kHz)                                             34.0
                              (dBW/MHz)                                               58.0

Interference Objectives:    Long Term          -156.0 dBW/MHz        20%              -154.0 dBW/4 kHz       20%
                            Short Term         -146.0 dBW/MHz        0.01%            -131.0 dBW/4 kHz       0.0025%

Frequency Information                          Receive 4.0 GHz                        Transmit 6.1 GHz
Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)               11M1G1E - 22M5G7W / 3700.0 - 4200.0    11M1G1E - 22M5G7W / 5925.0 - 6425.0

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance         285.3 km / 177.2 mi                    128.0 km / 79.5 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius           495.1 km / 307.6 mi                    100.0 km / 62.1 mi

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                      10/10/2011            Page 7 of 10

                                               Earth Station Data Sheet
                                      19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values              ENGLEWOOD, CO
Licensee Name                     Clear Channel Satellite Services
Latitude (NAD 83)                 39° 34' 47.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                104° 51' 35.0" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           1751.0 m / 5744.8 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          3.66 m / 12.0 ft
Antenna Model                     ViaSat 6.1 Meter
Antenna Mode                             Receive 4.0 GHz                           Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term       -156.0 dBW/MHz 20%                        -154.0 dBW/4 kHz         20%
                         Short Term      -146.0 dBW/MHz 0.01%                      -131.0 dBW/4 kHz         0.0025%
 Max Available RF Power                                                            -15.8 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                              Receive 4.0 GHz                          Transmit 6.1 GHz
               Horizon             Antenna                Horizon        Coordination          Horizon         Coordination
Azimuth (°)    Elevation (°)       Discrimination (°)     Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)         Gain (dBi)      Distance (km)
 0              0.00               119.19                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
 5              0.00               114.80                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
10              0.00               110.37                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
15              0.00               105.90                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
20              0.00               101.41                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
25              0.00                96.90                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
30              0.00                92.38                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
35              0.00                87.86                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
40              0.00                83.34                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
45              0.42                78.79                 -10.00          258.37                -10.00         110.02
50              1.21                74.18                 -10.00          213.95                -10.00         100.00
55              1.55                69.61                 -10.00          204.40                -10.00         100.00
60              1.67                65.08                 -10.00          203.52                -10.00         100.00
65              1.94                60.55                 -10.00          196.21                -10.00         100.00
70              1.99                56.11                 -10.00          194.74                -10.00         100.00
75              2.06                51.73                 -10.00          193.17                -10.00         100.00
80              2.07                47.44                  -9.90          193.31                 -9.90         100.00
85              2.01                43.31                  -8.92          199.44                 -8.92         100.00
90              1.96                39.33                  -7.87          205.46                 -7.87         100.00
95              2.07                35.47                  -6.75          205.67                 -6.75         100.00
100             2.25                31.83                  -5.57          207.28                 -5.57         100.00
105             1.94                28.93                  -4.53          220.14                 -4.53         100.00
110             1.96                26.33                  -3.51          225.03                 -3.51         100.00
115             2.02                24.39                  -2.68          228.16                 -2.68         100.00
120             1.96                23.43                  -2.25          232.50                 -2.25         100.00
125             2.18                23.19                  -2.13          227.21                 -2.13         100.00
130             1.90                24.43                  -2.70          231.71                 -2.70         100.00
135             1.71                26.43                  -3.55          232.70                 -3.55         100.00
140             1.40                29.20                  -4.64          236.52                 -4.64         100.00
145             1.44                32.03                  -5.64          229.48                 -5.64         100.00
150             1.39                34.70                  -6.51          226.35                 -6.51         100.00
155             1.31                37.11                  -7.24          224.81                 -7.24         100.00
160             1.05                39.35                  -7.87          229.83                 -7.87         100.00
165             0.84                41.17                  -8.36          238.01                 -8.36         100.00
170             0.99                42.22                  -8.64          227.75                 -8.64         100.00
175             1.09                42.86                  -8.80          223.51                 -8.80         100.00
180             0.95                43.24                  -8.90          228.50                 -8.90         100.00
185             0.94                43.01                  -8.84          229.45                 -8.84         100.00

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                10/10/2011             Page 8 of 10

                                               Earth Station Data Sheet
                                      19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values              ENGLEWOOD, CO
Licensee Name                     Clear Channel Satellite Services
Latitude (NAD 83)                 39° 34' 47.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                104° 51' 35.0" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           1751.0 m / 5744.8 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          3.66 m / 12.0 ft
Antenna Model                     ViaSat 6.1 Meter
Antenna Mode                             Receive 4.0 GHz                           Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term       -156.0 dBW/MHz 20%                        -154.0 dBW/4 kHz         20%
                         Short Term      -146.0 dBW/MHz 0.01%                      -131.0 dBW/4 kHz         0.0025%
 Max Available RF Power                                                            -15.8 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                              Receive 4.0 GHz                          Transmit 6.1 GHz
               Horizon             Antenna                Horizon        Coordination          Horizon         Coordination
Azimuth (°)    Elevation (°)       Discrimination (°)     Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)         Gain (dBi)      Distance (km)
190             1.28                41.94                  -8.57          218.80                 -8.57         100.00
195             1.34                40.70                  -8.24          218.66                 -8.24         100.00
200             1.33                39.09                  -7.80          221.27                 -7.80         100.00
205             1.40                37.03                  -7.21          222.15                 -7.21         100.00
210             1.53               34.59                   -6.47          222.11                 -6.47         100.00
215             1.67                31.98                  -5.62          222.32                 -5.62         100.00
220             1.69                29.98                  -4.92          225.68                 -4.92         100.00
225             1.70                28.65                  -4.43          228.08                 -4.43         100.00
230             1.56                28.23                  -4.27          233.54                 -4.27         100.00
235             1.55                28.49                  -4.37          233.10                 -4.37         100.00
240             1.67                29.42                  -4.71          227.45                 -4.71         100.00
245             1.75                31.10                  -5.32          221.64                 -5.32         100.00
250             1.68                33.51                  -6.13          219.46                 -6.13         100.00
255             1.57                36.41                  -7.03          217.84                 -7.03         100.00
260             1.60               39.60                   -7.94          212.49                 -7.94         100.00
265             1.57                43.10                  -8.86          208.85                 -8.86         100.00
270             1.55                46.83                  -9.76          205.46                 -9.76         100.00
275             1.23                50.85                 -10.00          213.18                -10.00         100.00
280             1.15                54.89                 -10.00          215.78                -10.00         100.00
285             1.18                58.98                 -10.00          214.68                -10.00         100.00
290             1.24                63.15                 -10.00          213.07                -10.00         100.00
295             1.14                67.42                 -10.00          215.90                -10.00         100.00
300             1.05                71.73                 -10.00          218.61                -10.00         100.00
305             1.03                76.07                 -10.00          219.45                -10.00         100.00
310             0.90                80.43                 -10.00          225.75                -10.00         100.00
315             0.76                84.81                 -10.00          233.83                -10.00         100.00
320             0.65                89.18                 -10.00          240.32                -10.00         100.00
325             0.51                93.54                 -10.00          249.29                -10.00         103.74
330             0.22                97.87                 -10.00          283.21                -10.00         126.69
335             0.29               102.21                 -10.00          273.48                -10.00         120.28
340             0.00               106.47                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
345             0.00               110.72                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
350             0.00               114.94                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03
355             0.00               119.09                 -10.00          285.28                -10.00         128.03

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                10/10/2011             Page 9 of 10



BY: _

Gary K. Edwards
Senior Manager
19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
Ashburn, VA 20147

DATED: October 10, 2011

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   10/10/2011   Page 10 of 10

Document Created: 2011-10-19 15:50:19
Document Modified: 2011-10-19 15:50:19

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