Attachment 20130410120235.pdf


LETTER submitted by GCI



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20120124-00090 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                           Received & inspected
     RECEIVED                                                  MAR 2 7 2013
        APR 0 5 2013                                        FCC Mail Room
       Satellite Division
      mflatlonal Bureau                                                               E:I

February 27, 2013

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 110
Washington, D.C. 20002

       Re:     GCI Communication Corp., FRN 0001568880
               Section 25.133(b) Submissions

Dear Ms. Dortch:

_      By this instant filing, General Communication, Inc. ("GCI") seeks to ensure compliance
with Section 25.133(b) of the Commission‘s rules with respect to earth stations licensed to GCI
and its subsidiaries. This section provides that upon the completion of construction, each
licensee must file with the Commission a certification containing the following information:

       The name of the licensee;
       File Number of the application;
       Call sign of the antenna;
       Date of the license;
       A certification that the facility as authorized has been completed and that each antenna
       facility has been tested and is within 2 dB of the pattern specified in §§ 25.209, 25.135
       (NVNG MSS earth stations), or § 25.213 (1.6/24 GHz Moblle Satellite Serv1ce earth
      ~~The date on whichthe station became operatlonal and
       A statement that the station will remain operational durmg the hcense period unless the
     _ license is submitted for cancellation.

       Please address any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.
                                      4          {
                                      a +        |

                                     Vlce Presndent Network Services & Chief Engineer

2550 Denali Street e Suite 1000 » Anchorage,
                                             Alaska 99503—2751 e 907—868—5600

                                                                                        Received & Inspected
                                  Section 25.133(b) Submission                              MAR 2 72013
       ~Eile Number —       Call: Sign     License Date          Operational Date        FC-C-Ma'I Room

SES—LIC—20120124—00090 _ E120021 _______3/6/2012              _ oni2otg. _

The antenna associated with Cali Sign E120021 (noted above) is recognized as being non—
compliant with 25.209 and was licensed as such per the instructions detailed in DA 09—425. As
indicated in thelicense for this station, GCI will operate the earth station with a reduced
maximum power density into the antenna. This antenna is now operational and will remain
operational during the license period, unless and until the license is submitted for cancellation.
                                   {*        1   >

                               Vice President, Network Services & Chief Engineer

        APR 05 2013
       Satellite Division
     intornational Bureau

Document Created: 2019-04-13 16:57:09
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 16:57:09

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