Attachment RF Exposure Study

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20111220-01467 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                              Engineering Statement
                                             prepared for
                                  KMBC Hearst Television Inc.

       KMBC Hearst Television Inc. (“Hearst”) herein proposes a new fixed “Ku Band”
satellite uplink to be located at 6455 Winchester Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. The following
study was conducted to evaluate the proposed facility with respect to the potential for human
exposure to radiofrequency (“RF”) electromagnetic field. Specifically, the study determined
whether exposure to RF electromagnetic field would exceed FCC maximum permissible
exposure limits to the general public and, when certain procedures are followed, to occupational
workers in the vicinity of the Earth station antenna.

Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field
       The Hearst operation was evaluated using the procedures outlined in FCC OET Bulletin
No. 65 (“OET 65"). OET 65 describes a means of determining whether a proposed facility
exceeds the RF exposure guidelines specified in §1.1310 of the Rules.               Under present
Commission policy, a facility may be presumed to comply with the limits in §1.1310 if it satisfies
the exposure criteria set forth in OET 65. Based upon that methodology, and as demonstrated in
the following, the transmitting system under study will comply with the cited adopted guidelines
at publicly accessible locations when procedures described herein are followed.

Public Exposure
       The antenna is located at ground level in a fenced area accessible only to occupational
personnel through a locked door having appropriate warning signs. The only areas accessible to
the public are located at a significant distance and well off-axis from the antenna main lobe.

       The mechanical design of the antenna mount is normally configured such that the antenna
main beam is aimed at a geostationary satellite located well above the horizon. Although not
normally to be used with other satellites, the proposed facility will be capable of operation
throughout the entire satellite arc.        Prevention of public exposure to predicted RF

                                   Cavell, Mertz & Associates, Inc.

                                           Engineering Statement
                                                    (page 2 of 4)

electromagnetic field in excess of the general population/uncontrolled limit1 depends on
adherence to the following operational guidelines by Hearst technicians.

         As shown below, RF attributable to the Hearst Earth station antenna at locations outside
of the “main beam”2 will not exceed the FCC general population and uncontrolled RF exposure
limits. To assure that no publicly accessible area is within the “main beam” of the uplink
antenna, the Earth station transmitter will only be permitted to operate when the antenna
elevation exceeds 4.5 meters and five degrees away from the horizon, nearby buildings, and
places accessible to the public.

         Based on data provided by the applicant, the following parameters were used in the study:

                 Antenna Manufacturer                                       ViaSat, Inc.

                 Antenna Model                                                 8345

                 Center Transmit Frequency                                 14.250 MHz

                 Wavelength at Center Frequency                          0.02104 meters

                 Max Average Antenna Input Power                            56.2 Watts

                 Antenna Diameter                                           4.5 meters

                 Antenna Gain                                                54.3 dBi

                 Antenna Gain Ratio                                          269,153

                 Antenna Aperture Efficiency

  The general population/uncontrolled maximum permissible exposure (“MPE”) limit of 1 mW/cm² for 14,250 MHz
is specified in §1.1310 of the Rules.
  For purposes of this study, the “main beam” extends 4.5 meters beyond an imaginary cylinder extending skyward
from the “face” of the Earth station antenna plus any location within five degrees of the center-line of the antenna.

                                         Cavell, Mertz & Associates, Inc.

                                           Engineering Statement
                                                   (page 3 of 4)

        The area in the immediate vicinity of the antenna is known as the “near field region.” In
this region (241 meters in the case at hand), the antenna directional characteristics of have not
fully formed. Therefore, antenna manufacturer “off-axis” discrimination specifications cannot be
utilized for the purpose of determining potential RF exposure. OET 65 provides a methodology
(Equation 13) for calculating a “worst case” exposure figure within this region. Additionally,
OET 65 methodology suggests that the “worst case” power density would be reduced by 20 dB at
locations at least one antenna diameter (4.5 meters) off-axis from the “main beam” of the
antenna. In this instance, the predicted off-axis, near field is 0.014 mW/cm², or 0.3 percent of the
general population/uncontrolled limit.            Off-axis predicted fields reduce commensurately at
greater distances from the antenna in the antenna transition region.

        In the “far field” region of the antenna (starting at a distance of 578 meters from the
antenna), the antenna directional characteristics have formed and the off-axis “far field” power
density can be readily calculated using off-axis antenna discrimination specifications.                          At
locations greater than eight degrees off-axis from the “main beam,” the manufacturer of the
antenna specifies a side-lobe attenuation of 46.3 dB.3 Again using the methodology detailed in
OET65, this off-axis attenuation results in a power density of 0.00 mW/cm², or 0.00 percent of
the general population/uncontrolled limit.4

Controlled Access Area Exposure

        As described previously, access to the fenced area is limited and restricted to authorized,
trained personnel. Additionally, all areas within 4.5 meters of the sides and back of the antenna,
as well as areas located in the antenna “main beam” (as defined by footnote 3) have been
conspicuously identified as having the potential to exceed occupational exposure limits. Access
within these areas is permitted only when the Earth station transmitter has been disabled.

  According to ViaSat, the antenna pattern meets the FCC specifications of §25.209 and thus has a gain of 8 dBi or
less 8-degrees off-axis. 8 dBi is 46.3 dB less than the 54.3 dBi main-lobe antenna gain.
  When rounded to nearest one-hundredth mW/cm² and percent.

                                         Cavell, Mertz & Associates, Inc.

                                     Engineering Statement
                                            (page 4 of 4)

       With respect to worker safety, it is believed that based on the preceding analysis,
excessive exposure would not occur because adequate physical separation has been established
and maintained. On-site RF exposure measurements may also be undertaken to establish the
bounds of safe working areas.


       As demonstrated herein, excessive levels of RF energy will not be caused by strictly
following the policies detailed herein. Consequently, neither the general public nor occupational
staff will be exposed to RF levels in excess of the Commission’s guidelines. Access to the
vicinity of the uplink antenna is restricted and controlled through the use of locked doors,
boundary markers, conspicuous RFR warning signs, as part of an overall RF safety program.


       The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing statement was prepared by him or
under his direction, and that it is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Mr.
Ryson is a senior engineer in the firm of Cavell, Mertz & Associates, Inc.

                                                            Daniel G. Ryson
                                                            December 7, 2011

Cavell, Mertz & Associates, Inc.
7839 Ashton Avenue
Manassas, VA 20109
(703) 392-9090

                                   Cavell, Mertz & Associates, Inc.

Document Created: 2011-12-09 13:50:51
Document Modified: 2011-12-09 13:50:51

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