ViaSat Opposition.PD

OPPOSITION submitted by ViaSat, Inc.

ViaSat Opposition to Petition to Deny


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20111027-01267 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      Before the
                           Federal Communications Commission
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                )
Application of ViaSat, Inc.                     ) IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20111027-01267
To Operate an Earth Station in Duluth,          ) Call Sign: E110157
Georgia in the 2085-2086.5 MHz Band             )

                              OPPOSITION OF VIASAT, INC.

               ViaSat, Inc. (“ViaSat”) opposes the petition to deny filed by Georgia

Television Company and Meredith Corporation (collectively, “Petitioners”) on January 6,

2012 (the “Petition”) in response to the above-referenced application.

               ViaSat’s application seeks authority to conduct limited telemetry, tracking,

and control (“TTAC”) operations using an earth station located in Duluth, Georgia. More

specifically, ViaSat’s earth station would be used to transmit telecommand instructions to

nongeostationary orbit (“NGSO”) spacecraft licensed to DigitalGlobe, Inc. and operating in

the earth-exploration satellite service (“EESS”).1 As the Commission already has recognized,

DigitalGlobe’s EESS system facilities “the delivery of enhanced next-generation imaging

services to government and commercial users,” and “enhance[s] national security,

environmental monitoring and forecasting functions.”2 Grant of this application will ensure

that those same benefits inure to the benefit of the public. As with all U.S.-licensed EESS

systems, the DigitalGlobe system relies on access to a portion of the 2025-2100 MHz band

for TTAC purposes.

               Petitioners fail to establish that grant of ViaSat’s application would be prima

facie inconsistent with the public interest, as is their burden under Section 25.154 of the

        See DigitalGlobe, Inc., DA 05-2640 (rel. Sep. 30, 2005).


Commission’s rules.3 Petitioners simply allege that ViaSat’s proposed earth station would

cause harmful interference into their operations, without demonstrating that such interference

is actually likely to occur, and without accounting for the myriad ways in which ViaSat has

offered to adjust its operations to mitigate the potential for harmful interference, consistent

with ViaSat’s secondary status in the 2025-2100 MHz band. Significantly, addressing those

possible operational adjustments is precisely why ViaSat previously had reached out to the

affected broadcast licensees, including Meredith Corporation (“Meredith”), who expressly

declined ViaSat’s offer to try to address its concerns.4

               As detailed below, there is no valid reason to believe that ViaSat’s limited

spectrum use cannot successfully co-exist on a secondary basis with the Petitioners’ licensed

operations. Accordingly, the Petition should be denied, and the Commission should grant

ViaSat’s application expeditiously.


               Section 25.154 of the Commission’s rules provides that a party seeking denial

of a pending earth station application must demonstrate that grant of the application would be

prima facie inconsistent with the public interest.5 Such demonstration must rest on specific

allegations of fact that support denial of the application, which must be supported by

appropriate affidavits or sworn declarations.6 Petitioners fail to meet this burden.

        47 C.F.R. § 25.154(a)(4).
        Although Georgia Television Company was notified by Comsearch of this proposed
        facility, Georgia Television Company did not express any interference concerns prior
        to filing the Petition to Deny.
        47 C.F.R. § 25.154.
        The Petition should be dismissed as procedurally defective because it contains factual
        allegations of which official notice may not be taken and that are not supported by
        any affidavit or declaration made under penalty of perjury. See 47 U.S.C. §
        309(d)(1); 47 C.F.R. § 1.16; 25.154(a)(4).


               The Petition reflects Petitioners’ categorical opposition to EESS operations in

the 2025-2100 MHz band, instead of a reasoned analysis of whether grant of ViaSat’s

application would serve the public interest. Tellingly, the engineering statement contained in

the Petition is signed by Joe Snelson, who observed last year that “it would seem that a[n

earth station] license grant in this band would be impossible,” and complained of

“opportunistic licensees” seeking to operate on a secondary basis in the band.7 Mr. Snelson’s

comments appear to be part of a broad and recent initiative by the Society of Broadcast

Engineers to attempt to foreclose the licensing of any additional earth stations in the 2025-

2100 MHz band—even facilities in support of already operating EESS systems.8 Such

sentiment clearly runs contrary to the policy determination embodied in footnote US347 to

the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations—namely, that EESS operations are permitted in the

2025-2100 MHz band wherever possible in order to maximize spectral efficiency and

facilitate the benefits derived from EESS imagery. And these types of assertions by the

broadcast industry are flatly contradicted by the successful use of the 2025-2100 MHz band

to support EESS systems for many years.

               In light of Petitioners’ clear and a priori bias against ViaSat’s application, and

Petitioners’ unwillingness to engage in a constructive coordination dialogue, the Commission

should view with skepticism Petitioners’ allegation that ViaSat’s proposed operations would

actually cause harmful interference. The technical showing presented in Exhibit A hereto

demonstrates that a realistic spectrum sharing environment exists. Indeed, ViaSat’s proposed

mitigation measures addressed the concerns of another broadcaster that initially expressed its

        See Barry Thomas and Joe Snelson, 2GHz Broadcast Auxiliary Service has yet
        another threat, available at
        (originally published in the SBE newsletter) (emphasis added).
        Chris Imlay, Band Threats: It’s not paranoia if they really are after you, THE
        SIGNAL, at 5 (Oct. 2011) (bimonthly publication of the Society of Broadcast


concerns to Comsearch. ViaSat is amending its application to reflect a reduction in power

and bandwidth in order to mitigate potential interference. There is no valid reason to believe

that ViaSat’s limited spectrum use cannot successfully co-exist on a secondary basis with

Petitioners’ licensed operations. For these reasons, the Commission should deny the Petition,

and, consistent with the operating parameters described in this Opposition, grant ViaSat’s

application expeditiously.

        A.      ViaSat’s Application Acknowledges that All Proposed Operations Would
                Proceed on a Secondary Basis

                As an initial matter, ViaSat’s application fully acknowledges that the 2025-

2100 MHz band is allocated to terrestrial fixed and mobile services on a primary basis, and

that EESS operations in the band must proceed on a non-harmful-interference basis.9 In other

words, ViaSat understands that its proposed earth station may not cause harmful interference

into broadcast operations, and must cease transmissions in the event of harmful interference.

                Based on this acknowledgment alone, the Commission can and should grant

ViaSat’s application, with appropriate conditions. Commission precedent makes clear that

where an applicant seeks authority to operate only on a non-harmful-interference basis vis-à-

vis existing licensees, the resolution of all coordination issues prior to grant is not essential.10

That said, as discussed below, ViaSat has been and remains willing to engage with Petitioners

if and when they choose to reciprocate that willingness.

        B.      ViaSat’s TTAC Operations Would Not Cause Harmful Interference into
                Petitioners’ Operations

                Petitioners assert that ViaSat’s TTAC operations would cause harmful

interference into Petitioners’ TV pickup facilities.11 However, Petitioners do not provide any

        IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20111027-01267, Description of Application, at 1. See also
        47 C.F.R. § 2.106 n.US347.
        See Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc., 15 FCC Rcd 23210, at ¶ 12 (2000).
        See Petition at 4-5.


substantiated data underlying their “evaluation” of ViaSat’s proposed operations.12

Moreover, Petitioners fail to conduct any analysis of the likelihood of actual interference

from ViaSat’s proposed earth station. As Commission precedent makes clear, an earth

station applicant need not demonstrate that interference is impossible—merely that

interference is “unlikely.”13

               As an initial matter, at any given time, ViaSat would operate in only a small

portion of the 2085-2086.5 MHz band (128 kHz, or about 12 percent of the total).14

Furthermore, Petitioners apparently fail to consider the short duration and the infrequency of

the proposed transmissions; ViaSat’s earth station would transmit TTAC instructions for only

minutes each day, at around noon and midnight.15 Moreover, Petitioners fail to take into

account the reduction in power at which ViaSat has proposed to operate where an in-line

interference event might occasionally exist. Simultaneously with the filing of this

Opposition, ViaSat is amending its application to reduce the power by 10 dB. As explained

in Exhibit A hereto, a proper understanding of ViaSat’s proposed operations reveals that

those operations would not be likely to cause harmful interference into broadcast operations,

or meaningfully impact the programming that viewers receive.

               In addition, in the unlikely event of interference, ViaSat would be able to

lower power or cease operations quickly in order to eliminate that interference, consistent

with ViaSat’s status as a secondary licensee. Toward that end, ViaSat is willing to designate

        See Petition, Engineering Statement.
        See, e.g., Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corp., 24 FCC Rcd 2330, at ¶
        72 (2009).
        See Petition, Engineering Statement at 2. ViaSat is filing an amendment to its
        application to clarify that the emission bandwidth is 128 kHz.
        These transmissions would be used to instruct DigitalGlobe’s remote sensing satellites
        to download remote sensing data using X-band spectrum. Once this instruction is
        sent, the earth station would cease transmitting, and would not need to continue
        transmitting while the image data is being downloaded.


a point of contact with 24/7 availability to address any interference concerns that may arise.

ViaSat also would be willing to accommodate all reasonable requests, made in advance, to

reduce power temporarily in order to mitigate further the potential for interference into TV

pickup facilities operating during the noon and midnight timeframes.

        C.     ViaSat Remains Willing To Engage in Meaningful Dialog with Petitioners
               in Order To Accommodate Their Concerns

               As discussed above, ViaSat’s proposed operations would not likely cause

harmful interference into Petitioners’ TV pickup facilities. In any event, Petitioners generally

are expected to act in good faith with respect to coordination requests. The Commission’s

coordination procedures provide that “[a]ll applicants and licensees must cooperate fully and

make reasonable efforts to resolve technical problems and conflicts that may inhibit the most

effective and efficient use of the radio spectrum[.]”16 To date, Petitioners have been

unwilling to engage in meaningful discussions with ViaSat. Crossing their arms and saying

“no” is flatly inconsistent with their good faith obligations.

               Petitioners are mistaken in suggesting that they have been precluded from

entering into such discussions because they did not have advance notice before ViaSat’s

application was filed. As an initial matter, Comsearch—which managed the frequency

coordination process for ViaSat—did provide actual advance notice of the proposed ViaSat

facilities to representatives of both Petitioners, as identified in the Comsearch database. The

frequency coordination report included in ViaSat’s application reflects as much.17 While the

initial Comsearch report did not address certain affected sites, Comsearch subsequently

        See 47 C.F.R. § 101.103; 47 C.F.R. § 25.251 (providing that earth station
        coordination shall be governed by the administrative provisions set forth in Section
        See IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20111027-01267, Frequency Coordination Report, at 5-
        6. Petitioners asserted to Comsearch that the PCNs were addressed to individuals
        who were no longer employed by the broadcast station.


corrected that omission.18 Soon afterward, ViaSat attempted to work with the two affected

licensees to address those concerns, and has resolved issues initially raised by one of these


                  After reviewing ViaSat’s application, Meredith informed ViaSat that Meredith

would oppose the application regardless of what accommodations ViaSat might offer.

Meredith also declined to cooperate with ViaSat’s efforts to conduct testing of actual

interference potential at Meredith’s receive sites, or to provide detailed technical information

about its equipment so that a complete interference analysis could be conducted. Such

actions underscore that the Petition reflects Petitioners’ categorical opposition to ViaSat’s

application, instead of a reasoned analysis of whether grant of ViaSat’s application would

serve the public interest.

                  Tellingly, ViaSat’s application has not been placed on public notice. This fact

belies Petitioners’ assertion that filing a petition to deny was “their only option.”20 In truth,

Petitioners could have engaged in meaningful discussions with ViaSat without jeopardizing

any of their procedural rights. Instead, Petitioners proceeded immediately to the “nuclear”


                  ViaSat remains willing to engage in constructive discussions with Petitioners,

when and if they choose to reciprocate that willingness. Indeed, ViaSat already has identified

four potential mitigation strategies:

          For the sake of completeness, the additional information that Comsearch provided
          after its initial coordination report is included as Exhibit B. Although Georgia
          Television Company was notified by Comsearch of this proposed facility, Georgia
          Television Company did not notify Comsearch of any interference concerns prior to
          filing the Petition to Deny. Thus, ViaSat was not aware of Georgia Television
          Company’s sites at issue, and was unable to reach out as ViaSat did with Meredith.
          As a result of these discussions, and the availability of ViaSat’s application in IBFS, it
          is clear that, at a minimum, Meredith has known of the substance of the PCN for
          Petition at 4.


                  First, as noted above, ViaSat is filing an amendment to reduce its transmitting
                   power by 10 dB. This would allow ViaSat to communicate with DigitalGlobe
                   spacecraft while reducing the potential for harmful interference into
                   Petitioners’ operations.

                  Second, ViaSat would be willing to restrict the elevation and/or azimuth
                   angles at which its proposed earth station would transmit, to order to minimize
                   line-of-sight issues with Petitioners’ TV pickup receive sites.

                  Third, ViaSat would be willing to reduce the duration of transmissions that
                   occur during each pass of the Digital Globe spacecraft.

                  Fourth, ViaSat would be willing to cease all transmissions from the earth
                   station upon receipt of notification from nearby broadcasters that they have
                   temporary operations that would likely be adversely affected.

Notably, ViaSat has successfully offered to effect such modifications to accommodate

concerns raised by other broadcasters in the Duluth area, and believes that it has successfully

resolved the concerns of those broadcasters in doing so. ViaSat cannot determine which of

these strategies would most effectively protect Petitioners while facilitating spectral

efficiency until it has conferred with Petitioners.


                   For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should dismiss the Petition, and

grant ViaSat’s application expeditiously.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,


                                                 John P. Janka
                                                 Elizabeth R. Park
                                                 Jarrett Taubman
                                                 Latham & Watkins LLP
                                                 555 Eleventh Street, NW
                                                 Suite 1000
                                                 Washington, DC 20004-1304

                                                 Counsel for ViaSat, Inc.

                                                 January 19, 2012


                                                 Exhibit A

                                            Technical Analysis

The following analysis demonstrates the impact of the interference mitigation measures proposed by
ViaSat to address the concerns raised by broadcast licensees with respect to ViaSat’s proposed EESS
antenna operations.

ViaSat’s proposed earth station will provide TT&C support for the WorldView‐1 and WorldView‐2
satellites, which are licensed to DigitalGlobe, Inc. These satellites operate with approximately 90° of
inclination, and pass from North to South or South to North over the Duluth area several times twice
daily around noon and midnight. The range of time for the earliest pass to the latest pass during each
set is approximately 3 ½ hours, with each individual pass ranging from approximately 2.5 to 12 minutes
depending upon the visibility above a 5° minimum elevation threshold. The duration of the
transmissions will typically not last for the entire pass.

To mitigate interference from the ViaSat facility to the television station receivers, a number of possible
steps can be taken. These include:

       Constraining elevation and azimuth angles where the station may transmit;
       Reducing duration of transmissions to minimum necessary to turn on downlink (approximately
        90 seconds); and
       Inhibiting transmissions for certain passes when requested if an ENG van is nearby.

The following analysis uses information taken from various sources, such as ViaSat’s earth station
application, the FCC radio station authorization for call sign KC25976, and the Comsearch PCN report as

As detailed information about the technical characteristics of the receiver at the television sites was not
available, a default NF value of 3 dB was used and 0 dB of line loss was assumed.

In performing the analysis, the signal transmitted from the ViaSat uplink assumed a nominal operating
EIRP of 43 dBW and a bandwidth of 128 kHz. ViaSat is amending its application to reduce the EIRP from
53 dBW to 43 dBW and to change the emission bandwidth to 128 kHz to reflect the actual necessary
bandwidth of the uplink.

The software program Visualyse Professional version 7.4 by Transfinite Systems was used to determine
the desired received signal and noise for the television electronic news gathering (ENG) link as well as
the interference level from the ViaSat uplink at each of the identified locations.

The effects of terrain height were included in the simulation using the latest available ASTER2 GDEM
30 m resolution terrain data and using ITU‐R Rec. P.452‐14 as the propagation model for the
interference path.


The analysis showed that the worst case location of the identified sites was the Westin Plaza location at
33° 45’ 34” N, 84° 23’ 18” W. Inspection of the path profiles for other sites showed that the terrain near
the ViaSat uplink site was in the path and providing 30 to 50 dB of diffraction loss.

Five cases were examined.

In Case‐1, the ENG van is assumed to be collocated with the ViaSat uplink facility. This places the
desired and undesired transmitters at the same location and on the same bearing to the receiving site
and thus allows no advantage to the undesired signal from reduced off‐axis gain at the receiving
antenna. Of the five cases, this resulted in the worst C/(N+I).

In Case‐2, the ENG van is sited East of Atlanta and some off‐axis gain reduction in the direction of the
undesired signal is present. Cases 3, 4, and 5 examine locations West, North, and South of Atlanta

In some cases the undesired signal was above the receiver noise floor when the ViaSat uplink was
transmitting, but resulting overall C/(N+I) was still usable in each case.


ViaSat Uplink

Antenna Diameter:      7.3 m
Gain:                  41.52 dBi
Beamwidth:             1.4°
EIRP:                  43 dBW
Necessary Bandwidth:   128 kHz
Latitude:              33° 57’ 47.5” N
Longitude:             84° 05’ 45.5” W
Antenna Elevation:     289.87 m AMSL

Westin Plaza

Gain:                  20 dBi
Beamwidth:             14.2°
Necessary Bandwidth:   12 MHz
Latitude:              33° 45’ 34.0” N
Longitude:             84° 23’ 18.0” W
Antenna Elevation:     629.4 m AMSL


Gain:                  20 dBi
Beamwidth:             14.2°
EIRP:                  31.5 dBW
Necessary Bandwidth:   12 MHz
Latitude:              Varies
Longitude:             Varies
Antenna Elevation:     10 m AGL


Interference Case – 1        ENG Van Collocated with ViaSat Uplink Site

Wanted Link Info

EIRP:                        31.5 dBW
Path Loss:                   131.332 dB
Receive Antenna Gain:        20 dB
C (Signal Strength):         ‐79.832 dBW
N (Noise):                   ‐133.037 dBW
C/N:                         53.205 dB

Unwanted Link Info

TX Output:                   1.5 dBW
Gain Toward Victim:          ‐10 dBi
Path Loss:                   129.527 dB
Relative Receive Gain:       19.968 dBi
I (Interference Strength):   ‐119.521 dBW
I/N:                         13.516 dB
C/I:                         39.688 dB
C/(N+I):                     39.599 dB


                                               Map for Interference Case‐1 – ENG Van Collocated with ViaSat Uplink Site

                                                                           Received Interference Power vs Time Graph

                -110                                                                                                                                                             Mobile to WAGATV.Forward.I


                                                                                                                                                                                 Mobile to Blackjack.Forward.I

    I ( dBW )

                -140                                                                                                                                                             Mobile to Richland.Forward.I

                                                                                                                                                                                 Mobile to Newnan.Forward.I


                                                                                                                                                                                 Mobile to Fox Tower.Forward.I















                                                                                                                                                                                 Mobile to Westin Plaza.Forward.I

                                                                   Relative Simulation Time (13 Min Total)

                                                                        Case‐1 – Received Interference Power During One Pass


Interference Case – 2        ENG Van Located East of Atlanta

Wanted Link Info

EIRP:                        31.5 dBW
Path Loss:                   134.897 dB
Receive Antenna Gain:        20 dB
C (Signal Strength):         ‐83.397 dBW
N (Noise):                   ‐133.037 dBW
C/N:                         49.640 dB

Unwanted Link Info

TX Output:                   1.5 dBW
Gain Toward Victim:          ‐10 dBi
Path Loss:                   130.099 dB
Relative Receive Gain:       5.019 dBi
I (Interference Strength):   ‐135.042 dBW
I/N:                         ‐2.005 dB
C/I:                         51.645 dB
C/(N+I):                     47.518 dB


                                                                     Map for Interference Case‐2 – ENG Van East of Atlanta

                                                                       Received Interference Power vs Time Graph

               -110                                                                                                                                                          Mobile to WAGATV.Forward.I


                                                                                                                                                                             Mobile to Blackjack.Forward.I

   I ( dBW )

               -140                                                                                                                                                          Mobile to Richland.Forward.I

                                                                                                                                                                             Mobile to Newnan.Forward.I


                                                                                                                                                                             Mobile to Fox Tower.Forward.I















                                                                                                                                                                             Mobile to Westin Plaza.Forward.I

                                                                Relative Simulation Time (13 Min Total)

                                                                     Case‐2 – Received Interference Power During One Pass


Interference Case – 3        ENG Van Located West of Atlanta

Wanted Link Info

EIRP:                        31.5 dBW
Path Loss:                   132.311 dB
Receive Antenna Gain:        20 dB
C (Signal Strength):         ‐80.827 dBW
N (Noise):                   ‐133.037 dBW
C/N:                         52.210 dB

Unwanted Link Info

TX Output:                   1.5 dBW
Gain Toward Victim:          ‐10 dBi
Path Loss:                   129.527 dB
Relative Receive Gain:       3.072 dBi
I (Interference Strength):   ‐136.417 dBW
I/N:                         ‐3.380 dB
C/I:                         55.589 dB
C/(N+I):                     50.568 dB


                                                                      Map for Interference Case‐3 – ENG Van West of Atlanta

                                                                         Received Interference Power vs Time Graph

                -110                                                                                                                                                           Mobile to WAGATV.Forward.I


                                                                                                                                                                               Mobile to Blackjack.Forward.I

    I ( dBW )

                -140                                                                                                                                                           Mobile to Richland.Forward.I

                                                                                                                                                                               Mobile to Newnan.Forward.I


                                                                                                                                                                               Mobile to Fox Tower.Forward.I















                                                                                                                                                                               Mobile to Westin Plaza.Forward.I

                                                                 Relative Simulation Time (13 Min Total)

                                                                      Case‐3 – Received Interference Power During One Pass


Interference Case – 4        ENG Van Located South of Atlanta

Wanted Link Info

EIRP:                        31.5 dBW
Path Loss:                   132.164 dB
Receive Antenna Gain:        20 dB
C (Signal Strength):         ‐80.664 dBW
N (Noise):                   ‐133.037 dBW
C/N:                         52.373 dB

Unwanted Link Info

TX Output:                   1.5 dBW
Gain Toward Victim:          ‐10 dBi
Path Loss:                   129.527 dB
Relative Receive Gain:       3.072 dBi
I (Interference Strength):   ‐136.417 dBW
I/N:                         ‐3.380 dB
C/I:                         55.753 dB
C/(N+I):                     50.732 dB


                                                Map for Interference Case‐4 – ENG Van South of Atlanta

                                                     Received Interference Power vs Time Graph

                -110                                                                                        Mobile to WAGATV.Forward.I

                                                                                                            Mobile to Blackjack.Forward.I

    I ( dBW )

                                                                                                            Mobile to Richland.Forward.I

                                                                                                            Mobile to Newnan.Forward.I


                                                                                                            Mobile to Fox Tower.Forward.I

                                                                                                            Mobile to Westin Plaza.Forward.I









                                           Relative Simulation Time (13 Min Total)

                                                    Case‐4 – Received Interference Power During One Pass


Interference Case – 5        ENG Van Located North of Atlanta

Wanted Link Info

EIRP:                        31.5 dBW
Path Loss:                   132.615 dB
Receive Antenna Gain:        20 dB
C (Signal Strength):         ‐81.129 dBW
N (Noise):                   ‐133.037 dBW
C/N:                         51.908 dB

Unwanted Link Info

TX Output:                   1.5 dBW
Gain Toward Victim:          ‐10 dBi
Path Loss:                   129.527 dB
Relative Receive Gain:       3.072 dBi
I (Interference Strength):   ‐136.417 dBW
I/N:                         ‐3.380 dB
C/I:                         55.287 dB
C/(N+I):                     50.266 dB


                                                                      Map for Interference Case‐5 – ENG Van North of Atlanta

                                                                          Received Interference Power vs Time Graph

                -110                                                                                                                                                            Mobile to WAGATV.Forward.I


                                                                                                                                                                                Mobile to Blackjack.Forward.I

    I ( dBW )

                -140                                                                                                                                                            Mobile to Richland.Forward.I

                                                                                                                                                                                Mobile to Newnan.Forward.I


                                                                                                                                                                                Mobile to Fox Tower.Forward.I















                                                                                                                                                                                Mobile to Westin Plaza.Forward.I

                                                                 Relative Simulation Time (13 Min Total)

                                                                      Case‐5 – Received Interference Power During One Pass



        I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for reviewing the
engineering information contained in the foregoing submission, that I am familiar with Part 25 of
the Commission‘s rules, that I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information
submitted in this filing, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and

                                                Daryl T. Hénter, P.E.
                                                ViaSat, Inc.
                                                6155 El Camino Real
                                                Carlsbad, CA 92009—1699

Dated: January 19, 2012

           Exhibit B

Comsearch Additional Information

                         Distance          Azimuth         Predicted         Estimated
Receiver Location        To Receiver       to Receiver     Margin LOS        Pathloss

Richland Twr              28.5 km.          232.8 deg.       50.6 dB          41.4 dB

Blackjack Twr             37.6 km.          271.6 deg.       48.2 dB          41.8 dB

Westin Plz                35.3 km.          230.3 deg.       44.8 dB          23.5 dB

Newnan Twr                91.6 km.          228.3 deg.       40.5 dB          52.2 dB

Fox Twr                   95.5 km.          166.6 deg.       40.1 dB          48.3 dB


Case Details
Earth Station Name     DULUTH, GA
Owner                  ViaSat, Inc
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 33 57 47.2 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 84 5 43.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)      939.00 /   286.21 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)     12.00 /     3.66 Agl
Antenna Model              7.3 Meter
Objectives: Transmit     -154.0 (dBW /4 kHz) Tx Power     -2.8 (dBW/4 kHz)

      Terrestrial Path               Gnd   Edisct   Ges FsLoss Dist Pr Tpwr Plan
   Latitude   Longitude Call Sign    Acl   Tdisct   Gts Tant    Az Margin LL
   Owner                                                 Loading

  3 RICHLAND TWRGATEMPY LOC   GA   266.70 139.4   7.0 127.6   28.5-103.4 0.0BT
    33 48 27 84 20 27 RXONLY       304.80 195.2 20.0 2UDR2N 232.8 50.6    0.0
  2025.5000B   2037.5000B   2049.5000B   2061.5000B   2073.5000B   2085.5000B
   Status: L                        Equipment: AB9823 Emission: 12M0D7W

  4 BLACKJACK   GATEMPY LOC   GA   386.20 175.3   7.0 130.0   37.6-105.8 0.0BT
    33 58 19 84 30 8 RXONLY         76.20 295.5 20.0 22OMNM 271.6 48.2    0.0
  2025.5000B   2037.5000B   2049.5000B   2061.5000B   2073.5000B   2085.5000B
   Status: L                        Equipment: AB9823 Emission: 12M0D7W

  6 WESTIN PLZ GATEMPY LOC    GA   324.60 136.8   7.0 129.4   35.3-109.2 0.0BT
    33 45 34 84 23 18 RXONLY       304.80 253.0 16.0 O20000 230.3 44.8    0.0
  2025.5000B   2037.5000B   2049.5000B   2061.5000B   2073.5000B   2085.5000B
   Status: L                        Equipment: AB9823 Emission: 12M0D7W

 11 NEWNAN TOWERGATEMPY LOC   GA   256.90 134.8   7.0 137.7   91.6-113.5 0.0BT
    33 24 41 84 49 48 RXONLY       304.80   1.0 20.0 2UDR2N 228.3 40.5    0.0
  2025.5000B   2037.5000B   2049.5000B   2061.5000B   2073.5000B   2085.5000B
   Status: L                        Equipment: AB9823 Emission: 12M0D7W
    OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:    52.20 / 10.10

 12 FOX TOWER   GATEMPY LOC   GA   271.20 73.4    7.0 138.1   95.5-113.9 0.0BT
    33 7 32 83 51 32 RXONLY        271.30 21.7 20.0 2UDR2N 166.6 40.1     0.0
  2025.5000B   2037.5000B   2049.5000B   2061.5000B   2073.5000B   2085.5000B
   Status: L                        Equipment: AB9823 Emission: 12M0D7W

                                  Pathloss Calculation
    Path data for case # 1      DULUTH                 RICHLANDTWR
    Latitude                     33 57 47.2              33 48 27.0
    Longitude                    84   5 43.0             84 20 27.0
    Antenna Center Agl .....   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.   1000.05 ft.   304.80 m.
    Site Elevation Amsl .... 939.05 ft.    286.21 m.    875.04 ft.   266.70 m.
    Antenna Center Amsl .... 951.06 ft.    289.87 m.   1875.09 ft.   571.50 m.
    Effective Antenna Ht ...   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.   1000.05 ft.   304.80 m.
    Horizon Distance .......    0.06 mi.     0.09 km.    17.38 mi.    27.96 km.
    Horizon Elevation Amsl . 979.08 ft.    298.41 m.    993.81 ft.   302.90 m.
    Ray Crossover Angle ....   86.99 mr.
    Terrain Delta Ht .......   72.97 ft.    22.24 m.
    Effective Distance .....   22.30 mi.    35.88 km.
    Pathlength .............   17.73 mi.    28.53 km.
    Azimuth ................ 232.84 deg.                 52.70 deg.
    Frequency ..............    2050 MHz
    K Factor ...............    1.33 (K)
    Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
    Type of Path ........... Rounded Single Object
    Free Space Path Loss ...   127.7 dB   Atmospheric Loss ...     0.173 dB
    Diff. Loss ....   46.4 dB (174.1 dB) Tropo. Loss ... 91.2 dB (218.9 dB)
    Terrain data type ......   1.0 ARC Second
    Losses         L-Fspl         Sigma       Controlling Propagation Mode
    ------         ------         -----       ----------- ----------------
     169.1 dB        41.4 dB        3.6 dB    20.   %     Diffraction
     165.5 dB        37.8 dB        3.7 dB    1.    %     Diffraction
     164.5 dB        36.8 dB        3.8 dB    0.1   %     Diffraction
     163.8 dB        36.1 dB        3.8 dB    0.01 %      Diffraction
     163.1 dB        35.3 dB        3.9 dB    0.0025%     Diffraction
    The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 205 points.
    The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                         K=Inf. K= 1.33                          K=Inf. K= 1.33
  Dist. Elev.    Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.      Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
  (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)    (m.)     (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
  0.00   286.2     3.7     0.0     0.0   14.55   323.7     0.0   109.8    97.8
  0.09   286.2    11.8    -7.2    -7.4   15.26   322.2     0.0   118.3   106.4
  0.43   294.6     0.0    -0.5    -1.2   15.41   321.3     0.0   120.7   108.7
  0.57   290.7    12.2    -7.4    -8.3   15.98   314.4     0.0   133.2   121.4
  1.19   290.5    12.2    -1.1    -3.0   16.55   301.1     0.0   152.1   140.4
  1.71   275.0     0.0    31.8    29.1   17.40   292.8     0.0   168.9   157.4
  2.57   292.4     0.0    22.8    18.9   18.12   300.7     0.0   168.0   156.9
  3.28   292.4     0.0    29.9    25.0   18.26   300.1     0.0   170.0   159.0
  3.71   281.9     0.0    44.6    39.2   19.26   298.2     0.0   181.8   171.2
  4.42   275.8     0.0    57.7    51.4   19.69   305.2     0.0   179.0   168.7
  4.71   269.3     0.0    67.0    60.4   19.97   299.6     0.0   187.4   177.3
  5.56   280.6     0.0    64.2    56.7   20.97   297.6     0.0   199.3   189.9
  5.99   291.7     0.0    57.3    49.3   21.40   294.0     0.0   207.1   198.1
  6.56   288.0     0.0    66.6    58.1   22.11   282.7     0.0   225.4   217.1
  6.85   282.4     0.0    75.1    66.3   22.68   300.7     0.0   213.1   205.2
  7.85   289.8     0.0    77.5    67.9   23.11   303.2     0.0   214.8   207.4
  8.42   299.6     0.0    73.4    63.4   23.39   300.0     0.0   220.8   213.7
  8.70   298.3     0.0    77.5    67.3   24.39   276.1     0.0   254.6   248.6
  9.27   308.5     0.0    72.9    62.4   24.82   288.6     0.0   246.3   240.9
  9.84   308.9     0.0    78.1    67.3   25.53   292.6     0.0   249.3   244.8
 10.70   307.5     0.0    88.0    76.7   25.68   296.8     0.0   246.5   242.2
 11.13   300.6     0.0    99.1    87.7   26.68   300.5     0.0   252.7   249.8
 11.84   314.9     0.0    91.8    80.2   27.10   301.9     0.0   255.5   253.2
 12.13   318.4     0.0    91.2    79.4   27.67   301.0     0.0   262.1   260.7
 12.98   312.0     0.0   106.0    94.1   27.96   291.6     0.0   274.3   273.3
 13.12   318.0     0.0   101.4    89.5   28.53   266.7   304.8     0.0     0.0
 13.69   317.2     0.0   107.9    95.9

                                  Pathloss Calculation
    Path data for case # 1      DULUTH                 WESTIN PLZ
    Latitude                     33 57 47.2              33 45 34.0
    Longitude                    84   5 43.0             84 23 18.0
    Antenna Center Agl .....   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.   1000.05 ft.   304.80 m.
    Site Elevation Amsl .... 939.05 ft.    286.21 m.   1065.01 ft.   324.60 m.
    Antenna Center Amsl .... 951.06 ft.    289.87 m.   2065.06 ft.   629.40 m.
    Effective Antenna Ht ...   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.   1100.74 ft.   335.49 m.
    Horizon Distance .......    0.06 mi.     0.09 km.    21.58 mi.    34.72 km.
    Horizon Elevation Amsl . 979.08 ft.    298.41 m.   1007.92 ft.   307.20 m.
    Ray Crossover Angle ....   87.72 mr.
    Terrain Delta Ht .......   65.71 ft.    20.03 m.
    Effective Distance .....   26.68 mi.    42.92 km.
    Pathlength .............   21.94 mi.    35.29 km.
    Azimuth ................ 230.29 deg.                 50.12 deg.
    Frequency ..............    2050 MHz
    K Factor ...............    1.33 (K)
    Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
    Type of Path ........... Rounded Single Object
    Free Space Path Loss ...   129.6 dB   Atmospheric Loss ...     0.214 dB
    Diff. Loss ....   46.7 dB (176.3 dB) Tropo. Loss ... 90.6 dB (220.2 dB)
    Terrain data type ......   1.0 ARC Second
    Losses         L-Fspl         Sigma       Controlling Propagation Mode
    ------         ------         -----       ----------- ----------------
     171.4 dB        41.8 dB        3.6 dB    20.   %     Diffraction
     166.9 dB        37.4 dB        3.7 dB    1.    %     Diffraction
     165.7 dB        36.1 dB        3.9 dB    0.1   %     Diffraction
     164.8 dB        35.2 dB        4.0 dB    0.01 %      Diffraction
     163.8 dB        34.2 dB        4.1 dB    0.0025%     Diffraction
    The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 252 points.
    The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                         K=Inf. K= 1.33                          K=Inf. K= 1.33
  Dist. Elev.    Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.      Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
  (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)    (m.)     (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
  0.00   286.2     3.7     0.0     0.0   17.72   306.6     0.0   153.7   135.4
  0.09   286.2    11.8    -7.3    -7.5   18.58   300.1     0.0   168.5   150.2
  0.43   295.3     0.0    -1.3    -2.2   19.58   322.6     0.0   155.6   137.4
  1.29   290.5     0.0    11.7     9.2   19.86   310.0     0.0   170.9   152.9
  1.57   288.1     0.0    16.9    13.8   20.72   309.6     0.0   179.6   161.8
  2.57   286.8     0.0    27.8    22.8   21.29   300.4     0.0   194.3   176.7
  3.29   289.0     0.0    32.5    26.3   22.58   303.8     0.0   203.3   186.3
  3.57   286.9     0.0    37.3    30.7   23.01   311.0     0.0   200.2   183.5
  4.57   284.7     0.0    49.2    40.9   23.86   297.4     0.0   222.0   205.9
  5.57   289.7     0.0    53.8    44.0   24.15   304.1     0.0   218.1   202.2
  6.00   288.2     0.0    59.4    49.0   25.01   310.7     0.0   219.7   204.6
  6.43   286.5     0.0    65.2    54.3   25.72   304.5     0.0   232.8   218.3
  7.72   287.0     0.0    77.1    64.6   26.29   299.1     0.0   243.7   229.7
  8.43   303.7     0.0    67.3    53.9   27.15   288.6     0.0   262.4   249.4
  9.15   308.6     0.0    69.2    55.1   28.15   298.5     0.0   262.2   250.3
  9.29   301.5     0.0    77.7    63.5   28.29   287.0     0.0   275.0   263.4
 10.15   294.8     0.0    92.7    77.6   29.01   286.5     0.0   282.4   271.7
 11.29   317.3     0.0    81.2    65.2   30.01   279.4     0.0   299.1   289.8
 11.57   317.4     0.0    83.8    67.6   31.01   299.1     0.0   289.1   281.2
 12.15   317.6     0.0    89.1    72.5   31.58   297.9     0.0   295.8   288.8
 13.29   312.0     0.0   105.7    88.5   32.15   289.4     0.0   309.8   303.8
 14.00   318.0     0.0   106.6    89.0   33.15   301.6     0.0   307.2   303.0
 14.72   322.5     0.0   109.0    91.1   33.44   304.8     0.0   306.7   303.1
 14.86   320.5     0.0   112.3    94.4   34.58   294.4     0.0   328.1   326.7
 15.58   303.8     0.0   135.9   117.8   35.15   323.1     0.0   304.9   304.6
 16.72   308.9     0.0   141.8   123.5   35.29   324.6   304.8     0.0     0.0
 17.58   315.3     0.0   143.6   125.3

                                       Pathloss Calculation
     Path data for case # 4          DULUTH                  BLACKJACK
     Latitude                         33 57 47.2               33 58 19.2
     Longitude                        84   5 43.0              84 30 8.3
     Antenna Center Agl .....       12.01 ft.      3.66 m.    250.01 ft.    76.20 m.
     Site Elevation Amsl .... 939.05 ft.        286.21 m.    1267.12 ft.   386.20 m.
     Antenna Center Amsl .... 951.06 ft.        289.87 m.    1517.13 ft.   462.40 m.
     Effective Antenna Ht ...       12.01 ft.      3.66 m.    518.99 ft.   158.18 m.
     Horizon Distance .......        1.77 mi.      2.85 km.    20.91 mi.    33.64 km.
     Horizon Elevation Amsl . 1016.78 ft.       309.90 m.    1042.37 ft.   317.70 m.
     Ray Crossover Angle ....        5.01 mr.
     Terrain Delta Ht .......       81.34 ft.    24.79 m.
     Effective Distance .....       36.43 mi.    58.61 km.
     Pathlength .............       23.39 mi.    37.63 km.
     Azimuth ................ 271.62 deg.                      91.39 deg.
     Frequency ..............        2000 MHz
     K Factor ...............        1.33 (K)
     Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
     Type of Path ........... Two Single Knife Edges
     Free Space Path Loss ...       129.9 dB   Atmospheric Loss ...      0.227 dB
     Diff. Loss ....     28.1 dB (158.0 dB) Tropo. Loss ... 54.7 dB (184.7 dB)
     Terrain data type ......       1.0 ARC Second
     Losses           L-Fspl           Sigma        Controlling Propagation Mode
     ------           ------           -----        ----------- ----------------
      153.4 dB          23.5 dB          3.6 dB     20.   %     Diffraction
      148.6 dB          18.7 dB          3.8 dB     1.    %     Diffraction
      147.2 dB          17.3 dB          3.9 dB     0.1   %     Diffraction
      146.3 dB          16.4 dB          4.0 dB     0.01 %      Diffraction
      145.3 dB          15.3 dB          4.1 dB     0.0025%     Diffraction
     The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 265 points.
     The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                            K=Inf. K= 1.33                             K=Inf. K= 1.33
   Dist. Elev.      Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.         Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
   (km.) (m.)       (m.)    (m.)      (m.)     (km.) (m.)      (m.)    (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
   0.00    286.2      3.7      0.0      0.0   19.10    326.5     0.0    50.9    30.1
   0.14    281.8      0.0      8.7      8.4   20.24    336.0     0.0    46.7    25.9
   1.28    292.5      0.0      3.3      0.5   20.38    330.2     0.0    53.1    32.4
   1.85    299.4      0.0     -1.0     -4.9   21.81    309.5     0.0    80.4    60.0
   2.85    309.9      0.0     -7.0    -12.8   22.52    321.2     0.0    71.9    51.9
   3.42    306.7      0.0     -1.1     -8.0   22.81    337.8     0.0    56.6    36.7
   3.99    317.7      0.0     -9.5    -17.4   23.66    321.0     0.0    77.4    57.9
   4.70    303.0      0.0      8.4     -0.7   24.80    321.0     0.0    82.6    63.8
   5.70    306.9      0.0      9.1     -1.6   24.94    314.6     0.0    89.6    71.0
   6.56    300.9      0.0     19.0      7.0   26.09    310.1     0.0    99.4    81.6
   6.98    306.3      0.0     15.6      3.0   27.08    291.0     0.0   123.0   106.2
   8.12    315.9      0.0     11.2     -2.9   27.80    308.1     0.0   109.2    93.1
   8.98    326.8      0.0      4.2    -10.9   28.22    319.5     0.0    99.8    84.1
   9.27    328.8      0.0      3.5    -11.9   28.65    314.9     0.0   106.3    91.2
 10.41     332.2      0.0      5.4    -11.3   29.51    320.7     0.0   104.4    90.3
 10.55     325.3      0.0     12.9     -3.9   30.22    304.9     0.0   123.5   110.3
 11.40     324.7      0.0     17.5     -0.2   31.36    305.1     0.0   128.5   116.9
 12.40     312.1      0.0     34.6     16.2   31.79    308.6     0.0   127.0   116.1
 13.11     316.9      0.0     33.1     14.1   32.64    309.5     0.0   130.0   120.4
 13.97     297.0      0.0     56.9     37.4   33.78    286.8     0.0   158.0   150.3
 14.40     293.0      0.0     62.9     43.1   34.50    302.6     0.0   145.4   139.0
 15.11     286.8      0.0     72.3     52.3   35.35    311.8     0.0   140.1   135.4
 16.11     287.4      0.0     76.3     55.9   36.06    321.8     0.0   133.4   130.1
 17.25     281.1      0.0     87.8     67.1   36.21    330.3     0.0   125.6   122.5
 17.82     319.2      0.0     52.4     31.5   37.49    382.8     0.0    78.9    78.6
18.53 329.7 0.0 45.1 24.3 37.63 386.2 76.2 0.0 0.0

                                    Pathloss Calculation
    Path data for case # 11       DULUTH                  NEWNAN TOWER
    Latitude                       33 57 47.2                33 24 41.0
    Longitude                      84   5 43.0               84 49 47.8
    Antenna Center Agl .....     12.01 ft.      3.66 m.   1000.05 ft.     304.80 m.
    Site Elevation Amsl .... 939.05 ft.       286.21 m.    842.89 ft.     256.90 m.
    Antenna Center Amsl .... 951.06 ft.       289.87 m.   1842.94 ft.     561.70 m.
    Effective Antenna Ht ...     12.01 ft.      3.66 m.   1000.05 ft.     304.80 m.
    Horizon Distance .......      0.31 mi.      0.50 km.     45.28 mi.     72.86 km.
    Horizon Elevation Amsl . 971.50 ft.       296.10 m.   1063.37 ft.     324.10 m.
    Ray Crossover Angle ....     15.70 mr.
    Terrain Delta Ht .......     73.38 ft.     22.37 m.
    Effective Distance .....     71.44 mi.    114.95 km.
    Pathlength .............     56.91 mi.     91.57 km.
    Azimuth ................ 228.27 deg.                     47.86 deg.
    Frequency ..............      2000 MHz
    K Factor ...............      1.33 (K)
    Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
    Type of Path ........... Irregular Terrain
    Free Space Path Loss ...     137.7 dB    Atmospheric Loss ...       0.551 dB
    Diff. Loss ....    81.4 dB (219.0 dB) Tropo. Loss ... 66.2 dB (203.8 dB)
    Terrain data type ......     1.0 ARC Second
    Losses          L-Fspl          Sigma        Controlling Propagation Mode
    ------          ------          -----        ----------- ----------------
     189.8 dB         52.2 dB         4.2 dB     20.   %      Tropospheric Scatter
     172.6 dB         35.0 dB         7.3 dB     1.    %      Tropospheric Scatter
     162.2 dB         24.5 dB         9.5 dB     0.1   %      Tropospheric Scatter
     153.8 dB         16.1 dB        11.2 dB     0.01 %       Tropospheric Scatter
     147.7 dB         10.1 dB        12.5 dB     0.0025%      Tropospheric Scatter
    The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 368 points.
    The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                          K=Inf. K= 1.33                              K=Inf. K= 1.33
  Dist. Elev.     Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.         Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
  (km.) (m.)      (m.)    (m.)     (m.)      (km.) (m.)      (m.)     (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
  0.00   286.2      3.7     0.0      0.0    46.91   293.6      0.0    135.5    12.0
  0.50   296.1      0.0    -4.7     -7.4    49.15   285.4      0.0    150.4    27.4
  3.49   288.9      0.0    11.3     -6.8    50.40   283.6      0.0    155.9    33.5
  5.49   279.6      0.0    26.6     -1.3    51.65   267.5      0.0    175.7    54.1
  6.49   286.6      0.0    22.5    -10.0    54.64   282.4      0.0    169.7    50.7
  8.98   304.2      0.0    12.3    -31.4    56.14   283.5      0.0    173.0    55.7
 10.48   315.0      0.0     6.0    -44.1    57.89   296.7      0.0    165.0    50.0
 12.23   306.8      0.0    19.4    -37.8    58.64   299.3      0.0    164.6    50.7
 13.72   309.8      0.0    20.8    -42.2    62.13   305.1      0.0    169.2    61.3
 15.72   317.7      0.0    18.8    -51.5    63.87   306.2      0.0    173.3    69.0
 17.72   324.8      0.0    17.7    -59.5    64.62   314.0      0.0    167.7    65.0
 18.71   324.1      0.0    21.3    -59.1    67.62   306.2      0.0    184.4    88.9
 20.21   314.4      0.0    35.5    -49.6    68.62   304.4      0.0    189.2    96.3
 22.95   310.4      0.0    47.6    -45.3    71.11   311.3      0.0    189.7   103.9
 24.20   304.1      0.0    57.6    -38.5    72.86   311.7      0.0    194.4   114.0
 26.20   281.6      0.0    86.0    -15.0    73.36   300.0      0.0    207.6   128.8
 27.95   292.5      0.0    80.3    -24.5    75.35   299.7      0.0    213.9   141.8
 30.44   293.4      0.0    86.8    -22.9    77.10   283.1      0.0    235.6   169.8
 32.19   318.1      0.0    67.3    -45.4    79.09   269.8      0.0    254.9   196.7
 33.93   311.1      0.0    79.5    -35.8    81.59   279.0      0.0    253.1   205.1
 35.68   308.9      0.0    86.9    -30.7    82.59   262.5      0.0    272.5   228.8
 37.93   305.8      0.0    96.7    -23.3    85.58   271.5      0.0    272.4   242.2
 39.67   311.8      0.0    95.8    -25.6    86.33   286.7      0.0    259.4   232.8
 41.42   318.1      0.0    94.7    -27.8    88.08   280.0      0.0    271.3   253.2
 42.42   314.1      0.0   101.7    -21.3    90.57   278.1      0.0    280.6   275.3
     44.66    293.4     0.0    129.1      5.5   91.57    256.9    304.8     0.0      0.0

                                  Pathloss Calculation
    Path data for case # 12     DULUTH                 FOX TOWER
    Latitude                     33 57 47.2              33   7 32.0
    Longitude                    84   5 43.0             83 51 32.0
    Antenna Center Agl .....   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.    890.14 ft.   271.30 m.
    Site Elevation Amsl .... 939.05 ft.    286.21 m.    889.81 ft.   271.20 m.
    Antenna Center Amsl .... 951.06 ft.    289.87 m.   1779.94 ft.   542.50 m.
    Effective Antenna Ht ...   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.   1097.49 ft.   334.50 m.
    Horizon Distance .......    0.31 mi.     0.50 km.    50.78 mi.    81.71 km.
    Horizon Elevation Amsl . 966.25 ft.    294.50 m.   1000.71 ft.   305.00 m.
    Ray Crossover Angle ....   12.77 mr.
    Terrain Delta Ht .......   79.59 ft.    24.26 m.
    Effective Distance .....   72.09 mi.   116.00 km.
    Pathlength .............   59.32 mi.    95.45 km.
    Azimuth ................ 166.64 deg.                346.77 deg.
    Frequency ..............    2000 MHz
    K Factor ...............    1.33 (K)
    Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
    Type of Path ........... Irregular Terrain
    Free Space Path Loss ...   138.0 dB   Atmospheric Loss ...     0.575 dB
    Diff. Loss ....   69.4 dB (207.4 dB) Tropo. Loss ... 63.2 dB (201.2 dB)
    Terrain data type ......   1.0 ARC Second
    Losses         L-Fspl         Sigma       Controlling Propagation Mode
    ------         ------         -----       ----------- ----------------
     186.3 dB        48.3 dB        4.2 dB    20.   %     Tropospheric Scatter
     169.0 dB        31.0 dB        7.4 dB    1.    %     Tropospheric Scatter
     158.4 dB        20.4 dB        9.5 dB    0.1   %     Tropospheric Scatter
     149.8 dB        11.8 dB       11.4 dB    0.01 %      Tropospheric Scatter
     143.6 dB         5.6 dB       12.7 dB    0.0025%     Tropospheric Scatter
    The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 383 points.
    The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                         K=Inf. K= 1.33                          K=Inf. K= 1.33
  Dist. Elev.    Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.      Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
  (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)    (m.)     (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
  0.00   286.2     3.7     0.0     0.0   47.73   226.3     0.0   189.9    55.6
  0.50   294.5     0.0    -3.3    -6.1   51.22   217.4     0.0   208.0    74.4
  2.25   306.0     0.0   -10.2   -22.5   51.97   214.0     0.0   213.4    80.2
  4.75   294.4     0.0     8.0   -17.4   54.22   190.0     0.0   243.4   111.5
  6.00   284.8     0.0    20.9   -10.7   56.97   208.4     0.0   232.3   103.0
  8.75   289.9     0.0    23.1   -21.6   57.72   201.0     0.0   241.6   113.2
 10.00   297.4     0.0    18.9   -31.4   59.97   199.2     0.0   249.4   123.9
 13.24   299.1     0.0    25.8   -38.4   61.72   207.0     0.0   246.2   123.4
 13.74   305.0     0.0    21.2   -45.0   63.97   205.5     0.0   253.7   134.9
 16.49   281.3     0.0    52.2   -24.6   65.72   190.0     0.0   273.8   158.6
 17.24   291.7     0.0    43.8   -35.7   68.47   190.0     0.0   281.1   172.1
 19.99   275.1     0.0    67.7   -21.3   70.47   200.0     0.0   276.4   172.5
 21.24   264.1     0.0    82.0   -11.0   71.71   208.0     0.0   271.7   171.3
 24.49   280.1     0.0    74.6   -27.9   72.71   202.0     0.0   280.3   182.8
 24.99   268.7     0.0    87.3   -16.5   76.21   204.5     0.0   287.1   200.6
 26.74   261.4     0.0    99.2    -9.1   76.71   212.0     0.0   280.9   196.1
 30.49   243.2     0.0   127.4    10.6   78.46   202.0     0.0   295.5   216.9
 32.23   268.2     0.0   107.0   -13.2   81.96   195.3     0.0   311.5   246.3
 32.48   271.3     0.0   104.5   -16.1   82.21   177.5     0.0   329.9   265.7
 35.23   271.9     0.0   111.2   -13.9   85.71   171.2     0.0   345.5   296.3
 36.48   255.0     0.0   131.4     4.6   85.96   169.1     0.0   348.3   300.1
 39.98   249.4     0.0   146.3    15.5   88.71   168.9     0.0   355.7   320.5
 40.23   250.8     0.0   145.5    14.5   90.46   178.6     0.0   350.7   324.0
 43.23   233.9     0.0   170.4    37.2   92.45   152.6     0.0   382.0   365.6
 44.48   229.6     0.0   178.0    44.3   94.95   159.7     0.0   381.5   378.7
 46.98   231.4     0.0   182.8    48.5   95.45   271.2   271.3     0.0     0.0

                         Distance          Azimuth         Predicted         Estimated
Receiver Location        To Receiver       to Receiver     Margin LOS        Pathloss

Gainesville               28.3 km.          50.4 deg.        55.7 dB           9.8 dB


Case Details – KC25976
Earth Station Name     DULUTH, GA
Owner                  ViaSat, Inc
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 33 57 47.2 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 84 5 43.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)      939.00 /   286.21 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)     12.00 /     3.66 Agl
Antenna Model              7.3 Meter
Objectives: Transmit     -154.0 (dBW /4 kHz) Tx Power     -2.8 (dBW/4 kHz)

      Terrestrial Path               Gnd   Edisct   Ges FsLoss Dist Pr Tpwr Plan
   Latitude   Longitude Call Sign    Acl   Tdisct   Gts Tant    Az Margin LL
   Owner                                                 Loading

  1 GAINESVILLE GATEMPY LOC   GA   262.10 43.0    7.0 127.5   28.3-98.3 0.0BT
    34 7 32 83 51 31 RXONLY        537.70   0.1 25.0 2QUADN 50.4 55.7     0.0
   WAGATV: New World Communications of Atlanta, Inc DIGITAL DIG RCN:
  2025.5000B   2037.5000B   2049.5000B   2061.5000B   2073.5000B   2085.5000B
   Status: L                        Equipment: AB9823 Emission: 12M0D7W
    OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /   0.00

                                  Pathloss Calculation
    Path data for case # 1      DULUTH                 GAINESVILLE
    Latitude                     33 57 47.2              34   7 32.0
    Longitude                    84   5 43.0             83 51 31.0
    Antenna Center Agl .....   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.   1764.19 ft.   537.70 m.
    Site Elevation Amsl .... 939.05 ft.    286.21 m.    859.95 ft.   262.10 m.
    Antenna Center Amsl .... 951.06 ft.    289.87 m.   2624.14 ft.   799.80 m.
    Effective Antenna Ht ...   30.00 ft.     9.14 m.   1764.19 ft.   537.70 m.
    Horizon Distance .......    0.21 mi.     0.34 km.    17.39 mi.    27.98 km.
    Horizon Elevation Amsl . 987.58 ft.    301.00 m.    987.58 ft.   301.00 m.
    Ray Crossover Angle ....   16.58 mr.
    Terrain Delta Ht ....... 127.64 ft.     38.90 m.
    Effective Distance .....   17.40 mi.    28.00 km.
    Pathlength .............   17.60 mi.    28.32 km.
    Azimuth ................   50.43 deg.               230.56 deg.
    Frequency ..............    2050 MHz
    K Factor ...............    1.33 (K)
    Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
    Type of Path ........... Single Knife Edge
    Free Space Path Loss ...   127.7 dB   Atmospheric Loss ...     0.171 dB
    Diff. Loss ....   14.8 dB (142.5 dB) Tropo. Loss ... 68.9 dB (196.6 dB)
    Terrain data type ......   1.0 ARC Second
    Losses         L-Fspl         Sigma       Controlling Propagation Mode
    ------         ------         -----       ----------- ----------------
     137.5 dB         9.8 dB        3.6 dB    20.   %     Diffraction
     133.9 dB         6.2 dB        3.7 dB    1.    %     Diffraction
     132.9 dB         5.2 dB        3.8 dB    0.1   %     Diffraction
     132.2 dB         4.6 dB        3.8 dB    0.01 %      Diffraction
     131.5 dB         3.8 dB        3.9 dB    0.0025%     Diffraction
    The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 205 points.
    The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                         K=Inf. K= 1.33                          K=Inf. K= 1.33
  Dist. Elev.    Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.      Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
  (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)    (m.)     (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
  0.00   286.2     3.7     0.0     0.0   14.23   347.8     0.0   198.3   186.5
  0.14   282.7     0.0     9.7     9.5   15.09   336.4     0.0   225.1   213.3
  0.34   280.0    21.0    -5.0    -5.6   15.37   322.6     0.0   244.0   232.3
  1.00   289.6     0.0    18.2    16.6   16.37   330.0     0.0   254.6   243.0
  1.57   297.5     0.0    20.6    18.1   16.80   336.0     0.0   256.2   244.8
  1.99   305.0     0.0    20.7    17.7   17.51   347.3     0.0   257.8   246.6
  2.28   299.0     0.0    31.9    28.4   18.08   347.2     0.0   268.1   257.2
  2.99   313.6     0.0    30.1    25.6   18.36   352.2     0.0   268.2   257.4
  3.56   317.3     0.0    36.6    31.4   19.21   358.6     0.0   277.2   266.9
  4.27   319.0     0.0    47.7    41.7   19.64   360.0     0.0   283.5   273.4
  4.98   318.1     0.0    61.5    54.6   20.21   360.0     0.0   293.7   284.1
  5.55   312.1     0.0    77.7    70.3   20.64   366.0     0.0   295.4   286.1
  5.98   328.0     0.0    69.5    61.6   21.49   359.3     0.0   317.5   308.8
  6.55   322.9     0.0    84.8    76.4   21.78   365.3     0.0   316.6   308.2
  6.83   316.0     0.0    96.9    88.2   22.20   347.8     0.0   341.8   333.8
  7.83   312.6     0.0   118.2   108.7   23.20   326.8     0.0   380.8   373.7
  8.40   318.0     0.0   123.1   113.2   23.34   336.5     0.0   373.6   366.8
  8.68   322.5     0.0   123.7   113.6   24.05   335.9     0.0   387.0   381.0
  9.11   318.7     0.0   135.2   124.8   24.48   324.0     0.0   406.6   401.1
  9.96   307.1     0.0   162.1   151.4   25.05   288.6     0.0   452.3   447.4
 10.53   315.8     0.0   163.7   152.6   25.90   290.5     0.0   465.7   462.0
 10.96   325.9     0.0   161.3   150.1   26.19   287.9     0.0   473.5   470.2
 11.53   339.5     0.0   157.9   146.5   26.90   275.3     0.0   498.9   496.6
 12.38   337.5     0.0   175.3   163.7   27.47   276.6     0.0   507.8   506.4
 12.67   348.0     0.0   169.9   158.2   28.18   258.4     0.0   538.8   538.6
 13.52   346.6     0.0   186.7   174.9   28.32   262.1   537.7     0.0     0.0
 13.95   348.0     0.0   193.0   181.2

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Karen Sprung, hereby certify that on this 19th day of January 2012, I served a copy of
the foregoing “Opposition of ViaSat, Inc.” by first class mail upon the following:

Michael Basile
Dow Lohnes PLLC
1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036

Robert J. Folliard, III
Dow Lohnes PLLC
1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036


                                                            Karen R. Sprung
                                                            Communications Analyst


Document Created: 2012-01-19 19:40:55
Document Modified: 2012-01-19 19:40:55

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