Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20111023-01244 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                        FCC RF Hazard Compliance Analysis
                                    Prepared for
                                  Ship Equip AS
                        1.25 Meter Ku-band VSAT Operation

The following analysis shows an assessment of compliance with applicable FCC limits
for maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for 1.25 Meter Ku-band very small aperture
terminal (VSAT) operated by Ship Equip AS.

Operating parameters
Parameter                                        Value                      Unit
Antenna diameter                                 1.25                       Meter
Aperture Efficiency                              65                         %
Maximum possible antenna input power             8                          Watt
Operating Frequency                              14~14.5                    GHz

Operating condition
The potential exposure in area in the front of antenna is only limited by the trained
technical operator. As a standard safety practice, 1) all operators are trained to turn off
the TX power before accessing to antenna for maintenance, 2) TX mute zone is
configured as a part of installation procedure where the transmit is muted when the
antenna points to a direction where potential directly RF radiation exposure can occur.

Since immediate access to this VSAT is restricted to Ship Equip AS trained personnel,
MPE limit of 5.0 mW/cm² applies.

Note this analysis is based on Bulletin OET 65.
Parameter                                              Value                  FCC MPE
Power density in the antenna surface                   2.6 mW/cm²             52% of the MPE
S = 4 * P/A
Near-field, on-axis power density in front of the      1.7 mW/cm²             34% of the MPE
S = 16ŋP /(πD²)
Potential Exposure Level to the side of the antenna    0.017 mW/cm²           0.34% of the
one diameter from main beam                                                   MPE
          Table 1 Mathematic calculation of various power densities per Bulletin OET 65

                   Confidential and Property of Azimuth Unlimited
       Azimuth Unlimited, LLC 3020 N. Commerce Parkway, Miramar, FL 33025

Potential Exposure Level directly in front of the antenna

According to Bulletin OET 65, the applicable formula for power density at antenna
surface is S = 4 * P/A where S is power density, P is antenna input power, and A is the
surface area of the antenna. With 8W of maximum input power, the power density at the
antenna surface is 2.6 mW/cm² as shown in Table 1. This power density is equivalent to
52 percent of the FCC occupation MPE limit.

The formula for near-field, on-axis power density in front of the antenna is
S = 16 *ŋ*P /(pi * D²) where “ŋ” is the antenna efficiency and D is the antenna diameter.
With 8 W of maximum input power, the near-filed on-axis power density in front of the
antenna is 1.7 mW/cm² as shown in Table 1, which is equivalent to 34 percent of the
FCC occupation MPE limit.

Potential Exposure Level to the side of the antenna
The near field power density of the aperture antenna drops rapidly outside the imaginary
cylinder of its main beam extending from antenna surface.

According to Bulletin OET 65, the power density at a distance of one antenna diameter
(125cm) to the side of the antenna drops at a factor of 100( 20dB) lower than the value
calculated for the equivalent distance in the main beam. It would be less than
0.017mW/cm², which is equivalent to 0.34 percent of the occupational limit.

                  Confidential and Property of Azimuth Unlimited
      Azimuth Unlimited, LLC 3020 N. Commerce Parkway, Miramar, FL 33025

Based on the result of power density calculation and in addition, consideration of access
restriction and standard safety procedures, it is our conclusion that the operation of Ship
Equip’s Ku-band 1.25M VSAT satisfies the compliance requirement in the FCC

Date : 07-26-2011
Report prepared by
                   Digitally signed by Jongsoo Kim
                   DN: cn=Jongsoo Kim, o=Azimuth
                   Unlimited, LLC, ou,
                   Date: 2011.07.26 11:41:28 -04'00'

Jongsoo Kim
Chief Executive Officer

Azimuth Unlimited, LLC
3020 N Commerce Parkway
Miramar, FL 33025

                   Confidential and Property of Azimuth Unlimited
       Azimuth Unlimited, LLC 3020 N. Commerce Parkway, Miramar, FL 33025

Document Created: 2011-07-26 11:41:28
Document Modified: 2011-07-26 11:41:28

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