Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20111003-01164 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  Exhibit Number B - Radiation Hazard Analysis

                                 ANALYSIS OF NON-IONIZING RADIATION
                                   FOR A 3.8 METER EARTH STATION
                                           Completed: 9/8/06

This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for a 3.8 meter earth station. It is the purpose of this report
to determine the power flux densities of the earth station at the antenna surface, near field, far field, and the
transition region. Results are summarized in Table 1 on page 4.

The Office Engineering & Technology Bulletin, No. 65, August 1997, specifies the following Maximum
Permissible Exposure (MPE) levels for non-ionizing radiation :

1. Occupational/Controlled Exposure is 5mW/cm² (five milliwatts per centimeter squared)
    over an average time of 6 (six) minutes.

2. General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure is 1mW/cm² (one milliwatt per centimeter
    squared) over an average time of 30 (thirty) minutes.

The following parameters were used to calculate the various power flux densities for this earth station:

           Location:                  Port Lions Earth Station, Alaska
           Latitude:                                    57.87 °N
           Longitude:                                  152.89 °W
           Operating Frequency:                          6175 MHz
           Wavelength (λ)                              0.0485 meters
           Antenna Diameter (D):                           3.8 meters
           Antenna Area (A):                            11.34 meters²
           Transmit Antenna Gain:                         46.3 dBi
           Transmit Antenna Gain (G):                42658.0 numeric
           Maximum 1° Off Axis Gain                       29.0 dBi
           Maximum 1° Off Axis Gain (G1°)               794.3 numeric
           Antenna Efficiency (η):                      0.706 numeric
           Feed Power (P):                                200 Watts

                                                                                                                         Exhibit B Page 1 of 4

                                     Exhibit Number B - Radiation Hazard Analysis
1. Antenna Surface

The power density in the main reflector region can be estimated by:

                   Power Density at Reflector Surface,     Ssurface = 4P/A
                                                                    = 70.54 W/m²
                                                                    = 7.05 mW/cm²

     Ssurface= maximum power density at antenna surface
           P= power fed to the antenna
           A= physical area of the antenna

2. Near Field Calculations

In the near field region, of the main beam, the power density can reach a maximum
before it begins to decrease with distance. The magnitude of the on axis (main beam)
power density varies according to location in the near-field.

The distance to the end of the near field can be determined by the following equation:

                                 Extent of Near Field,        Rnf = D²/4(λ)
                                                                  = 74.36 meters

        Rnf= extent of near field
         D= maximum dimension of antenna (diameter if circular)
         λ= wavelength

The maximum near-field, on-axis, power density is determined by:

                   On Axis Near Field Power Density,          Snf = 16ηP/D²π
                                                                  = 49.77 W/m²
                                                                  = 4.98 mW/cm²

The maximum near-field, 1° off-axis, power density is determined by:

                         Power Density at 1° Off Axis        Snf 1°= (Snf/G)*G1°
                                                                   = 0.0927 mW/cm²

         Snf=    maximum near-field power density
       Snf 1°=   maximum near-field power density (1° off axis)
           η=    aperture efficiency
           P=    power fed to antenna
          D=     maximum dimension of antenna (diameter if circular)

                                                                                         Exhibit B Page 2 of 4

                                       Exhibit Number B - Radiation Hazard Analysis
3. Far Field Calculations

The power density in the far-field region decreases inversely with the square of the distance.

The distance to the beginning of the far field region can be found by the following equation:

                      Distance to the Far Field Region,            Rff = 0.6D²/λ
                                                                       = 178 meters

        Rff = distance to beginning of far field
         D= maximum dimension of antenna (diameter if circular)
         λ= wavelength

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be calculated as follows:

            On-Axis Power Density in the Far Field,                Sff = (P)(G)/4π(Rff)2
                                                                       = 21.32 W/m²
                                                                       = 2.13 mW/cm²

The maximum far-field, 1° off-axis, power density is determined by:

                          Power Density at 1° Off Axis           Sff 1°= (Sff/G)*G1°
                                                                       = 0.0397 mW/cm²

         Sff=    power density (on axis)
       Sff 1°=   power density (1° off axis)
           P=    power fed to antenna
          G=     power gain of antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
        Rff =    distance to beginning of far field

4. Transition Region Calculations

  The transition region is located between the near and far field regions. The power density decreases inversely
  with distance in the transition region, while the power density decreases inversely with the square of the
  distance in the far-field region. The maximum power density in the transition region will not exceed that
  calculated for the near-field region. The power density in the near field region, as shown above will not exceed:
                                                                                      St=     4.98      mW/cm².
                                                                                   St 1° = 0.0927       mW/cm².

                                                                                                                      Exhibit B Page 3 of 4

                                  Exhlbit Number B — Radlation Hazard Analysls

                                      Calcaated Maximom                   Maximom Permisible Exposure (MPE)
 Reginn                               RadiationLere(nWion)             Occupational            General Population
  1. Aniema Surface                                                   PosenialHazad              Poenial Haend
 2. New Feld                                                           Suistes MPE               Poenial Haend
 3. FarFeld                                                            Suistes MPE               Poenial Haend
 4. Transtion Region                                                   Suistes MPE               Poenial Haend
 5. New Feld 1*Off Anis                                                Suistes MPE                Suistes MPE
 6. FarFild 1"OffAnis                                                  Suistes MPE                Suistes MPE
 7. Transtion Region 1° Off Ans                                        Suistes MPE                Suistes MPE

7. Conctusions
Based on h above avlysis t isconcladed that thereis o i ofpouie to eves higher than the Maximurm Pernisible Expouuim
Ac 1. off ist radiaton levels are wl witin imils A5.2> 114 elevation angleas vellas h elevated naure oftheaniemna, vill
protecthe pablic m any exposir io vadiaton, The iransniter wl be urnedoffdiring antemna mainieance to ensre safey f h earh

                                                                     Jolm Beerer
                                                                     AF Transmision Systems Engineer
                                                                     6¢I Communtcation Corp

                                                                                                         Eiiore Pagosots

Document Created: 2011-09-28 15:57:15
Document Modified: 2011-09-28 15:57:15

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