Attachment RF Hazard Study--Rev

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20110513-00582 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



Prepared by Paul T. Garrett, CBTE, Frontline Communications

This report is to analyze the non-ionizing radiation levels for a Transportable
KU Uplink utilizing an Andrew Corporation model ES24SNG-LT-25 2.4 meter Earth
Station Antenna.    The Office of Science and Technology Bulletin, No. 65, August
1997, specified that the maximum level of non-ionizing radiation that a person
may be exposed to over a .1 hour (6 minute) period is an average power density
equal to 5mW/cm A 2 (five milliwatt per centimeter squared).  It is the purpose of
this report to ascertain the power flux densities of the earth station in the
far field, near field, transition region, the main reflector surface, and
between the antenna edge and the ground.

The following parameters were used to calculate the various power flux densities
for the earth station:

Antenna Diameter,   (D)                              2.4 meters

Antenna Surface Area,     (Sa)

Wavelength at 14.25 Ghz,     (lambda)                0.021 meters

Transmit Power at Flange,        (P)                 500 watts

Antenna Gain,   (Ges)                                77624.7117

Antenna gain at 14.25GHz          43.5dBi, converted to a power ratio given by:
                                           Ges=10 A dBi/10

pi                                                   3.1415927

Antenna Aperture Efficiency,           (n)           0.65

ANSI Safe Power Density,     (Ws)

1. Far Field Calculations

The distance to the beginning of the far field region can be found by the
following equation:

Distance to the Far Field Region,             (Rf)          (0.6(D A 2))/lambda

= 164.1600 meters

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be calculated as
Far Field On-axis power density,             (Wf)           ( (Ges) (p) ) / (4 pi (Rf 2))

2. Near Field Calculations

Power flux density is considered to be at a maximum value throughout the entire

length of the defined region.  The region is contained within a cylindrical
volume having the same diameter as the antenna.  Past the extent of the near
field region, the power density decreased with distance from the transmitting

The distance to the end of the near field can be determined by the following

Extent of Near Field,    (Rn)

= 68.4000 meters
The maximum power density in the near field is determined by:

Near Field On-axis power density,   (Wn)     (16(n)P)/(pi(D A2))

  28.7363 mW/cm 2

3. Transition Region Calculations

The transition region is located between the near and far field regions. As
stated above, the power density begins to decrease with distance in the
transition region.  While the power density decreases inversely with distance in
the transition region, the power density decreases inversely with the square of
the distance in the far field region. The maximum power density in the
transition region will not exceed that calculated for the near field region.
The power density in the near field region, as shown above, will not exceed
28.7363 mW/cm 2.
4. Far Field On-axis Distance to ANSI 5 mW/cm 2 Calculations -     (Dsafe)

Since the power density decreases inversely with the square of the distance in
the far field region, the distance to the On-axis Power Density of 5 mW/cm A 2 can
be calculated from the following:

(Dsafe)       Rf((Wf / WS)A. 5 )

= 248.5393 meters
5. Main Reflector Region Calculations

Transmissions from the feed horn are directed toward the main reflector surface.
The power density in the main reflector region can be calculated by the

Main Reflector Surface Power Density         2(P)/Sa

  44.2097 mW/cm 2

6. Off-axis Evaluation

For off-axis calculations in the near-field and in the transition region, it can

be assumed that, if the point of interest is at least one antenna diameter
removed from the center of the main beam, the power density at that point would
be at least a factor of 100 (20dB) less than the value calculated for the
equivalent distance in the main beam.

Near Field On-axis power density,
Wn = 28.7363 mW/cm 2

Near Field On-axis power density, 2.4 meters from main beam center

Wn(off) = 0.01 Wn

  =   0.2874 mW/cm A 2

Therefor, the area around and behind the dish at a distance of one dish diameter
(2.4 meters) from the center of the main beam will be equal to or less than
0.2874 mW/cm 2.

For off-axis calculations in the far-field, the calculated main-beam power
density of (Wf) can be multiplied by the appropriate relative power density
factor obtained from the antenna gain pattern to obtain a more realistic

The proposed antenna meets or exceeds the performance specifications under part
25.209 of the FCC rules.  The off-axis gain of this antenna, therefor, is equal
to or greater than 10dBi less than the on-axis gain in any direction of 48
degrees or more removed form the center line of the main beam.

Far Field On-axis power density

Wf = 11.4611 mW/cm A 2

Far Field Off-axis power density

Wf(off) = .1 Wf
  = 1.1461 mW/cm 2
7. Summary of Expected Radiation Levels /Controlled Environment (5mW/cm^2)

         Calculated Maximum
                                    Radiation Level
Region                              A
                              (mW/cm 2)               Hazard Assessment

Far Field Region: = 164.16 meters         11.4611           Potential Hazard

Near Field Region: = 68.4 meters          28.7363           Potential Hazard

Transition Region:                        28.7363           Potential Hazard

Reflector Surface Region:                 44.2097           Potential Hazard

Far Field off-axis Region:                1.1461            Satisfies ANSI

Near Field off-axis Region:               0.2874            Satisfies ANSI

Area around dish equal to dish diameter: 0.2874            Satisfies ANSI

     Calculated Maximum/Uncontrolled Environment (1mW/cm^2)

Region                        Radiation Level          Hazard Assessment
Far Field Region: = 164.16 meter           11.4611           Potential Hazard

Near Field Region: - 68.4 meters           28.7363           Potential Hazard

Transition Region:                         28.7363           Potential Hazard

Reflector Surface Region:                  44.2097           Potential Hazard

Far Field off-axis Region:                 1.1461            Potential Hazard

Near Field off axis Region:                 0.2874           Satisfies ANSI

Area around dish equal to dish diameter     0.2874           Satisfies ANSI

8. Conclusions

Based on the above analysis it is concluded that the ANSI standards of
1 mW/cm^2 or greater would not exist in regions normally occupied by the
public or 5 mW/cm^2 by the earth station's operating personnel.

In the area of the Main Reflector, personnel would only enter that area to
perform maintenance functions and the transmitter would not be operational at
that time, so the ANSI standard of 5 mW/c^2 would be met.

In the area of the Near Field and   Transition Region, since the antenna is
mounted at a height of 4.5 meters   above the ground, and will not be pointed in
the direction of populated areas,   the ANSI standards would again be met.
Warning signs are attached to the   vehicle to warn individuals of the potential
for hazardous radiation.

Because this is a mobile unit and conditions vary from operating site to
operating site, procedures have been established for the operational personnel
to verify that the antenna is not pointing in the direction of populated

In addition, the transmit power used in these calculations is greater than
that which will typically be utilized by the earth station. During normal
operation, the typical power level would generally not be more than 350 watts.
A transmit power of 500 watts would only occur in conditions of extreme rain

Document Created: 2011-05-13 16:58:56
Document Modified: 2011-05-13 16:58:56

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