Attachment Exhibit C

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20110215-00153 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Datain support of claim that proposed operation meets off—axis criteria of 1986 Declaratory Order
                                                                                       Date of Application:               021111

af    Antenna Manufacturer:            Vertex/RSl                     c   main bore gain                                                51.60          dBi
a2            Antenna Model:                    3.8m                  d   frequency at which gain was measured                          14.00      GHz
CH               Antenna ID: Transportable e                              maximum input power density (dBw/4KHz)                        —24.40     dBw/4Khz
b          Transmit band (b): 14.000 GHz

                               1.0 to 7 degrees calculated maximum difference in off—axis eirp density:                                 —3.80      dBw/4Khz
                            1.0 to 180 degrees calculated maximum difference in off—axis eirp density:                                  —3.80
     EIRP for Antenna Conforming                         .       _/       Gain and EIRP for Antenna Not Conforming to 25.209(a)
     to 25.209(a) operating at 25.212                         woo         operating at stated maximum power density
       power density limits
     ‘     1          2                              3                            4                5                     6                         7
       Angle 25.209 Gain Off—Axis EIRP                                    Gain relative         Actual           Off—Axis EIRP             Difference
     (degrees)   (dBi)     Density for                                    to main bore            Gain             Density for             in Off—Axis
     .                       #14.00                                         gain (dB)            in dBi           . input of              EIRP Density
                                           dBw/4Kz |                                                                   »24.40             (6) minus (3)
           1.00              29.00              15.00                                 =16.00           35.60                    11.20      —3.80
           1.20             ©27.02              13.02                                 —24.00           27.60                     3.20      —9.82
           1.40              25.35.             11.35                                 =20.00           31.60                     7.20      —4.15
           1.60              23.90               9.90                                 —22.80           28.80                     4.40      —5.50
           1.80              22.62               8.02                                 ~24.80           26.80                     240       —6.22
           2.00              21.47               T.AT                                 —35.00           16.60                    —7.80     15.27
           2.20     —        20.44               6.44                                 <28.00           23.60                    —0.80      —7.24
           2.40              19.49               5.49                                 —33.50           18.10                    —6.30     +11.79
           2.60              18.63               4.03                                 —37.00           14.60                    —9.80     #14.43
           2.80              17.82                           3.82                     —36.00           15.60                    —8.80     —12.62
           3.00              17.07.                       3.07,                       —36.50           15.10                  —9.30       —12.37
           3.20              16.37                        2.37                        —33.40           18.20                  —6.20        —8.57
           3.40              15.71          :             1.71                        —41.00           10.60                 —13.80       +15.51
           3.60              15.09                        1.09                        ~41.00           10.60                 ~13.80       =14.89
           3.80              14.51                        0.51                        ~42.50            9.10                 ~15.30       =15.81
           4.00              13.95                       —0.05                        —41.50           10.10                 —14.30       ~14.25
           420               13.42 |                     —0.58                        ~41.00           10.60                 ~13.80       —13.22
           4.40              12.91                       +1.09                        —43.50            8.10                 ~16.30       ~15.21
           4.60              12.43                       »1.57.                       —46.00            5.60                 —18.80       —17.23
           4.80              11.97              w0       +2.08                        ~49.50            210                  —22.30       —20.27
           5.00              11.53                       »2.47.                       +51.00            0.60                 ~23.80       —21.33
           5.20              1110                        =2.90                        ~47.00            4.60                 —19.80       ~16.90
           5.40              10.69                       —3.31                        —45.00             6.60                ~17.80       ~14.49
           5.60              10.30                       =3.170                       ~42.00             9.60                =14.80       1110
           5.80              ©9.91     _                 —4.09                        —42.50              9.10               ~15:30       11.21
           6.00         /     9.55                       —4.45            i           ~45.00           — 660                 ~17.80       —13.35
           6.20 :             9.19                       ~4.81                        —44.00              7.60     0         ~16.80       11.99
           6.40               8.85                       +5.15                        —44.50              710                ~17.30       41215
          ©6.60               8.51                       —5.49                        ~41.20           10.40                 —14.00        —8.51
           6.80               8.19                       +5.81)                       ~41.30           10.30                 ~14.10        —8.29
           7.00               8.00                       —6.00                —       —46,50              5.10               —19.30       ~13.30

      ata in support of claim that proposed operation meets off—axis criteria of 1986 Declaratory Order
NB        Applicant: Telesat                                       Date of Application:           02/15/04

     af    Antenna Manufacturer:   Vertex/RSl c         main bore gain                                        51.70     dBi
     a2           Antenna Model:      3.8m      d       frequency at which gain was measured                   14.25    GHz
     ad               Antenna ID: Transportable e       maximum input power density (dBw/4KHz)                —24.40   dBw/4Khz
     b          Transmit band (b): 14000 MHz

                                    1.0 to 7 degrees calculated maximum difference in off—axis eirp density:   —6.220—    dBw/4Khz
                                1.0 to 180 degrees calculated maximum difference in off—axis elrp density:     +6.22
          [EIRP for Antenna Conforming                       Gain and EIRP for Antenna Not Conforming to 25.209(a)
          to 25.209(a) operating at 25.212                    operating at stated maximum power density
          power density limits                   3;
                1            20                     .               4                5              6                    T
            _Angle       25.209 Gain Off—Axis EIRP:           Gain relative      Actual       Off—Axis EIRP         Difference
           {degrees)         (dBi)         Density for |      to main bore         Gain        Density for          in Off—Axis
                                              +14.00            gain (dB)         in dBi         input of         EIRP Density
                                            dBw/4Kz                                               2440            (6) minus (3)
                  1.00           29.00                15.00           ~26.00           25.70              1.30   ~13.70
                  1.20           ©27.02               13.02           20.50            31.20              6.80     ~6.22
                  1.40           25.35                11.35           ~25.00           26.70              2.30     9.05
                  1.60           25.90                 9.90           ~32.00           19.70             ~4.70   =14.60
                  1.80           22.62                 8.62           ~32.30           19.40             5.00    ~13.62
                ©2.00            21.47                 747            —27.50           24.20             0.20      —7.67
                  2.20           20.44                 6.44           27.50            24.20             —0.20     —6.64
                  2.40            19.49                §.49           ~31.80           19.90             ~4.50     —9.99
                  2.60           18.63                 4.63           ~34.00           17.70             —6.70   ~11.33
                  2.80 .         17.82.                3.82           ~35.00           16.70             —7.10   11.52
                  3.00            17.07                3.07           ~32.50           19.20             —5.20     —8.27
                  3.20            16.37                2.37           ~37.00           14.70             —9.70   ~12.07
                3.40              15.71                171            —37.00           14.70             —9.70   ~11.41
                  3.60            15.09                1.09           —39.50           12.20            ~12.20   ~13.29
                  4.80            14.51                0.51           —45.50             6.20           ~18.20   ~18.71
                  4.00           13.95                0.05,           —47.00             4.10           ~19.70   ~19.65
              — 4.20             13.42                —0.58)          ~39.00           12.70            ~11.70   ~11.12
                  4.40           12.91                1.09            ~40.60           11.10            ~13.30   +12.21
                  4.60           12.43                41.57           ~41.30           10.40            ~14.00   «1243
                  4.80           11.97                +208            ~48.00             3.70           20.70    ~18.67
                  5.00           11.53                +247            ~46.00             5.70           ~18.70   ~16.23
                  5.20           11.10                290.            ~44.00             7.10           ~16.70   ~13.80
                 5.40            10.69                "8.31,          ~47.00             4.10           ~19.70   ~16.39
                  8.60           10.30                +3.10           ~47.30             4.40           20.00    ~16.30
                  5.80             9.91               ~4.00,          ~46.20             5.50           ~18.90   ~14.81
                  6.00             9.55               4.45,           ~45.50             6,20           ~18.20   ~13.75
                  660 _            8.51               5.49            —52.50            —0.80           25.20    ~19.71
               © 6.80              8.19               +5.81.          ~46.00             5.70           «18.70   ©12.89
                  7.00             8.00                               ~46.00             5.10           ~18.70   ~12.70

Data in support of claim that proposed operation meets off—axis criteria of 1986 Declaratory Order
     pplicant: Telesat                                  Date of Application:         0211/11

af    Antenna Manufacturer:   VertexRS! c          main bore gain                                    51.80    dBi
a2          Antenna Model:      3.8m      d        frequency at which gain was measured              14.50    GHz
a3              Antenna ID: Transportable e        maximum input power density (dBw/4KHz)            ~24.40   dBw/4Khz
b          Transmit band (b):     14.0 GHz

                         1.0 to 7 degrees calculated maximum difference in off—axis eirp density:      —6.62     dBw/4Khz
                      1.0 to 180 degrees calculated maximum difference in off—axis eirp density:       —6.62
      EIRP for Antenna Conforming —                   Gain and EIRP for Antenna Not Conforming to 25.209(a)
     to 25.209(a) operating at 25.212                  operating at stated maximum power density
     \power density Iimits
          1       .        2               3        .        4                5               6                 T
        Angle       25.209 Gain Off—Axis EIRP          Gain relative      Actual       Off—Axis EIRP       Difference
      (degrees)         (dBi)         Density for      to main bore         Gain        Density for       in Off—Axis
                            .           =14.00           gain (dB)         in dBi         input of       EIRP Density
                                       dBw/AKz                                             —24.40        (6) minus (3)
             1.00             29.00          15.00             =28.00            23.80           —0.60  ~15.60
             1.20 —           27.02          13.02             =21.00           ©30.80            6.40    —6.62
             1.40             25.35          11.35             —26.00            25.80            1.40    —9.95
             1.60             23.90           9.90             ~32.00            19.80           ~4.60  «14.50
            1.80              22.62           8.62             —34.00            17.80           —6.60  =15.22
            2.00 —            21.47           7.47             —35.00            16.80           —7.60  ~15.07
            2.20 .            20.44           6.44             —33.00            18.80           —5.60  ~12.04
            2.40          — 19.49             5.49             —36.20            15.60           —8.80  ~14.29
            2.60              18.63           4.63)            =31.50            20.30           ~4.10    —8.73
            2.80              17.82           3.82             —34.30            17.50           —6.90  ~10.72
            3.00           —17.07             3.07             —39.00            12.80          —11.60  ~14.67
            3.20              16.37           2.37.            »45.00             6.80          —17.60  ~19.97
            3.40              15.71           1.71             ©41.00            10.80          13.60   #15.31
            3.60              15.09           1.09             —42.50             9.30          —15.10  16.19
            3.80              14.51           0.51,            ~40.50            11.30          1310    ~13.61
            4.00              13.95          —0.05             —37.70            1410           ~10.30  ~10.25
            4.20              13.42          —0.58             —39.10            12.70          ~11.70  1112
            4.40              12.91          1.09              ~46.00             5.80          ~18.60  ~17.51
            4.60 :            12.43          1.57.             ~46.00             5.80          ~18.60  ~17.03
            4.80            ©11.97           =2.03             —43.20             8.60          15.80   13.77
            5.00              11.53          »2.47             =42.00             9.80          ~14.60  #12.13
            5.20              11.10          =2.90             ~41.20            10.60          ~13.80  ~10.90
            5.40              10.69          +3.31             ~44.00             7.80          ~16.60  ~13.29
            5.60              10.30          +3.70             ~45.00             6.80          —17.60  —13.90
            5.80               ©9.91         —4.09             ~45.50             6.30          ~18.10  #14.01
            6.00                9.55         ~4.45             ~45.50             6.30          ~18.10  ~13.65
            6.20 |              9149         »4.81             ~46.50             5.30          19.10   ~14.29
           ©6.40                8.85         +515              ~46.20             5.60          ~18.80  ~13.65
            6.60 .              8.51         —5.49.            —44,20             7.60          ~16,80  11.31
            6.930               819          ~5.81,            —43.60             8.20          —16.20  ~10.39
            7.00                8.00.        —6.00             —46.40             5.40          ~19.00  =13.00

Document Created: 2019-04-21 02:10:44
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 02:10:44

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