Attachment 2DegState

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20110209-00128 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        2 Degree Antenna Statement

Re:      AVL 2.4 Meter Transportable Earth Station
         Fixed Satellite Service
         C—Band 5925 — 6425 MHz

This 2.4 meter antenna will will be licensed for the exact same parameters as the currently licesnsed 2.4 for
Peak Uplink, Inc., Call Sign E090208 —File Number SES—LIC—20091123—01488 granted on 12/30/2009.

The operational paramenters and points of communication are the exact same as E090208, therefore
antenna radiation plots are not required or attached with this application.

Attached is the E090208 license for reference.

                                                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                       RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                                     Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                                         Unofficial Copy

Name:         PEAK UPLINK, INC                                                                                      Call Sign:               E090208
                                                                                                                File Number:                 SES—LIC—20091123—01488

Authorization Type:                                  License ...              cce tm t
Non Common Carrier                                   Grant Date:        _      12/39/2009                                           12/30/2024

Nature of Service:                        . Fixed Satellite Services

Class of Station:            5/                Terporary Fixed BarthStation _ — _                         Ts

A) Site LOC&HQQ(S)                              :                                   is                           Elevafinnii                   .         Specxal Provisions
# Site ID           :    Address          :.        tss         Latitude ..                                            i                          [AD   (Referto Section H)
o i                To C                               —             —                                                                                      —
                        "Various —    >

                         Licensee certifies antenna(s) do not comply with Secuon 25.2
                         for ‘special.conditions placed upon anterinas at ‘thissite. "

Subject to the provnswns ofthe Commu.mcatlons Act of 1934 The Commumcauo                                     bsequent acts aud treaties, and all
present and futureregulations made by this Commission, and‘further subject to:theconditio        d requlremems set forth in thishcense, the grantes is
authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described below forradio communications fortheterm beginning»Wednesday, December
30, 2009 (3 AM—Eastern Standard Time) andending Monday, December30, 2024 (3 AM Eastern             Standard Time); The required date of completion
of construction and commencement of operauon 18 Thursday, December 30, 2010 (3 AM. Eastem                                         lard Tlme) GranLee must file with the
Commission a certification uponcomplenon of construction and: ccmmencement of operation.                                               c

B) Particulars of Operafibfis
           The General Provision 1010 applies to all réceiving frequency bands«—.
           The General Provision 1900 applies to‘all Lmnsmmmg frequency bands.
           For the text of these pmvmons,refer to SectionH. .
                                                  ‘       ©Tw/Rx                                               ‘Associated ‘Sp             Provisions          Modulation/
# Frequency                          Polarization Emission Mode                                                Antenna..~;(Refer to Section H)                 Services

1) 5925.0000 — 6425.0000                       BV          36M0GTW ...                                                                             Digital traffic Various FEC, data
                                                                                                                                                   rates, modulation and information

2) 5925.0000 — 64250000                        EV         4M00GTW              T         56.90       26.90     24C                                 Digital traffic Various FEC, data
                                                                                                                                                   rates, modulation and information

3) 14000.0000 — 14500.0000                     HV          36MOFIF             T         74.54       47.50     24Ku                                Standard analogvideo

4) 14000.0000 — 14500.0000                     BV         4M00GTW              T         65.00       35.00     24Ku                                Digital traffic Various FEC, data
                                                                                                                                                   rates, modulation and information

5) 14000,0000 — 14500.0000                     HV          36MOGTW             T         74.54       35.00     24Ku                                Digital traffic Various FEC, data
                                                                                                                                                   rates, modulation and information

C) Frequency Coordination                                                                                             Max EIRP
                                                    Satellite Arc           Elevation             Azimuth              Density
                                                    (Deg. Long.)            (Degrees)             (Degrees)            toward
         Frequency                                  East West           East West                East West            Horizon                       Associated
#        Limits(MHz)                                Limit Limit         Limit Limit              Limit Limit         (dBW/AkHz)                    Antenna(s)

1        5925.0000 — 6425.0000                      18.0W—143.0W             5.0 — 5.0             0.0 — 0.0               114         240C

2)       140000000 — 14500.0000                     18.0W—143.0W             5.0 — 5.0             0.0 — 0.0               1135        24Ku

D) Point of Communications
The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:
1) 1 to All authorized U.S. Domestic (ALSAT) Satellites.
Page 1

                                                     UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                              Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                               Unofficial Copy

Name:       PEAK UPLINK, INC                                                                                Call Sign:            E090208
                                                                                                        File Number:              SES—LIC—20091123—01488

Authorization Type:                           License       _.—         pulee®              oonle n Nt
Non Common Carrier                            Grant Date:           *     12/30/2009   _Expiration Date: n                 12/30/2024

E) Antenna Facilites                                                                              .          ,          z.. Max s
                              "       j       se                        w sk           i      Sm                    :     ~ Anterna! ;
Site                    Antenna                 Lt Dl        r                 Model... Site      Height: : Special Provisions
ID                      D     >           m     C Umts (Me x$) ; Manufacturer \Number Elevation '(Meters)‘ (Refer to Section H)

1                       esd       .                se              24      AvL .            sNG                          s4aom"
Max Gains(s):41.0 dBi @ 61750 CHz                                                '                                          ~
Maximum total inpfif power at anitnna flange(Watts) = 350.0
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)66.44

1               i e                  o                            "ag >
Max Gains(s):45.1 dBi @... 1,2500 Gife                             :
Maximum total inp\il power at antenna‘flange (Watts) = 350.0 .
Maximum aggregate‘output EIRP for allcarriers (dBW)74 54

       A) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is:granted Subjectto the
                                                                 followifig specialprovisiofis andwgeneral conditions:

                 156                      s granted with the condmon that the llcensee shaIl comply with Section 25 271(c) of lhe Commissions rules, 47
                                            §25. 277(c), regardmg submission of Frequency.Coordination Repoits prior to commiencing operations at any
                                                  is is also granted:s   to. Septlon          ) and (e) of theCommissions rules, 47 C.FR. $25.277(d) and
                              (€). pérform successful pi          y coordinationwill result in the:cancellation of yourstation license
                              herein. Copics of allcoordmatmn notices shall be forwarded tothe ECC Operanons Center Office in Columbia,

                 1900         Applicable to all transmitting frequency—bands.               ranted to transmit any number of RF carriers with the
                              specified parameters on any discrete frequencies within associated band in accordance with the other terms and
                              conditions of this authorization, subject to any additional limitations that may be required to avoid unacceptable levels
                              of inter—satellite interference.

                2010          This authorization is issued pursuant to the Commission‘s Secand Report and Order adopted June 16, 1972 (35 FCC
                              2d 844) and Memorandum, Opinion and Order adopted December 21, 1972 (38 FCC 2d 665) in Docket No. 16495 and
                              is subject to the policies adopted in that proceeding.

                2916          Transmitter(s) must be turned off during antenna maintenance to ensure compliance with the FCC—specified safety
                              guidelines for human exposure to radiofrequency radiation in the region between the antenna feed and the reflector.
                              Appropriate measures must also be taken to restrict access to other regions in which the earth station‘s power flux
                              density levels exceed the specified guidelines.

                2938          Upon completion of construction, each licensee must file with the Commission a certification including the following
                              information: nameof the licensee, file number of the application, call sign of the antenna, date of the license and
                              certification that the facility as authorized has been completed, that each antennafacility has been tested and is within 2
                              dB of the pattern specified in Section 25.209 and that the station is operational including the date of commencement of
                              service and will remain operational during the license period unless the license is submitted for cancellation.

                3219          All existing transmitting facilities, operations and devices regulated by the Commission must be in compliance with the
                              Commission‘s radiofrequency (RF) exposureguidelines, pursuant to Section 1.1307(b)(1) through (b)(3) of the
                              Commission‘s rules, or if not in compliance, file an Environmental Assessment (EA) as specified in Section 1.131 1.
                              See 47 CFR 1.1307 (b) (5).

                3041          The antennastructure authorized herein must not pose or cause hazard(s) to Aviation Traffic. See Part 17, FCC Rules
                              and Regulations.

Page 2

                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                              Unofficial Copy

Name:    PEAK UPLINK, INC                                                                    Call Sign:        E020208
                                                                                         File Number:          SES—LIC—20091123—01488

Authorization Type:            License ...             Leadiecm tC              esn   ces n
Non Common Carrier              Grant Date:        _    12/30/2009 . Expiration Dat                       12/30/2024

H) Special and General Provisions

            5216      All operations shall ‘be on a non—common carrier basis,

Page 3

                                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                       RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                    Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                 Unofficial Copy

Name:     PEAK UPLINK, INC                                                                     Call Sign:              E090208
                                                                                           File Number:                SES—LIC—20091123—01488

Authorization Type:                 License .400          co2cs   weoe    P etan n
Non Common Carrier                  Grant Date'            12/30/2009 Expiration Dat                           12/30/2024

H) Special and General Provnsnons
     B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATIONis granted subject to Lhe addluonalcondmons specnfied below

          This authorization is issued:on Lhe granteesrepresentatmn thatthe statementscemamedin 1.he apphcatlon
          are true and thatthe undertakings described wxll be camed out in goodfaith.

          This authorization shall not be conslruedin any manner asa findmg bythe Comnussmn on the quesnon of
          marking or lighting of the anténnasystem should futureconditions require. The grantee expressly agrées to
          install‘such marking or lighting as the Commissionmayrequire—under the prov1sxonsof Section 303(q) of
          the Commumcatmns Act. 47 U.S.C. § 303(q) fan.                :

                 t                                                           shall be.assigned or otherwise
          transferred toany person, firm, company orcorporation ‘without the wiitten consent of the Commlss:on,
          Thisauthotization is subject to the right ofuse orcontrol bythe gove            the United States:conferred _
          by Section 706ofthe Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Ope                  is stationis governed by Part ~
          25 of the Commission‘s Rules 47 CFR. Pan 251                                j       i

          Thxs authorization shallHot vest in: theHicensee auy right to opera‘e flns statmn norany right in Lhe use 0
          the desxgnated frequencies beyond the:term of this license, nor in any:other manner than authorized herein.

          This authorization isissued on the gramees represeutatmn that the:station is in comphance with           —
          environmental requirements Set forj.hin Section 1.1307:of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C:E.R. § 1. 1307

          This authorization is issued on the grant ee‘s represenlafiori thatthie station is in compliance with—the Federal *
          Aviation Administration. (FAA) requuementsas set forth in Section 17.4 of the—Commission‘s:Rules 47
          C.RR.§17.4.        .                             .                                                            s

          The following condmou appli¢s: whebthi authonzatmn permits cons             tipn‘t)"f orqulfiés the
          construction permit of a radmstation;.

          This authorization shall be
                                    automaucally {forfeited if the station does not meeteach required construction
          deadline by the required date of completionunless, before such date(s),.a specific—application is timely filed
          to request an extension of the construction deadline(s); sty          ith—good:catise why that failure to
          construct by therequired date was due to factors notunider control of the grantee.

          Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory feesrelated to this authorization. The requirement
          to collect annual regulatory feesfrom regulates is contained in Public Law 103—66, "The Omnibus
          Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993". These regulatory fees, which are likely to change each fiscal
          year, are used to offset costs associated with the Commission‘s enforcement, public service,
          international and policy and rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order each
          year, setting the new regulatory fee rates. Receive only earth stations are exempt from payment of
          regulatory fees.

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Document Created: 2019-04-14 06:06:45
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 06:06:45

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