Attachment MEMO Signed for IRA

MEMO Signed for IRA

LETTER submitted by IRAC



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20101229-01640 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                 National Telecommunications and
                                *    ys     “"   Information Administration
                                § %-?—           INTERDEPARTMENT RADIO ADVISORY COMMITTEE
                                  *5, <~4 ,fig    Washington, D.C. 20230

                                                  APR 13 2011

MEMORANDUM FOR:                Executive Secretary, Interdepartment Radio Advisory
                               Committee (IRAC)
                               & y_) m Fu_—___
FROM:                          Edward M. Davison, IRAC Chairman

SUBJECT:                       Review of Application to Federal Communications Commission
                             _ for Earth Stations in the Range 1610—2500 MHz Considered to be
                               Routine (Skywave Mobile Communications, Corp.; File Nos. SES—
                               LIC—20101229—01640/SES—AMD—20110120—00043, call sign

The informal IRAC group ("Group") formed to consider applications to the Federal
Communications Commission ("Commission") for earth stations in the mobile—satellite service
(MSS) in the range 1610—2500 MHz has reviewed the attached applications.‘

As a result of their deliberation the Group has determined that these applications can be
considered "routine". The term "routine" implies that there are no policy issues that need to be
considered by the IRAC. This includes the fact that i) no waiver to national table, e.g., US308 or
US309, or US315, is required; 11) the applicant complies with out—of—band requirements in the
Commission‘s rules; and iii) the operations are limited to communications with satellites (earth
stations are not capable of providing MSS ancillary terrestrial component or dual—mode MSS
satellite and integral terrestrial capability). Any applications not considered to be routine will be
placed on the IRAC agenda for the Commission to submit a draft authorization for consideration.

The IRAC has no objections to the MSS earth station application and the draft license for the
application within the range 1610—2500 MHz under the additional conditions in the attachment.


\ See IRAC Doc. 38352/1


Applications to Federal Communications Commission for Earth Stations in the Range 1610—2500
                             MHz Considered to be Routine*

SkyWave seeks a blanket license to operate a total of 100,000 half—duplex L—band, mobile earth
terminals ("METs"), models CMS—TRP and CMS—TRH to be used in the United States to access
satellites on the ISAT List. SkyWave filed amendment SES—AMD—20110120—00043 to confirm
that the MET‘s are capable of having an average shut—down time of 1.1 seconds, and a maximum
shut—down time of 2.5 seconds, in compliance with the direction provided by the National
Telecommunications Information Administration ("NTIA") for half—duplex MET‘s to comply
with the priority and preemption requirements for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety
Service ("GMDSS"). The new MET‘s conform to the FCC limits for out—of—band and spurious
emissions as set forth in Section 25.202(f) and 25.216 of the FCC‘s Rules. Although the
applicant sought waiver of the Table of Allocations since its shut down time exceeds 1 second, it
is less than the 3 second shut off time given in NTIA‘s letter, dated May 13, 2009. Based on this
and that no policy issues were identified, it is being coordinated as "routine" for L—Band
coordination purposes.

 FCC IBFS File Number                 Call Sign               Licensee
 SES—AMD—20110120—00043               E100192                 Skywave Mobile Communications, Corp.

Additional Conditions
    1. The license be limited to the 1525—1544, 1545—1559, 1626.5—1645.5, and 1646.5—1660.5
         MHz bands only

2 The full application can be found by pointing to . On the top left of thatpage, change the drop
down from Call Sign to File Number and enter the File Number shown below. Also note that the file numbers listed
are the actual file numbers assigned. Some of the applications shown will list a file number in the document that has
a INTR in the file number which is an interim file number. Please refer to these applications with the actual file
numbers listed.                                                                                       +

Document Created: 2011-04-15 14:37:15
Document Modified: 2011-04-15 14:37:15

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