Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20101229-01640 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                            Exhibit A

                       SkyWave Mobile Communications, Corp.
          FCC Form 312 - Application for License of New Mobile Earth Terminals
                               Question 43 – Description

       By this application, SkyWave Mobile Communications, Corp. (“SkyWave”) seeks a

blanket license to operate a total of 100,000 L-band, mobile earth terminals (“METs”), to be used

in the United States to access satellites on the ISAT List. 1 The requested validation period for

this license is for 15 years. As discussed below, these METs comply with all applicable

Commission technical requirements.

    A. Existing Authorization in the U.S.

       SkyWave has been providing in the U.S through Inmarsat D2 and D+ Mobile Satellite

Service as a facilities-based and resale provider via Inmarsat satellites since 2003 under call-sign

E030055 with several MET models, including the DMR-800D, DMR-800S, DMR-800L and the

Surelinx 8000 Series. Its Inmarsat D2/D+ service is used by the Department of Defense, the

Department of Homeland Security, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and other private sector

customers, including customers in the transportation and oil/gas industry. The SkyWave

network operation in the U.S. continues to be in standing order and in full conformance with

FCC requirements.

    B. Public Interest

       The two new MET models in this application are CMS-TRP and CMS-TRH. These new

models are manufactured by SkyWave and will offer end users the latest in hardware and new

 The Commission recently approved 100,000 half-duplex ISATPro phones for ISAT Us Inc.
See Modification of License, Call Sign E090032, File No. SES-MOD-20100323-00347 (granted
Aug. 2, 2010).


services which will provide orders of magnitude improvement in message payload capacity and

reduced messaging latency. Authorizing these two new METs is in the public interest because it

will allow end users of the new service to have access to the latest and most efficient hardware

and technology for use in tracking and monitoring sensitive assets using the SkyWave’s new

network configured around the Inmarsat satellites. Additional technical information concerning

the METs can be found in Schedule B.

       The new METs will operate within a new satellite-based network which consists of hub

equipment at the Message Processing Center operated by SkyWave and located at Primus Data

Center in Ottawa, Canada, terrestrial links to Channel Units that are located at the satellite

providers’ Land Earth Station (“LES”) facilities, two-way L-Band satellite channels, and small,

low-cost METs mounted on vehicles or other mobile and fixed equipment. The network

provides messaging services between the METs and customer facilities that have Internet access

to the network hub.

   C. Technical Requirements

       The METs set forth in this application comply with the FCC’s Rules for METs operating

in the L-band.

       1.        Radiation Hazard Study. SkyWave has completed a radiation hazard analysis for

the new METs in conformance with the Commission’s Office of Engineering and Technology

Bulletin No. 65. The new METs qualify for the OET 65 general public/uncontrolled

environment. The analysis report is included in Exhibit D (“New METs Human Exposure to



         2.     Compliance with Out-of-Band and Spurious Emissions Limits. The new METs

conform to the FCC limits for out-of-band and spurious emissions as set forth in Section

25.202(f) and 25.216 of the FCC’s Rules.

       3.     Compliance with Priority and Preemption Requirements for the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System (“GMDSS”) and Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (R) Service
(“AMS(R)”). 2

         SkyWave has confirmed that the METs are capable of having an average shut-down time

of 2 seconds or less, and a maximum shut-down time of 3 seconds or less, in compliance with the

direction provided by the National Telecommunications Information Administration (“NTIA”)

for half-duplex METs to comply with the priority and preemption requirements for the Global

Maritime Distress and Safety Service (“GMDSS”). 3 In particular, the METs covered by this

application satisfy the following minimum set of capabilities and requirements established under

Section 25.136(d) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d), to ensure the priority and

preemption requirements to protect GMDSS:

       Requirement 1 - 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d)(1): All MET transmissions shall have a priority
assigned to them that preserves the priority and preemptive access given to maritime distress
and safety-related communications sharing the band.

         Transmissions to authorized METs are classified as having no priority relative to

GMDSS communications. This classification is controlled by the Network Operation Center

(“NOC”) portion of the Land Earth Station (“LES”). Inmarsat (like all other MSS operators)

protects GMDSS transmissions in the band - which it also provides through other maritime

services - by a frequency planning and management process.

    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.136; 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 notes US308, US315.
 See Letter from Karl B. Nebbia, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management,
NTIA, to Julius Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, FCC (May 13, 2009).


       Requirement 2 - 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d)(2): Each MET with a requirement to handle
maritime distress and safety data communications shall be capable of either: (i) recognizing
messages and call priority identification when transmitted from its associated LES; or (ii)
accepting message and call priority identification embedded in the message or call when
transmitted from its associated LES and passing the identification to shipboard data message
processing equipment.

       This requirement does not apply to the METs that are the subject of this application.

        Requirement 3 - 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d)(3): Each MET shall be assigned a unique
terminal identification number that will be transmitted upon any attempt to gain access to the

       Each MET will have a unique Electronic Serial Number assigned at the factory. This

number, along with other provided and assigned identification, will be used to identify both the

terminal and user/subscriber when it is accessing the signaling channels or communications

channels. The LES will maintain an authorization database for all the METs subscribing to the

service, and will grant or deny access accordingly.

         Requirement 4 - 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d)(4): After an MET has gained access to a system,
the mobile terminal shall be under control of an LES and shall obtain all channel assignments
from it.

       Any MET that has gained access to the service will be under control of an LES. The

MET must receive and act upon commands issued to it by the LES. LES commands will be

received either through the signaling channels or through the communications channels,

depending on the METs mode of operation. The LES assigns all channel frequencies, including

those to be used for signaling only purposes.

        Requirement 5 - 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d)(5): All METs that do not continuously monitor a
separate signaling channel or signaling within the communications channel shall monitor the
signaling channel at the end of each transmission.

       The communication channels between the LES and the MET have provision for signaling

to be exchanged at anytime once a connection is established. This signaling capability is used by

the LES to preempt the channel at any time.


        Requirement 6 - 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d)(6): Each MET shall automatically inhibit its
transmissions if it is not correctly receiving a separate signaling channel or signaling channel
within the communications channel from its associated LES.

           MET transmissions will be inhibited unless the MET is correctly receiving either a

signaling channel or the correct communications channel according to specified criteria. Among

these criteria are specific receive performance parameters and time intervals (short time-out


       Requirement 7 - 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d)(7): Each MET shall automatically inhibit its
transmissions on any or all channels upon receiving a channel shut-off command on a signaling
or communications channel it is receiving from its associated LES.

           METs will automatically cease transmission on any channel when commanded to do so

by its associated LES. The shut-off command will be accepted from either the signaling channel

or communications channel operated by its associated LES. Additionally, requirements exist that

provide for a fail-safe mode in inhibiting transmission, should a LES shut-off command not be

received over the communications channel, since the LES will cease transmission after issuing a

shut-off command.

        Requirement 8 - 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(d)(8): Each MET with a requirement to handle
distress and safety-related communications shall have the capability within the station to
automatically preempt lower precedence traffic.

           This requirement does not apply to the METs that are the subject of this application.

           The METs covered by this application satisfy the following minimum set of capabilities

and requirements established by the Commission to ensure the priority and real-time preemption

requirements necessary to protect AMS(R)S: 4

    See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 note US 308; AMSC Subsidiary Corp., 10 FCC Rcd. 9507, 9511 (1995)


       Requirement 1: All MET transmissions shall have a priority assigned to them that
preserves the priority and preemptive access given to distress and safety-related communications
sharing the band.

       Transmissions to authorized METs are classified as having no priority relative to

AMS(R)S communications. This classification is controlled by the NOC. Inmarsat (like all

other MSS operators) protects AMS(R)S transmissions in the band by a frequency planning and

management process.

       Requirement 2: Each MET with a requirement to handle distress and safety-related
communications shall be capable of recognizing messages and call priority identification when
transmitted from its associated LES.

       This requirement does not apply to the METs that are the subject of this application.

        Requirement 3: Each MET shall be assigned a unique terminal identification number that
will be transmitted upon any attempt to gain access to the system.

       Each MET will have a unique Electronic Serial Number assigned at the factory. This

number, along with other provided and assigned identification, will be used to identify both the

terminal and user/subscriber when it is accessing the signaling channels or communications

channels. The LES will maintain an authorization database for all the METs subscribing to the

service, and will grant or deny access accordingly.

       Requirement 4: After an MET has gained access to a system, the mobile terminal shall be
under control of an LES and shall obtain all channel assignments from it.

       Any MET that has gained access to the service will be under control of an LES. The

MET must receive and act upon commands issued to it by the LES. LES commands will be

received either through the signaling channels or through the communications channels,

depending on the MET’s mode of operation. The LES assigns all channel frequencies, including

those to be used for signaling only purposes.

        Requirement 5: All METs that do not continuously monitor a separate signaling channel
shall have provision for signaling within the communications channel.


           The communication channels between the LES and the MET have provision for signaling

to be exchanged at anytime once a connection is established. This signaling capability is used by

the LES to preempt the channel at any time.

       Requirement 6: Each MET shall automatically inhibit its transmissions if it is not
correctly receiving a separate signaling channel or signaling channel within the communications
channel from its associated LES.

           MET transmissions will be inhibited unless the MET is correctly receiving either a

signaling channel or the correct communications channel according to specified criteria. Among

these criteria are specific receive performance parameters and time intervals (short time-out


         Requirement 7: Each MET shall automatically inhibit its transmissions on any or all
channels upon receiving a channel shut-off command on a signaling or communications channel
it is receiving from its associated LES.

           The METs will automatically cease transmission on any channel when commanded to do

so by its associated LES. The shut-off command will be accepted from either the signaling

channel or communications channel operated by the associated LES. Additionally, requirements

exist that provide for a fail-safe mode in inhibiting transmission, should a LES shut-off

command not be received over the communications channel, since the LES will cease

transmission after issuing a shut-off command.

       Requirement 8: Each MET with a requirement to handle distress and safety-related
communications shall have the capability within the station to automatically preempt lower
precedence traffic.

           This requirement does not apply to the METs that are the subject of this application.

           4.     Type Certification.

           The Commission has adopted rules and policies pertaining to portable Global Mobile

Personal Communications by Satellite (“GMPCS”) transceivers - i.e., satellite telephones and


other portable transceivers operated by end users for communication via direct radio lines with

satellites. 5 The Commission requires “portable” GMPCS transceivers imported, sold, leased,

shipped or distributed after November 19, 2004 to be certified under the Commission’s

equipment certification procedure. Non-portable devices (in addition to ship and aircraft

transceivers) are exempt from the Commission’s GMPCS certification requirements. Under the

Commission’s Rules, a transceiver is “portable” for purposes of this certification requirement if

“its radiating antenna would ordinarily be within 20 centimeters of the operator’s body when the

device is in use." 6 Based upon this definition of “portable,” the METs set forth in this

application are not subject to the FCC’s certification procedure for GMPCS terminals because

they will not be typically operated “within 20 centimeters of the operator’s body.”

      D. Conclusion

         For the foregoing reasons, SkyWave respectfully requests that this application for the

license of new METs be granted.

 See Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 to Implement the Global Mobile Personal
Communications by Satellite (GMPCS) Memorandum of Understanding and Arrangements,
FCC 03-283 (rel. Nov. 18, 2003) (“GMPCS Order”).
    47 C.F.R. § 2.1093.


Document Created: 2010-12-22 16:26:34
Document Modified: 2010-12-22 16:26:34

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