Attachment Rad Haz Analysis

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20101217-01585 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                              Radiation Hazard Analysis
                        Fixed Customer Premises Earth Station Terminal


This analysis calculates the non-ionizing radiation levels for a ViaSat, Inc, (“ViaSat”) fixed
customer premises earth station terminal (“CP terminal”). The calculations performed in this
analysis comply with the methods described in FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin,
Number 65 (Edition 97-01) (“Bulletin 65”). This analysis demonstrates that ViaSat CP terminals are
compliant and will not result in exposure levels exceeding the applicable radiation hazard limits.

Bulletin 65 and section 1.1310 of the Commission's rules specify two separate tiers of exposure
limits: one for Occupational/Controlled Exposures and one for General Population/Uncontrolled
Exposures. Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposures apply in situations when persons are
exposed as a consequence of their employment and are fully aware of and can control their exposure.
These limits also apply in situations when a person is transient through a location where such limits
would otherwise apply provided the person is made aware of the potential for exposure. The limits
for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure apply in situations in which the general public may
be exposed, or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be
fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. ViaSat will
typically deploy its CP terminals in General Population/Uncontrolled Environments. Accordingly,
this analysis discusses only the Maximum Permissible Exposure (“MPE”) limit for those types of
exposures, which is a power density equal to 1 milliwatt per centimeter squared averaged over a
thirty minute period.

As described in the definitional section of Appendix A, this report analyzes the maximum power
density levels in the vicinity of a CP terminal antenna in five regions: (1) the far field, (2) the near
field, (3) the transition region between near field and far field, (4) near the main reflector surface,
and (5) between the main reflector and the feed. These radiation regions were analyzed using the
definitions and formulas in Bulletin 65 for aperture antennas. The results of this analysis are
summarized in Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix A, which identify the potential exposure under nominal
operating conditions and worst-case conditions, respectively.

CP Terminal Description

The CP terminal transmits bursts of information at designated times that are assigned to the terminal
by the network. The length and carrier frequency of each transmission burst depend on the CP
terminal's mode of operation. There are three modes of operation (a) Idle Mode, during which the
CP terminal is not in active use; (b) Normal Mode, when there terminal is actively used under typical
network loading conditions; and (c) High Capacity Mode, When the terminal is actively used under
maximum uplink data transfer conditions.

In Idle Mode, the CP terminal transmits only timing and system information to the network for 0.4
millisecond every 640 ms seconds. The average duty cycle (ratio of transmitter on to transmitter off
time) in Idle Mode is 0.06%. In Normal Mode, the CP terminal transmits burst traffic to the network
with a nominal duty cycle of 10%. To support heavy data upload requirements such as file transfer,
current network configuration allows CP terminals to increase their transmit duty cycle to 30% in
High Capacity Mode. In practice, operation at 100% duty cycle will not happen due to network
configuration and operational loading of the shared return channel.

Tables 1 (clear sky condition) and Table 2 (heavy rain condition) provide a summary of the radiation
exposure analysis for each of the three ViaSat operating modes

The CP terminal uses transmitter power control system to reduce uplink interference and mitigate the
effects of changing atmospheric conditions. Under clear sky and cloudy conditions, all ViaSat 0.7 m
CP terminals will transmit at a nominal power level of 1.25 watts or less. This includes terminals at
the edge of beam locations. In rainy conditions, a CP terminal may increase its transmit power up to
a maximum power level of 2.8 watts. This maximum power level is only reached when the link
experiences extreme attenuation during periods of heavy rain or other extreme link fade conditions.

The CP terminal incorporates two “fail safe” features that limit the potential for human exposure.
First, the transmitter is not enabled until the receive down link connection to the satellite has been
established and an acceptable down link bit error rate has been achieved. The transmitter is disabled
very quickly, in less than 40 milliseconds, if a loss of down connectivity occurs. Transmissions will
not resume until approximately 10 seconds after downlink communications have been reestablished.
Secondly, the terminal's transmitter is not capable of operating in a continuous transmit mode of
operation. The CP terminal's outdoor unit incorporates a watchdog timer that will shut down the
transmitter if it remains in a continuous transmit state for more than 10 seconds. Under these
conditions, the transmitter will be turned off for 3 ms then resume normal operation after an internal
reset has occurred.

Explanation of the Analysis

The “Calculated Values” in Tables 1 and 2 (clear sky condition and heavy rain condition) are the
exposure rates calculated using the formulae from the Office of Engineering and Technology
Bulletin Number 65 (Edition 97-01) for a system with continuous (100% transmit duty cycle)
transmission. The ViaSat network, however, is based on so-called “shared pipes”. ViaSat terminals
transmit short bursts of data periodically as instructed by the network and are neither designed for
nor capable of continuous transmission. Therefore, in order to compute the effective radiated energy
of a ViaSat CP terminal, the terminals transmitter duty cycle has been used to adjust the values
calculated from Bulletin Number 65.

The columns in the tables labeled “Idle Mode,” “Normal Mode,” and “High Capacity Mode” reflect
the total potential for human exposure based on the length of time that the CP terminal transmits
energy during a rolling 30 minute period. In Idle Mode, the maximum transmitter duty cycle is
0.06% and therefore the values in the column labeled “Idle Mode” are equal to the calculated values
multiplied by 0.0006. Similarly, in Normal Mode the maximum transmitter duty cycle is 10% and
the values in the column labeled “Normal Mode” are equal to the Calculated Values multiplied by
0.1. And finally, in High Capacity Mode the transmitter duty cycle is 30% and the values in the
column labeled “High Capacity Mode” are equal to the Calculated Values multiplied by 0.3.

The MPE level calculations for each of the three operating modes for conditions labeled “Between
feed and reflector” are calculated based on the “fail safe” features of the ViaSat CP Terminal. When
the receive signal is lost due to signal blockage, the transmitter is shut down until the receive
downlink is restored. The transmitter is shutdown in less than 40 milliseconds of the loss of the
downlink. Since the areas of high field strength near the reflector and the feed are very sensitive to
blockage of the down link, this “fail safe” feature minimizes the potential for human exposure. If the
blockage due to human exposure occurs in these areas, the down link will be interrupted causing the

transmitter to turn off almost immediately and it will remain off until the blockage is removed. After
the blockage is removed, the CP terminal will have to reacquire the receive downlink and wait to be
invited back into the network before the transmitter will be enabled. The complete downlink
recovery time is 10 seconds. The values in the column labeled “Idle”, “Normal”, and “Worst Case”
are multiplied by 0.004 because the transmitter cannot transmit more than 0.4% of any rolling 30
minute period with significant blockage near the sub reflector and between the sub-reflector and the

Results of Analysis

This analysis demonstrates that the ViaSat CP terminal is not a radiation hazard because the terminal
does not exceed the MPE limit of 1 milliwatt per centimeter squared averaged over a thirty minute
period. As demonstrated in Tables 1-2, the area with the greatest field concentrations is between the
feed and the reflector surface. The area in which these high field concentrations exist is very small in
size, which limits the risk of human exposure to a person's hands or arms. If the down link (receive
signal) is interrupted by an object in an area of high field concentration, the uplink (transmit signal)
is shut down in less than 40 milliseconds and the receiver down link recovery time is 10 seconds.
The uplink will remain off until the blockage is removed and the downlink recovery is complete.
This feature, coupled with the terminal's use of uplink power control and non-continuous operation,
ensures that the general population will not be exposed to harmful levels of radiation.


This radiation hazard analysis demonstrates that ViaSat CP terminals will not result in exposure
levels exceeding the applicable radiation hazard limits.


1) Far Field Region

        The far field region extends outward from the mail reflector, beginning at a distance of
0.6  Dmaj
             meters where the larger diameter of the elliptical antenna is Dmaj. The maximum power
density is calculated using the equation recommended in Bulletin 65.

2) Near Field Region

        The near field region is an elliptical volume co-incident with the boresight of the main beam
                                                                             D maj
extending outward from the main reflector the length of the near field                   meters. The larger
                                                                              4 
dimension (Dmaj) of the elliptical antenna is used in place of the diameter of a circular antenna to
calculate the worst case length of the near field.

3) Transition Region

       The transition region is located between the near field region and the far field region. This
region has a power density that decreases inversely with increasing distance. Therefore the power
density in the transition region will be less than the power density in the near field for the purpose of
evaluating potential exposure.

4) Region Near the Main Reflector Surface

       The power density near the main reflector surface can be estimated as equal to four times the
the power divided by the area of the main reflector surface, assuming that the illumination is uniform
and that it would be possible to intercept equal amounts of energy radiating towards and reflected
from the antenna surface.

5) Region between the Main Reflector and the Feed

        The power radiated from the feed toward the reflector is conical in shape with the vertex at
the feed. The maximum power is at the feed mouth and can be estimated as four times the transmit
power divided by the area of the feed mouth.

                           Table 1: Radiation from 0.7 m Fixed Terminal (Clear Sky)

Input Parameters

Antenna Aperture Major Axis:
                                                                                   Dmaj  77  cm
Antenna Aperture Minor Axis:
                                                                                   Dmin  72  cm
Diameter of Feed Mouth:
                                                                                   Dfeed  5.461  cm
Frequency of Operation:
                                                                                   F  30  GHz
Max Power into Antenna:
                                                                                   P  1.45  W
Aperture Efficiency:
                                                                                     0.5

Calculated Values

Wavelength:                                     c
                                                                                  0.01  m

Area of Reflector:                                    Dmaj  Dmin                                   2
                                         Aref                                    A ref  0.435 m
Area of Feed Mouth:                                       Dfeed                                           2
                                         Afeed                                 A feed  0.002  m
Antenna Gain:                                     4    A ref                                     4
                                         G                                       G  2.74  10                   10  log ( G)  44.377 dBi
Length of Near Field:                    Rnf                                     Rnf  14.833 m
                                                    4 
Beginning of Far Field:                  Rff  0.6                               Rff  35.599 m

Power Density Calculations

Far Field:
                                    Idle Mode                           Normal Mode                           High Capacity Mode
Sff                                                         mW                             mW                                 mW
                       2           Sff  06%  0.015                  Sff  10%  0.025                 Sff  30%  0.075 
         4    Rff                                               2                              2                                    2
                                                              cm                             cm                                 cm

Near Field:                         Idle Mode                           Normal Mode                           High Capacity Mode

         4   P                                          mW                                mW                               mW
Snf                              Snf  06%  0.04                   Snf  10%  0.067                 Snf  30%  0.2 
           A ref                                                  2                               2                                2
                                                           cm                                cm                               cm

Transition Region:   Power density is less than the maximum near field region power density and greater than
                     the minimum far field region power density.

Main Reflector:                Idle Mode                              Normal Mode                          High Capacity Mode

            4 P                                       mW                                    mW                                 mW
S ref                       S ref  0.6%  0.008                  S ref  10%  0.133                 S ref  30%  0.4 
            Aref                                            2                                     2                                  2
                                                       cm                                    cm                                 cm

Feed Mouth1 :
                               Idle Mode                                 Normal                              High Capacity
                                                                         Mode                                Mode
            4 P
S feed                                                    mW                                mW                                  mW
            Afeed             S feed 0.0024%  0.01                 S feed 0.04%  0.1                S feed 0.12%  0.3 
                                                                 2                                    2                                  2
                                                            cm                                cm                                  cm

                            Table 2: Radiation from 0.7 m Fixed Terminal (Heavy Rain)

Input Parameters

Antenna Aperture Major Axis:
                                                                                          Dmaj  77  cm
Antenna Aperture Minor Axis:
                                                                                          Dmin  72  cm
Diameter of Feed Mouth:
                                                                                          Dfeed  5.461 cm
Frequency of Operation:
                                                                                          F  30  GHz
Max Power into Antenna:
                                                                                          P  2.8  W
Aperture Efficiency:
                                                                                            0.5

Calculated Values

Wavelength:                                        c
                                                                                         0.01  m

Area of Reflector:                                       Dmaj  Dmin                                      2
                                            Aref                                        A ref  0.435 m
Area of Feed Mouth:                                           Dfeed                                             2
                                            Afeed                                     A feed  0.002  m
Antenna Gain:                                        4    Aref                                       4
                                            G                                           G  2.74  10              10  log ( G)  44.377 dBi
Length of Near Field:                       Rnf                                         Rnf  14.833m
                                                       4 
Beginning of Far Field:                     Rff  0.6                                   Rff  35.599m

Power Density Calculations

Far Field:                          Idle Mode                              Normal Mode                        High Capacity Mode

             PG                                          mW                                     mW                                mW
S ff                             S ff  06%  0.029                    S ff  10%  0.048               S ff  30%  0.145 
                        2                                         2                                   2                                 2
          4    Rff                                     cm                                     cm                                cm

Near Field:                         Idle Mode                              Normal Mode                        High Capacity Mode

          4   P                                         mW                                    mW                                mW
S nf                             S nf  06%  0.077                    S nf  10%  0.129               S nf  30%  0.386
            Aref                                                  2                                   2                                 2
                                                           cm                                    cm                                cm

Transition Region:   Power density is less than the maximum near field region power density and greater
                     than the minimum far field region power density.

Main Reflector:              Idle Mode                              Normal Mode                          High Capacity Mode

            4 P                                     mW                                    mW                                   mW
S ref                     S ref  0.6%  0.015                  S ref  10%  0.257                 S ref  30%  0.772 
            A ref                                         2                                     2                                    2
                                                     cm                                    cm                                   cm

Feed Mouth1:
                             Idle Mode                                 Normal                             High Capacity
                                                                       Mode                               Mode
             4 P                                         mW                                 mW                                  mW
S feed                    S feed 0.0024%  0.01                 S feed 0.04%  0.19               S feed 0.12%  0.57 
            A feed                                             2                                    2                                    2
                                                          cm                                 cm                                  cm

Document Created: 2010-12-17 09:31:59
Document Modified: 2010-12-17 09:31:59

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