Attachment Range Test Report

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100921-01195 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


            Range Test Report
         3.9m Shaped Gregorian
          Antenna System (Ka)

Feed Model #:                  Test Feed

Feed Serial #:                 NA

RF Specification:              975-2191E

Side lobe Specification: ITU-RS-580
Test Plan:               Custom
Test Engineer:           Zukowski, W. Zuko

                  Test Report # 7282
                 Job #: 13143 (Unit 3)
                   04 February 2010

                 GDSATCOM Duluth

         Prepared By: Zukowski, W. Zuko

2600 N. Longview St., Kilgore, TX USA 75662-6842
 Phone (903) 984-0555 y FAX (903) 984-1826

                                        Table Of Contents

Introduction and Endorsements                               1

Data Reduction Formulas                                     2

Summary of Antenna Performance                              4

Measured Antenna Data:

             20.700 GHz

                    Gain (LHCP)                             5
                    Co-Pol Patterns (LHCP)                  6
                    Cross-Pol Patterns (LHCP)               10
                    Gain (RHCP)                             12
                    Co-Pol Patterns (RHCP)                  13
                    Cross-Pol Patterns (RHCP)               17

             30.500 GHz

                    Gain (LHCP)                             19
                    Co-Pol Patterns (LHCP)                  20
                    Gain (RHCP)                             24
                    Co-Pol Patterns (RHCP)                  25

Supplemental Data:

      R.F. Specification (975-2191E)                        29
      Equipment List                                        31



       The test data presented in this report represents an evaluation of a 3.9m shaped Gregorian, Ka band
reflector system. The tests were conducted at the SATCOM Technologies Kilgore, TX Test Range in
accordance with a custom test plan of mid—band checks only. This report shows the antenna‘s performance for
co—polarization side lobe suppression, on & off axis cross polarization, and antenna gain using the pattern
integration method.

       The receive co—polarization patterns were measured in both azimuth and elevation using a synthesized
CWsignal source located approximately 2.3 miles away from the antenna under test. The receive cross—
polarization patterns were measured and placed under the corresponding co—polarization pattern for azimuth and
elevation at multiple frequencies. (Note: Transmit cross polarization patterns were not taken due to limitations
of the Long Range at the time of testing.) Antenna gain measurements were taken by the Gain by Patterns
Integration method using Simpson‘s Rule calculated by SATCOM Technologies® antenna testing software

       Gain byintegration values were calculated from the antenna‘s co—polarization radiation patterns at
20.700 & 30.500 GHz. The patterns represented in this report meet or exceed specifications in RF spec 975—
2191E in accordance with acceptable measurement errors set forth in EIA—411—A.

         Job No.: 13143_Unit 3          FT No: 7282                      Test Engineer: W. Zuko Zukowski

         Zukowski, W. Zuko              Davisson. Richard                HofeferyRobert

        z_/p%/ #imp |PHLQI— |r040 [¥/t——__{célelo |
               Originator        Date           Approval        Date            Approval          Date

      VertexRSI Antenna Products Division                                     Kilgore, Texas Facility
      2600 N. Longview St., Kilgore, TX 75662-6842                                Range Test Report


1. System Noise Temperature:

 Ts = [Th + (TLNA + Ti)] / Y' (oK)
       where: Ts = system noise temperature in degrees K
                      Th = hot load temperature in degrees K
                      TLNA = LNA noise temperature in degrees K
                      Ti = sum of noise temperature contributions of device(s) installed
                      between feed flange and LNA in degrees K

2. Y' = 10 exp (YdB/10)

3. G/Ts:

 Ts(dB) = 10 LOG(Ts)
      Where: Ts = System noise temp.(°K)

4. G/Ts(dB/°K) = G - Ts (dB)

5. Antenna Gain:

 GA = 10 LOG[(G3+G10)/2]-Lrms -Lf

                G3 =31,000/(az 3dB)(el 3dB)
                G10=91,000/(az 10dB)(el 10dB)

       where:    az 3dB = (cosine corrected) Azimuth Half Power Beamwidth, degrees
                 el 3dB = Elevation Half Power Beamwidth, degrees
                 az 10dB = (cosine corrected) Azimuth Beamwidth @ -10dB, degrees
                 el 10dB = Elevation Beamwidth @ -10dB, degrees
                    Lrms = Reflector Surface Accuracy Loss, dB
                        Lrms = 4.92E2F2
                             E = RMS Surface Accuracy of Reflector, inches
                             F = Frequency, GHz
                     Lf = Feed Insertion Loss, dB

6. Azimuth Angle Corrected for Elevation Angle:

 Az' = 2 SIN-1 [SIN(Az/2)COS El]
      Where: Az = Angle from 0° on axis



7. Sidelobe Envelope Specification: ITU-RS-580

       For Angle A from 1 degree to 20 degrees              29-25 log(A)
       For Angle A from 20 to 26.3 degrees                  -3.5 dBi
       For Angle A from 26.3 to 48 degrees                  -32-25 log(A)
       For Angle A from 48 to 180 degrees                   -10 dBi

8. G/T : by Carrier to Noise Method

  G/T dB/°K =

  C/NO dB-Hz - 228.6 - Satellite EIRPdBW + Path LossdB + Aspect CorrectiondB

9. C/NO =

 C+N/N - 2.5dB + 10 log10 (NBW)



    Antenna Cross-Pol

    Frequency (GHz):     20.700        30.500
    Measured (dBi):


           AZ            33.23         **.**

           EL            32.09         **.**


           AZ            31.08         **.**

           EL            30.69         **.**

    Spec. (dBi):     24.80 dB

    Antenna Gain (Pattern Integration Method)

    Frequency (GHz):     20.700        30.500
    Measured (dBi):

                         56.82         59.12

                         57.11         59.31

    Spec. (dBi):         56.60         59.20

    Measurement accuracy estimated at +/- 0.47 dBi


                                                                                                             Model................... 3.9m Ka
                                                                                                              Location............... Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                                             Weather............... Clear
        Customer................. GDSatcom Duluth                                                            Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
       Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 151828                                                             Spacecraft........... Long Range
       Job Number............. 13143_03                                                                      Transponder........ NA

                         RX...LHCP Polarization...Gain by Integration...20.700 GHz
                                                                                                                                               Spec. Gain (dBi):   56.600
                                                                                     AZ Pattern                                          Calculated Gain (dB):     56.82









       -4.000 0.000    5.000     10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

                                                                               EL Pattern









       -4.000 0.000    5.000     10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

The Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; the X -scale is angle (degrees, AZ cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
 Antenna Gain by Integration = 2 / ( Sum [ PsubTheta * sin(Theta) * deltaTheta ] - FeedLoss - AngularExtentLoss - SparBlockageLoss - CrossPolLoss)
                                     where the summation is performed for look angles (Theta) offset from beam center from 0 to 180 degrees (in practice
                                     the summation occurs on both sides of beam center and the average is taken) and where PsubTheta is the power
                                     relative to beam center power and measured at look angles offset from beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001748, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
AZ Co-pol File              % 100119 151828 13143_03 RC-175-LA-20.700.txt                               The calculated gain is greater than the specified gain by 0.22 dB.
EL Co-pol File                 % 100119 152604 13143_03 RC-90-LE-20.700.txt                                    # Points Displayed            2163
    Test Frequency (GHz)           20.700001748                                                                      Feed Loss (dB)                0.60
      AZ Ref. Level (dBm)               -28.95                                                            Angular Extent Loss(dB)                  0.05

              Azimuth (deg)            180.080             Versions                                      Spar Blockage Loss (dB)                   0.03
                                                          61030 FAST                                           Cross-pol Loss (dB)                 0.03
            Elevation (deg)              1.870            60129 PACK


                                                                                        Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                        Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                        Weather...............      Clear
  Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                          Test Engineer.....          Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time.....        1-19-2010 at 151828                                      Spacecraft............      Long Range
  Job Number.............      13143_03                                                 Transponder.......          NA

                                        RX...Co-pol...LHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                           Azimuth                                                   % Over Curve        0.2


                                                                                                      Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
 -5.000                                                                                                   1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                         20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
                                                                                                         26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                         48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                       [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -30.000    -25.000       -20.000    -15.000      -10.000     -5.000        0.000     5.000        10.000       15.000      20.000       25.000       30.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001748, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
      File:         % 100119 151828 13143_03 RC-175-LA-20.700.txt                                                  Specified Gain (dB):           56.600
               Test Frequency (GHz):               20.700001748                                         Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                    Ref. Level (dBm):                 -28.95               Versions                    Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                           61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:                  1367                60129 PACK                     Margin Under Curved (dB):                   None


                                                                                             Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                             Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                             Weather...............      Clear
  Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                               Test Engineer.....          Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time.....        1-19-2010 at 151828                                           Spacecraft............      Long Range
  Job Number.............      13143_03                                                      Transponder.......          NA

                                        RX...Co-pol...LHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                            Azimuth                                                       % Over Curve        1.1


                                                                                                           Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
 -5.000                                                                                                        1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
                                                                                                              26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                            [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















    -175.000   -150.000   -125.000   -100.000   -75.000     -50.000   -25.000        0.000   25.000     50.000      75.000    100.000   125.000    150.000    175.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001748, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
      File:          % 100119 151828 13143_03 RC-175-LA-20.700.txt                                                      Specified Gain (dB):           56.600
               Test Frequency (GHz):              20.700001748                                               Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                     Ref. Level (dBm):                    -28.95                Versions                    Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                            61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:                     8056              60129 PACK                           Margin Under Curved (dB):                 None


                                                                                            Model...................     3.9m Ka
                                                                                            Location...............      Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                            Weather...............       Clear
   Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                             Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 152604                                                Spacecraft........... Long Range
   Job Number.............      13143_03                                                    Transponder........          NA

                                        RX...Co-pol...LHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                      Elevation                                                             % Over Curve        0.1


                                                                                                           Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
                                                                                                               1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
-10.000                                                                                                       26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                            [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -4.000   -2.000    0.000   2.000   4.000    6.000   8.000   10.000   12.000   14.000    16.000    18.000   20.000    22.000   24.000     26.000   28.000   30.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001748, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    File:         % 100119 152604 13143_03 RC-90-LE-20.700.txt                                                         Specified Gain:          56.600
              Test Frequency (GHz):             20.700001748                                          Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                       Ref. Level (dBm):           -28.73          Versions                        Elevation Beam Center (deg):                  1.870
                                                                  61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:               2764          60129 PACK                            Margin Under Curve (dB):                 None


                                                                                     Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                     Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                     Weather...............      Clear
   Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                      Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 152604                                         Spacecraft........... Long Range
   Job Number.............      13143_03                                             Transponder........         NA

                                       RX...Co-pol...LHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                     Elevation                                                    % Over Curve      2.7


                                                                                                    Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
                                                                                                        1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                       20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
-10.000                                                                                                26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                       48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                     [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -4.000 0.000    5.000   10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001748, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    File:           % 100119 152604 13143_03 RC-90-LE-20.700.txt                                                Specified Gain:       56.600
              Test Frequency (GHz):           20.700001748                                   Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                      Ref. Level (dBm):           -28.73         Versions                   Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                 61030 FAST
                    # Points Displayed:            7670          60129 PACK                     Margin Under Curve (dB):                None


                                                                                            Model...................      3.9m Ka
                                                                                            Location...............       Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                            Weather...............        Clear
     Customer................. GDSatcom Duluth                                              Test Engineer.....            Zukowski, W. Zuko
     Date/Local Time.....        1-19-2010 at 145815                                        Spacecraft............        Long Range
     Job Number............. 13143_03                                                       Transponder.......            NA

                       RX...Cross-pol under Co-pol...LHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                          Azimuth                                                 On-axis Isolation (dB): 33.23


















      -5.000 -4.500 -4.000   -3.500 -3.000 -2.500 -2.000 -1.500   -1.000 -0.500   0.000   0.500   1.000   1.500   2.000   2.500    3.000   3.500   4.000   4.500   5.000

The Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; the X-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001747, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    Co-pol File:               % 100119 150240 13143_03 RC-7-LA-20.700.txt                                    Azimuth Beam Center (deg):                   180.080
Cross-pol File:                % 100119 145815 13143_03 RX-7-LA-20.700.txt                                   Elevation Beam Center (deg):                   1.870
 Test Frequency (GHz):          20.700001747                                                                  On-axis Spec. Isolation (dB):                24.800
       Ref. Level (dBm):             -28.63           Versions                                                Off-axis Spec. Isolation (dB):                24.80
                                                     61030 FAST
     # Points Displayed:              6810           60129 PACK


                                                                                                   Model...................   3.9m Ka
                                                                                                   Location...............    Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                                   Weather...............     Clear
    Customer.................      GDSatcom Duluth                                                  Test Engineer.....        Zukowski, W. Zuko
    Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 150358                                                      Spacecraft............     Long Range
    Job Number............. 13143_03                                                               Transponder.......         NA

                                 RX...Cross-pol under Co-pol...LHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                                   Elevation                                       On Axis Isolation (dB):    32.09


















      -4.000   -3.500   -3.000   -2.500   -2.000   -1.500   -1.000      -0.500   0.000   0.500   1.000   1.500   2.000    2.500   3.000   3.500   4.000   4.500   5.000

The Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; the X-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001748, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    Co-pol File:                 % 100119 150358 13143_03 RC-7-LE-20.700.txt                                          Azimuth Beam Center (deg):             180.080
Cross-pol File:                  % 100119 150038 13143_03 RX-7-LE-20.700.txt                                         Elevation Beam Center (deg):             1.870
 Test Frequency (GHz):             20.700001748                                                                       On-axis Spec. Isolation (dB):          24.800
                                          -28.63             Versions                                                 Off-axis Spec. Isolation (dB):          24.80
       Ref. Level (dBm):
                                                            61030 FAST
     # Points Displayed:                  7206              60129 PACK


                                                                                                             Model................... 3.9m Ka
                                                                                                              Location............... Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                                             Weather............... Clear
        Customer................. GDSatcom Duluth                                                            Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
       Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 181437                                                             Spacecraft........... Long Range
       Job Number............. 13143_03                                                                      Transponder........ NA

                        RX...RHCP Polarization...Gain by Integration...20.700 GHz
                                                                                                                                               Spec. Gain (dBi):   56.600
                                                                                     AZ Pattern                                          Calculated Gain (dB):     57.11









       -4.000 0.000    5.000    10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

                                                                               EL Pattern









       -4.000 0.000    5.000    10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

The Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; the X -scale is angle (degrees, AZ cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
 Antenna Gain by Integration = 2 / ( Sum [ PsubTheta * sin(Theta) * deltaTheta ] - FeedLoss - AngularExtentLoss - SparBlockageLoss - CrossPolLoss)
                                     where the summation is performed for look angles (Theta) offset from beam center from 0 to 180 degrees (in practice
                                     the summation occurs on both sides of beam center and the average is taken) and where PsubTheta is the power
                                     relative to beam center power and measured at look angles offset from beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001749, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
AZ Co-pol File              % 100119 181437 13143_03 RC-175-RA-20.700.txt                               The calculated gain is greater than the specified gain by 0.51 dB.
EL Co-pol File               % 100119 182210 13143_03 RC-90-RE-20.700.txt                                      # Points Displayed            2150
    Test Frequency (GHz)           20.700001749                                                                      Feed Loss (dB)                0.60
      AZ Ref. Level (dBm)               -28.52                                                            Angular Extent Loss(dB)                  0.05

              Azimuth (deg)            180.080             Versions                                      Spar Blockage Loss (dB)                   0.03
                                                          61030 FAST                                           Cross-pol Loss (dB)                 0.03
            Elevation (deg)              1.870            60129 PACK


                                                                                        Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                        Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                        Weather...............      Clear
  Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                          Test Engineer.....          Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time.....        1-19-2010 at 181437                                      Spacecraft............      Long Range
  Job Number.............      13143_03                                                 Transponder.......          NA

                                        RX...Co-pol...RHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                           Azimuth                                                   % Over Curve        0.1


                                                                                                      Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
 -5.000                                                                                                   1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                         20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
                                                                                                         26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                         48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                       [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -30.000    -25.000       -20.000    -15.000      -10.000     -5.000        0.000     5.000        10.000       15.000      20.000       25.000       30.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001749, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
      File:         % 100119 181437 13143_03 RC-175-RA-20.700.txt                                                  Specified Gain (dB):           56.600
               Test Frequency (GHz):               20.700001749                                         Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                    Ref. Level (dBm):                 -28.52               Versions                    Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                           61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:                  1359                60129 PACK                     Margin Under Curved (dB):                   None


                                                                                             Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                             Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                             Weather...............      Clear
  Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                               Test Engineer.....          Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time.....        1-19-2010 at 181437                                           Spacecraft............      Long Range
  Job Number.............      13143_03                                                      Transponder.......          NA

                                       RX...Co-pol...RHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                            Azimuth                                                       % Over Curve        0.9


                                                                                                           Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
 -5.000                                                                                                        1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
                                                                                                              26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                            [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















    -175.000   -150.000   -125.000   -100.000   -75.000     -50.000   -25.000        0.000   25.000     50.000      75.000    100.000   125.000    150.000    175.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001749, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
      File:         % 100119 181437 13143_03 RC-175-RA-20.700.txt                                                       Specified Gain (dB):           56.600
               Test Frequency (GHz):              20.700001749                                               Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                     Ref. Level (dBm):                    -28.52                Versions                    Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                            61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:                     8009              60129 PACK                           Margin Under Curved (dB):                 None


                                                                                            Model...................     3.9m Ka
                                                                                            Location...............      Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                            Weather...............       Clear
   Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                             Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 182210                                                Spacecraft........... Long Range
   Job Number.............      13143_03                                                    Transponder........          NA

                                        RX...Co-pol...RHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                       Elevation                                                            % Over Curve        0.0


                                                                                                           Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
                                                                                                               1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
-10.000                                                                                                       26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                            [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -4.000   -2.000    0.000   2.000   4.000    6.000   8.000   10.000   12.000   14.000    16.000    18.000   20.000    22.000   24.000     26.000   28.000   30.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001749, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    File:         % 100119 182210 13143_03 RC-90-RE-20.700.txt                                                         Specified Gain:          56.600
              Test Frequency (GHz):             20.700001749                                          Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                       Ref. Level (dBm):           -28.39          Versions                        Elevation Beam Center (deg):                  1.870
                                                                  61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:               2752          60129 PACK                            Margin Under Curve (dB):                 None


                                                                                     Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                     Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                     Weather...............      Clear
   Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                      Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 182210                                         Spacecraft........... Long Range
   Job Number.............      13143_03                                             Transponder........         NA

                                       RX...Co-pol...RHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                     Elevation                                                    % Over Curve      0.9


                                                                                                    Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
                                                                                                        1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                       20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
-10.000                                                                                                26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                       48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                     [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -4.000 0.000    5.000   10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001749, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    File:           % 100119 182210 13143_03 RC-90-RE-20.700.txt                                                Specified Gain:       56.600
              Test Frequency (GHz):           20.700001749                                   Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                      Ref. Level (dBm):           -28.39         Versions                   Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                 61030 FAST
                    # Points Displayed:            7642          60129 PACK                     Margin Under Curve (dB):                None


                                                                                            Model...................      3.9m Ka
                                                                                            Location...............       Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                            Weather...............        Clear
     Customer................. GDSatcom Duluth                                              Test Engineer.....            Zukowski, W. Zuko
     Date/Local Time.....        1-19-2010 at 175754                                        Spacecraft............        Long Range
     Job Number............. 13143_03                                                       Transponder.......            NA

                       RX...Cross-pol under Co-pol...RHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                          Azimuth                                                 On-axis Isolation (dB): 31.08


















      -5.000 -4.500 -4.000   -3.500 -3.000 -2.500 -2.000 -1.500   -1.000 -0.500   0.000   0.500   1.000   1.500   2.000   2.500    3.000   3.500   4.000   4.500   5.000

The Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; the X-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001744, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    Co-pol File:              % 100119 180206 13143_03 RC-7-RA-20.700.txt                                     Azimuth Beam Center (deg):                   180.080
Cross-pol File:                % 100119 175754 13143_03 RX-7-RA-20.700.txt                                   Elevation Beam Center (deg):                   1.870
 Test Frequency (GHz):          20.700001744                                                                  On-axis Spec. Isolation (dB):                24.800
       Ref. Level (dBm):             -28.49           Versions                                                Off-axis Spec. Isolation (dB):                24.80
                                                     61030 FAST
     # Points Displayed:              6718           60129 PACK


                                                                                                    Model...................   3.9m Ka
                                                                                                    Location...............    Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                                    Weather...............     Clear
    Customer.................       GDSatcom Duluth                                                  Test Engineer.....        Zukowski, W. Zuko
    Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 180322                                                       Spacecraft............     Long Range
    Job Number............. 13143_03                                                                Transponder.......         NA

                                 RX...Cross-pol under Co-pol...RHCP polarization...20.700 GHz
                                                                                    Elevation                                       On Axis Isolation (dB):    30.69


















      -4.000   -3.500   -3.000    -2.500   -2.000   -1.500   -1.000      -0.500   0.000   0.500   1.000   1.500   2.000    2.500   3.000   3.500   4.000   4.500   5.000

The Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; the X-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=20700001745, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    Co-pol File:                 % 100119 180322 13143_03 RC-7-RE-20.700.txt                                           Azimuth Beam Center (deg):             180.080
Cross-pol File:                  % 100119 180018 13143_03 RX-7-RE-20.700.txt                                          Elevation Beam Center (deg):             1.870
 Test Frequency (GHz):              20.700001745                                                                       On-axis Spec. Isolation (dB):          24.800
                                           -28.49             Versions                                                 Off-axis Spec. Isolation (dB):          24.80
       Ref. Level (dBm):
                                                             61030 FAST
     # Points Displayed:                   7113              60129 PACK


                                                                                                             Model................... 3.9m Ka
                                                                                                              Location............... Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                                             Weather............... Clear
        Customer................. GDSatcom Duluth                                                            Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
       Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 110008                                                             Spacecraft........... Long Range
       Job Number............. 13143_03                                                                      Transponder........ NA

                         TX...LHCP Polarization...Gain by Integration...30.500 GHz
                                                                                                                                               Spec. Gain (dBi):   59.200
                                                                                     AZ Pattern                                          Calculated Gain (dB):     59.12









       -4.000 0.000    5.000    10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

                                                                               EL Pattern









       -4.000 0.000    5.000    10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

The Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; the X -scale is angle (degrees, AZ cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
 Antenna Gain by Integration = 2 / ( Sum [ PsubTheta * sin(Theta) * deltaTheta ] - FeedLoss - AngularExtentLoss - SparBlockageLoss - CrossPolLoss)
                                     where the summation is performed for look angles (Theta) offset from beam center from 0 to 180 degrees (in practice
                                     the summation occurs on both sides of beam center and the average is taken) and where PsubTheta is the power
                                     relative to beam center power and measured at look angles offset from beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002664, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
AZ Co-pol File               % 100119 110008 13143_03 TC-175-LA-30.500.txt                               The calculated gain is less than the specified gain by 0.08 dB.
EL Co-pol File                 % 100119 110743 13143_03 TC-90-LE-30.500.txt                                    # Points Displayed           2174
    Test Frequency (GHz)           30.500002664                                                                      Feed Loss (dB)                0.60
      AZ Ref. Level (dBm)               -37.43                                                            Angular Extent Loss(dB)                  0.05

              Azimuth (deg)            180.080             Versions                                      Spar Blockage Loss (dB)                   0.03
                                                          61030 FAST                                           Cross-pol Loss (dB)                 0.03
            Elevation (deg)              1.870            60129 PACK


                                                                                        Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                        Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                        Weather...............      Clear
  Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                          Test Engineer.....          Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time.....        1-19-2010 at 110008                                      Spacecraft............      Long Range
  Job Number.............      13143_03                                                 Transponder.......          NA

                                        TX...Co-pol...LHCP polarization...30.500 GHz
                                                                           Azimuth                                                   % Over Curve        0.1


                                                                                                      Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
 -5.000                                                                                                   1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                         20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
                                                                                                         26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                         48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                       [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -30.000    -25.000       -20.000    -15.000      -10.000     -5.000        0.000     5.000        10.000       15.000      20.000       25.000       30.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002664, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
      File:         % 100119 110008 13143_03 TC-175-LA-30.500.txt                                                  Specified Gain (dB):           59.200
               Test Frequency (GHz):               30.500002664                                         Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                    Ref. Level (dBm):                 -37.43               Versions                    Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                           61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:                  1374                60129 PACK                     Margin Under Curved (dB):                   None


                                                                                             Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                             Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                             Weather...............      Clear
  Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                               Test Engineer.....          Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time.....        1-19-2010 at 110008                                           Spacecraft............      Long Range
  Job Number.............      13143_03                                                      Transponder.......          NA

                                        TX...Co-pol...LHCP polarization...30.500 GHz
                                                                            Azimuth                                                       % Over Curve        0.5


                                                                                                           Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
 -5.000                                                                                                        1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
                                                                                                              26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                            [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















    -175.000   -150.000   -125.000   -100.000   -75.000     -50.000   -25.000        0.000   25.000     50.000      75.000    100.000   125.000    150.000    175.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002664, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
      File:          % 100119 110008 13143_03 TC-175-LA-30.500.txt                                                      Specified Gain (dB):           59.200
               Test Frequency (GHz):              30.500002664                                               Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                     Ref. Level (dBm):                    -37.43                Versions                    Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                            61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:                     8091              60129 PACK                           Margin Under Curved (dB):                 None


                                                                                            Model...................     3.9m Ka
                                                                                            Location...............      Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                            Weather...............       Clear
   Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                             Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 110743                                                Spacecraft........... Long Range
   Job Number.............      13143_03                                                    Transponder........          NA

                                        TX...Co-pol...LHCP polarization...30.500 GHz
                                                                       Elevation                                                            % Over Curve        0.0


                                                                                                           Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
                                                                                                               1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
-10.000                                                                                                       26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                            [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -4.000   -2.000    0.000   2.000   4.000    6.000   8.000   10.000   12.000   14.000    16.000    18.000   20.000    22.000   24.000     26.000   28.000   30.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002664, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    File:         % 100119 110743 13143_03 TC-90-LE-30.500.txt                                                         Specified Gain:          59.200
              Test Frequency (GHz):             30.500002664                                          Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                       Ref. Level (dBm):           -36.43          Versions                        Elevation Beam Center (deg):                  1.870
                                                                  61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:               2772          60129 PACK                            Margin Under Curve (dB):                 1.20


                                                                                     Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                     Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                     Weather...............      Clear
   Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                      Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time...... 1-19-2010 at 110743                                         Spacecraft........... Long Range
   Job Number.............      13143_03                                             Transponder........         NA

                                        TX...Co-pol...LHCP polarization...30.500 GHz
                                                                     Elevation                                                    % Over Curve      0.4


                                                                                                    Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
                                                                                                        1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                       20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
-10.000                                                                                                26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                       48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                     [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -4.000 0.000    5.000   10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002664, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.029, EL rate (deg/s)=0.402, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    File:           % 100119 110743 13143_03 TC-90-LE-30.500.txt                                                Specified Gain:       59.200
              Test Frequency (GHz):           30.500002664                                   Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                      Ref. Level (dBm):           -36.43         Versions                   Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                 61030 FAST
                    # Points Displayed:            7701          60129 PACK                     Margin Under Curve (dB):                None


                                                                                                             Model................... 3.9m Ka
                                                                                                              Location............... Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                                             Weather............... Clear
        Customer................. GDSatcom Duluth                                                            Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
       Date/Local Time...... 1-18-2010 at 170611                                                             Spacecraft........... Long Range
       Job Number............. 13143_03                                                                      Transponder........ NA

                        TX...RHCP Polarization...Gain by Integration...30.500 GHz
                                                                                                                                               Spec. Gain (dBi):   59.200
                                                                                     AZ Pattern                                          Calculated Gain (dB):     59.31









       -4.000 0.000    5.000     10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

                                                                               EL Pattern









       -4.000 0.000    5.000     10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

The Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; the X -scale is angle (degrees, AZ cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
 Antenna Gain by Integration = 2 / ( Sum [ PsubTheta * sin(Theta) * deltaTheta ] - FeedLoss - AngularExtentLoss - SparBlockageLoss - CrossPolLoss)
                                     where the summation is performed for look angles (Theta) offset from beam center from 0 to 180 degrees (in practice
                                     the summation occurs on both sides of beam center and the average is taken) and where PsubTheta is the power
                                     relative to beam center power and measured at look angles offset from beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002701, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.065, EL rate (deg/s)=0.418, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
AZ Co-pol File              % 100118 170611 13143_03 TC-175-RA-30.500.txt                               The calculated gain is greater than the specified gain by 0.11 dB.
EL Co-pol File                 % 100118 171801 13143_03 TC-90-RE-30.500.txt                                    # Points Displayed            2231
    Test Frequency (GHz)           30.500002701                                                                      Feed Loss (dB)                0.60
      AZ Ref. Level (dBm)               -37.83                                                            Angular Extent Loss(dB)                  0.05

              Azimuth (deg)            180.080             Versions                                      Spar Blockage Loss (dB)                   0.03
                                                          61030 FAST                                           Cross-pol Loss (dB)                 0.03
            Elevation (deg)              1.870            60129 PACK


                                                                                        Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                        Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                        Weather...............      Clear
  Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                          Test Engineer.....          Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time.....        1-18-2010 at 170611                                      Spacecraft............      Long Range
  Job Number.............      13143_03                                                 Transponder.......          NA

                                        TX...Co-pol...RHCP polarization...30.500 GHz
                                                                           Azimuth                                                   % Over Curve        0.1


                                                                                                      Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
 -5.000                                                                                                   1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                         20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
                                                                                                         26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                         48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                       [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -30.000    -25.000       -20.000    -15.000      -10.000     -5.000        0.000     5.000        10.000       15.000      20.000       25.000       30.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002701, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.065, EL rate (deg/s)=0.418, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
      File:         % 100118 170611 13143_03 TC-175-RA-30.500.txt                                                  Specified Gain (dB):           59.200
               Test Frequency (GHz):               30.500002701                                         Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                    Ref. Level (dBm):                 -37.83               Versions                    Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                           61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:                  1413                60129 PACK                     Margin Under Curved (dB):                   None


                                                                                             Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                             Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                             Weather...............      Clear
  Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                               Test Engineer.....          Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time.....        1-18-2010 at 170611                                           Spacecraft............      Long Range
  Job Number.............      13143_03                                                      Transponder.......          NA

                                        TX...Co-pol...RHCP polarization...30.500 GHz
                                                                            Azimuth                                                       % Over Curve        0.9


                                                                                                           Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
 -5.000                                                                                                        1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
                                                                                                              26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                            [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















    -175.000   -150.000   -125.000   -100.000   -75.000     -50.000   -25.000        0.000   25.000     50.000      75.000    100.000   125.000    150.000    175.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002701, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.065, EL rate (deg/s)=0.418, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
      File:          % 100118 170611 13143_03 TC-175-RA-30.500.txt                                                      Specified Gain (dB):           59.200
               Test Frequency (GHz):              30.500002701                                               Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                     Ref. Level (dBm):                    -37.83                Versions                    Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                            61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:                     8192              60129 PACK                           Margin Under Curved (dB):                 None


                                                                                            Model...................     3.9m Ka
                                                                                            Location...............      Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                            Weather...............       Clear
   Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                             Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time...... 1-18-2010 at 171100                                                Spacecraft........... Long Range
   Job Number.............      13143_03                                                    Transponder........          NA

                                        TX...Co-pol...RHCP polarization...30.500 GHz
                                                                       Elevation                                                            % Over Curve        0.0


                                                                                                           Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
                                                                                                               1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
-10.000                                                                                                       26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                              48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                            [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -4.000   -2.000    0.000   2.000   4.000    6.000   8.000   10.000   12.000   14.000    16.000    18.000   20.000    22.000   24.000     26.000   28.000   30.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002701, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.065, EL rate (deg/s)=0.418, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    File:         % 100118 171100 13143_03 TC-30-RE-30.500.txt                                                         Specified Gain:          59.200
              Test Frequency (GHz):             30.500002701                                          Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                       Ref. Level (dBm):           -37.23          Versions                        Elevation Beam Center (deg):                  1.870
                                                                  61030 FAST
                  # Points Displayed:               8192          60129 PACK                            Margin Under Curve (dB):                 0.44


                                                                                     Model...................    3.9m Ka
                                                                                     Location...............     Kilgore, Tx
                                                                                     Weather...............      Clear
   Customer.................    GDSatcom Duluth                                      Test Engineer...... Zukowski, W. Zuko
   Date/Local Time...... 1-18-2010 at 171801                                         Spacecraft........... Long Range
   Job Number.............      13143_03                                             Transponder........         NA

                                       TX...Co-pol...RHCP polarization...30.500 GHz
                                                                     Elevation                                                    % Over Curve      0.6


                                                                                                    Intelsat / ITU 580-5:
                                                                                                        1.0° to 20.0°...........29-25logØ-G
                                                                                                       20.0° to 26.3°...........-3.5-G
-10.000                                                                                                26.3° to 48.0°...........32-25logØ-G
                                                                                                       48.0° to 180.0°...........-10-G
                                                                                                     [Start angle adjusted if dia./lambda < 150.]















     -4.000 0.000    5.000   10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000 65.000 70.000 75.000 80.000 85.000 90.000

Y-scale is power level (dB) relative to beam center; x-scale is angle (degrees, cosine corrected) relative to beam center.
SA Freq (Hz)=30500002701, AZ rate (deg/s)=1.065, EL rate (deg/s)=0.418, RBW (Hz)=30, VBW (Hz)=10
    File:           % 100118 171801 13143_03 TC-90-RE-30.500.txt                                                Specified Gain:       59.200
              Test Frequency (GHz):           30.500002701                                   Azimuth Beam Center (deg):               180.080
                      Ref. Level (dBm):           -37.28         Versions                   Elevation Beam Center (deg):               1.870
                                                                 61030 FAST
                    # Points Displayed:            8094          60129 PACK                     Margin Under Curve (dB):                None


                                                                             VertexRSI 3.90 Meter Shaped GreClorian Antenna
                                                                                     With Four Port Circularlv Polarized Feed
                                                                                     Preliminarv Spec, RCP/LCP switchable
                                                                                            Receive            Transmit
Freq ue ncv in G Hz-------- -- ------------ --- -- -- ------ ---- -- ---- ----------- --.   20.200-21.200      30.000-31.000
Po rt Tvpe ----- --------- ----- ------- ---------- ------------------- --------------.     Rx1/Rx2            Tx1/Tx2
Po lariz at;o n------ ---- ----------------- --------- --------- ---------------------­     Circular            Circular
Feed Port Polarizatio ns---------------- ----- ---------- -------- ------ ------.           RHCP/LHCP          LHCP/RHCP
Antenna Gain (+1- 0.2 dB)
        20.200/30.000 GHz--------------------------------------------                       56.40 dBi       59.10 dBi
        20.700 130.500 GHz--------------------------------------------                      56.60 dBi       59.20 dBi
        21.200 131.000 GHz--------------------------------------------                      56.80 dBi       59.20 dBi
Antenna Noise Temperture
       5 deqree Elevation----------------------------------------------                      201   K
       10 deqree Elevation--------------------------------------------                       157   K
       20 deqree Elevation--------------------------------------------                       121   K
       30 deqree Elevation--------------------------------------------·                      102   K
Typical GIT at 20 deq Elevation 20.200 GHz                  , clear horizon

         120 deqree K LNA -------------------------------------------­  32.6 dB/K
         200 deqree K LNA -------------------------------------------- 31.3 dB/K
Pattern Beamwidth in deqrees at      20.700/30.500 GHz
         -3 dB Beamwidth-----------------------------------------------                       0.23              0.17
        -15 dB Beamwidth-----------------------------------------------                       0.48              0.36
           For Anqle A from 1 to 48 Deqrees--------------------------­                             Meets ITU-RS-580
           For Anqles from 48 to 180 Deqrees-------------------------                              Meets ITU-RS-580
Cross Polarization Isolation
       On Axis --­ ---­ ----------­ -----­ -­ ----­ --­ -­ ---------­ -­ -­ -----­ ---­      24.8 dB            24.8 dB
       Within 1.0 dB Beamwidth -------------------------------------.                        24.8 dB            24.8 dB
VertexRSI- Antenna Products Divison                                                                                                                  975-2191 E
Kilqore Texas Facility, U.SA                                                                                      5/6/2009      Paqe 1 of 2   R.F. Specification

                                                                           VertexRSI 3.90 Meter Shaped Gregorian Antenna
                                                                                   With Four Port Circularly Polarized Feed
                                                                                    Preliminary Spec, RCP/LCP switchable
                                                                                        Receive                 Transmit

     VSWR (RBtUM LO§§)—————<—————=————cccccececesseecccccccec kc en escececc>: 1.30:1(17.70B) 1.30:1(17.70B)
     AXIAl RAtIQ————————————o—a 2220000000000 ce0 e e es ececcccnececoee e e eccccccececcccco—— 1.00 dB 1.00 dB
     Feed Insertion Of ONMIG LO§§—————————————————<cosecececsccccceccccec~—— 0.60 dB                    0.60 dB

     Port to Port Isolation (Rx to Rx, Tx to Tx, Same Band)———————————— 17.0 dB                                 17.0 dB

     POTt t0 POML ISOIRtIOMN—————<—==————————————cccecacesecccccccs n e es se ecaccc . 0.0   dB (Input)         —50.0 dB
     POrt t0 POPt ISOIRNONM—————————==—=<==——s<————cococanescecececssccccceseccens. —85.0 dB                    0.0 dB (Input)

     Qutput Waveguide FIang@ INt@rfAG@———————————<o—c—cene—cocccos sc esn — WR—42                            WR—28
     Total Power Handling CaPAbility—————<—<—<——————<oceccccssesccccoc—c———>                                100 Watts

Notes — Other operational frequencies available
     — 10%of sidelobes may exceed the sidelobe specifications where applicable. _                                _               .
      — Power handling capability is based on and limited by the physical characteristics in the feed components. Microwave power at these
     levels may contribute to the radiation hazard or exceed certain offaxis EIRP specifications.

     —G/T is calculated by bolting single LNA directly to the feed.It does not allow for any post LNA effects.

     All values are at the rear feed output flange.

     VertexRSI— Antenna Products Divison                                                                                                                    975—2191E

     Kilgore Texas Facility, U.S.A.                                                                                  5/6/2009        Page   2 of 2   R.F. Specification

                                 Equipment List


                Miteq : AMFW-7F-18102200-120-10P-V _ S/N: 1422073
                Miteq :AMFW-8F-27303100-180-8P-V _ S/N: 1347269


          Agilent E4446A
          S/N: MY43360127
          Cal Date: 28JAN09
          Cal Due : 28JAN10

 Signal Generator:

          Agilent E8257D
          S/N: MY44320834
          Cal Date: 30MAR09
          Cal Due : 30MAR11


  Feed Horn: Ka S/N: LNGKACP


Document Created: 2010-09-14 16:01:06
Document Modified: 2010-09-14 16:01:06

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