Attachment Filing_Notes

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100817-01141 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


20100727M02V01_Filing_Notes.doc                                                                            1

                            FCC Filing Notes
                On-The-Move SATCOM Permanent Licensing

Form 312, Schedule B

E10: Our earth station is mobile with operation within CONUS and Hawaii. We are excluding
transmissions near White Sands, NM in order to not interfere with government operations in that
    • Mobile-CONUS
    •   14.0 to 14.5 GHz
    •   No transmissions between 14.0 GHz and 14.2 GHz within 125 km of
           o White Sands, NM
                   ƒ latitude: 32.5430N, longitude 106.6121W
                   ƒ latitude: 32.5008N, longitude 106.6086W
           o Blossom Point, MD
                   ƒ latitude: 38.4289N, longitude 77.0839W

E11,12,14: Since this is a mobile satellite earth station we are leaving the coordinates completely
empty and have indicated CONUS coverage in E10. The elevation is left blank since it will vary.

E29: While we anticipate filing for a blanket license in the future, the current filing is intended to
be for ONE mobile satellite earth station. We understand that there are additional rules that we
need to address for a blanket license. We expect to be able to comply with the blanket license
rulings, but would like to review these in detail and prepare a future filing. For now the filing is for
ONE mobile satellite earth station only.

E32, 33, 34: Antenna Patterns are included in the technical brief. These patterns are for the
L3/Datron FSS-4180-LP Antenna Assembly which is an elliptical antenna with the following
         E32: Diameter (meters):       0.36 (equivalent diameter)
         E33: Diameter Minor (meters): 0.30
         E34: Diameter Major (meters): 0.44
E33 and E34 are actual dimensions. For E32 we put the equivalent diameter (ie. as if it were

E35: The antenna will typically be mounted on top of a vehicle with a height of about 1-2 meters.
We have indicated a maximum height of 3 meters to include the antenna height as well as that of
the vehicle.

E36, 37, 39: Since this is a mobile satellite earth station the height field is left blank since it will

E48, 49: For receive carriers we have left the EIRP field blank.

E49 Maximum EIRP Density per Carrier:
A range of transmit emissions are possible with an average EIRP density of 11.1 dBW/4kHz.
Only ONE carrier type will be transmitted at any one time. Following is a list of carrier types that
cover the minimum and maximum bandwidths and the minimum and maximum EIRPs.

                                                                         Satellite & Wireless
                                                                         Engineering and Management

20100727M02V01_Filing_Notes.doc                                                                    2

E56, 57, 58, 59 Frequency Coord:

The radiation safety report (04_20090915MV05_FSS4180LP_Rad_Hazard.pdf) describes the
built-in safety controls on low elevation transmissions. Radiation safety calculations are shown
for emissions down to low elevation angles which may NOT be needed in some operational

For the satellites and CONUS operation requested in this license the lowest elevation angle is 10
degrees and this occurs at Caribou, Maine while pointing at IA7 at 129 degrees W.

We have examined the azimuth and elevation angles for locations within CONUS to determine
the extremities for eastern and western satellite limits.
        E56: ES Az Eastern Limit         124
        E57: ES El Eastern Limit         21
        E58: ES Az Western Limit         250
        E59: ES El Western Limit         10

Western Limit - 129 degrees W

Puget Sound, WA                                   Caribou, MA
Lat    47.62                                      Lat    46.87
Long -122.58                                      Long -68.01
El      34.96                                     El      10.84
True Az 188.67                                    True Az 248
Chula Vista, CA                                   Miami, FL
Lat    32.62                                      Lat    25.48
Long -117.07                                      Long -79.98
El      49.93                                     El      28.68
True Az 201.42                                    True Az 249.54

Minimum elevation =10 degrees
Most Westerly Azimuth = 250 degrees

                                                                    Satellite & Wireless
                                                                    Engineering and Management

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Eastern Limit - 79 degrees W

Puget Sound, WA                       Caribou, MA
Lat    47.62                          Lat    46.87
Long -122.58                          Long -68.01
El     21.14                          El     35.07
True Az127.79                         True Az 194.91
Chula Vista, CA                       Miami, FL
Lat    32.62                          Lat    25.48
Long -117.07                          Long -79.98
El     34.38                          El     60.22
True Az 124.51                        True Az 177.72

Minimum elevation = 21 degrees
Most Easterly Azimuth = 124 degrees

                                                       Satellite & Wireless
                                                       Engineering and Management

Document Created: 2010-07-27 16:28:03
Document Modified: 2010-07-27 16:28:03

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