
REPLY submitted by Row 44 Inc.

Consolidated Reply of Row 44, Inc.


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100805-00992 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        BEFORE THE

         Federal Communications Commission
                                  WASHINGTON, DC 20554

In re: Application of                         )
Panasonic Avionics Corporation                       File Nos. SES-LIC-20100805-00992
                                              )                SES-AMD-20100914-01163
For Authority to Construct and Operate an     )                SES-AMD-20101115-01432
Aeronautical-Mobile Satellite Service Earth
Station Network Operating in the Ku-Band      )      Call Sign E100089

To: Chief, International Bureau


                                                     David S. Keir
                                                     Lerman Senter PLLC
                                                     2000 K Street, NW, Suite 600
                                                     Washington, DC 20006
                                                     Tel. (202) 429-8970

December 1, 2010                                     Counsel to Row 44, Inc.

                                                                    - ii -

                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... iii
I.   Introduction. ........................................................................................................................ 2
II.  Panasonic Avionics Application Remains Incomplete in Several Key
     Respects. ............................................................................................................................. 4
     A.     Panasonic Avionics’ Effort to Incorporate by Reference the Prior
            Boeing Application for the MELCO Antenna is Faulty. ........................................ 4
            1.         Panasonic Avionics’ Application Fails to Comply With FCC
                       Requirements. ............................................................................................. 4
            2.         Panasonic Avionics Ignores the Considerable Differences
                       Between Boeing’s Licensed System and Its Own Proposal. ...................... 5
     B.     Panasonic Avionics’ Showing with Respect to Off-Axis EIRP
            Spectral Density along the GSO Arc is Incomplete................................................ 7
            1.         A Complete Set of Measured EIRP Spectral Density Patterns
                       Is Required. ................................................................................................. 7
            2.         Measured EIRP Spectral Density Patterns Will Properly Take
                       Into Account the Aging of the Antenna Equipment. .................................. 9
     C.     Panasonic Avionics’ Has Not Provided Antenna Gain Information
            Relative to Maximum Geographic Skew Conditions. .......................................... 10
     D.     Panasonic Avionics’ Application Contains Insufficient Information
            Concerning the Manner in Which It Maintains Pointing Accuracy to
            Avoid Interference to Adjacent Satellites. ............................................................ 11
            1.         Because Panasonic Avionics States That It Will Not Comply
                       with the 0.2° Antenna Pointing Accuracy Requirement, It
                       Must Demonstrate That It Will Not Exceed the Applicable
                       Off-Axis EIRP Limits. .............................................................................. 11
            2.         The Applicant Must Describe How It Will Control Off-Axis
                       EIRP To Prevent Harmful Interference When Antenna
                       Mispoint Exceeds 0.2° Or When Harmful Interference Would
                       Otherwise By Caused. ............................................................................... 14
     E.     It Remains Unclear Precisely What the Occupied Transmit Bandwidth
            Will Be for Panasonic Avionics’ Operating System............................................. 15
     F.     Panasonic Avionics Continues to Refuse to Provide Required
            Information Concerning Geographic Coverage of its Service. ............................. 17
III. In Light of the Omissions Outlined Above, The Commission Should Request
     Additional Information from Panasonic Avionics. ........................................................... 17
IV.  Panasonic Avionics Procedural Arguments Are Misplaced and
     Fundamentally Inaccurate. ................................................................................................ 19
V.   Conclusion. ....................................................................................................................... 22

                                                - iii -


         Panasonic Avionics’ November 15th Response, as incorporated into its pending

Application by its contemporaneously-filed Amendment, corrects some of the deficiencies in the

initial Application. However, there remain significant questions regarding some aspects of the


         It is a fundamental requirement for processing any Earth station application that the

Applicant provide a complete record upon which the Bureau can determine whether grant of the

application is consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. As amended, the

Application fails to provide the threshold information required for the Bureau to make this

determination. New applicants for AMSS authority can neither be held to a lesser standard than

prior applicants for such authority, nor can they be excused from providing basic technical

showings that other Ku-band AMSS providers have submitted, and which other MSS providers

must file pursuant to the service rules applicable to Earth Stations on Vessels and Vehicle-

Mounted Earth Stations.

         First, the Applicant’s effort to incorporate by reference the entirety of the 2003 Boeing

modification application relating to the MELCO antenna is faulty in multiple respects.

Panasonic Avionics fails to specify what specific elements of the Boeing application it is

incorporating into its Application, leaving it for FCC staff to guess what portions may be

relevant. Moreover, Panasonic Avionics fails to acknowledge the significant differences

between its own proposal and the 2003 Boeing license with respect to modulation, multiple

access scheme, transmitted signal bandwidths, frequency spreading factors, and skew angle


         Second, Panasonic Avionics’ showing with respect to off-axis EIRP spectral density

along the geostationary arc also remains incomplete. In the September amendment, where skew

                                                - iv -

data was provided, the EIRP spectral density patterns submitted for skew angles greater than

zero degrees are symmetrical and appear to be calculated rather than measured. Measured EIRP

patterns are needed to confirm performance, particularly in view of the ITU requirement to

consider the aging of antenna equipment in this connection. The information submitted by

Panasonic Avionics also does not take into account the simultaneous effect of both

misorientation and antenna mispointing. Absent this data, which has been submitted by prior

AMSS applicants, it is not clear how the Applicant can substantiate its claim that it will reduce

the EIRP spectral density in order to remain compliant with the FCC mask.

       Third, Panasonic Avionics’ has not provided antenna gain information relative to

maximum geographic skew conditions. The MELCO antenna is a non-circular Cassegrain dish

with an aspect ratio of approximately 3:1, such that the antenna pattern varies significantly with

varying skew angle. In particular, the main beam and the first side lobes broaden significantly as

the skew angle increases. Accordingly, Panasonic Avionics should be asked to provide complete

antenna gain patterns for all skew angles up to the maximum 34 degree skew to demonstrate that

there are no skew angles for which parasitic sidelobes occur.

       Fourth, Panasonic Avionics’ application contains insufficient information concerning the

manner in which it maintains pointing accuracy to avoid interference to adjacent satellites. While

it states that its pointing error exceeds 0.25° for only a small percentage of the time, this

characterization is highly misleading. Assuming a normal distribution, a 1-sigma pointing error

of 0.25 degrees means that the antenna will be accurately pointed within ±0.25 degrees only 68%

of the time. Because Panasonic therefore will not comply with the 0.2° antenna pointing limit, it

must demonstrate that it will not exceed the off-axis EIRP limits when its antenna is maximally


mispointed, or that it otherwise will cease transmissions. The details of the mechanism for such

compliance must be explained.

       Fifth, it remains unclear precisely what the occupied transmit bandwidth will be for

Panasonic Avionics’ operating system. There remain inconsistencies between the service

parameters specified in its Form 312 and those for which supporting documentation is provided

in the associated exhibits, including the link budget.

       Sixth, Panasonic Avionics continues to refuse to provide required information concerning

geographic coverage of its service as required by the rules for both coordination of non-

compliant Earth station antennas and for other MSS services operating in the Ku-band FSS.

Panasonic Avionics must provide this information detailing the geographic scope of its service

and it must be consistent with its link budget.

       Row 44 continues to urge the International Bureau to withhold further action on the

Application until the Applicant amends its proposal to come into compliance with the FCC’s

Rules and precedents concerning non-compliant Ku-band AMSS Earth station network

applications. Absent the submission of another round of clarifying information as outlined in

Section III of this Reply, the Application should be dismissed as defective.

                                        BEFORE THE

          Federal Communications Commission
                                  WASHINGTON, DC 20554

In re: Application of                              )
Panasonic Avionics Corporation                           File Nos. SES-LIC-20100805-00992
                                                   )               SES-AMD-20100914-01163
For Authority to Construct and Operate an          )               SES-AMD-20101115-01432
Aeronautical-Mobile Satellite Service Earth
Station Network Operating in the Ku-Band           )     Call Sign E100089

To: Chief, International Bureau


       Row 44, Inc. (“Row 44”), by its attorneys and pursuant to Sections 25.154(e) and 1.45 of

the Commission’s Rules, hereby replies to two November 15, 2010 filings submitted by

Panasonic Avionics Corporation (“Panasonic Avionics” or “Applicant”),” a “Response to

Petition of Row 44, Inc.” (“PAC Response”) and an Amendment to its pending application

(“PAC Amendment”), which contained the same material as the PAC Response plus a revised

FCC Form 312. The PAC Response, as incorporated into the Application by the PAC

Amendment, corrects some of the deficiencies in Panasonic Avionics’ original Application.

However, there remain significant questions regarding some aspects of the proposal.

Accordingly, Row 44 continues to urge the International Bureau (the “Bureau”) to withhold

further action on the Application until the Applicant amends its proposal to come into

compliance with the FCC’s Rules and precedents concerning non-compliant Ku-band

aeronautical mobile-satellite service (“AMSS”) Earth station network applications. As filed, and


as amended on September 14, 2010 and November 15, 2010, Panasonic Avionics’ Application

fails to provide all of the threshold information required for the Bureau to determine whether its

AMSS Earth station network is compliant with the FCC Rules and policies and can operate

without causing harmful interference to other Ku-band Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”) users

consistent with the public interest. Absent the submission of another round of clarifying

information to provide the required showing, the Application should be dismissed as defective.

I.     Introduction.

       It is a fundamental requirement for processing of any Earth station application that the

Applicant provide a complete record upon which the Bureau can determine whether grant of the

application is consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. See 47 U.S.C. §

309(d) & (e). This is true regardless of whether those satellite operators asked to give their

assent through coordination have signed letters or affidavits with respect to the proposed

operations. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.220(d). While successful coordination is a significant factor in

support of an applicant’s proposal, its completion does not excuse the applicant from meeting the

threshold regulatory requirements that apply to it. New applicants for AMSS authority can

neither be held to a lesser standard than prior applicants for such authority, as governed by FCC

precedents, nor can they be excused from providing basic technical showings that other Ku-band

MSS providers must submit under the service rules applicable to Earth Stations on Vessels


(“ESV”) and Vehicle-Mounted Earth Stations (“VMES”).1 In this connection, the grant of prior

authority to Boeing for the same antenna, but with different system characteristics, does not

relieve Panasonic Avionics of the requirement to provide full details regarding its own system’s

particular operation.

       To date, Panasonic Avionics seems disinclined to provide these basic showings. Instead

of correcting fully the deficiencies in its initial Application brought to the Bureau’s attention in

Row 44’s Petition, Panasonic Avionics appears focused in its Response on further obscuring its

proposed antenna’s actual performance, dodging the legitimate questions posed, and

mischaracterizing elements of the Row 44 Petition in order to create straw men that it can more

easily knock down.2 The Bureau should discount these efforts and require Panasonic Avionics to

meet the standards that apply to MSS applicants proposing operations in the Ku-band FSS


  In this regard, the Applicant oddly asserts that “Panasonic’s satellite operators have examined
significantly greater technical information than required by this rule in the context of
coordinating Panasonic’s AMSS operations,” but does not explain why at least the portion of this
clearly relevant information that relates to the rules in question should be withheld from the
FCC. PAC Response at 22. Panasonic Avionics notes that much of the material is “proprietary”
(id.), but information reviewed by system operators in connection with prior AMSS
coordinations has previously been filed with the FCC pursuant to appropriate requests for
confidential treatment. See, e.g., Row 44, Inc., 24 FCC Rcd 10223, 10228-29 (¶ 13) (IB/OET
   For example, Panasonic Avionics devotes an entire section of the PAC Response, covering a
page and a half, to refuting a claim the Row 44 did not make – i.e., it argues that there is no
requirement to “provide tracking and pointing performance flight test data.” PAC Response at
17-19. Row 44 made no such claim, but simply observed that the Applicant’s own emphasis on
flight test data – i.e., that it confirmed that its system operated consistently “with domestic and
international requirements governing Ku-band AMSS operations” through “interference-free
flight test operations of the MELCO antenna over the past several months” – merited inclusion
of available data from such testing because the Applicant sought to rely upon it. See Petition at
13; Application at 11. If Panasonic Avionics does not provide such data, it obviously cannot rely
on this “testing” to support approval of its application.


II.    Panasonic Avionics Application Remains Incomplete in Several Key Respects.

       A.      Panasonic Avionics’ Effort to Incorporate by Reference the Prior Boeing
               Application for the MELCO Antenna is Faulty.

       In its Application, and repeatedly in the PAC Response, Panasonic Avionics maintains

that it is incorporating by reference the whole of the prior Boeing application for use of the

MELCO antenna. See Application at 7; PAC Response at i, 2-3, 5, 8, 18 and 23. As Row 44

noted in its Petition, there are multiple problems with this approach. See Petition at 12-13.

               1.      Panasonic Avionics’ Application Fails to Comply With FCC

       First, Panasonic does not comply with the FCC’s explicit requirements for incorporation

by reference, set forth in the instructions to Form 312. There, the FCC makes plain that

applicants seeking to rely on previously submitted materials must identify the relevant

information not only by file number and call sign, but also with respect to the particular exhibits

and specific page numbers of the prior application that contain relevant data. See FCC Form

312, “Instructions for Completion of FCC Form 312 Application for Satellite Space and Earth

Station Authorizations” at 2 (Incorporation by Reference).3 This degree of detail is nowhere

provided in Panasonic Avionics’ many references to the Boeing application, even though such

detail is especially necessary in this instance, where the prior filing was submitted by a different

company, and more than seven years has passed since the original submission. Instead,

Panasonic Avionics simply refers generally to the almost 75-page Boeing modification

  The pertinent instruction states: “Reference documents, exhibits, or other lengthy showings
already on file with the FCC may be referred to in the application without further submission
only if: (a) the information is current and accurate in all significant respects and (b) the
reference states specifically where the previously filed information can be found (i.e., station
call sign and application file number, title of proceeding, docket number or legal citations),
including exhibit and page references. If either of these criterion is not met, the reference
documents must accompany the application” (bold/italicized emphasis added; underlined
emphasis in original).


application as if the entirety of that filing was germane to its own proposal. See Application at 7;

PAC Response at i, 2-3, 5, 8, 18 and 23.

       Second, the instructions also require that any cross-referenced information must be

“current and accurate in all significant respects” (id., see note 1), a standard which it is far from

clear the Applicant could meet given the multiple differences in the two proposals. In general,

Panasonic Avionics simply fails to acknowledge the importance of the fact that there are critical

differences between its own proposal and the facilities covered by the 2003 Boeing license. By

not identifying specifically the relevant portions of the earlier application, Panasonic Avionics is,

in effect, seeking to impose a significant burden on FCC staff to sift through the 2003 material

and identify the portions that are actually important to consider in the pending proceeding, or

simply to garner acceptance of the false premise that the pending proposal varies little from


               2.      Panasonic Avionics Ignores the Considerable Differences Between
                       Boeing’s Licensed System and Its Own Proposal.

       There are indisputably considerable differences between how Panasonic Avionics

proposes to operate its Earth station network and how Boeing previously operated using a system

incorporating the MELCO antenna. In particular, the current application includes different

technical parameters with respect to Modulation (BPSK and QPSK instead of OQPSK); multi-

user access scheme (TDMA v. CDMA); signal transmission bandwidth (160 kHz, 2.56 MHz & 9

MHZ instead of 24.3 MHz and 32.4 MHz); frequency spreading factors; and skew angle.

       Also of critical significance is the fact that the Panasonic Avionics system will substitute

a different modem – the iDirect modem – for the type used previously by Boeing. This change

may have a substantial impact on the manner in which the system handles pointing accuracy, but

any explanation of this effect is entirely absent from Panasonic Avionics’ operating description.


In particular, Boeing’s 2003 modification application provided an explicit explanation of how its

system’s pointing accuracy would be achieved through use of received-signal strength indicator

(“RSSI”) modem data, as augmented by additional accuracy improving methods.4 Because

Panasonic Avionics is using a different modem in its configuration, a complete explanation, and

perhaps field testing and data submission, is required to demonstrate that the new modem

maintains pointing error to at least the same limits as the Boeing system. As Boeing explained in

its application, the modem has a key function for proper pointing of the antenna and for assuring

compliance with the rules. Given the complexity of the Boeing antenna pointing technique (i.e.,

sequential lobing), Panasonic Avionics’ statement that antenna pointing control and tracking

performance has not been evaluated during its experimental test flights is cause for concern. See

PAC Response at 18. Without careful examination, it cannot be concluded that the non-harmful-

interference performance of the OQPSK modulated signal in Boeing’s CDMA scheme will be

repeated in the case of a BPSK or QPSK signal in a D-TDMA scheme.

        Moreover, Boeing’s Connexion service operated the MELCO antenna within a skew

angle range substantially narrower than the range over which Panasonic proposes to operate.

With AMC 4 at 101° W.L. and Telstar 6 at 93° W.L. as its sole points of communication, the

maximum skew angle for the Boeing service to cover the continental United States was

approximately ±25 degrees. In contrast, the only points of communication for the proposed

Panasonic Avionics service are Galaxy 12 at 91° W.L. and Estrela Do Sul at 63° W.L., requiring

a maximum skew angle of at least 34 degrees to cover those portions of the United States that

    See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20001204-02300, Technical Annex at 24.


Panasonic Avionics’ system would actually be able to serve.5 See also Section II.F., below.

Given the large difference in the skew angle range between the two systems, the past success of

Boeing’s operations in avoiding reported harmful interference to other Ku-band FSS users is not

probative of whether Panasonic Avionics can achieve similar results, particularly when the

related issues of maximum EIRP spectral density compliance and pointing accuracy are also

taken into consideration, as they must be.

       B.      Panasonic Avionics’ Showing with Respect to Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density along
               the GSO Arc is Incomplete.

       As a general rule, Panasonic Avionics seems fundamentally disinclined to provide a

complete picture of its operations, relying instead on shortcuts premised not only on the alleged

similarity of its proposal to Boeing’s, as discussed in the foregoing section, but also on assertions

that the antenna “has essentially equivalent performance” in both polarizations and across

frequency bands. See PAC Response at 13-17. The Applicant, however, neither explains what it

means by “essentially equivalent,” nor why it would be unduly burdensome to produce, as

previous AMSS applicants have, the full quantity of off-axis EIRP spectral density graphs that

the existing Ku-band MSS rules for ESVs and VMESs require. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.222(a)(1)

and 25.226(a)(1). In addition, if Panasonic Avionics does not have such data to provide to the

FCC, then it seems dubious that it could confidently make the claim that its system has

“essentially equivalent performance” across frequencies and polarizations.

               1.      A Complete Set of Measured EIRP Spectral Density Patterns Is Required.

       The Applicant’s assertion that "the interference characteristics of the Panasonic

eXConnect system will be equal to or better than the previously authorized Connexion by Boeing

  Due to the additive effect of aircraft banking, among other factors involving flight dynamics, it
appears that Panasonic Avionics operation with a 34 degree maximum skew may not provide
enough margin to provide service to significant parts of the West Coast of the United States.


system" (PAC Response at 9) is not supported by the EIRP pattern exhibits unless the EIRP

spectral density skew patterns provided are based on actual measured data.6 In the September

amendment, where skew data was provided, the EIRP spectral density patterns submitted for

skew angles greater than zero degrees are symmetrical and appear to be calculated rather than

measured, while the zero degree skew angle plots do show typical asymmetries and significant

differences between vertical and horizontal polarizations. Compare September 14th Amendment,

FCC File No. SES-AMD-20100914-01163, Appendix C at Figs. 1 & 2 and PAC Response at 15-

16, Figs. 1 & 2.7 It seems evident from the antenna gain patterns attached to the PAC

Amendment (and to the PAC Response) that the EIRP spectral density patterns should also differ

significantly between horizontal and vertical polarization. If this indicates, as it would appear,

that the EIRP patterns do not represent actual measured patterns, then the data provided thus far

to demonstrate compliance with the FCC’s EIRP spectral density mask is of little relevance to

consideration of the Application. Because the MELCO antenna is a Cassegrain reflector, with an

aspect ratio of approximately 3:1, the antenna patterns for a defined skew value cannot simply be

interpolated from the zero degree skew patterns provided. The Applicant needs to provide the

real world data representing actual antenna performance. This measured data must necessarily

be obtainable given Panasonic Avionics’ experimental operations.

       The ultimate question, of course, is whether the MELCO antenna can maintain acceptable

EIRP performance at critical angles of less than seven degrees for both polarization senses,

  From an interference standpoint, the entire power density pattern must be considered, not just
the maximum input power density from the modem into the antenna. For this reason, Panasonic
Avionics’ statement focused solely on maximum input power density is misleading. See PAC
Response at 9 n.23.
 There are no EIRP spectral density patterns for skew angles greater than zero degrees in the
November 15th PAC Amendment or PAC Response.


consistent with the relevant FCC Ku-band masks, not only when the antenna is perfectly aligned

but when maximum antenna pointing error is taken into account.8 The information submitted by

the Applicant, however, does not take into account the effect of both misorientation (skew) and

mispointing error, and therefore fails to answer the question whether the mask is exceeded for

any skew angle at any frequency within the allocated frequency band when the maximum

pointing error is properly considered. The omission of this required data is inconsistent with

both the ESV and VMES rules and with the information required from previous AMSS

applicants in connection with their applications. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.222(a)(1) and §

25.226(a)(1). In particular, Panasonic should be required to provide measured EIRP spectral

density patterns for both orthogonal senses of polarization and all skew angles in the angular

range -34 degrees to +34 degrees along the tangent to the orbital arc at the position of the target

satellite for an angular range along the orbit and at the bottom, middle and top of each allocated

frequency band plotted against the FCC mask. In the absence of a full complement of data, it is

not clear how Panasonic Avionics can substantiate its claim that it will adjust its EIRP spectral

density in order to remain in compliance with the FCC EIRP spectral density mask. See also

Section II.D.

                2.     Measured EIRP Spectral Density Patterns Will Properly Take Into
                       Account the Aging of the Antenna Equipment.

       International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) requirements mandate that the aging of

antenna equipment be taken into consideration. See ITU-R M.1643, Part A, ¶ 2.2. The MELCO

  Panasonic Avionics also attempts to discount any impact from off-axis transmissions between
90 and 180 degrees, in the direction of the aircraft fuselage. See PAC Response at 13 n.32.
However, if an AMSS antenna transmits significant power in this angular range, the power
would be reflected by the metallic surface of the aircraft, and could potentially be emitted in
undesired directions within -90 to 90 degree angular range, causing greater potential for

                                                - 10 -

antennas originally mounted on Lufthansa aircraft have been non-operational since the

termination of Boeing’s Connexion service four years ago, at the end of 2006. It appears that

only a small number of these antennas have been reactivated by Panasonic Avionics under its

experimental license. Given the passage of time, absent field testing and measurement, it cannot

be certain that any of these antennas, and specifically all those being reactivated for use, are still

able to operate within their original specifications. Aging and/or corrosion of bearings, gears,

aperture, and/or hollow conductors is very likely to occur during a time period of four years for

an operating aircraft. If any of these antenna components has changed its properties there is a

potential that key characteristics of the antenna systems are affected. Accordingly, even more so

than in the case of newly-installed equipment, the current application requires the submission of

antenna patterns that demonstrate actual antenna performance.

       C.      Panasonic Avionics’ Has Not Provided Antenna Gain Information Relative to
               Maximum Geographic Skew Conditions.

       In response to Row 44’s Petition, Panasonic Avionics has submitted additional antenna

gain patterns pursuant to Section 25.220(b) of the FCC’s Rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.220(b); PAC

Response/PAC Amendment at Attachment A. While these patterns provide additional important

data, the PAC Amendment is still not complete.

       As noted above, the MELCO antenna is a non-circular Cassegrain dish with an aspect

ratio of approximately 3:1, such that the antenna pattern varies significantly with the skew angle

of the antenna. In particular, the main beam and the first side lobes broaden significantly as the

skew angle increases. For finite skew angles, such equipment configurations pose a special

problem in that the secondary Cassegrain reflector has its own mechanical holders. There are

certain skew angles at which portions of the transmitted signal are reflected by these holders, in

turn affecting the overall antenna pattern.

                                                - 11 -

       Because the patterns for horizontal and vertical polarization for zero degrees skew differ

significantly, as shown in Attachment A to the PAC Response, there is a potential for parasitic

sidelobes to occur, especially considering the different antenna gains of the two polarizations.

Further, because the antenna is non-circular, the two dimensional antenna pattern does also not

possess a rotational symmetry. Therefore the antenna pattern for a defined skew angle along the

tangent to the orbital arc at the position of the target satellite might look very different from the

patterns for zero degree skew. Accordingly, Panasonic Avionics should be asked to provide

complete antenna gain patterns for all skew angles up to the maximum 34 degree skew in order

to demonstrate that there are no skew angles for which parasitic sidelobes occur in the angular

range of approximately seven degrees to 85 degrees azimuth.9

       D.      Panasonic Avionics’ Application Contains Insufficient Information Concerning the
               Manner in Which It Maintains Pointing Accuracy to Avoid Interference to Adjacent

               1.      Because Panasonic Avionics States That It Will Not Comply with the 0.2°
                       Antenna Pointing Accuracy Requirement, It Must Demonstrate That It
                       Will Not Exceed the Applicable Off-Axis EIRP Limits.

       As noted above, although there are no rules specifically applicable to AMSS applicants,

prior blanket license applicants have been required to provide the information and certifications

that are equivalent to those provided by previous applicants for MMSS (ESV) and LMSS

(VMES) Earth station networks. Panasonic Avionics itself has at least provided lip service to

meeting these requirements in its initial Application and in the PAC Response. See Application

  Because parasitic sidelobes can have significant power, Panasonic Avionics may need to
consider the potential impact of such potentially interfering patterns on adjacent satellite
operators outside the ±6° coordination zone specified under § 25.220.

                                                - 12 -

at Regulatory Compliance Index and p. 14.10 Nonetheless, the proffered showings fall well short

of satisfying the requirements.

       Sections 25.222 and 25.226 both include a requirement that applicants, in addition to

providing the EIRP spectral density compliance showing discussed under Section II.B., above,

shall identify the “maximum antenna pointing error” for the subject antenna and “demonstrate

that the maximum antenna pointing error can be achieved without exceeding the off-axis EIRP

spectral-density limits” when the applicant is unable to maintain pointing accuracy to within

0.2°. 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.222(b)(1)(iv)(A) and 25.226(b)(1)(iv)(A). With respect to this

requirement, Panasonic Avionics asserts that it “identifies the pointing accuracy of the MELCO

antenna as 0.25° 1-sigma.” PAC Response at 19. But as the Applicant’s subsequent explanation

implies, albeit in less than accurate fashion, 0.25° 1-sigma does not identify a maximum antenna

pointing error, but is instead a statistical measure of confidence that the actual value will not

deviate from the mean by more than the stated value (i.e., one standard deviation from the

   Although the Applicant cited both Sections 25.222 and 25.226, which govern ESV and VMES
applicants, it principally referred to essentially the same EIRP spectral density provisions that
appear in 25.218 of the FCC’s Rules. See Application at 15-16. Nonetheless, in its October 18,
2010 Letter, the Applicant disclaimed reliance on any of these rules, but asserted that it cited
these regulations “in the context of providing additional technical information not required by
Section 25.220 to further demonstrate that Panasonic’s proposed AMSS operations are compliant
with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policies and will not cause harmful interference …”
See Letter from Carlos M. Nalda and Joshua T. Guyan, Counsel to Panasonic Avionics, to
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, at 2 (dated October 18, 2010). It would appear that the
Applicant is under the mistaken impression that it can cite to these provisions if they are believed
to be somehow helpful to its cause, but otherwise to ignore them as irrelevant. Because it would
make no sense as a matter of both policy and procedure to hold AMSS applicants to a lesser
standard than ESV and VMES applicants, which have almost identical rules, these regulations
must be considered relevant to Panasonic Avionics’ Application.

                                                - 13 -

mean).11 Specifically, Panasonic Avionics states that “pointing error exceeds 0.25° for a small

percentage of the time based on statistical characterization of the error.” PAC Response at 19.

This characterization that pointing error will only exceed 0.25° “a small percentage of the time”

is highly misleading.

       Assuming a normal distribution, a 1-sigma pointing error of 0.25 degrees is a statement

that the antenna will be accurately pointed within ±0.25 degrees approximately 68% of the

time.12 This indicates that almost one-third of the time, the pointing error will be greater than

0.25 degrees. This is not a “small percentage of the time” by any reasonable definition of that

term. Moreover, one can predict based on the information the Applicant provides that

approximately five percent of the time (1 in 20 pointing actions), the pointing error will be

greater than 0.5 degrees, the point at which automatic shutdown would be required under one

provision of the ESV/VMES Rules. Based on standard statistical distributions, a 1-sigma error

of 0.25 degrees indicates that the actual maximum antenna pointing error would be

   At any rate, since the stated mispoint of 0.25° exceeds the 0.2° pointing accuracy standard,
Panasonic makes plain that it cannot satisfy the standards of Sections 25.222(a)(1)(ii)(A) or
25.226(a)(1)(ii)(A) of the Commission’s Rules. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.222(a)(1)(ii)(A) and
25.226(a)(1)(ii)(A). Thus, Panasonic is required to identify its maximum antenna pointing error
and demonstrate how it will maintain EIRP spectral density within the stated limits when this
maximum pointing error occurs. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.222(a)(1)(ii)(B) and 25.226(a)(1)(ii)(B).
  In order to have a 99.7% confidence level of events being within the stated value, the value
must be 3-sigma.

                                                - 14 -

approximately 0.75 degrees. Panasonic Avionics has not provided data regarding off-axis EIRP

levels with this maximal degree of mispoint, as is required.13

               2.      The Applicant Must Describe How It Will Control Off-Axis EIRP To
                       Prevent Harmful Interference When Antenna Mispoint Exceeds 0.2° Or
                       When Harmful Interference Would Otherwise By Caused.

       The applicable rules also require that the Applicant demonstrate that the transmitter “can

detect if the transmitter exceeds the declared maximum antenna pointing error and can cease

transmission within 100 milliseconds” if the maximum error at which the system can maintain

compliance is exceeded, and further demonstrate that transmissions will remain inhibited until

the mispointing condition is rectified and pointing accuracy is restored to a value “less than or

equal to the declared maximum antenna pointing error.” 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.222(b)(1)(iv)(B) and

25.226(b)(1)(iv)(B). Panasonic Avionics does not even acknowledge this requirement, let alone

provide an explanation of how it can be met.

       Indeed, the Applicant is not entirely consistent in identifying which compliance approach

its system will employ, stating in its initial application that “[p]ointing error will be monitored

and emissions will be inhibited if the pointing error ever exceeds 0.5 deg” (Application at 4), but

stating in the PAC Response that “[w]hen operating in horizontal polarization,” it would “reduce

its maximum EIRP spectral density when necessary to remain compliant with the mask.” PAC

Response at 14. If Panasonic claims that it will be able to reduce its maximum EIRP spectral

density when necessary to remain compliant with the mask, instead of simply ceasing

   See, e.g., Letter from Scott A. Kotler, Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, FCC, to David S.
Keir, Counsel to Row 44, Inc., FCC File No. SES-LIC-20080508-00570, at 2 (dated August 7,
2008)(requiring submission of EIRP spectral density graphs depicting “when the antenna is
maximally misoriented in azimuth, elevation, and polarization … under two potential situations
(1) the antenna has zero mispointing with the target satellite and (2) the antenna is maximally
mispointed from the target satellite before the antenna receives a cessation of emission

                                              - 15 -

transmission, then it must demonstrate definitively how it will determine when the mask is

exceeded, and how it will ensure that the EIRP spectral density is reduced in these instances.

Alternatively, it must show that it can cease transmission within 100 milliseconds, as required

when the EIRP spectral density limits would be exceeded due to mispointing.14 Given the

significant role of the Boeing modem in achieving compliance with these requirements15,

Panasonic Avionics should explain whether and how its iDirect modem is used to achieve

compliance and whether its performance in this regard differs from the modem used by Boeing.

         E.     It Remains Unclear Precisely What the Occupied Transmit Bandwidth Will Be for
                Panasonic Avionics’ Operating System.

         Despite Panasonic Avionics’ submission of a corrected link budget, there remain

inconsistencies between the service parameters specified in its Form 312 and those for which

supporting documentation is provided in the associated exhibits, including the link budget. For

example, the revised link budget continues to specify a “Noise bandwidth” of 1.67 MHz for the

return link. See PAC Response at Attachment C. However, the Form 312 does not include an

emission designator for this bandwidth, instead specifying 160 kHz, 2.56 MHz and 9 MHz. See

Application, Form 312, Schedule B at Line E47. The Application does not even include the

transmit emission designator 1M67G7D, which would appear to be the value equivalent to the

bandwidth specified in both the original and the revised link budgets. Accordingly, it is not clear

whether the “Noise bandwidth” set forth in the link budget is the occupied bandwidth, the

   From the receive patterns Panasonic Avionics has now submitted, it can be inferred that a
pointing error of 0.5 degrees would reduce the received signal strength by a very small amount
of about 0.1 dB. Taking into account the typical signal fluctuation from the satellite, the
atmosphere, and aircraft vibrations of about 0.5 dB, a reduction in the received signal strength of
this magnitude attributable to mispointing would not be significant enough to permit detection of
the level of mispointing that would ordinarily require cessation of emissions.
     See page 6 & footnote 4, above.

                                               - 16 -

necessary bandwidth, or the effective signal bandwidth. Based on the link budget calculation,

however, it appears to state the necessary bandwidth. See also Application, Technical Appendix

at 11 (“… the terminal is operating with a 1.66 MHz carrier bandwidth”).16

       The Commission’s Rules provide that the emission designator defines the "necessary

bandwidth" for the identified transmission. See 47 C.F.R. 2.201(a). Using the bandwidth value

and the maximum EIRP spectral density from the necessary bandwidth, the maximum total EIRP

per carrier can be calculated. If the maximum EIRP per carrier is reduced, as Panasonic

Avionics has done in its Amendment, and the emission designator remains the same, the EIRP

spectral density is reduced by the same amount that the total EIRP is reduced. Thus the 8.6

dBW/4kHz, the 41.3 dBW EIRP, and the 9 MHz emission designator provided in Form 312 are

inconsistent both with each other and with the parameters in the link budget. In particular, the

0.8 dB reduction in EIRP from 42.1dB to 41.3 dB that is shown in Form 312, Schedule B is not

reflected in the link budget and would actually reduce the 8.6 dBW/4kHz EIRP spectral density

originally implied, and still specified in Form, 312.17

       If the emission designator cannot be calculated according to Sections 2.202(c)(1), (2), or

(3), then § 2.202(c)(4) applies. See 47 C.F.R. 2.202(c). That is, if "the transmit power is not

uniform across the emission designator bandwidth, but rolls off at the edges of the bandwidth"

(see PAC Response at 10), Panasonic must then provide actual measurements to verify the

transmit signal bandwidth. See 47 C.F.R. § 2.202(c)(4). From these measurements the effective

signal bandwidth can be determined by taking into account the provisions of Section 25.202(f)(1)

  The PAC Response indicates that the effective signal bandwidth is 0.8 dB smaller than the
necessary bandwidth, which would appear to reduce its link margin from 1 dB to 0.2 dB.
   In addition, the 0.8 dB reduction in EIRP should change the value for Maximum EIRP density
toward the horizon reflected at Line E60 of Form 312, Schedule B.

                                               - 17 -

of the Rules. See 47 C.F.R. 2.202(f)(1). Together with the maximum EIRP spectral density, the

maximum EIRP per carrier can then be calculated. This is the type of information that the

Commission has previously requested from applicants in order to clarify the nature of proposed


       F.       Panasonic Avionics Continues to Refuse to Provide Required Information
                Concerning Geographic Coverage of its Service.

       In its Petition, Row 44 noted that Panasonic Avionics had failed to provide a complete

description of its geographic coverage area (e.g., a service area coverage map) illustrating the

expected extent of its network’s coverage capability. See Petition at 11. In response, Panasonic

Avionics simply asserted that Row 44’ observation was “erroneous” and “without foundation.”

PAC Response at 11. This response, however, ignores two separate sections of the FCC’s Rules

that squarely contradict this contention. Generally, Section 25.220 of the Commission’s Rules,

upon which Panasonic Avionics explicitly relies, provides that all Earth station applicants must

include a “[d]etailed description of the service to be provided.” 47 C.F.R. § 25.220(g)(1). More

specifically, both the ESV and VMES rules require Ku-band MSS applicants to include a

specific exhibit “describing the geographic area(s) in which the [service] will operate.”

47 C.F.R. § 25.222(b)(3) and 47 C.F.R. § 25.226(b)(4). Panasonic Avionics must provide this

information detailing the geographic scope of its service.

III.   In Light of the Omissions Outlined Above, The Commission Should Request
       Additional Information from Panasonic Avionics.

       To summarize the more detailed points made in the foregoing section, Row 44 provides a

list below of the discrete questions that remain unanswered in or key items of information that

  See, e.g., Letter from Scott A. Kotler, Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, FCC, to David S.
Keir, Counsel to Row 44, Inc., FCC File No. SES-LIC-20080508-00570, at 3 (dated August 25,
2008) (requesting a spectrum analyzer plot of a typical transmitted signal).

                                               - 18 -

remain missing from Panasonic Avionics’ amended Application, and which should be answered

or provided, as applicable, prior to further processing of the Application.

       A.      Cross-References to Boeing Application
               1. What specific elements of the 2003 Boeing application does PA seek to
                  incorporate by reference, cited by Exhibit and/or page number, as applicable,
                  as required by FCC Rules?
       B.      Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density
               1. Do the Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density Patterns reflect actual measured
               2. What impact does inclusion of misorientation and mispointing data have on
                  compliance with the FCC EIRP spectral density mask?
               3. What are the measured EIRP spectral density patterns for both vertical and
                  horizontal polarization and for all skew angles from minimum to maximum
                  along the orbital arc at the bottom, middle and top of the transmit frequency
                  band as compared to the EIRP spectral density mask?
               4. How will PA know when it must reduce EIRP spectral density in order to
                  remain in compliance with the FCC mask?
               5. Alternatively, what means will the Applicant employ to ensure that
                  transmissions are ceased in the event that the EIRP spectral density mask
                  would be exceeded?
       C.      Skew Angle
               1. Provide antenna gain patterns showing the degree to which 25.209 mask is
                  exceeded at the maximum skew angle.
               2. Are there skew angles for which parasitic sidelobes occur and exceed the FCC
                  mask in the angular range of approximately 7° to 85° azimuth?
       D.      Pointing Accuracy
               1. What is the maximum antenna pointing error for the MELCO antenna, as
                  employed in Panasonic Avionics’ proposed operating system?
               2. How does the iDirect modem help maintain pointing accuracy and/or monitor
                  EIRP spectral density compliance?
               3. Does the pointing accuracy performance of the iDirect modem differ from the
                  performance of the Boeing modem?
       E.      Occupied Transmit Bandwidth
               1. What portion of the bandwidth is actually occupied by the system transmit
               2. What are the spectral characteristics of the Applicant’s transmitted waveform?

                                               - 19 -

       F.      Geographic Coverage
               1. Provide an exhibit describing the geographic areas in which the service will
               2. Provide a correct link budget that matches the corrected data in Form 312,
                  Schedule B.
IV.    Panasonic Avionics Procedural Arguments Are Misplaced and Fundamentally

       Following the filing of the PAC Response and the PAC Amendment on November 15,

2010, Row 44 filed a letter noting the different reply/comment deadlines applicable to these

filings under the FCC’s Rules, and stating that it planned to file a consolidated reply today,

December 1, 2010, which it calculated as the later of the two applicable deadlines.19 In response

to the November 19th Letter, Panasonic Avionics filed responsive correspondence arguing, (1)

that it was questionable whether Row 44 had a right to respond to either filing, and (2) that if

such rights applied in the case of both the PAC Response and the PAC Amendment, the response

deadline would be the same in each case – November 26, 2010, the day after Thanksgiving.20

The first contention is frivolous, and the second is inaccurate.

       Panasonic cannot legitimately contend that Row 44 is not a party to this application

proceeding. Row 44 established such status on October 15, 2010, when it filed its Petition. See

47 C.F.R. §1.1202(d)(1). Under separate provisions of the FCC’s Rules, Row 44 has a right to

respond when Panasonic Avionics initiates a filing with the Commission, or a right of reply

when Panasonic Avionics files any opposition or response to a Row 44 filing. See 47 C.F.R. §

   See Letter from David S. Keir, Counsel to Row 44, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC,
(dated November 19, 2010) (“November 19th Letter”).
  See Letter from Carlos M. Nalda, Counsel to Panasonic Avionics, to Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, FCC (dated November 22, 2010) (“November 22nd Letter”).

                                                - 20 -

1.45(b) & (c).21 The issue addressed in Row 44’s November 19th Letter was that because

Panasonic Avionics filed both a response to Row 44’s Petition and submitted a new amendment

to the original application, there were different deadlines applicable to two almost identical


           While Row 44 and Panasonic Avionic agree on the reply deadline with respect to the

PAC Response (November 26, 2010), notwithstanding the dispute over whether such filing is

permitted, they disagree on the deadline for responding to the PAC Amendment.22 Panasonic

Avionics erroneously maintains that it was not required to serve this filing on Row 44, and that

therefore, the filing deadline would have been ten days from the November 15th filing date –

defaulting to November 26th due to the Thanksgiving holiday. See November 22nd Letter at 2.

This is not correct. As outlined above, Row 44 is a party to the Application, and therefore any

communication regarding the application, which necessarily includes an amendment, should

have been served on Row 44 under the Commission’s Rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1202(b)(1) and

1.1208.23 The Applicant states quite plainly in its November 22nd Letter that it failed to comply

   See also 47 C.F.R. § 1.115(a)(4) (“Applications for earth station authorizations must be filed
in accordance with the pleading limitations, periods and other applicable provisions of §§1.41
through 1.52 of this chapter”).
   While Panasonic Avionics asserts that Row 44 offered no “rationale or any public interest
basis whatsoever” for its alternative request for a brief extension of time, if required, it goes
without saying that a filing due on the day after Thanksgiving would impose on the filer a
hardship unmatched by virtually any other date. Filings of a technical nature involving complex
Earth station networks require coordination with multiple parties, including counsel, engineering
and business personnel, consultants and others. To require such coordination among all these
individuals in the midst of the busiest travel day of the year (Wed.), a secular day of family
gathering celebrated by all Americans regardless of faith (Thurs.), and the ensuing holiday
weekend would be too much even for the most churlish misanthrope to ask.
   The application is a restricted proceeding to which Row 44 has become a party. Any
communication from the applicant to the FCC that is not served upon Row 44 is therefore a
prohibited ex parte presentation under Section 1.1202(b)(1). Accordingly, service is required to
avoid violation of the FCC’s Rules.

                                              - 21 -

with this requirement. See November 22nd Letter at 2 (“Panasonic did not serve the application

upon Row 44 or any other party”). Technically, service upon Row still has not been properly

effected, and thus this response is not yet due, even today.24 Nonetheless, Row 44 was aware of

the PAC Amendment at the time it filed its November 19th Letter, and it committed therein to

filing its consolidated response today, December 1st.

   Row 44’s counsel received a copy of the PAC Amendment by email on November 17, 2010.
However, the FCC’s Rules provide that “Documents that are required to be served must be
served in paper form, even if documents are filed in electronic form with the Commission….” 47
C.F.R. § 1.47(d). Even if email delivery constituted proper service, the application of the ten-
day response period plus the three-day addition for mail service would yield a filing deadline of
today, December 1, 2010. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.45(b) and 1.4(h).

                                               — 22 .

V.     Conclusion.

       For all of the foregoing reasons, Row 44 continues to urge the Commission to require that

Panasonic Avionics provide the remaining data, as identified herein, that is needed to complete

the showing that is required of a Ku—band AMSS applicant. Action on the Application should

continue to be deferred until this additional information is provided. In the event that the

Applicant does not timely submit the additional information necessary to

complete its required showing of compliance with the FCC‘s Rules, the Application would be

subject to dismissal without prejudice.

                                              . lé/at
                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              ROW 44, INC.

                                                        David S. Kei

                                                        Lerman Senter PLLC
                                                        2000 K Street, NW, Suite 600
                                                        Washington, DC 20006
                                                        Tel. (202) 429—8970

December 1, 2010                              Its Attorney

                         TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE

        I, James B. Costello, herebycertifythat I am the technically qualified person
responsible for the preparation of the technical discussion contained in the foregoing
"Consolidated Replyof Row 44. Inc. to Panasonic Avionies‘ Response and Panasonic
Avionics‘ November 15 Amendment," that I am familiar with Part 25 ofthe
Commission‘s Rules (47 C.F.R., Part 25), and thatI have either prepared or reviewed the
technicalinformation and supporting facts contained herein and found them to be
complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

December 1, 2010                      By:
                                                   James B. Costello
                                                   Vice President — Engineering
                                                   Row44. Inc.

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, David S. Keir, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of Row‘s 44, Inc.‘s foregoing
«"Consolidated Reply of Row 44, Inc. to Panasonic Avionics‘ Response and Panasonic Avionics‘
November 15 Amendment" was sent by first—class, postage prepaid mail this 1°day of
December, 2010, to the following:

                              Carlos M. Nalda, Esquire
                              Joshua T. Guyan, Esquire
                              Squire Sanders & Dempsey
                              1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                              Washington, DC 20044

                                             David S. Keir /(/

Document Created: 2010-12-01 21:01:31
Document Modified: 2010-12-01 21:01:31

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