
REPLY submitted by Panasonic Avionics Corporation

Response to Petition of Row 44, Inc.


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100805-00992 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                    Before the
                               Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of
Application of Panasonic Avionics                )        File Nos. SES-LIC-20100805-00992
Corporation for Authority to Operate Up to       )                  SES-AMD-20100914-01163
15 Technically Identical Aeronautical            )                  SES-AMD-20101115-01432
Mobile-Satellite Service (“AMSS”) Aircraft       )
Earth Stations (“AESs”) in the 14.0-14.4         )        Call Sign E100089
GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Bands            )

                   REPLY TO “CONSOLIDATED REPLY” OF ROW 44, INC.

Anita Kartic                                 Carlos M. Nalda
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs          Joshua T. Guyan
 and Strategic Partnerships                  Squire Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P.
Panasonic Avionics Corporation               1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
26200 Enterprise Way                         Suite 500
Lake Forest, CA 92630                        Washington, DC 20004
                                             (202) 626-6659

                                             Counsel for Panasonic Avionics Corporation

December 13, 2010


       Panasonic Avionics Corporation (“Panasonic”) hereby submits its reply to the late-filed

pleading of Row 44, Inc. regarding Panasonic’s application for blanket license authority to

operate a limited number of aircraft earth stations (“AESs”) as part of the “eXConnect” Ku-band

aeronautical mobile-satellite service (“AMSS”) system. It the pleading, Row 44 continues its

spurious attacks on Panasonic’s straightforward AMSS application.

       From a technical standpoint, Panasonic proposes to combine a small number of

previously licensed MELCO antennas with well-known modem technology operating at a lower

maximum power spectral density to provide aeronautical connectivity to the same aircraft that

operated in the United States under prior Commission authority. From a procedural standpoint,

Panasonic’s application was filed under Section 25.220 with the required supporting technical

documentation and its operations have been fully coordinated with potentially affected satellite

operators, so the Commission need not address Row 44’s unsupported criticisms.

       Panasonic voluntarily provided supplemental technical data regarding MELCO antenna

operations similar to that required for earth stations onboard vessels (“ESV”) and vehicle-

mounted earth stations (“VMESs”) to further demonstrate compliance with the Commission’s

two-degree spacing policies. However, Row 44 inappropriately seeks to bootstrap this additional

technical information to require full compliance with the Commission’s ESV and VMES rules,

even though its own AMSS application was considered under Section 25.220.

       Although the Commission need not substantively consider Row 44’s latest filing,

Panasonic addresses the arguments set forth in that submission. Specifically, Panasonic (i)

correctly and appropriately incorporated by reference technical information from the prior

MELCO AMSS licensing proceeding; (ii) addressed the differences between the Connexion by

Boeing and eXConnect systems in detail in its AMSS application and its response to Row 44’s

initial petition; (iii) submitted sufficient antenna gain and EIRP spectral density data; (iv)

provided sufficient information regarding antenna pointing accuracy and pointing methodology;

(v) confirmed the transmit bandwidth of the MELCO antenna; and (vi) adequately described the

service area of the eXConnect System. Finally, Panasonic renews its objection to Row 44’s

unilateral modification of the Commission’s filing deadlines and consideration of its late-filed


       Row 44’s baseless criticisms of Panasonic’s AMSS application fly in the face of clear

Commission precedent – precedent established in Row 44’s own AMSS licensing order. In that

proceeding, the Commission concluded that it need not address “arguments concerning adjacent

satellite interference, because [applicant] has resolved these interference issues through

coordination with all potentially affected satellite operators.” Row 44 ignores this explicit

precedent, misreads the Commission’s rules and policies, and mischaracterizes Panasonic’s

AMSS application in a single-minded effort to delay an impending AMSS competitor.

       The Commission should reject these efforts, substantively consider the Panasonic AMSS

application and grant requested operating authority for the previously authorized MELCO

antenna, as appropriately conditioned, at the earliest possible time.


                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


I.     INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 2
       STRAIGHTFORWARD ISSUES IN THIS PROCEEDING ............................................ 3
       A.        Panasonic’s AMSS Application – The Facts ......................................................... 3
       B.        Panasonic’s AMSS Application – The Law .......................................................... 4
       COMMISSION’S RULES................................................................................................. 7
       A.        Relevant Data From the Prior MELCO Application Proceeding Is Properly
                 Considered in this Proceeding ............................................................................... 8
                 1.         Data Incorporated by Reference Is Specifically Cited, and Current
                            and Accurate in All Significant Respects .................................................. 8
                 2.         Panasonic Has Fully Addressed Differences between Prior
                            MELCO Operations and Operations with the eXConnect System............ 9
       B.        Panasonic’s Demonstration Regarding Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density
                 Along the GSO Arc Is Sufficient ......................................................................... 12
                 1.         Panasonic Has Submitted More Antenna Data than Other Ku-band
                            AMSS Licensees...................................................................................... 12
                 2.         The Supplemental Information Submitted by Panasonic Is Based
                            on Measured Antenna Data...................................................................... 14
       C.        Panasonic’s Demonstration Regarding Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density at
                 Maximum Skew Angle Is Sufficient.................................................................... 17
       D.        Panasonic’s Application Contains Sufficient Information Concerning
                 Pointing Accuracy to Avoid Interference to Adjacent Satellites ......................... 18
       E.        Panasonic’s Application Confirms the MELCO Antenna’s Transmit
                 Bandwidth ............................................................................................................ 21
       F.        Panasonic’s Application Confirms the Geographic Service Area of the
                 MELCO Antenna ................................................................................................. 22
       THE LATE-FILED DECEMBER 1 PLEADING ........................................................... 23
V.     CONCLUSION................................................................................................................ 25

                                    Before the
                               Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of
Application of Panasonic Avionics                   )        File Nos. SES-LIC-20100805-00992
Corporation for Authority to Operate Up to          )                  SES-AMD-20100914-01163
15 Technically Identical Aeronautical               )                  SES-AMD-20101115-01432
Mobile-Satellite Service (“AMSS”) Aircraft          )
Earth Stations (“AESs”) in the 14.0-14.4            )        Call Sign E100089
GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Bands               )

                   REPLY TO “CONSOLIDATED REPLY” OF ROW 44, INC.

       Panasonic Avionics Corporation (“Panasonic”), by its attorneys and in accordance with

Section 1.45(c) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §1.45(c), hereby submits its reply to the

recent, late-filed pleading of Row 44, Inc. in the above-captioned proceeding.1 Panasonic is the

applicant for blanket license authority to operate a limited number of aircraft earth stations

(“AESs”) as part of the “eXConnect” Ku-band aeronautical mobile-satellite service (“AMSS”)

system under Section 25.220 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §25.220.2

  See Consolidated Reply of Row 44, Inc. to Panasonic Avionics’ Response and Panasonic
Avionics’ November 15 Amendment, File Nos. SES-LIC-201000805-00992, SES-AMD-
20100914-01163 and SES-AMD-20101115-01432 (Call Sign E100089) (dated Dec. 1, 2010)
(“December 1 Pleading”). Although Row 44 styles its pleading as a “Consolidated Reply,” it
acknowledges the pleading should also be considered an opposition pursuant to Section 1.45(b)
of the Commission’s rules. See Row 44 Notice Regarding Filing Deadlines (dated Nov. 19, 2010)
at 1-2; December 1 Pleading at 1, 19-20. Thus, Panasonic may reply under Section 1.45(c) of
the rules.
  See Application of Panasonic Avionics Corporation for Authority to Operate Up to 15
Technically Identical Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Service (“AMSS”) Aircraft Earth Stations
(“AESs”) in the 14.0-14.4 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Bands, File Nos. SES-LIC-
201000805-00992, SES-AMD-20100914-01163 and SES-AMD-20101115-01432 (Call Sign


       In its late-filed December 1 Pleading, Row 44 continues its efforts to obscure very

straightforward issues implicated by Panasonic’s AMSS application. From a technical

standpoint, Panasonic proposes to combine a small number of previously licensed MELCO

antennas with well-known modem technology operating at a lower maximum power spectral

density to provide aeronautical connectivity to the same aircraft that operated in the United

States under prior Commission authority. From a procedural standpoint, because Panasonic’s

application was filed under Section 25.220 with supporting technical documentation and its

operations have been fully coordinated, the Commission need not address Row 44’s unsupported

technical assertions.3

       Panasonic has submitted substantially more technical data on MELCO antenna operations

than is required by the Commission’s rules, and more than prior U.S. AMSS licensees such as

The Boeing Company and ViaSat, Inc. The information in the record establishes that eXConnect

Ku-band AMSS operations are compliant with applicable Commission rules and policies. Row

44’s desperate efforts to interpose extraneous issues and unsubstantiated “requirements”

constitute a transparent attempt to delay a new AMSS competitor. The Commission should

reject these efforts, substantively consider the Panasonic AMSS application and grant the

requested operating authority, as appropriately conditioned, at the earliest possible time.

  Among other things, Row 44’s most recent salvo was submitted after the deadline required by
the Commission’s rules and Row 44 failed to justify – and the Commission did not grant – an
extension of the filing date. See Panasonic Response to Notice Regarding Filing Deadlines
(dated Nov. 22, 2010) and Panasonic Opposition to Consideration of Late-Filed Pleading of Row
44, Inc. (dated Dec. 7, 2010). Nonetheless, Panasonic addresses Row 44’s additional technical
arguments herein.



       Row 44 has taken a “kitchen sink” approach to challenge Panasonic’s AMSS application

– throwing everything it can at the application in the hope that something sticks. Row 44

inexplicably ignores its own AMSS licensing precedent, fundamentally misreads the

Commission’s rules and policies, mischaracterizes Panasonic’s AMSS application, and invents

inconsistency where none exists to suggest that Panasonic has failed to satisfy so-called

“requirements” that have no foundation in the Commission’s rules. Row 44’s motives are clear –

notwithstanding express Commission precedent in the AMSS licensing context, Row 44

erroneously seeks to impose inapplicable licensing requirements governing earth stations

onboard vessels (“ESV”) and vehicle-mounted earth stations (“VMESs”) on Panasonic’s AMSS

application in a transparent effort to delay a new competitor. Row 44’s misguided efforts do not

obscure the straightforward procedural and technical issues implicated by this application.

       A.      Panasonic’s AMSS Application – The Facts

       The Commission has previously examined the operational characteristics of the MELCO

antenna, including pointing accuracy and related issues, and authorized its use with the

Connexion by Boeing system. Panasonic proposes to operate the very same antenna with iDirect

modem technology that has been employed in thousands of fixed and mobile VSAT applications

throughout the United States. All of the relevant hardware, including the antenna, radome,

power amplifiers, up-converters, power supplies and antenna controller – everything except the

well-known iDirect modem – are the same equipment previously licensed by the Commission.

The operating characteristics of the MELCO antenna have not changed, including antenna gain,

antenna pointing accuracy, antenna pointing methodology and automatic shut-down functionality.

From an adjacent satellite interference perspective, the only material difference is that Panasonic


requests authority to operate at a lower EIRP spectral density, thereby reducing the potential for

interference from MELCO operations.

       In addition, Panasonic has fully coordinated MELCO antenna operations with its satellite

service providers and potential affected satellite operators. These operators are well aware of the

MELCO antenna’s operating characteristics, having examined them in the original Boeing

application proceeding and more recently in concluding coordination for Panasonic’s operations.

With the detailed MELCO antenna data incorporated by reference (which the Commission found

sufficient to support grant), additional technical information submitted by Panasonic in this

proceeding, and coordination affidavits confirming that potentially affected operators do not

object to grant of the instant application, the Commission plainly can authorize the MELCO

antenna operations requested by Panasonic.

       B.      Panasonic’s AMSS Application – The Law

       Panasonic’s AMSS application is being considered under Section 25.220 if the rules.

Panasonic provided coordination affidavits and supporting technical information with its

application, and expressly requested a waiver of the Commission’s rules to the extent necessary

to grant the application.4 The available information was sufficient to grant prior operating

authority and the MELCO antenna has operated on an interference-free basis with both the

Connexion by Boeing system and more recently with the eXConnect System.

       Although the Panasonic AMSS application is considered under Section 25.220 and

Panasonic need only provide the information required by that provision, it submitted extensive

  The waiver request was made out of an abundance of caution because the Commission adopted
Section 25.220, as well as other analogous rules, long after grant of original operating authority
for the MELCO antenna and the available technical information may not precisely track
subsequently adopted rule provisions.


supplemental technical data regarding MELCO antenna operations to demonstrate compliance

with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policies similar to that required of earth stations

onboard vessels (“ESV”) and vehicle-mounted earth station (“VMES”) applicants under Section

25.222 and 25.226 of the rules, respectively. Row 44 incredibly seeks to bootstrap Panasonic’s

voluntary, supplemental technical demonstration into a formal requirement for the full range of

application materials required of ESV and VMES applicants:

         Although the Applicant cited both Sections 25.222 and 25.226, which govern
         ESV and VMES applicants, it principally referred to essentially the same EIRP
         spectral density provisions that appear in 25.218 of the FCC’s Rules. See
         Application at 15-16. Nonetheless, in its October 18, 2010 Letter, the Applicant
         disclaimed reliance on any of these rules, but asserted that it cited these
         regulations “in the context of providing additional technical information not
         required by Section 25.220 to further demonstrate that Panasonic’s proposed
         AMSS operations are compliant with the Commission’s two-degree spacing
         policies and will not cause harmful interference …” See Letter from Carlos M.
         Nalda and Joshua T. Guyan, Counsel to Panasonic Avionics, to Marlene H.
         Dortch, Secretary, FCC, at 2 (dated October 18, 2010). It would appear that the
         Applicant is under the mistaken impression that it can cite to these provisions if
         they are believed to be somehow helpful to its cause, but otherwise to ignore them
         as irrelevant. Because it would make no sense as a matter of both policy and
         procedure to hold AMSS applicants to a lesser standard than ESV and VMES
         applicants, which have almost identical rules, these regulations must be
         considered relevant to Panasonic Avionics’ Application.5

Although Row 44 mischaracterizes Panasonic’s position, it now boldly reveals the errant basis of

its spurious attacks: Row 44 argues that Panasonic’s AMSS application should be considered

under the ESV and VMES rules. Row 44 is wrong as a matter of law and policy.

         The Commission has not yet adopted AMSS licensing rules and Panasonic’s AMSS

application must be considered under the only rule provision available – Section 25.220.

Panasonic has satisfied the requirements of this rule, has provided substantial supplemental

material supporting its application, and has even requested a waiver to the extent the

    See December 1 Pleading at 12, n. 10.


Commission concludes that any provision is not fully satisfied. Although Row 44’s own AMSS

application was also considered under Section 25.220 (despite the existence of analogous ESV

and VMES licensing rules),6 Row 44 seeks to hold Panasonic to a very different standard.

       Panasonic’s voluntary submission of additional technical information does not alter the

Commission’s application requirements or somehow transform Panasonic’s AMSS application

under Section 25.220 into an ESV or VMES application considered under Sections 25.222 or

25.226. Importantly, Row 44 does not argue that Panasonic’s supplemental data undermines or

conflicts with its fundamental demonstration under Section 25.220, but rather Row 44 complains

that the information does not fully satisfy the “requirements” of Sections 25.222 and 25.226.

Panasonic disagrees with this assertion but, in any event, the supplemental material simply

cannot be criticized for failure to comply with rules that do not apply to Panasonic’s AMSS

application. In other words, so long as additional data is consistent with the application’s

fundamental technical demonstration – and, in this case, it certainly is – submission of even a

partial showing under analogous rules provisions can only enhance the demonstration under

Section 25.220.

       Finally, Row 44 inexplicably ignores clear Commission precedent embodied in Row 44’s

own licensing order. Virtually without exception, Row 44’s criticisms are focused on issues

affecting adjacent satellite interference. The Commission expressly concluded in the Row 44

licensing order that it need not address such issues in the context of AMSS operations that have

been fully coordinated under Section 25.220. The Commission clearly stated, “[w]e decline to

  See generally See Row 44, Inc. Application for Authority to Operate Up to 1,000 Technically
Identical Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service Transmit/Receive Earth Stations Aboard
Commercial and Private Aircraft, Order and Authorization, DA 09-1752 (Int’l Bur. and OET,
2009) (“Row 44 Order”).


address [petitioner’s] arguments concerning adjacent satellite interference, because [applicant]

has resolved these interference issues through coordination with all potentially affected satellite

operators.”7 As a result, Row 44’s spurious attacks on Panasonic’s AMSS application can be

discounted in their entirety.


          In its application, Panasonic provided technical and coordination information regarding

proposed eXConnect Ku-band AMSS system operations as required by Section 25.220 of the

Commission’s rules, included supplemental technical data demonstrating compliance with the

Commission’s two-degree spacing requirements and analogous rules governing Ku-band mobile

VSATs (i.e., ESVs and VMESs), and incorporated by reference extensive technical information

on antenna performance set forth in the original application proceeding for the MELCO antenna.

Panasonic also requested waiver of the Commission’s rules to the extent necessary to grant

Panasonic’s AMSS application because there are no established AMSS licensing rules. In

response to the petition filed by Row 44, Panasonic supplemented its AMSS application with

explanatory material and amended the application to incorporate additional antenna patterns and

lower operating power that reduced the potential for interference from eXConnect operations.8

          Row 44 claims the Panasonic AMSS application remains deficient in several key respects

relating to protection of adjacent satellites. However, Panasonic’s AMSS application – like the

AMSS application of Row 44 – is being considered under Section 25.220 of the rules, and

repeated reference to inapplicable provisions of the Commission’s rules neither undermines
    See id., ¶22.
 See Response to Petition of Row 44, Inc. File Nos. SES-LIC-201000805-00992 and SES-AMD-
20100914-01163 (dated Nov. 15, 2010) (“Panasonic Response”); see also File No. SES-AMD-
20101115-01432 (further amending File No. SES-LIC-201000805-00992, Call Sign E100089).


Panasonic’s fundamental demonstration nor diminishes the value of supplemental technical

information. In the Row 44 application proceeding, the Commission also expressly “decline[d]

to address [the sole petitioner’s] arguments concerning adjacent satellite interference, because

Row 44 has resolved these interference issues through coordination with all potentially affected

satellite operators.”9 Notwithstanding this crystal clear precedent, Row 44 persists in its attempts

to distract and confuse by injecting irrelevant issues into this proceeding. Panasonic addresses

the additional issues raised by Row 44 in its late-filed December 1 Pleading below.

         A.      Relevant Data From the Prior MELCO Application Proceeding Is Properly
                 Considered in this Proceeding

                 1.      Data Incorporated by Reference Is Specifically Cited, and Current
                         and Accurate in All Significant Respects

         Row 44 suggests that Panasonic’s application does not comply with the instructions for

FCC Form 312 regarding incorporation by reference because it fails to specify page and exhibit

numbers of the materials in the prior application proceeding.10 Although Panasonic described

the content and location of relevant information and is fully confident in the Commission’s

ability to identify pointing accuracy data and antenna patterns included in the prior materials, for

the avoidance of doubt the key Boeing references are:

         File No. SES-MOD-20030512-00639, Call Sign E000723 (Modification Application
         filed May 12, 2003)

         •    Narrative, Section II. A, Description of the Reflector Antenna AES Subsystem at 5-8.
         •    Technical Appendix, Section 3, Reflector Antenna AES Description at 3-4.

 See Row 44 Order, ¶ 22. The Commission proceeded to consider and reject additional issues
associated with the claim that it lacked authority to rely on adjacent satellite operator
coordination in granting the Row 44 AMSS application as contemplated by Section 25.220. See
id., ¶¶ 23-25.
     December 1 Pleading at 4-5.


          •    Technical Appendix, Section 3.1, Reflector Antenna AES Pointing and Polarization
               Control at 4-6.
          •    Technical Appendix, Section 3.2, Reflector Antenna Patterns, at 6-10.

          File No. SES-MOD-20030512-00639, Call Sign E000723 (Boeing AMSS System
          License Compliance Report – Reflector Antenna AES Update, filed February 12, 2004)

          •    Section 3.1, AES Antenna Mispointing, at 4-9.

          Row 44 also suggests that the prior antenna information is not “current and accurate in all

significant respects.”11 This claim is simply incorrect. Panasonic is principally relying on the

prior MELCO application proceeding for antenna pattern and pointing accuracy data (cited

previously and, more specifically, above), as well as general operating history (prior

interference-free operations, confirmed by more recent operation with the eXConnect System).

As both Panasonic and Row 44 acknowledge,12 the MELCO antenna has not changed – so these

references remain valid.

                   2.    Panasonic Has Fully Addressed Differences between Prior MELCO
                         Operations and Operations with the eXConnect System

          The claim that Panasonic has not addressed differences between the prior Boeing AMSS

system and the eXConnect System is also without foundation. Panasonic specifically addressed

the differences between the Connexion by Boeing and eXConnect systems in its original

application and in the Panasonic Response, including among other things:

          •    The use of TDMA considerably simplifies the interference analysis;
          •    Panasonic avoids Boeing’s complicated AES aggregation scheme; and

     Id. at 4-7.
  Row 44 emphasized that “the only common element between the Panasonic Avionics proposal
and Boeing’s 2003 system is the MELCO Antenna hardware itself.” Petition of Row 44, Inc.,
File Nos. SES-LIC-201000805-00992 and SES-AMD-20100914-01163 (Call Sign E100089) at 3
(dated Oct. 15, 2010) (“Petition”).


           •   The MELCO antenna pattern remains unchanged, the MELCO antenna pointing
               accuracy remains unchanged and the transmit EIRP spectral density is lower, so the
               Commission can authorize eXConnect operations based on the MELCO precedent.

           Row 44 suggests in particular that Panasonic has not explained differences between

MELCO antenna pointing in the eXConnect and Connexion by Boeing systems.13 In an effort to

bolster this hollow claim, Row 44 misrepresents MELCO antenna pointing – suggesting that

“Boeing’s 2003 modification provided an explicit explanation of how its system’s pointing

accuracy would be achieved through use of received-signal strength indicator (“RSSI”) modem

data, as augmented by additional accuracy improving methods,” but Row 44 erroneously cites

Boeing’s 2000 AMSS application for a phased array antenna with an entirely different pointing


           Boeing’s 2003 modification application describes the pointing of the MELCO antenna:

“[r]eflector antenna AES pointing is accomplished through the use of the airplane navigation

system and antenna rate gyro data, satellite position, and estimated antenna alignment parameters,

as well as periodic measurement of actual antenna pointing performance.”15 Panasonic has made

no modifications to the MELCO AES antenna system – all physical and software interfaces

between the original data transceiver router (“DTR”) and the antenna subsystem have been

implemented in Panasonic's broadband controller – and the antenna pointing methodology is the

     See December 1 Pleading at 6-7.
     Id. at 6 , n. 4.
  Application to Modify Blanket Authorization to Operate Up to Eight Hundred Technically
Identical Transmit and Receive Mobile Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft in the 11.7-12.2 and 14.0-
14.5 GHz Frequency Bands, File Nos. SES-LIC-20001204-02300, SES-MOD-20020308-00429
and SES-MOD-20030512-00639 (Call Sign E000723), Modification Application at 8 (filed May
12, 2003).


same.16 Therefore, all referenced MELCO pointing accuracy analyses provided by Boeing are

valid for Panasonic's eXConnect system (i.e., there are no pointing differences to address).

       Row 44’s references to skew angle data are similarly misdirected. Row 44 notes that the

Boeing points of communication were AMC-4 and Telstar 6, and infers a +/-25 degree maximum

skew angle. This incorrectly assumes that U.S. coverage was divided between the two satellites.

In fact, both satellites served all of CONUS for different customers. The skew angles in CONUS

for Telstar 6, which is only 2 degrees away from G-17, are almost identical to Panasonic’s

proposed skew angle. AMC-4 would have similar maximum skew angles, but with the limitation

occurring on the East coast rather than the West coast.

       Row 44 fundamentally misses the point. Panasonic is relying on unchanged antenna

technical and performance characteristics, as well as a significant history of interference-free

operations, rather than the particular skew angles or points of communication. Moreover, Row

44’s erroneous arguments and mischaracterizations are entirely moot since Panasonic’s operation

of the MELCO antenna has been fully coordinated with adjacent satellite operators.17

   All real-time pointing is actually accomplished using aircraft Inertial Reference Unit (IRU)
and antenna rate gyro information. The MELCO antenna performs sequential lobing, but only
periodically to verify the alignment between the aircraft IRU and the antenna. The iDirect
modem continuously measures the SNR of the forward link DVB-S2 carrier, which provides
identical functionality as the Boeing RSSI and supports periodic sequential lobing calibration for
interference-free operation of the antenna.
  See supra at note 6 (the Commission need not address “arguments concerning adjacent
satellite interference, because [applicant] has resolved these interference issues through
coordination with all potentially affected satellite operators.”).


         B.      Panasonic’s Demonstration Regarding Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density
                 Along the GSO Arc Is Sufficient

                 1.     Panasonic Has Submitted More Antenna Data than Other Ku-band
                        AMSS Licensees

         Row 44 continues its “shell game” with the Commission’s rules (sometimes its criticism

can be found under Section 25.220, sometimes under Section 25.222, sometimes under Section

25.226, etc.) to challenge Panasonic’s suggestion that the MELCO antenna “has essentially

equivalent performance” in both polarizations and across bands. Panasonic provided EIRP

spectral density plots in the Panasonic Response based on measured patterns across polarizations

and bands. Row 44 does not acknowledge this information or indicate why it was insufficient.

Rather, Row 44 merely claims that Panasonic must submit “the full quantity of off-axis EIRP

spectral density graphs that the existing Ku-band MSS rules for ESVs and VMESs require. See

47 C.F.R. §§ 25.222(a)(1) and 25.226(a)(1),”18 again revealing its intention to inappropriately

impose inapplicable rule provisions on Panasonic’s AMSS application.

         Panasonic’s AMSS application is considered under Section 25.220, rather than Sections

25.222 or 25.226. Furthermore, Section 25.222(a)(1) does not require the submission of any off-

axis EIRP spectral density graphs, but rather demonstration of compliance with Section

25.222(a)(1) requirements is specified in 25.222(b)(1), which requires the submission of off-axis

EIRP tables, not graphs. To supplement its application, Panasonic submitted off-axis EIRP and

EIRP spectral density tables for the co-polarization patterns along and perpendicular to the

geostationary arc for the condition that creates the maximum off-axis EIRP spectral density (i.e.,

the highest proposed EIRP spectral density and skew angle).

     See December 1 Pleading at 7.


          Despite claims that its application remains insufficient, Panasonic in fact has submitted

the following supplemental off-axis EIRP, off-axis EIRP spectral density and gain information

(for the mid-band, vertical polarization case, at the maximum EIRP spectral density and skew


          •   Graph of off-axis EIRP spectral density along the GSO arc with and without pointing
              error to 7 degrees off-axis (Panasonic AMSS Application, Technical Annex Page 12);
          •   Graph of off-axis EIRP spectral density along the GSO arc to 90 degrees off-axis
              (September 14, 2010 Amendment, Appendix C at 1);
          •   Graph of off-axis EIRP spectral density perpendicular to the GSO arc to 90 degrees
              off-axis (September 14, 2010 Amendment, Appendix C at 2);
          •   Table of off-axis EIRP spectral density along and perpendicular to the GSO arc
              (September 14, 2010 Amendment, Appendix C at 2); and
          •   Table of off-axis EIRP along and perpendicular to the GSO arc (September 14, 2010
              Amendment, Appendix D at 1).

          Panasonic will not allow the off-axis EIRP spectral density for this case to exceed

permissible levels and will also adjust the maximum transmit EIRP spectral density at other

bands and polarizations to ensure compliance with the mask. These adjustments are relatively

small and straightforward as demonstrated by:

          •   Graph of off-axis EIRP spectral density along the GSO in V-pol and H-pol +/- 10
              degrees off-axis (Panasonic Response at 15); and
          •   Graph of off-axis EIRP spectral density along the GSO for bottom, middle and top
              bands (Panasonic Response at 16).

In the Panasonic Response, Panasonic has also provided 60 principal plane antenna gain plots (in

addition to those in the original Boeing MELCO application) covering various possible

combinations under Section 25.132(b) of the rules, including:

          •   Transmit and receive bands;
          •   Bottom, middle and top bands;
          •   Horizontal and vertical polarizations;
          •   Azimuth and elevation; and
          •   Co- and cross-polarization.


         Panasonic has submitted far more antenna data than other Ku-band AMSS licensees,

including Boeing and ViaSat. This is more than enough data for the Commission (and interested

parties) to fully understand the operation of the MELCO antenna with the eXConnect System,

and for the Commission to render a positive judgment in this proceeding. Of course, the

Commission need not rely on this supplemental data – or address Row 44’s unfounded criticisms

of Panasonic’s technical demonstration regarding the protection of adjacent satellites – because

the Panasonic AMSS application is considered under Section 25.220 of the rules.19

                 2.     The Supplemental Information Submitted by Panasonic Is Based on
                        Measured Antenna Data

         Row 44 claims that Panasonic has failed to provide a complete set of off-axis EIRP

spectral density patterns based on measured antenna data, and erroneously suggests that

Panasonic failed to provide data that accounted for skew and mispointing.20 Although not

required under Section 25.220 of the rules, Panasonic has provided significant off-axis EIRP

spectral density information based on measured antenna data, including patterns accounting for

skew and mispointing.

         Off-axis EIRP spectral density data is typically based on measured gain patterns and

computed with input power density or maximum on-axis EIRP spectral density. Direct

measurement of off-axis EIRP spectral density is unusual. Panasonic has all of the antenna gain

data that was obtained by MELCO and Boeing in the course of the Connexion by Boeing

program, and has used this data to develop maximum operating parameters for the MELCO

antenna. Panasonic submitted extensive antenna gain pattern information in the Panasonic
  See supra at note 6 (the Commission need not address “arguments concerning adjacent
satellite interference, because [applicant] has resolved these interference issues through
coordination with all potentially affected satellite operators.”).
     December 1 Pleading at 7-9.


Response and associated minor amendment. Row 44 overlooks this information and instead

complains that summary off-axis EIRP information submitted in Panasonic’s earlier amendment

appears to be based on calculated data. In fact, all of the data presented by Panasonic is based on

measured gain patterns.21 Panasonic’s additional antenna gain data, upon which it relies to set

MELCO operating parameters, enhances Panasonic’s supplemental off-axis EIRP spectral

density showing.

         In another significant stretch, Row 44 miscites Recommendation ITU-R M.1643 for the

general proposition that “the aging of antenna equipment [must] be taken into consideration,”

and that “absent field testing and measurement, it cannot be certain that any of these antennas,

and specifically all those being reactivated for use, are still able to operate within their original

specifications [due to] ….[a]ging and/or corrosion of bearings, gears, aperture, and/or hollow

conductors.”22 Recommendation ITU-R M.1643 actually provides:

         2       The design, coordination and operation of an AES should, at least,
         account for the following factors which could vary the aggregate off-axis e.i.r.p.
         levels generated by the AES….

         2.2      variations in the antenna pattern of AES. Where applicable, this includes,
         at least, effects caused by manufacturing tolerances, ageing of the antenna and
         environmental effects. AMSS networks using certain types of AES antennas,
         such as phased arrays, should account for variation in antenna pattern with scan
         angles (elevation and azimuth). Networks using phased arrays should also

  The patterns presented for the maximum skew angle in the original application are based on
measured gain patterns from 0 to 90 degrees off-axis. The data has been reflected across the 0
degree off-axis line, which accounts for the symmetry in the low level sidelobes noted by Row
44 in its December 1 Pleading at 8. While there may be asymmetries in the low level sidelobes,
the main lobe and off-axis limiting portions of the first sidelobe are symmetric to within a few
tenths of a dB. The impact on off-axis EIRP spectral density is minor.
     December 1 Pleading at 9-10.


       account for element phase error, amplitude error and failure rate…. (emphases

       As indicated in the quoted excerpt from Recommendation ITU-R M.1643, the section

addresses “design, coordination and operation” of an AES and the referenced factors specifically

pertain to “variations in the antenna pattern of AES.” Panasonic’s operational approach

(particularly assuming a pointing offset in setting maximum power levels) account for such

variables affecting AES off-axis EIRP spectral density levels. Furthermore, ongoing system

operational data and coordination will ensure that all such factors are fully accounted for (i.e.,

antenna performance changes or operator notice may indicate a potential issue is developing).

       Row 44 offers nothing more than conclusory remarks to link aging of the MELCO

antenna aperture to variation in antenna pattern. If Row 44 seeks to have the Commission

require periodic update of comprehensive antenna aging information from AMSS licensees

(including itself) that typically have 15-year license terms, it can make its case in the

Commission’s AMSS rulemaking proceeding.24 However, such a requirement does not exist and

Row 44’s novel antenna aging claim has never been addressed by any U.S. AMSS applicant –

including Row 44 itself. The suggestion is particularly inappropriate where the AES antenna has

been in operation for the past year without incident and licensing is based on coordination with

potentially affected satellite operators under Section 25.220.

  The antenna aging language in paragraph 2.2 specifically contemplated aging of phased array
antennas such as the original Connexion by Boeing antenna, as indicated in the additional
language in the provision.
 See Service Procedures and Rules to Govern the Use of Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service
Earth Stations in Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 05-
20, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 20 FCC Rcd 2906 (2005).


          C.      Panasonic’s Demonstration Regarding Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density at
                  Maximum Skew Angle Is Sufficient

          Row 44 acknowledges that “Panasonic Avionics has submitted additional antenna gain

patterns pursuant to Section 25.220(b) of the FCC’s Rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.220(b); PAC

Response/PAC Amendment at Attachment A.”25 Unconstrained by details such as the

Commission’s application requirements, Row 44 now boldly states without legal foundation that

Panasonic should provide “antenna gain patterns for all skew angles up to the maximum 34

degree skew in order to demonstrate that there are no skew angles for which parasitic sidelobes

occur in the angular range of approximately seven degrees to 85 degrees azimuth.”26

          Row 44’s creative suggestion must be rejected. Panasonic has submitted all required

patterns under Section 25.220 (and well beyond what was submitted by Boeing in its MELCO

licensing proceeding). Panasonic has also submitted off-axis EIRP spectral density plots for the

maximum skew condition.27 No AMSS applicant has ever met Row 44’s newly invented

standard, and Row 44 itself only provided principal plane and maximum skew angle plots.

Providing such information would be unnecessary and unduly burdensome to produce.28 Asking

     December 1 Pleading at 10.
     Id. at 11.
  Off-axis EIRP spectral density plots including skew and pointing error were included in
Panasonic’s original AMSS application. Row 44 grasps for straws by raising reflections off of
the secondary reflector mounts, which are second order effects. The dominant side lobe effect
for high aspect ratio antennas is increased sidelobe levels along the semi-major and semi-minor
axes of the antenna (the principle planes), which correspond to the gain data already submitted.
   The requested skew angle plots from for skew angles from -34 degrees skew to +34 degrees
skew at one degree increments for off-axis angles between +/-85 degrees off-axis would
represent 69 (the number of integers between -34 degrees and +34 degrees including zero)
antenna patterns for one frequency and polarization. Adding a detailed plot for +/-10 degrees, as
is typically done, would raise the number to 138 plots. Repeating this for both polarizations


the Commission to examine literally hundreds of gain plots for a previously authorized antenna

is also a colossal waste of Commission’s scarce administrative resources.

         D.     Panasonic’s Application Contains Sufficient Information Concerning
                Pointing Accuracy to Avoid Interference to Adjacent Satellites

         Row 44 next suggests that Panasonic has not provided sufficient information regarding

MELCO antenna pointing accuracy.29 Since Panasonic is relying on adjacent satellite operator

coordination under Section 25.220, detailed antenna pointing information is not required and the

Commission need not address these claims.30 In addition, since the MELCO antenna’s pointing

accuracy and pointing methodology have not changed, the information relied on to grant prior

MELCO operating authority supports grant of similar operating authority today.

         Row 44 claims that Panasonic must “demonstrate that the maximum pointing error can be

achieved without exceeding the off-axis EIRP spectral density limits.”31 In this connection, Row

44 mischaracterizes the MELCO antenna’s pointing accuracy and maximum pointing offset.

Panasonic accurately stated that:

         “the 0.25° 1-sigma pointing error (as thoroughly tested by Boeing) only applies to
         periods of very high-rate maneuvers, which occurs rarely in the flight profile of a wide

would raise this to 276 plots. Repeating this for three bands would raise the number to 828 plots.
This would be in addition to the 60 gain plots already provided for a total of 888 plots.
     December 1 Pleading at 11-14.
  See supra at note 6 (the Commission need not address “arguments concerning adjacent
satellite interference, because [applicant] has resolved these interference issues through
coordination with all potentially affected satellite operators.”).
  December 1 Pleading at 12. Row 44 erroneously assumes that Panasonic’s application would
be processed under the ESV rule Section 25.222(a)(1), which would lead to an off-axis EIRP
spectral density demonstration under 25.222(b)(1). However, because Panasonic’s application is
based on coordination with target satellite operators, actual processing would be more
appropriately under Section 25.222(a)(2), which does not have the corresponding off-axis EIRP
spectral density demonstration and specifically contemplates exceedance of the off-axis mask.


          body aircraft. Under most circumstances the pointing error will be considerably less than
          the specified pointing accuracy value.”32

This statement is absolutely accurate. The pointing error calculation includes components that

are maneuvering rate dependant. The quiescent (i.e., level flight) pointing error is much smaller

and applies the vast majority of the time.

          Panasonic also clearly stated that the MELCO antenna will shut down automatically at

0.5° pointing offset,33 which means the effective maximum pointing error is 0.5°. Row 44’s

assertion that the maximum offset exceeds this value is baseless. Panasonic’s satellite service

providers and potentially affected satellite operators are well aware of, and have explicitly

accepted, the pointing accuracy and off-axis EIRP spectral density levels of the MELCO antenna

in the context of coordinating Panasonic’s proposed operations.

          Row 44’s errors continue with the suggestion that “Panasonic Avionics does not even

acknowledge” the “requirement” that the MELCO antenna cease transmissions within 100

milliseconds of reaching maximum pointing offset.34 Although this “requirement” applies only

to ESV and VMES terminals, Panasonic notes the MELCO antenna’s 0.5° maximum pointing

offset and shut-down requirement no less than six times.35 Panasonic also confirms the 100 msec

time frame for shut down three times.36 Such confirmation is identical to that included in Row

44’s original AMSS application and its modification to add another AES antenna.

     Panasonic Response at 19-20.
     See Panasonic Application Narrative at 12, 13, 15; Technical Annex at 4, 9, 11.
     December 1 Pleading at 14.
     See Panasonic Application Narrative at 12, 13, 15; Technical Annex at 4, 9, 11.
     See id. at 13, 15; Technical Annex at 9.


       Row 44 proceeds to conflate a number of unrelated issues in challenging the ability of the

MELCO antenna to satisfy this self-declared 100 msec shut-down criterion. First, the reduction

of EIRP spectral density in horizontal polarization has nothing to do with automatic shut-down,

and is done statically when setting the EIRP spectral density limits for a particular transponder

with a horizontal polarization. Second, the Boeing modem had no role whatsoever in real-time

pointing or automatic shut-down of the MELCO antenna. It was only used to periodically verify

the alignment of the antenna with the aircraft inertial system. In reality, MELCO antenna

pointing error is determined for the difference in antenna pointing relative to the aircraft inertial

navigation system and the local rate gyros – a shut off command is automatically generated when

the pointing offset exceeds 0.5 degrees and antenna transmissions terminate within 100 msec.

       Of course, whatever the shut-down time frame and methodology of the MELCO antenna,

it was sufficient to grant prior operating authority for the antenna. Moreover, potentially affected

satellite operators have accepted the technical characteristics of the MELCO antenna in the

context of coordination – and the MELCO antenna has operated as part of the eXConnect

System on a trial basis for approximately one year without reported interference incidents or

shut-downs caused by antenna misalignment. Like other arguments raised by Row 44, this issue

goes to adjacent satellite interference which need not be addressed by the Commission since the

proposed operations have been fully coordinated.37

  See supra at note 6 (the Commission need not address “arguments concerning adjacent
satellite interference, because [applicant] has resolved these interference issues through
coordination with all potentially affected satellite operators.”).


         E.     Panasonic’s Application Confirms the MELCO Antenna’s Transmit

         Despite Row 44’s confusion regarding the MELCO antenna’s transmit bandwidth, all

emissions designators and power levels are correct as amended. First, the 1.67 MHz noise

bandwidth used in the link budget corresponds to the symbol rate of the signal, which does not

correspond to the necessary bandwidth (for emission designator purposes).38 While Panasonic

need not include every conceivable emission designator in its application,39 the designators

included in the applications are accurate.

         Second, Row 44 incorrectly suggests that “[u]sing the bandwidth value and the maximum

EIRP spectral density from the necessary bandwidth, the maximum total EIRP can be

calculated.”40 This is precisely the error that Panasonic corrected with its last submission. The

assumption that a signal fills its entire necessary bandwidth at uniform EIRP density is highly

unlikely for any real signal. Consider Row 44’s own AMSS license (File No. SES-LIC-

20080508-00570, Call Sign E080100, granted Aug. 5, 2009): the 1.6 MHz (1M60G7D)

emissions designator has a maximum EIRP per carrier of 38.60 dBW and a maximum EIRP

   Necessary bandwidth is defined by Section 2.202(b) of the rules: “For a given class of
emission, the minimum value of the occupied bandwidth sufficient to ensure the transmission of
information at the rate and with the quality required for the system employed, under specified
conditions.” iDirect recommends a channel spacing of 1.2*symbol rate, which is the filter roll
off (alpha) of the modem. This corresponds to the minimum necessary bandwidth. A narrower
bandwidth would cause a loss of transmission quality. Panasonic has constructed all of its
emissions designators as 1.2 * symbol rate. For example, the maximum symbol rate of the
transmit modem is 7.5 Msps so the necessary bandwidth is 9 MHz and the emissions designator
is 9M00G7D.
  See 47 C.F.R. § 25.275(c) (authorizes the licensee to operate any other type of carrier not
specifically listed which does not exceed the highest bandwidth prescribed for any listed

     December 1 Pleading at 16.


density of 14.6 dBW/4kHz. The maximum EIRP is computed from the bandwidth and the

density, per Row 44’s comment, is 40.6 dBW – 2 dB higher than the granted 38.6 dBW.

Conversely, the EIRP spectral density computed from the maximum EIRP and the bandwidth

would be 12.6 dBW/4 kHz, which is 2 dB lower than the 14.6 dBW/4 kHz value authorized.

These differences are to be expected in real signals and Panasonic’s powers and densities are


           Finally, Row 44’s claim that “Panasonic must then provide actual measurements to verify

the transmit signal bandwidth” is baseless.41 Row 44’s inability to calculate necessary

bandwidth does not force Panasonic to measure bandwidth under Section 2.202(c); it can rely on

other permissible methodologies. In this connection, the iDirect modem is one of the most

common VSAT modems in use, with tens of thousands of units in use in the United States alone.

The spectral roll-off properties of this modem are not at issue here. The only relevant issue for

interference is the peak power spectral density at which it is operated. Panasonic has established

relevant transmit parameters in its application, has fully coordinated its operations with

potentially affected parties and has operated the MELCO antenna for a year without incident.

           F.     Panasonic’s Application Confirms the Geographic Service Area of the
                  MELCO Antenna

           Although its language is less strident, Row 44 continues to suggest that Panasonic “must

provide [ ] information detailing the geographic scope of its service.”42 Row 44 originally

asserted – and cited the argument in its December 1 Pleading – that Panasonic’s AMSS

application “fails to include a coverage map, rendering it defective.”43 PAC responded by

     Id. at 17.
     Row 44 Petition at 3; see December 1 Pleading at 17 (citing Row 44 Petition at 11).


pointing out that there was no requirement to provide a coverage map – and Row 44 now points

to Section 25.220(g)(1), which requires that applicants provide a “detailed description of the

service to be provided,” and the Ku-band ESV and VMES rules, which requires an exhibit

“describing the geographic area(s) in which the [service] will operate.”44

          These rule provisions contemplate descriptions, not maps. Row 44 is inventing a

requirement in the rules that does not exist. Panasonic provided descriptions of its geographic

area of operation. In the FCC Form 312, the operating area was described as: CONUS, Alaska,

Hawaii and U.S. Territories. In the application narrative, Panasonic confirmed that it “seeks to

operate throughout the United States, including U.S. territories and possessions, subject to rules

and conditions designed to protect other services in the band.”45 For practical purposes, in view

of the satellite coverage and skew angle limitations, Panasonic will restrict its area of operation

for the identified points of communications to CONUS where the skew angle is less than or

equal to 34º.


          With respect to the December 1 Pleading, Row 44 made a unilateral proclamation

absolving itself of compliance with the Commission’s filing deadlines and establishing an

alternative date that better accommodated its own schedule.46 Panasonic did not object to

acceptance of another pleading from Row 44, so long as it was made in accordance with the

Commission’s procedural rules.47 However, Row 44 provided no basis for waiver of the rules,

     See December 1 Pleading at 17 (citations omitted).
     Panasonic AMSS Application at 2-3.
     See Row 44 Notice Regarding Filing Deadlines (dated Nov. 19, 2010).
     See Panasonic Response to Notice Regarding Filing Deadlines at 2 (dated Nov. 22, 2010).


failed to calculate the proposed alternative filing date correctly, ignored the important procedural

issues raised by Panasonic on the first business day following its unilateral pronouncement,48 and

submitted the latest pleading on its self-declared filing date without a waiver from the


          As legal matter, Row 44 actions cannot stand. The Commission cannot permit a party to

a restricted proceeding to unilaterally alter filing deadlines or other procedural requirements at

will. Row 44 provided no basis for waiver of the Commission’s procedural rule and no waiver

was granted by the Commission. Assuming arguendo that Row 44’s reasoning regarding a

consolidated pleading is correct, Panasonic noted (in a filing Row 44 ignored) that Row 44 had

miscalculated the alternative deadline – by Row 44’s own reasoning the pleading was due by

November 30 rather than December 1, 2010.49 Absent a waiver of this alternative November 30

deadline, the late-filed December 1 Pleading cannot be considered.

          Even if the December 1 Pleading is accepted, the Commission need not consider the

substantive arguments set forth therein. Like the vast majority of issues raised by Row 44, the

December 1 Pleading focuses on issues associated with the prevention of adjacent satellite

interference. As Row 44 is well aware, the Commission expressly concluded in Row 44’s own

licensing order that the Commission need not address such issues raised by a petitioner in an

AMSS application proceeding considered under Section 25.220 of the rules. The Commission

clearly stated, “[w]e decline to address [petitioner’s] arguments concerning adjacent satellite

   See Panasonic Opposition to Consideration of Late-Filed Pleading of Row 44, Inc. (dated Dec.
7, 2010).
     See Panasonic Response to Notice Regarding Filing Deadlines at n.2.


 interference, because {applicant] has resolved these interference issues through coordination with

 all potentially affected satellite operators."""


         As discussed herein and in prior submissions, Panasonic‘s AMSS application is fully

consistent with Section 25.220 and the Commission‘s Ku—band AMSS licensing policies and

precedent. The Commission has previously authorized the operation of the MELCO antenna

(with a higher power spectral density), and terminals installed on Lufthansa aircraft have

operated on a trial basis for nearly a year with no reported cases of interference. Finally,

although the Commission need not address them substantively, Panasonic has fully addressed

each of the issues raised by Row 44 in this proceeding.

        Grant of this AMSS application would strongly serve the public interest by enhancing

competition and maintaining U.S. leadership in aeronautical broadband communications.

Accordingly, the Commuission should grant Panasonic‘s application for blanket license authority

to operate the MELCO AES antenna on a commercial basis at the earliest practicable time.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,
                                                    PANASONIC AVIONICS CORPORATION
                                                                           44. 2P PJPs s
                                                    By:                   ff’?f fi/fi j{l%f

Anita Kartic                                              Carlos M. Nalda
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs                       Joshua T. Guyan
Panasonic Avionics Corporation                            Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP.
26200 Enterprise Way                                      1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
Lake Forest, CA 92630                                     Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                          (202) 626—6659

                                                          Its Attorneys
December 13, 2010

°° See supra at note 6.


                                       Technical Certificate

        I, Paul Sarraffe, hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for

the preparation of the technical discussion contained in Panasonic Avionics Corporation‘s Reply

to "Consolidated Reply" of Row44, Inc., that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s

Rules (47 C.F.R. Part 25), and that I have either prepared or reviewed the technical information

submitted in this Reply and found it to be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge

and belief.

       iy _Sak dumalf»
       Paul Sarraffe
       Panasonic Avionics Corporation
       eXConnect Systems Engineering

December 13, 2010

                                    Certificate of Service

       I, Joshua T. Guyan, herebycertify that on this 13th day of December, 2010, I caused a

copy of Panasonic Avionics Corporation‘s Reply to "Consolidated Reply" of Row 44, Inc. to be

served via U.S. first class mail on the partylisted below.

       David S. Keir
       Lerman Senter PLLC
       2000 K Street, NW., Suite 600
       Washington, DC 20006
       (202) 429—8970

       Counsel to Row44, Inc.

                                                       oh. y
                                                     Jfi«;hua T. Guyan   /

Document Created: 2010-11-15 19:03:28
Document Modified: 2010-11-15 19:03:28

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