Attachment Schedule S DOC 1

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100723-00952 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Link Budget Creator — Rev 1.1: July 15, 2010                             Tier1                Tier1
Ground Parameter                                                       Teleport               Telco
  Location                                                 Sunset Beach RHCF. United States    Swa
  Lattude                                      0                          213                  01
  Longitude (East)                             ()                        2019                  waa
  E5 Range to SV                               (km)                     1oss20                sas03
  ES Elevation to SV                           ()                         aso                  s29
  E9 Alitude                                   im                           s0                  oo
  SV Heam Identrer                             ®                                     72
  Mintes Into Pass (Sample #20)                (tiny                                 a2
  Telco Spot Seam OffAngle                     ()                                    o2
  Telco Spot Seam Diameter                     (km)                                 so 1
  Maximum Roundtrip Latenc                     imsee)                              1207
Modulation Parameters                                                  Forward                Return
  Enter Recever                                Tyse                     ova—se
  Available Bandwisth                          (2)                   216,000,000
  Channel Symbol Rete                          (spe)                 180,000,000
  Channel Modulation Type                                                srer
  Channel FEC Rete                                                         oer
  Channel Spactral Eficiency                   (prafiz)                   2.00
  Channe! Throughout                            bost                340.418.401 40
Uplink                                                                 Forward                Return
  ES Tx Chamnels par hPA                       ©                             1
  ES Tx Camier Frequency                       (ubiey                  20020 00
  ES Tx HPA Power Level                        m                         500.00
  es t« oso                                    (ce)                       3.00
  ES Tx PostHPA Losses                         (ce)                       150
  ES Tx Anenna Gain (7.3 meter)                (ce)                       sa. 02
  ES Tx EP Per Channel                         cem                        a1 29
  ES Tx Pointing Loss                          (ce)                       —0 5o
  E79Ts RF Link Avaiabilty                     (%)                       se5oo
  ES Tx Atmospharie Loases                     (ce)                      —rss
  FIS Tx Spreating I nas                       (am                      cist no
Seteliite                                                              Forward                Return
  SV Humber of Channels par HPA                ®                             1
  sy rx o                                      ery                        a21
  SV Rxc Powar Par Tier                        com                      «ranse
  SV Rx Flux Density Per Tier                  (deviim?)                 3012
  sy Tx oso                                    (ce)                       3 80
  SV Tx Post.TWTA Losses                       (ce)                       150
  SV Tx Antenna Gain                           (can                       30. 69
  SV Tx EIR® Par ChannaliCamer                 cem                       4s 52
  SV Tx Pointing Loss                          ce                          0.00
Downlink                                                               Forward                Return
  ES Rx Camer Frequency                        un                      Tezzo vo
  ES Rx Spreating Loss                         (ce)                     —149 01
  E75 Rx RF Link Avaiabilty                    (%)                       ss500
  ES Rx Atmospheric Loases                     (ce)                       T49
  ES Rx Pointng Loss                           (ce)                       0 50
  ES Rx Antenna Gain (4 mater                  (can                       s5 22
  E75 Rx Efectve GT                            ol                        2050
  E/S Rx Power Per Channal                     Cl                       «10503
  ES Rx Flux Density Por Channel               (ceniim)                 css
Toral Link                                                             Forward                Return
  Camer / Noise Bandwdth                       o)                         s2 55
  Camer / Noise Uplink                         («€)                       t1i7a
  Carrier / Noise Downlinkc                    (ce)                       155
  Carrier / Intermdulation Im (C/im)           (ce)                      2214
  (C/1)— Total Actual                          («e)                        a.10
  (C/14)— Total Reguired                       (ce)                        ao2
  (EML,—Total Actual                           (ce)                        s.00
  (E—ML,— Total Required                       (s8)                        s1
  Excess Margin                                (a8)                       o%e
  Fade Margin (to Toss of Iink)                (a8)                       1025

Document Created: 2010-08-03 10:36:11
Document Modified: 2010-08-03 10:36:11

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