Attachment Schedule S DOC 9

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100723-00952 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


         O3b Network Forward Link Analysis — Tier 1 Service For Suva, F
Link Budget Creator — Rev 1.1; July 15. 2010                            Tier1               Tier 1
Ground Porameter                                                      Teleport              Telco
  Locatin                                                 Sunset Beach RHCF, Unted States    Swa
  Lattude                                      0                         213                as t
  Longtude (Easy                               0                        208                 ie«
  E/S Renge to SV                              o                       101821               sri2s
  E8 Elesation to SV                           0                          300                sso
  Es Aliuce                                    im)                         o0                 s0
  SV Beam Identer                              ®                                   T2
  Minutas nto Pass (Gample #29)                (Min                               is1
  Telco Spot Beam OffAngle                     0                                   o2
  Telco Spot Beam Diameter                     (om                                so 1
  Meximum Roundtip Latenc:                     imseo)                            1250
Modulation Porameters                                                 Forward               Rewm
  Enter Recaner                                Te                      esz
  Avalable Bendwith                            ts                   216.000.000
  Channel Symbol Rate                          5)                   120.000.000
  Channel Mlodulaton Type                                             1eapsk
  Chamnel FEC Rate                                                        a.7s
  Channel Spectral Eficiency                   pitsite)                   3.00
  Channel Throughoot                           tbos)               5o1 o7 cin
Uptink                                                                Forward               Retrn
  ES Tx Chamals per icA                        ®                            s
  E9 Ts Carier Frequency                       (Mbiz)                 20020 00
  E/9 Tx HPA Power Level                       m                        s00 00
  E5 t oso                                     co)                       .00
  E/8 Ts PostHPA Losses                        co)                       150
  E9 Ts Anterna Gain (7.3 meten                co)                       o o2
  E/3 Tx ERP PChannel                          wom                       so 32
  E/8 Ts Pointing Loss                         «o)                       .50
  E/8 Tx RF Link Araiobiity                    o)                       se000
  E/9 Tx Amospharc Looses                      co)                       4s
  E9 Ts Spreading Loss                         o)                      asire
Sarel                                                                 Foward                Return
  SV Number of Channals per FPA                ®                            1
  svrx m                                       weny                      a0o
  SV Rx Rower Rer Ter                          «ow                     125 07
  SV Rx Flux Density Par Ter                   (owin‘)                  Te s
  sy t 050                                     «o)                       s 50
  SV Tx PostTWTA Losses                        co)                       150
  SV Tx Amtemna Gain                           con                       30 76
  SV Tx ER® Rer ChanneliCarier                 wem                       «0 9
  SV Ts Pointing Loss                          o)                         00
Downlink                                                              Forward               Retrn
  Es Rx Camer Frequency                        wa                     Tezz0 oo
  ES Rx Spreading Loss                         co)                     «149 00
  ES Rx RF Link Aralabiity                     o)                       se000
  E/S Rx Amospheric Losses                     co)                       ai7
  ES Rx Poining Loss                           co)                       50
  ES Rx Antenna Gain (4 mote)                  con                       s5 22
  E/S Rx Efecive GT                            weny                      30 74
  E/S Rxc Power Per Channel                    «ow                     r04.02
  E9 Rxc Flvx Density Rer Channel              cowin‘                  nasr
Toral Link                                                            Forward               Retrn
  Camer / Noise Bandiath                       co                        s255
  Carier/ NoiseUsinic                          co)                       2000
  Carier/ Noise Downlnk                        co)                       irss
  Carier/Intermodulation im (Cim)              co)                       2040
  (GM) — Total Actual                          co)                       wos
  (CM) — Total Required                        co)                       1361
  (E/Ml,— Total Actual                         «o)                        s4s
  (E/Ml,— Total Required                       co)                        sa
  Excess Hargin                                o8                        mss
  Fade Hargin to Toss or ni)                   o)                        1530

Document Created: 2010-08-03 10:31:00
Document Modified: 2010-08-03 10:31:00

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