Attachment Schedule S DOC 12

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100723-00952 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                   O3b Network Return Link Analysis — Tier 1 Service For Suva, Fiji
Link Budget Creator— Rev 1.1; July 15. 2010                                Tert                           Tier1
Ground Parameter                                                          Teleport                        Telco
  Location                                                    Sunset Beach RHCF, Unted States              Sve
  Lattude                                          0                        2nd                           «81
  Longtue (East                                    0                        200                           i4
  E/8 Ruige o SV                                   on                      seare                          sens 3
  E/8 Eleation to SV                               0                        as                             sre
  E9 Alitade                                       im                        oo                             so
  SV Beam entner                                   ®                                             T
  Minstes Into Pass (Gample #37)                   (in)                                         ira
  Telco Spot Beam OFAngle                          0                                             o2
  Telco Spot Beam Dameter                          (em                                          so 1
  Merimum Roundtig Latenc                          imseo)                                       122
Modulation Paramerers                                                    Foward                            Reum
  Ener Recener                                     Te                                                      pvase
  Avalable Bondvith                                to                                                   40.003.200
  Channel Symbol Rate                              5)                                                    aa 390 000
  Channe! Medulaton Tyge                                                                                  1oarsk
  Channel FEC Rate                                                                                            ars
  Channal Spectral Efciency                        pitsite)                                                   3 00
  Channal Thvoughout (100% / 100% of FullRate)__   thpe)                                               se sen.roo i7
Upiink                                                                   Forward                           Rewrm
  E/S T Chamals per eA                             ®                                                            1
  E/8 Tx Carier Frequency                          (Mbic)                                                 20020 00
  E/8 Tx HPA PoerLevel                             m                                                        500 00
  Es tx 80                                          co)                                                      150
  E/8 Tx PostHPA Looses                            co)                                                       200
  E/8 TAnterna Gan (4 meted                          a)                                                     se se
  E/S Tx EIRP ParChannel                           wom                                                      on so
  E/8 Tx Pointng Lors                              co)                                                       050
  E/8 Tx RF Link Aralabity                         (o                                                       so ano
  E/S Ts AtmonpharLoases                           co)                                                      1050
  E/9 Ts Spreating Loss                            o)                                                      cuore
Serelite                                                                 Forward                           Reum
  SV Number o Chamels par tA                       ®                                                           a
  sy reor                                          wend                                                       a15
  SV Rx Power Rer Ter                              wem                                                     —r3ias
  SV Rx Flux Densiy Per Ter                        wowin‘)                                                  ar2n
  sv x oso                                         co)                                                       500
  SV Tx PostTWTA Losses                            co)                                                       150
  SV Ts Antema Gain                                con                                                       soor
  SV Ts EIRP Por ChanneliCarier                    cow                                                       35 7o
  SV Ts Pointing Loss                              o)                                                         o0
Downline                                                                 Forward                           Reum
  ES Rx Gamer Freqsency                                                                                   Tezzo oo
  E/S Rx Spreading Loss                                                                                    «150 as
  E/5 Rx RF Link Armiobity                                                                                 so ano
  E/S Rx Atmospheri Losses                                                                                   «7e
  E/S Rx Pointing Loss                                                                                       «050
  E/5 Rx Antenna Gan (7.3 meter                                                                             s1 0s
  E/5 Rx Efecine GT                                                                                         3549
  E/S Rx Pover Por Channel                                                                                 ro0 01
  E/8 Rx Flux Density Por Channel                                                                          12938
Torat Link                                                               Forward                           Rewm
  Camer / Noise Bandwth                                                                                     Toz
  Carier / Noise Uslrk                                                                                      1e
  Carier/ Noise Downink                                                                                     e
  Carier Intermodlaton im (C/m)                                                                             1920
  (OM) Total Actual                                                                                         1286
  (OM)— Total Requied                                                                                       ts1
  (EM.) — Total Actal                                                                                         a00
  EM — ToalRequred                                                                                            s
  Excess Margin                                                                                              a2s
  Fade Margin to Tess orTing]                                                                               Toot

Document Created: 2010-08-03 10:29:48
Document Modified: 2010-08-03 10:29:48

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