Attachment Schedule S DOC 14

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100723-00952 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                  O3b Network Return Link Analysis — Tier 1 Service For Suva, Fi
Link Budget Creator— Rev 1.1; July 16. 2010                               Tert                            Tier1
Ground Paramerer                                                         Teleport                         Telco
  Location                                                   Sunset Beach RHOP, Unted States               Sve
  Lattude                                         0                        2nd                            «81
  Longtue (Eas)                                   0                        2010                           i4
  E/S Range to SV                                 t                       ssrea                           sont 6
  E/8 Eleraton to SV                              0                         36                             se s
  E19 Aliude                                      im                        so                              so
  SV Beam Identier                                ®                                             7
  Minstes Into Pass (Gample #45)                  (Min)                                        2i3
  Telco Spot Beam OF—Angle                        0                                             o2
  Telco Spot Beam Diometer                        (on)                                         so 1
  Merimum Roundtip Latenc                         imses)                                       ies
Modulation Porameters                                                   Foward                            Reum
  Ener Recener                                    Tise                                                    pvase
  Avalable Bendwicth                              (e)                                                   40.003.200
  Channel Symba! Rate                             (sos)                                                 3a 390 000
  Channal Modulaton Type                                                                                 soamsi
  Channel FEC Rate                                                                                           o03
  Channl Spectal Efiency                          prtotie)                                                   «i7
  Channel Throughout (100% / 100% of Full Rate)__ tbgs)                                               tss 365 72e 70
Upiink                                                                  Forward                           Rewrm
  E/5 T Chomels par PA                            ®                                                           1
  E/8 Tx Carter Frequency                         (Mic)                                                  20020 00
  E/8 Tx HPA Poner Level                          m                                                       500 00
  Eis tx os0                                      o)                                                        300
  E/8 Tx PostHPA Losses                           o)                                                        200
  E/S TAntena Gain (8 meted                       o)                                                       se se
  E/S Tx EIRP Por Channel                         wem                                                      so oo
  E/8 Tx Pointing Loss                            o)                                                        050
  E/8 Tx RF Link Alabity                          o                                                       se ono
  E/8 TAtmospheric Looses                         o)                                                        4s
  E/9 Ts Spreading Loss                           (co)                                                    cus se
Sareiite                                                                Forwara                           Rewm
  SV Number of Chamels per iA                     ®                                                           7
  svror                                                                                                      a15
  SV Rx Poer Por Ter                                                                                      12204
  SV Rx Flox Density Rer Ter                                                                              u7e
  sv m oso                                                                                                  500
  SV Ts PostTWTA Losses                                                                                     150
  SV Ts Antemna Gain                                                                                       som
  SV Ts ER® Rer ChanneliCarier                    wem                                                      3575
  SV Ts Peining Loss                              ce                                                         o0
Downline                                                                Forward                           Reum
  ES Rx CameFreguency                             pine                                                   Tezzo oo
  E/S Rx Spreading Loss                           o)                                                      «150 62
  E/5 Rx RF Link Avaiabity                        o                                                        se on0
  E/S Rx Amespherc Losses                         o)                                                        20e
  E/S Rx Poining Loss                             o)                                                        050
  E/S Rx Antenna Gain (7.3 meter                  en                                                        s1 0s
  E/5 Rx Efectve GT                               weng                                                      srer
  E/S Rx Power Rer Channel                        wewm                                                    10200
  E/9 R Flux Density Por Channel                  owi‘)                                                   urse
Torat Link                                                              Forward                           Rewm
  Camer/ Noise Bandwth                            co                                                        Toz
  Carier/ Noise Uplnk                             o)                                                       aiae
  Carier/ Noise Downink                           o)                                                       2050
  Carier Intermodlaton im (C/m)                   o)                                                       zen
  (OM)— Totl Actual                               o)                                                       1923
  (OM)— Total Requied                             co)                                                      1000
  (EM.) TotaActual                                wo)                                                      o
  (EM.) Total Requred                             o)                                                       1180
  Excess Nargin                                   o)                                                         Ti
  Fade Margin to Toss o Iini]                     o)                                                       Toss

Document Created: 2010-08-03 10:28:26
Document Modified: 2010-08-03 10:28:26

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