Attachment Schedule S DOC 15

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100723-00952 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Link Budget Creator — Rew 1.1s_July 16.2010                              e                  Tier 1
Ground Parameter                                                     Teleport               Telco
  Location                                                Sunset Beach RHGP. Unted States    Sira
  Lattude                                                               213                 8
  Longtude (Eas)                                                       2019                 tea
  ES Range to SV                                                      1oz5e 0               arsir
  ES Elevationto SV                                                     205                  sio
  ES Atude                                                              o0                    o0
  SV Seam Identrer                                                                72
  Minctes Into Pess (Gample #25)                                                  o
  Telco Spot Beam OffAngle                                                        o2
  Telco Spot Beam Diameter                                                       so 1
  Mesimurn Rourdtrip Latenc                                                      1259
Modulation Porameters                                                Forward                Return
  Enter Recever                                                       bvese
  Aalable Sandwidth                                                 40.003200
  Channel Symbol Rate                                               33336 000
  Channel Maduation Type                                               ore
  Channel FEC Rate                                                      a25
  Channel Spectal Eficiency                     fotsie)                 a so
  Channel Toughout                              tss                1595300018
Uplink                                                               Forward                Return
  ES Tx Crame s per PA                          ®                         s
  ES Tx Canter Frequency                        (Meiz)               26020 00
  ES Tx HPA Pover Level                         wy                     s0o 00
  Es tx 080                                     tS                      00
  ES Tx PostHPA Losses                                                  150
  ES Tx Antenna Gain 7.3 mete)                                          sa o2

  ES Tx EIRP Por Channel                                                so 32
  ES Tx Pointinc Loss                                                   050
  ES Tx RF Link Avalabiity                                             so 900
  ES Tx Amospheric Losses                                              205
  ES Tx Spreading Loss                                                c151 22
Sorellite                                                            Forward                Return
  SV Number of Chamals per HPA                                            1
  sy reGr                                                               a21
  SV Rx Poner ForTer                                                  —1ss s
  SV Rx Flux Density PerTer                                           «10345
  sy t 080                                                              00
  SV Ts PostTWTA Losses                                                 150
  SV Tx Antemna Gain                                                    30 69
  SV Tx EIRP Per Channel/Carier                                        «330
  SV TPointing Loss                                                     a 00
Downlink                                                             Forward                Return
  ES Rx Camer srequency                                              Tozzo o0
  ES Rx Spreading Loss                                                —1ss 03
  ES Rx RF Link Availabiity                                            so ono
  ES Rx Atmostheric Losses                                             a1s 12
  ES Rx Pointing Loss                                                   050
  ES Rx Antenna Gain (1.5 meter)                080                    arer
  ES Rx Efectve GT                              2r9                    2033
  ES Rx Power Per Channel                       ow                    «19253
  ES Rx Flux Density Per Channel                (Bwim‘)               o9
Total Link                                                           Forward                Return
  Carmer / Noe Bandwatn                                                 Toz
  Carter / Noise Uplinic                                                ar2
  Carter / Noise Downink                                                a 5o
  Carer / Intermodulation Im (G/m)                                     20 20
  (CM)— TotalActual                                                     ara
  (CM)— Total Required                                                  ans

  (E/ML) — Total Actual                         5)                      ars
  (E/1l, — Totel Reguired                       5)                      156
  Excess Ho                                    ce                       Tss
  Fade Margin (to Toss orInk]                  ES                       Ts9

Document Created: 2010-08-03 10:27:55
Document Modified: 2010-08-03 10:27:55

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