Attachment Schedule S DOC 18

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100723-00952 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Link Budget Creator— Rev 11. saly 10. 2010                                  Tier                         Tier1
Ground Paramerer                                                          Teleport                       Telco
  Location                                                    Sinset Beach RHOP, Unted States             Sne
  Latiude                                         0                          213                         «8d
  Longtude (Eos)                                  d                         2019                         taa
  ES Range t SV                                   (am                      1ossr 6                       so25 a
  ES Elevation to SV                              d                          234                          so a
  ES Alitece                                      (m)                         o0                           s0
  SV Beam dentrer                                 ®                                              72
  Minutes Into Pass (Gample #15)                  (Mim                                           se
  Telco Spot Beam OffAngle                        d                                              21
  Telco Spot Beam Diameter                        on                                            sars
  Mesimum Roundtrip Latenc                        (mses)                                        nor
Modulation Parameters                                                    Fomard                           Retrm
  Enter Recener                                   Type                                                    ovacse
  Number of Carers par Channel                    ©                                                          Tos
  Avalable Bandwicth                              (o)                                                  216,000 000
  Channl Symbol Rate                              (ne)                                                   250 015
  Channal Mocutation Type                                                                                  arsk
  Channel FEC Rate                                                                                           o25
  Channel Spectral Eficiency                      fotsfic)                                                   a 5o
  Channel Throughout (100% / 100% of Full Rate)   (bps)                                                 190 537 5o
Uplink                                                                   Fomard                           Retrn
  ES Tx Chamels perPA                             ®                                                            1
  ES Ts Camier Frequency                          (MHic                                                  22020 00
  E8 Tx HPA Power Level                           w                                                          300
  Es mx080                                        o)                                                        300
  ES Tx PostHPA Losses                            o)                                                        043
  ES Tx Antemna Gain (15 meter)                   (co)                                                     sto1
  ES Tx ER® Per Channel                           ow                                                       seas
  ES Tx Pointng Loss                              o)                                                        —a 50
  E8 Tx RF Link Avalsbiity                        9                                                        so 700
  ES Tx Atmospheric Losses                        (co)                                                    —21 60
  ES Ts Spreading Loss                            ica)                                                    +150.00
Sereiite                                                                 Fomard                           Return
  SV Number of Chamals per HeA                    ®                                                            a
  sy re o                                         any                                                       aar
  SV Ric Power Por Ter                            ow                                                      uiss
  SV Ric Flux Density Por Ter                     (cowim‘)                                                «o1 20
  SV tx 0B0                                       (c9)                                                      580
  SV Tx PostTVTA Losses                           (co)                                                      150
  SV Tx Antenna Gain                              en                                                       aro1
  SV Tx EIR® Per ChanneliCanier                   ow                                                         Tas
  SV Ts Pointing Loss                             ica)                                                       oc
Downlink                                                                 Fomard                           Retrn
  ES Rx Gamer Frequency                           wal                                                    Tezzo 00
  ES Rx Sprescing Loss                            o)                                                      —151.55
  ES Rx RF Link Aralabiity                        9                                                       so 100
  ES Rx Amospheric Losses                         (co)                                                    «316
  ES Rx Pointing Loss                             (co)                                                      3 50
  ES Rx Antema Gain ( 7.3 meter                   (ca)                                                     s1.00
  ES Rx Efecive GT                                any                                                      asou
  ES Rx Power Rer Channel                         ow                                                      css
  ES Rx Flux Density Rer Channel                  (cowiim‘)                                               —1st.os
Toml Link                                                                Fomard                           Return
  Camer / Noise Sandwdtn                          co                                                       sios
  Carier / Noise Uinkc                            o)                                                         oo
  Carier / Noise Downink                          o)                                                        ass
  Carier/Intermodultion im (CIm)                  o)                                                       223
  (CM)— Total Actual                              o)                                                        169
  (CM)— Total Required                            0)                                                        a1s
  (EML— Tota Actual                               o)                                                      s 15
  (EML— Total Required                            0)                                                      2s 61
  Excess Margin                                   (c6                                                       oas
  Fade Margin (to Toss orn                        (ce                                                       oas

Document Created: 2010-08-03 10:26:21
Document Modified: 2010-08-03 10:26:21

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