Attachment Schedule S DOC 22

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100723-00952 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Link Budget Creator— Rev 1h: Jun 16. 2010                                   Te                            Tier1
Ground Paramerer                                                           Teloport                       Telco
  Location                                                     Sunset Beach RHCF, Unted States             Sue
  Lattude                                           0                        2i3                          <n
  Longtue (Eas)                                     0                        20e                          Te«
  E/S Range to SV                                   t                       mesr 6                        sons 3
  E/8 Eleraton to SV                                0                        2                             soe
  E19 Aliude                                        im                        oo                            oo
  SV Beam Identier                                  ®                                             To
  Minstes Into Pass (Gample #15)                    (in)                                          so
  Telco Spot Beam OF—Angle                          0                                             o2
  Telco Spot Beam Diometer                          (on)                                         so 1
  Merimum Roundtip Latenc                           imses)                                       ror
Modulation Porameters                                                     Fomord                           Retm
  Ener Recenr                                       Tise                                                   vase
  HNombar ofCariers er Channel                      ©                                                          1
  Avalable Bendwicth                                (e)                                                  30 s0o800
  Channel Symba! Rate                               (sos)                                                aa 2s 400
  Channal Modulaton Type                                                                                    seak
  Channel FEC Rate                                                                                           ast
  Channl Spectal Efiency                            prtotie)                                                 200
  Channel Throughout (100% / 100% of Full Rate)__   tbgs)                                               s se tae 25
      i                                                                   Fomrd                            Retum
  E/5 T Chomels par PA                              ®                                                          1
  E/8 Tx Carter Frequency                           (Mic)                                                 2e020 00
  E/8 Tx HPA Poner Level                            m                                                       5o 00
  Eis tx os0                                        o)                                                      200
  E/8 Tx PostHPA Loases                             o)                                                      4s
  E/8 TAntena Gain (15 mete                         o)                                                      sto1
  E/S Tx EIRP Por Channel                           wem                                                     8030
  E/8 Tx Pointing Loss                              o)                                                      o 50
  E/8 Tx RF Link Alabity                            o                                                      so 000
  E/8 TAimospheric Looses                           o)                                                     04
  E9 T Spreading Loss                               ce                                                     —150.00
Sareiite                                                                  Fomord                           Rewm
  SV Number of Chamels per iA                       ®                                                         7
  svror                                             weng                                                     ace
  SV Rix Pover Por Ter                              ww                                                     csier
  SV Rx Flox Density Rer Ter                        wowim‘)                                                «ose
  sv m oso                                          o)                                                      500
  SV Ts PostTWTA Losses                             o)                                                      150
  SV Ts Antemna Gain                                en                                                      aror
  SV Ts ER® Rer ChanneliCarier                      wem                                                     as ae
  SV Ts Peining Loss                                ce                                                       o0
Downline                                                                  Fomrd                            Retm
  ES Rx CameFreguency                               pine                                                  Tezzo oo
  E/S Rx Spreading Loss                             o)                                                     aastss
  E/5 Rx RF Link Avaiabity                          o                                                      so 000
  E/S Rx Amespherc Losses                           o)                                                      «a79
  E/S Rx Poining Loss                               o)                                                      350
  E/S Rx Antenna Gain (7.3 meter                    en                                                      s1.00
  E/5 Rx Efectve GT                                 weng                                                    3seo
  E/S Rx Power Rer Channel                          wewm                                                   «10061
  E/9 R Flux Density Por Channel                    owi‘)                                                  12302
Torat Link                                                                Fomrd                            Retm
  Camer/ Noise Bandwth                              co                                                      Toz
  Carier/ Noise Uplnk                               o)                                                      t70
  Carier/ Noise Downink                             o)                                                      1o1
  Carier Intermodlaton im (C/m)                     o)                                                      1oss
  (CM)— Total Actual                                (2)                                                      ass
  (OM)— Total Requied                               co)                                                      a 0e
  (EM.) TotaActual                                  wo)                                                      a
  (EM.) Total Requred                               o)                                                       son
  Excess Nargin                                     o)                                                       aas
  Fade Margin to Toss o n                           (oo)                                                    Tomo

Document Created: 2010-08-03 10:23:42
Document Modified: 2010-08-03 10:23:42

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