UK Licenses 5-8.pdf

LETTER submitted by O3b Limited

UKSA launch & ops licences for satellites 5-8


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20100723-00952 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.

                                                                                        ©3b     Networks
                                                                             Fiber Speed, Seteliihe Reach,
30 August 2013


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

                                            Re:      O3b Limited
                                                     Call Sign £100088
                                                     File No. SES—LIC—20100723—00952

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        The above—referenced license authorizes 03b Limited ("03b") to operate a gateway
earth station in Haleiwa, Hawaii, that will communicate with O3b‘s U.K.—authorized space
stations. A condition of the license requires 03b to file with the FCC, within five business
days of action by the UK authorities, evidencethat launch and space operations have been
authorized under the UK‘s Outer Space Act."

        in satisfaction of this condition, O3b is filing theattached Space Activity Licenses,
dated 29 August 2013, that have been issued pursuant to the UK‘s Outer Space Act. 03b has
redacted part of Section 6.2 of the licenses because they contain commercially sensitive
information relating to O3b‘s insurance.

Please direct any questions concerning this filing to the undersigned.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Joslyn Read
                                            Vice President


ts      Karl Kensinger, International Bureau

‘ Condition 90045, Radio Station Authorization for Call Sign E10088, at 4.

          Outer Space Act 1986




              O3B Limited

Date:   _        3o        AuvgusT 1013

Grant of Licence pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of the Outer Space Act
1986, by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills,
whose principal office is at 1 Victoria Street, London, SWI1H OET
("the Secretaryof State"), to O3b Limited, a company incorporated
in the Bailiwick of Jersey under no. 103709, whose registered office is
at 3rd Floor, Anley House, Anley Street, St. Helier, JE2 3QE ("the

1.1     In this Licence:

        L1.1     "Act? means the Outer Space Act 1986;

        1.1.2—   "Condition" means any term or provision whatsoever of this Licence;

        1.1.3    "Effective Event" means the Launch;

        1.1.4    "Insurance Polic * means the insurance policy taken out by or on
        behalf ofthe     icensee to complywiththe obligations imposed bythis Licence:

        1.1.5 "Launch" means the point in time when an electronic signal is sent to
        commandthe opening of any first stage propellant valves;

        1.1.6    "Licensed Activities" means:

                 a) procuring from A          e a service comprising the launch (on a
                 Soyuz launch vel hicle) and deployment into operational orbit of the
                 Satellite and:

                 b operation ofthe Satellite

                             means the satellite kn    s O3B MOO5

                                                       equire    rds and

        1.1.9 the      Interpret                                       to an Act of

1       Conditions Precedent

        This Licence shall not come into effect unless:

        2.1.1 the Licensee has notified the Secretary ofState ofthe proposed date
        and location of the Launch;

        2.1.2 the Licensee has provided the Secretaryof State with full information
        at least 14 days before the Launch (or such lesser number of days before the
        Launchas the Secretaryof State mayagree) as to:

      calculated payload fairing impact points: and

      the basic orbital parameters, including              nodal   period.
               inclination, apogee and perigee of the Satellite;

        2.1.3 the Secretary of State has given his prior written consent to any
        amendments to the Insurance Policy:

        2.1.4— the Licensee has taken out valid and enforceable insurance against all
        liabilities that mayarise in respectof damage or loss suffered by third parties
        in the United Kingdom or elsewhere as a result of the Licensed Activities and.
        immediately before the Launch, no cireumstances exist entitling the insurer to
        repudiate or disclaim Hability: and

        2.1.5 the Effective Event takes place before the first anniversary ofthe date
        ofthis Licence


3.4      In exercise ofthe powers conferred on him bythe Act, the Secretary ofState
hereby GRANTS the Licensee a Licence to carry out the Licensed Activities in
relation to the Satellite subject to the Conditions.

1.1      The Licensce shall conduct the
          ce with best practicein the spa
        ited Kingdom and any other app        ble law, including
      ed Kingdom und            ional law,            icular the Licensee

               prejudice in any way thenational security of the United Kingdom

4.2     The Licensee will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that the
Licensed. Activities and positioning ofthe Satellite conform with the information
provided pursuant to Condition 2

        Records andInspection

5.      The Licensee shall keep, at its registered office address (or at such other
address within the United Kingdom as is notified to the Secretary of State), all records
required by law, all proper technical records and all proper commercial records so far
as relevant to the Licensed Activities, including such written records as are necessary
to enable the Licensce‘s compliance with the Act and with the provisions of this
Licence to be verified.

5.2     The Licensee shall within seven business days (or such other period as maybe
agreed by the Secretary ofState) of any request bythe Secretary ofState, provide the

         5.2.1—   information in writing as to the nature, conduct, location and results of
        the Licensed Activities:

         5.2.2 the Licensee‘s current estimate in writing ofthe remaining working life
         of the Satellite: and

         5.2.3 such information as the Secretary of State may reasonably require to
         enable him to determine whether or not any other person is carrying on
         activities to which the Act applies.

         The Secretary ofState mayat any time, with reasonable notice, inspect any
facilities relating to the Satellite or the Licensed Activities and documents or records
in the possession custody or power ofthe Licensee which relate to the Satellite or the
Licensed Activities and any documents or records refating to information requested
pursuant to this Licence.

54      The Licensee shall, if requested so to do, use its best endeavours to obtain
      s for the Secretary of State to inspect any: facilities, documents or records
         to the Satellite or the Licensed Activities not in the Licensee‘s direct
ownership. pos sion, custody or power as the Secretary of State may specify by
      ce in writing to the Licensee

5.5$   The retary ofState may take copies ofany documents or records inspected
under this Licer

              rmation contained within documents or records belonging to the License
                  onfidential   a                                                 tion with

6.     Insurance

6.1     The Licensee shall continue to insure itselfagainst all liabilities that mayarise
in respect of damage or loss suffered by third parties in the United Kingdomor
elsewhere as a result of the Licensed Activities.

6.2    Condition 2.1.4 and (subject to Condition 6.3) Condition 6.1 shall be satisfied

The policy of insurance

6.3    In the event that the Satellite does not reach its planned orbit as notified to the
Secretary of State in accordance with Condition 2.1.2. the Secretary ofState may
require the Licensee to make additional insurance arrangements to comply: with

6.4     The Licensee shall provide evidence of the policyofinsurance entered into to
complywith its obligations under this Licence to the Secretary of State upon demand
together with evidence of payment of the premiums in respect of such policy or
policy. The Licensee shall not vary terms relating to the Licensed Activities ofthe
insurance effected to comply with its obligations under this Licence without the prior
written consent ofthe Secretary ofState.

6.3    The Licensee shall immediatelynotify the Secretary of State ofany event or
other occurrence which is likely to give rise to a claim under the policy of insurance
effected by the Licensee pursuant to the terms ofthis Licence.

6.6     The Licensee shall take all necessary action to ensure that the policy of
insurance effected by the Licensee pursuant to the provisions ofthis Licence continue
in force and are valid and enforceable, and the Licensee shall do nothing that would
enable the insurer to avoid any such policy.

7.1     it is a Condition that:

        7.1.1   the Licensee has full corporate power and has taken all neee
        corporate action to enable it to perform its        ations under this Licence

                   e Licensee‘s applicati                                n of the Licensed

                       ault under or in respect of any contractual,
                                        i it at the date of this

       7.1.3 the Licensee is not engaged in any litigation or arbitration proceedings
       which might have a materially adverse effect upon its capacity or ability to
       perform its obligations under this Licence and to the best ofits knowledge.
       information and belief the Licensee has no cause to consider that any such
       legal orarbitration proceedings are about to commence; and

       7.1.4   that there is and continues to be in place a duly executed gwarantee
       from O3b Networks Limited (or, ifthere is a change of ownership or control
       of the Licensee and the Secretaryof State so requires, from such successor or
       parent entity or person as the Secretaryof state may stipulate) in favour ofthe
       Secretary of State and Her Majesty‘s Government in respect ofthe Licensee‘s
       obligations under this Licenceand the Act.

7.2    The Licensee indemnifies the Secretary of State in respect of:

       7.2.1   any loss suffered by Her Majesty‘s Govenment as a result of any
       breach of the terms of this Licence by the Licensee; and

       7.2.2. any claims brought against Her Majesty‘s Government in respect of
       damage or loss arising out of the Licensed Activities or out of anyactivities
       which it carries on and to which the Act applies.

7.3    The granting of this Licence shall not be construed as a waiver by the
Secretary of State ofany failure on the part of the Licensee to comply with any
Condition prior to date of grant.

74—     The Licensee shall afford all reasonable assistance, co—operation and
compliance as maybe requested or required by the Secretary of State in the exercise
of his functions under this Licence or the Act.

8.     Term and Revoeation

8.1     The Licence herebygranted shall come into force on the occurrence of the
Effective Event and, unless revoked by the Secretaryof State under the Act (infer
alia, because it appears to him that a Condition has not been complied with) shall
continue in force until expiry pursuant to Condition 8.2.

8.2     The Licence will expire when the Licensed Activities have been completed
and the Satellite positionedto the satisfactionof the Secretary ofState

8.3     The termination of this Licence for whatever reason shall not affect the
obligations of the Licensee under its provisions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Licence has been executed on the date first
hereinbefore written.

Signed for and on bebalf                 Signed for and on behalf
                                         ofthe Licensee:

ofthe Secretary of State:

Signed:                       *          Signed:

Name: DAV(D PrgrM                        Name:       StaE CouAS

Position: CHIEF Ergtundé                 Position:   C 2.0

          Outer Space Act 1986




              O3B Limited

Dae ____           30 AUVSOST 1013

Grant of Licence pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of the Outer Space Act
1986, by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills,
whose principal office is at 1 Victoria Street, London, SWIH OET
("the Secretary of State"), to O3b Limited, a companyincorporated
in the Bailiwick of Jersey under no. 103709, whose registered office is
at 3rd Floor, Anley House, Anley Street, St. Helier, JE2 3QE ("the

3.    Interpretation, Etc

1.1   In this Licence:

      L.1.1.—   "Act" means the OuterSpace Act 1986;

      1.1.2     "Condition"" means any term or provision whatsoever ofthis Licence:

      L.1.3— "Effective Event" means the Launch:

      L.1.4—    "Insurance Policy" means the insurance policy taken out by or on
      behalfofthe Licensee to comply with the obligations imposed by this Licence:

      1.1.5     "Launch" means the point in time when an electronic signal is sent to
      command the opening of anyfirst stage propellant valves;

      1.1.6     "Licensed Activities" means:

                a) procuring from Arianespace a service comprising the launch (on a
                Soyuz launch     vehicle) and deployment int           ational orbit of the
                Satellite and:

                b) operation of the Satellite.

      L1        "Satellite" means    the satellite known as O3B MOO6


to      Conditions Precedent

        This Licence shatl not come into effect unless:

        2.1.1   the Licensee has notified the Secretary of State ofthe proposed date
        and location of the Launch;

        2.1.2 the Licensee has provided the SecretaryofState with full information
        at least 14 days before the Launch (or such lesser number of days before the
        Latinch as the Secretary ofState may agree) as to:
       calculated payload fairing impact points; and

       the basic orbital parameters, including          nodal   period.
                inclination, apogee and perigee ofthe Satellite:

        2.1.3   the Secretary of State has given his prior written consent to any
        amendments to the Insurance Policy;

        2.1.4 the Licensee has taken out valid and enforceable insurance against all
        liabilities that may arise in respect of damage or loss suffered bythird parties
        in the United Kingdom or elsewhere as a result ofthe Licensed Activities and.
        immediately before the Launch, no cireumstances exist entitling the insurer to
        repudiate or disclaim liability; and

        2.1.5   the Effective Event takes place before the first anniversary ofthe date
        ofthis Licence.


 34       In exercise of the powers conferred on him bythe Act, the Secretary of State
 hereby GRANTS the Licensee a Licence to carry out the Licensed Activities in
        1 to the Satellite subject to the Conditior

 4.                   icensed Activiti

 4.1    The Licensee shall conduct the Licensed Activities in a proper manner and in
 accordance with best practice in the space industry and in compliance with thelaws of
 the United Kingdom and anyotf er applicable law, includin the obligations of the
 United Kingd m under international law, and in particular the L    nsee shall not

                   se or in any wa
                     ties on the par

4.2    The Licensee will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that the
Licensed Activities and positioning ofthe Satellite conform with the information
provided pursuant to Condition 2. 1

$.                           ection Ete

5.1     The Licensee shall keep, at its registered office address (or at such other
address within the United Kingdom as is notified to the Secretary of State), all records
required by law, all proper technical records and all proper commercial records so far
as relevant to the Licensed Activities, including such written records as are necessary
to enable the Licensee‘s compliance with the Act and with the provisions of this
Licence to be verified.

  2    The Licensee shall within seven business days (or such other period as maybe
agreed bythe Secretary of State) of anyrequest by the Secretary of State, provide the
          5.2.1     informationin writing as to the nature, conduct, location and results of
          the Licensed Activities:

          5.2.2 the Licensee‘s current estimate in writing of the remaining working life
          ofthe Satellite: and

          5.2.3 such information as the Seerctary ofState mayreasonably require to
          enable him to determine whether or not any other person is carrying on
          activities to which the Act applies.

5.3      The Secretary of State mayat anytime, with reasonable notice, inspect any
facilities relating to the Satellite or the Licensed Activities and documents or records
in the possession custody or power ofthe Licensee which relate to the Satellite or the
Licensed Activities and any documents or records relating to information requested
pursuant to this Licence.

                  .icensceshall, ifrequested so to do. use its best endeavoursto obtain
                      Seerctary of State to inspect any. fac       documents    r ords
                   c Satellite or the Licensed Activities not in the Licensee‘s direct
                  possession, custody or power as the Secretary of State may specify by
notice in writing to the Licensee

d       The Secretary ofState may take copies ofany documents or records inspected
under this Licence

                         contained within documents or records belonging to the Licensee
                              il and not dis sedto a   d party exce
                    f the Secretary of S                 the Act
by law.

6.      Insurance

6.1     The Licensee shall continue to insure itself against all liabilities that may arise
in respect of dam      or loss suffered by third parties in the United Kingdom or
elsewhere as a result ofthe Licensed Activities.

6.2    Condition 2.1.4 and (subject to Condition 6.3) Condition 6.1 shall be satisfied

The policy of insurance

6.3    In the event that the Satellite does not reach its planned orbit as notified to the
Secretary of State in accordance with Condition 2.1.2, the Secretary of State may
require the Licensee to make additional insurance arrangements to comply with
Condition 6.1.

64      The Licensee shall provide evidence of the policy ofinsurance entered into to
comply with its obligations under this Licence to the Secretaryof State upon demand
together with evidence of payment of the premiums in respect of such policy or
policy. The Licensee shall not varyterms relating to the Licensed Activities of the
insurance effected to comply with its obligations under this Licence without the prior
written consent ofthe Secretary ofState.

6.5     The Licensee shall immediately notify the Secretary ofState ofany event or
other occurrence which is likely to give rise to a claim under the policy ofinsurance
effected by the Licensee pursuant to the terms ofthis Licence.

6.6     The Licensee shall take all necessary action to ensure that the policy of
insurance effected by the—Licensee pursuant to the provisions ofthis Licence continue
in force and are valid and enforceable, and the Licensee shall do nothing that would
enable the insurer to avoid any such policy.


       7.1.1    the Licensee     has full corporate power and has taken all necessary
        corporate action to     enable it to performits ol    ions under this Licence:

                the Licen e‘s application for a licence, it      rrying on of the L
                   and the p formanceofits
                  not to the best «
               h or default under or in
                       on bir

        7.1.3— the Licensee is not engar             litigation or arbitration proceedings
        which might have a materially adverse effect upon its capacity or ability to
        perform its obligations underthis Licence and to the best ofits knowled;
        information and beliefthe Licensee has no cause to consider that any s ch
        legal or arbitration proceedings are about to commence; and

        7.1.4 that there is and continues to be in place a duly executed guarantee
        from 03b Networks Limited (or. if there is a change of ownership or control
        of the Licensee and the Secretaryof State so requires, from such successoror
        parent entityor person as the Secretaryof state may stipulate) in favour ofthe
        Secretary of State and Her Majesty‘s Government in respect ofthe Licensee‘s
        obligations under this Licenceand the Act.

7.2     The Licensee indemnifics the Secretaryof State in respectof:

        7.2.1. any loss suffered by Her Majesty‘s Government as a result of any
        breach of the terms ofthis Licence by the Licensee; and

        7.2.2 anyclaims brought against Her Majesty‘s Government in respect of
        damage or loss arising out of the Licensed Activities or out of any activities
        which it carries on and to which the Act applies.

7.3    The granting ofthis Licence shall not be construed as a waiver by the
Secretary of State of anyfailure on the part of the Licensee to comply with any
Condition prior to date of grant.

74      The Licensee shall afford all reasonable assistance, co—operation and
compliance as maybe requested or required bythe Secretaryof State in the exercise
of his functions under this Licence or the Act.

8.1      The Licence hereby granted shall come into force on the occurrence ofthe
Effective Event and, unless revoked by the Secretary ofState under the Act {inter
alia, because it appears to him that a Condition has not been complied with) shall
continue in force until expiry pursuant to Condition 8.2

8.2    The Lice       will expire when the Licensed Activities have been       completed
andthe Satellite positioned to the sat  action ofthe Secretary of State

83       The termination of this Licence for whatever reason shall not affect the
obligations of theLicensee under its prov sions

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Licence has been executed on the date first
hereinbefore written.

Signed for and on behalf                 Signed for andon behalf
of the Secretary of State:               of the Licensee:

        _ u«_
Signed: 3-];;                            Snzncd      éh
                                                      ;;S Toges.......

Name:       DAV>      Pagve‘   —         Name:       STeE CoucaL.

Position:    CMH1EF Execur‘t             Position:   c:&o

          Outer Space Act 1986




              O3B Limited


Grant of Licence pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of the Outer Space Act
1986, by the Secretaryof State for Business, Innovation and Skills,
whose principal office is at 1 Victoria Street, London, SWIH OET
("the Secretary of State"), to O3b Limited, a companyincorporated
in the Bailiwick of Jersey under no. 103709, whose registered office is
at 3rd Floor, Anley House, Anley Street, St. Helier, JE2 3QE ("the

L.      Interpretation. Ete

L1      In this Licence:

        L.1.1   "Act" means the Outer Space Act 1986;

        1.1.2   "Condition" means any term or provision whatsoever of this Licence:

        L.1.3   "Effective Event" means the Launch:

        1.1.4 "Insurance Policy" means the insurance policy taken out by or on
        behalf of the Licensee to comply with the obligations imposed by this Licence:

        1.1.5 "Launch" means the point in time when an electronic signal is sent to
        commandthe opening of any first stage propellant valves;

        1.1.6   "Licensed Activities" means:

                a) procuring from Arianespace a service comprising the launch (on a

                b) operation of the Satellite.

                "Satellite" meansthesatelfite known as O3B MOO7

                                                      requires,   words   and   expressions
                                                   Act; and

        1.1.9 the: Interpretation Act 19


33      This Licence shall not come into effect untess:

        2.1.1 the Licensee has notified the Secretary ofState of the proposed date
        and location ofthe Launch;

        2.1.2    the Licensee has provided the Secretary of State with full information
        at least 14 days before the Launch (or such lesser number of days before the
        Launch as the Secretaryof State mayagree) as to:

        calculated payload fairing impact points; and

                 2     2 the basic orbital parameters, including            nodal   period.
                 inclination, apogee and perigee ofthe Satellite;

        2.1.3 the Secretary of State has given his prior written consent to any
        amendments to the Insurance Policy:

        2.1.4—   the Licensee has taken out valid and enforceable insurance against all
        liabilities that mayarise in respect of damage or loss suffered bythird parties
        in the United Kingdom or elsewhere as a result of the Licensed Activities and.
        immediately before the Launch, no circumstances exist entitling the insurer to
        repudiate or disclaim liability; and

        2.1.5 the Effective Event takes place before the first anniversary of the date
        ofthis Licence.

3.      Licence

3.1    In exercise ofthe powers conferred on him bythe Act, the Secretaryof State
hereby GRANTS the Licensee a Licence to carry out the Licensed. Activities in
relation to the Satellite subject to the Conditions.

4.      ConductofLicensedActivities

             with best practice in the space industry and in compliancewith the l
             Kingdom and any other applicable     . including the c
     ted Kingdomunder int   tional law. andin particular the Licensee shall not

                  ca         n any way             any actions or       Its which ma

        rise to liabil ities on the part of      ited Kingdom under international law;

        4.1.2    prejudice in any       / the national security of the United Kingdom.

4.2    The Licensee will take all reasonable steps n ssary to ensure that the
Licensed Activities and positioning ofthe Satellite conform with the information
provided pursuant to Condition 2.1.2.

3.     Records and Inspection Et

5.1     The Licensee shall keep, at its registered office address (or at such other
address within the United Kingdom as is notified to the Secretary of State). all records
required by law, all proper technical records and all proper commercial records so far
as relevant to the Licensed Activities, including such written records as are necessary
to enable the Licensee‘s compliance with the Act and with the provisions of this
Licence to be verified.

32     The Licensee shall within seven business days (or such other period as may be
agreed by the Secretaryof State) of any request by the Secretary ofState, provide the

       5.2.1     information in writing as to the nature, conduct, location and results of
       the Licensed Activities:

       5.2.2 the Licensee‘s current estimate in writing ofthe remaining working life
       of the Satellite: and

       5.2.3— such information as the Secretary of State may reasonably require to
       enable him to determine whether or not anyother person is carrying on
       activities to which the Act applics.

5.3      ‘The Secretaryof State mayat any time, with reasonable notice, inspect any
facilities relating to the Satellite or the Licensed Activities and documents or records
in the possession custody or power ofthe Licensee which relate to the Satellite or the
Licensed Activities and any documents or records relating toinformation requested
pursuant to this Licence.

5.4    The Licensee shall, ifrequested so to do. use its best endeavours to obtain
access for the Secretary of State to inspect any facilities, documents or records
relating to the Sateflite or the Licensed Activities not in the Licensee‘s direct
ownership.   ossession, custody or power as the Sccretary ofState may specify by
notice in writing to the L

33     The Secretary of State may take copies of any documents or records inspected
      this Licence.

               mation contained within documents      records belonging to the Licensee
                  nfidential and not di                                   onnection witt
                of the Secr                                                    s required


6.1     The Licensee shafl continue to insure itseifagainst all liabilities that mayarise
in respect of damage or loss suffered by third parties in the United Kingdom or
elsewhere as a result of the Licensed Activities.

6.2      Condition 2,1.4 and (subject to Condition 6.3) Condition 6.1 shall be satisfied

The policy of insurance

6.3     In the event that the Satellite does not reach its plannedorbit as notified to the
Secretary ofState in accordance with Condition 2.1.2.         the Secretary of State may
require the Licensee to make additional insurance arrangements to comply: with
Condition 6.1.

6.4       The Licensee shall provide evidence ofthe policy ofinsurance entered into to
comply with its obligations under this Licence to the Secretary of State upon demand
together with evidence of payment of the premiums in respect of such policy or
policy. . The Licensee shall not varyterms relating to the Liconsed Activities ofthe
insurance effected to comply with its obligations under this Licence without the prior
written consent ofthe Secretary ofState.

6.3     The Licensee shall immediately notify the Secretary of State of anyevent or
other occurrence which is likely to give rise to a claim under the policy ofinsurance
effected by the Licensee pursuant to the terms of this Licence.

6.6      The Licensee shall take all necessary action to ensure that the policy of
insurance effected by the Licensee pursuant to the provisions of this Licence continue
in force and are valid and enforceable, and the Licensee shall do nothing that would
enable the insurer to avoid any such policy.

7.       AdditionalCond ons including Indemnities

     1   It is a Condition that:

                                            orporate power and has taken     all necessary
                                               rm its obligations under this Licence:

                 the Licensee
             vities and the perfon
         Act will not to th
             ch or de                  in resp
                                   ipon it atst the
         public obligation bind g upon           ie

          7.1.3—    the Licensee is not engaged in any litigation or arbitration proceedings
          which might have a materiallyadverse effect upon its capacity or ability to
          perform its obligations under this Licence and to the best ofits knowledge,
          information and belief the Licensee has no cause to consider that any such
          legal or arbitration proceedings are about to commence; and

          7.1. 4    that there is and continues to be in place a duly executed guarantee
          from 03b Networks Limited (or, if there is a change of ownership or control
          of the Licensee and the Secretary ofState so requires, from such successor or
          parent entity or person as the Secretary of state maystipulate) in favour ofthe
          Secretary of State and Her Majesty‘s Governmentin respect of the Licensee‘s
          obligations under this Licenceand the Act.

7.2       The Licensee indemnifics the Secretary ofState in respect of:

          7.2.1  any loss suffered by Her Majesty‘s Government as a result of any
          breachof the terms ofthis Licence by the Licensee; and

          7.     any claims brought against Her Majesty‘s Government in respect of
          damage or loss arising out ofthe Licensed Activities or out of anyactivities
          which it carries on and to whichthe Act applies.

7.3    The granting of this Licence shall not be construed as a waiver by the
Secretary of State of any failure on the part of the Licensee to comply with any
Condition prior to date ofgrant.

74        The      Licensee shall afford all    reasonable assistance, co—operation and
compliance as may be requested or required by the Secretary of State in the exercise
ofhis functions under this Licence or the Act.

8.        Term and Revoeation

8.1     The Licence hereby granted shall come into force on the occurrence ofthe
Effective Event and, unless revoked by the Secretary ofState under the Act (inter
alia, because it appears to him that a Condition has not been complied with) shall
      tinue in force i     expiry pursuant to Condition 8.2.

8.2       The Licence will expire when the Licensed Activities have been completed
     d the Satellite positioned to the satisfaction ofthe Secretary     tate

                                       Licence for whatever reason shall not affect the
                                        ts provisions

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Licence has been executed on the date first
hereinbefore written.

Signed forand on behalf                  Signed for and on behalf
of the Secretary of State:               of the Licensee:

Signed:                                  Signed: ___/
Name: _DAViD          Tagual             Name:           Sune GaiAZ

Position:   CHIEF EXECUOVE               Position:      __pen       2s

          Outer Space Act 1986




              O3B Limited


Grant of Licence pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of the Outer Space Act
1986, by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills,
whose principal office is at 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H OET
("the Secretary of State"), to O3b Limited, a companyincorporated
in the Bailiwick of Jersey under no. 103709, whose registered office is
at 3rd Floor, Anley House, Anley Street, St. Helier, JE2 3QE ("the

L1      In this Licence

        L.1.1   "Act? meansthe Outer Space Act 1986;

        L.1.2   "Condition" means any term or provision whatsoever ofthis Lic nce:

        L.1.3   "Effective Event" meansthe Launch:

        1.1.4 "Insurance Policy® means the insurance policy taken out by or on
        behalfofthe Licensee to comply with the obligations imposed bythis Licence:

        L.1.5 "Launch" means the point in time when an electronic signal is sent to
        command the opening ofany first stage propellant valves;

        1.1.6   "Licensed Activities" means:

                a) procuring from Arianespace a service comprising the launch (on a
                Sayuz launch vehicle) and deployment into operational orbit of the
                Satellite   and;

                b) operation of the Satellite

        1       ‘Satellite" means the satellite known as O3B MOO8

                except      here   the   ontext otherwise re       words and expressions
                             ining as they have in the Act: ind

        1.1.¢   the interpretation Act        1978 applies as it   applies to an   Act of

3       Conditions Precedent

        This Licence shall not come into effect unless:

        2.1.1— the Licensee has notified the Secretary of State of the proposed date
        and location of the Launch;

        2.1.2 the Licensee has provided the Secretaryof State with full information
        at least 14 days before the Launch (or such lesser number ofdays before the
        Launch as the Secretary of State mayagree) as to:

           calculated payload fairing impact points: and

           the basic. orbital parameters, including        nodal   period.
                    inclination, apogee and perigee of the Satellite:

            2.1.3 the Secretary of State has given his prior written consent to any
            amendments to the Insurance Policy:

            2.1.4 the Licensee has taken out valid and enforceable insurance against all
            liabilities that mayarise in respect of damage or loss suffered bythird parties
            in the United Kingdom or elsewhere as a result of the Licensed Activities and,
            immediately before the Launch, no circumstances exist entitling the insurer to
            repudiate or disclaim lability: and

            2.1.5 the Effective Event takes place before the first anniversary ofthe date
            ofthis Licence.


3.          In exercise ofthe powers conferred on him bythe Act, the Secretary ofState
hereby GRANTS the Licensee a Licence to carry out the Licensed Activities in
relation to the Satellite subject to the Conditions.

       The Licenseeshall conduct the Licensed Activiti s in a proper manner andin
     orda    ith best practice in the space indust andin compliance with the laws of
the United Kingdom and any other applicable aw. including the obligations
       Kingdom under international law, andin particular the Lic          I not:

                       use or in any way be party to any actions or defaults which
              e to liabitities on the part ofthe United Kingdom under international law; or

            4.1.2     prejudice in any way thenational security of the1     d Kingdom

4.2    The Licensee will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that the
Licensed Activities and positioning of the Sateflite conform with the information
provided pursuant to Condition 2.1.2.

%      Records and Inspection Etc

5.1    The Licensce shall keep, at its registered office address (or at such other
address within the United Kingdom as is notified to the Secretary ofState), all records
required by law, all proper technical records and all proper commercial records so far
as relevant to the Licensed Activities. including such written records as are necessary
to cnable the Licensee‘s compliance with the Act and with the provisions of this
Licence to be verified.

5.2    The Licensee shall within seven business days (or such otherperiod as maybe
agreed by the Secretary of State) of any request bythe Secretary of State, provide the

       5.2.1   information in writing as to the nature, conduct, location and results of
       the Licensed Activities:

       5,2.2 the Licensee‘s current estimate in writing ofthe remaining working life
       of the Satellite; and

       5.2.3— such information as the Secretary of State mayreasonably require to
       enable him to determine whether or not any other person is carrying on
       activities to which the Act applies.

3.3      The Secretary of State mayat any time, with reasonable notice, inspect any
facilities relating to the Satellite or the Licensed Activities and documents or records
in the possession custodyor power ofthe Licensee which relate to the Satellite or the
Licensed Activities and any documents or records relating to information requested
pursuant to this Licence.

5.4    The Licensee shall, if requested so to do, use its best endeavours to obtain
access for the Secretary of State to inspect anyfacilities, documents or records
relating to the Satellite or the Licensed A     ies not in the Licensee‘s direct
ownership, possession, custody or power as the Secretary ofState may specify by
notice in writing to the Licensee

33      The Secretary of State may take copies of any documents or records inspected
under this Licence.

                                          ed to a thirdparty except in connection with
                                         duties under the Act or otherwise as required

6.      Insurance

6.1     The Licensee shall continue to insure itselfagainst all liabilities that may arise
in respect of damage or foss suffered bythird parties in the United Kingdom or
elsewhere as a result ofthe Licensed Activities.

    2   Condition 2.1.4 and (subject to Condition 6.3) Condition 6.1 shall be satisfied

The policy of insurance

6.3    In the event that the Satellite does not reach its planned orbit as notified to the
Secretary of State in accordance with Condition 2.1.2, the Secretary of State may
require the Licensee to make additional insurance arrangements to comply: with
Condition 6.1.

64—     The Licensee shall provide evidence of the policy ofinsurance entered into to
comply with its obligations under this Licence to the Secretary of State upon demand
together with evidence of payment of the premiums in respect of such policy or
policy.  The Licensee shall not vary terms relating to the Licensed Activities of the
insurance effected to comply with its obligations under this Licence without the prior
written consent ofthe Secretary of State.

6.3     The Licensee shall immediately notify the Secretary of State of anyevent or
other occurrence which is likely to give rise to a claim under the policy of insurance
effected by the Licensee pursuant to the terms ofthis Licence.

6.6     The Licensee shall take all necessary action to ensure that the policy of
insurance effected by the Licensee pursuant to the provisions ofthis Licencecontinue
in force and are valid and enforceable. and the Licensee shall do nothing that would
enable the insurer to avoid any such policy.

7       Additional Conditions includingIndemnities

 7.     It is a Condition that

        7.1.1   the     ensee has      ful corporate power and has taken all necessary
        corporate action to enable it to performits obligations under this Licence:

                        ensee‘s application for a lic
                s and the performanceof
                 not to the best of knowledge, i
                or default undet       in                 y contractual,    emnmental or
        public obli ation bind      upon it at the date of this Licence;

       7.1.3— the Licensee is not engaged in anylitigation or arbitration proceedings
       which might have a materially adverse effect uponits capacity or ability to
       perform its obligations under this Licence and to the best of its knowledge,
       information and belief the Licensee has no cause to consider that any such
       legal or arbitration proceedings are about to commence: and

       7.1.4 that there is and continues to be in place a duly exccuted guarantee
       from O3b Networks Limited (or, if there is a change of ownership or control
       ofthe Licensee and the Secretary ofState so requires, from such successoror
       parent entityor person as the Secretary of state may stipulate) in favourof the
       Secretary of State and Her Majesty‘s Government in respect ofthe Licensee‘s
       obligations under this Licence and the Act

7.2    The Licensee indemnifies the SecretaryofState in respect of.

       7.2.1   any loss suffered by Her Majesty‘s Govenment as a result of any
       breach of the terms of this Licence by the Licensee; and

       7.2.2 anyclaims browght against Her Majesty‘s Government in respect of
       damage or loss arising out of the Licensed Activities or out of any activities
       which it carries on and to which the Act applies.

7.3    The granting of this Licence shall not be construed as a waiver by the
Secretary of State of anyfailure on the part of the Licensee to comply with any
Condition prior to date ofgrant.

7.4    The Licensee shall afford all reasonable assistance, co—operation and
compliance as maybe requested or required by the Secretary of State in the exercise
ofhis functions under this Licence or the Act.

8.     Term and Revocation

8.1     The Licence hereby granted shall come into force on the occurrence ofthe
Effective Event and, unless revoked by the Secretary of State under the Act (imrer
alia, because it appears to him that a Condition has not been complied with) shall
continue in force until expirypursuant to Condition 8.2.

82     the Licence will expire when the Licensed Activities have been completed
andthe Satellite positionedto the satisfaction ofthe Secretary of State

8.3     The termination of this Licence for whatever reason shall not affect the
obligations of the Licensee under its provisions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Licence has been exccuted on the date first
hereinbefore written

Signed for and on behalf                 Signed for and on behalf
ofthe SecretaryofState:                  of the Licensee:

Signed:    —                             Signed:

Name:     PaViD Pewrit                   Name:         Steue Couum£

Position: _CHIEF Pxecut                  Position:          ceo

Document Created: 2019-04-20 20:04:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 20:04:23

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