Harris - ESV Notific

NOTICE submitted by Harris CapRock Communications, Inc.

C-band ESV Notification (01/17)


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20091012-01312 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Harris CapRock Communications, Inc.
Call Sign E090176


January 18, 2017

Harris CapRock Communications, Inc. (“Harris CapRock”) hereby submits, pursuant to Section
25.221(a)(12) of the Commission’s Rules for Earth Stations on Vessels (“ESVs”), 47 C.F.R.
25.221(a)(12), this notification of successfully completed frequency coordination at various port
locations throughout the United States under its C-band ESV license, Call Sign E090176. As
specified in the Commission’s Public Notice DA 05-1671 Released June 15, 2005, the following
information is provided so that this notification may be placed on Public Notice:

1. Name and contact information of the frequency coordinator:

   a. Kenneth G. Ryan (Skjei Telecom)
      7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 315N
      Falls Church, VA 22043
      Phone: (703) 917-4020
      Email: ken.ryan@skjeitelecom.com

2. Reference identification, date, and duration (if relevant) of each coordination report:

   a. Job Numbers/Dates:
          i.   161111SKJTEL07 – Cape Liberty, NJ
          ii. 161111SKJTEL11 – Inside Passage, AK
          iii. 161111SKJTEL10 – Hubbards Glacier, AK
          iv. 161111SKJTEL09 – Kailua Kona, HI
          v. 161111SKJTEL08 – Kauai, HI
          vi. 161111SKJTEL06 – Monterey, CA

3. Frequency coordination method used:

   a. Coordination Contours method.

4. Interference criteria used:

   a. Long Term: -154.0 dBw/4 kHz 20%
      Short Term: -131.0 dBw/4 kHz 0.0025%

5. Speed of coordinated vessel, if relevant:

   a. Not relevant

6. Center frequencies, bandwidths, and total spectrum coordinated per satellite:

    a. Hubbards Glacier, AK; Inside Passage, AK; Kauai, HI; Kailua Kona, HI; Monterey, CA

       Transmit: 6356 – 6363.81 MHz (Center 6359.9 MHz); 7.8 MHz (Intelsat 18)

               Total Spectrum Coordinated Per Satellite:
               Intelsat 18 - Conventional C-band (7.8 MHz)

    b. Cape Liberty, NJ

       Transmit: 6305.08 – 6311.6 MHz (Center: 6308.3 MHz); 6.52 MHz (Intelsat 903)
                 6313.57 – 6323.0 MHz (Center: 6318.29 MHz); 9.43 MHz (Intelsat 903)
                 6353.2 – 6367.8 MHz (Center: 6360.5 MHz); 14.6 MHz (Intelsat 901)

                 Total Spectrum Coordinated Per Satellite:
                 Intelsat 901 - Conventional C-band (15.95 MHz)
                 Intelsat 903 - Conventional C-band (14.6 MHz)

7. Name of satellite(s) and transponder(s) being used:

    a. Hubbards Glacier, AK; Inside Passage, AK; Kauai, HI; Kailua Kona, HI; Monterey, CA

          i.     Satellite: Intelsat 18 @ 180°W
                 Transponder(s): 21C
                 Transponder Frequency Range: 6342 – 6378 MHz

    b. Cape Liberty, NJ

          i.     Satellite: Intelsat 901 @ 18°W; Intelsat 903 @ 34.5°W
                 Transponder(s): 87 (Intelsat 901) / 86 (Intelsat 903)
                 Transponder Frequency Range: 6302 – 6338 MHz (86)
                                                  6342 – 6378 MHz (87)

8. Textual description and scaled map of the geographic area(s) coordinated:

   Coordination of port areas and port-area approaches for the following locations:

   a. Cape Liberty, NJ – 40° 39' 54.4" N, 74° 4' 21.4" W
   b. Hubbards Glacier, AK – 59° 50' 30.9" N, 139° 40' 7.3" W
   c. Inside Passage, AK – 58° 14' 33.2" N, 134° 57' 46.8" W

    d. Kailua Kona, HI – 19° 38' 21.4" N, 155° 59' 45.6" W
    e. Kauai, HI – 21° 57' 16.9” N, 159° 21' 16.9" W
    f. Monterey, CA – 36° 36' 21.5" N, 121° 53' 22.7" W

    (See Coordination Reports for area of operations maps).

   9.     24/7 contact information for the ESV operator:

    a. Harris CapRock Network Control Center
       Sam Houston Pkwy, E. Houston, Texas 77046
       Office: (832) 668-2775
       Fax: (713) 987-2894
       Email: hcc-hou-csc@harris.com

10. Call sign of the hub station if independently license:

        a. E030170

11. Statement indicating that as of the date of this notification there are no unresolved
coordination requests which would result in an exceedance of the maximum 180
megahertz of coordinated spectrum for all ESV operations in the coordination area in
Section 25.202(a)(8):

    a. The frequency coordinator advises that there are no unresolved coordination requests
       which would result in an exceedance of the maximum 180 megahertz of coordinated
       spectrum for all ESV operations in the coordination area in the 5925-6425 MHz band.
       Operations are currently limited to less than 31 MHz of spectrum of transmission at any
       given location subject to notification. Harris CapRock will provide a further notification
       to the Commission should circumstances warrant.

Harris CapRock respectfully requests that this notification of successfully completed frequency
coordination be placed on Public Notice. Any further questions with respect to this matter
should be directed to Carlos Nalda at (571) 332-5626 or cnalda@lmiadvisors.com.

Document Created: 2017-01-18 19:20:13
Document Modified: 2017-01-18 19:20:13

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