Attachment Letter


LETTER submitted by NTIA



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20090211-00164 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.




                                                       | uniteD stares DepartmENTt oF comMEnrce
                                                          National Telecommunications and
                                                        | Information Administration
                                                         Washington, D.C. 20230

Mr. Julius Knapp                                                 May 13 2009
Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Dear Mr. Knapp:

     The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in coordination with the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has granted waivers for half—
duplex mobile—satellite service (MSS) mobile earth terminals (MET‘s) that could not meet the
minimum time to cease transmissions necessary to ensure the priority access with real—time
preemptive capabilities for Aeronautical Mobile—Satellite (Route) Service (AMS(R)S) and the
Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) emergency communications. In granting
these waivers the FCC and NTIA have not established a consistent set of conditions, which has
caused confusion for MSS providers. In this letter NTIA recommends establishing a new
requirement of three seconds for an MET to cease transmissions that will be used to ensure
compliance with the real—time preemptive requirements for aeronautical and maritime emergency
communications. NTIA also recommends a set of conditions that can be used in granting future
wavier requests for MET‘s that cannot comply with the three second minimum time to cease

      Prior to the 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC—92), the International
Telecommunication Union had subdivided the MSS into three categories — aeronautical, land,
and maritime, each with its own allocations in the 1525—1559 MHz and 1626.5—1660.5 MHz
bands. At WARC—92, the United States proposed that these separate allocations be merged into
a single "generic"‘ allocation. This proposal was based on the belief that the current service
specific allocations in these bands were too restrictive to permit flexible usage to adapt to
dynamic changes in communication needs. The proposal also recognized that special provisions
were necessary to ensure that aeronautical and maritime safety services had priority access over
other communications in these bands.

      The NTIA and FCC believed that the division of MSS spectrum, i.e., land, maritime, and
aeronautical, led to inefficient use of the spectrum because frequencies could not be transferred
within the same system or between different systems quickly enough for the use by the most—
demanded services. This limitation, in all likelihood, would leave some services with too much
spectrum, while others faced spectrum shortages and congestion. In order to eliminate this form
of structural inefficiency, the United States, in its domestic table of frequency allocations,
merged aeronautical, land, and maritime into generic MSS, while providing special protections
and preemptive access to the aeronautical and maritime safety services. NTIA and the FCC
provided safeguards to protect the aeronautical and maritime safety services via the following
footnotes to the United States table of allocations:

       US308——In the frequency bands 1549.5—1558.5 MHz and 1651—1660 MHz, the
      Aeronautical—Satellite (R) requirements that cannot be accommodated in the 1545—1549.5
      MHz, 1558.5—1559 MHz, 1646.5—1651 MHz and 1660—1660.5 MHz bands shall have
      priority access with real—time preemptive capabilityfor communications in the mobile
      satellite service. Systems not interoperable with the aeronautical mobile—satellite (R)
      service shall operate on a secondary basis. Account shall be taken ofthe priority ofsafety—
       related communications in the mobile—satellite service.

      US315——In the frequency bands 1530—1544 MHz and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz maritime mobile—
      satellite distress and safety communications, e.g., GMDSS shall have priority access with
      real—time preemptive capability in the mobile—satellite service. Communications ofmobile—
      satellite system stations not participating in the GMDSS shall operate on a secondary
      basis to distress and safety communications ofstations operating in the GMDSS. Account
      shall be taken ofthe priority ofsafety—related communications in the mobile—satellite

      In order to ensure compliance with the priority access and real—time preemptive
requirements called for in footnote US315, Section 25.136(d) of the FCC rules mandates the
following minimum set of capabilities for MSS MET‘s operating in the 1530—1 544 MHz and
1626.5—1645.5 MHz band:‘
             all MET transmissions shall have a priority assigned to them that preserves the priority
             and preemptive access given to maritime distress and safety—related communications
             sharing the band;

        —_   each MET shall be assigned access to a unique technical identification number that
             will be transmitted upon any attempt to gain access to a satellite system;

        — after a MET has gained access to a satellite system, the mobile terminal shall be under
           the control of a land earth station and shall obtain all channel assignments from that
             land earth station;

        —    all MET‘s that do not continuously monitor a separate signaling channel shall have
              provisions for signaling within the communications channel;

        —    each MET shall automatically inhibit its transmissions if it is not correctly receiving a
             separate signaling channel or signaling within the communications channel from its
             associated land earth station; and

1. See TMI Communications and Company, L.P., For Modification of its Blanket Authorization to Operate up to
100,000 Mobile—Satellite Earth Terminals (MET‘s) Through Canadian Licensed Satellite MSAT—1 at 106.5 Degrees
W. L., in Frequency Bands 1646.5—1660 MHz (Transmit) and 1545—1558.5 MHz (Receive), Federal
Communications Commission, Order and Authorization, File No. SES—MOD—20000307—00345 (released December
11, 2000).                                                                 —

         —   each MET shall automatically inhibit its transmission on any or all channels upon
              receiving a channel—shut—off command on a signaling or communicationschannel it is
             receiving from its associated land earth station.

These capabilities also ensure that MET‘s operating in the 1549.5—1558.5 MHz and 1651—1660
MHz bands comply with the priority and preemptive access requirements in footnote US308.

       NTIA is concerned that an increase in MSS operations may limit spectrum access for the
future growth of AMS(R)S and GMDSS emergency communications. Also, all MSS systems do
not have the capability to provide AMS(R)S or GMDSS communications, and systems providing
AMS(R)S and GMDSS may limit the channels assigned for these services. Spectrum utilized in
these ways limit the amount of spectrum available for thé future growth of emergency
communications. If this becomes an issue, further discussions on intra— and inter—system priority
access with real—time preemptive capability may be necessary. Furthermore, MET‘s operating in
half—duplex mode cannot receive signals while transmitting, which can delay response to an
instruction to cease transmitting. As the message length of a half duplex transmission increases
this risk increases."

       In addressing these concerns NTIA established the following requirements for half—duplex
MET waiver applications:*

         — all operating MET‘s must be capable of ceasing transmission and inhibiting any further
            transmissions within one second of a command from the network LES, or by
             cessation of a command signal under all circumstances;

         — each MET, as a minimum, must be capable of selectively operating on a number of
            discrete channels within the operating band in order to accommodate the need to
             possibly modify frequency use due to traffic growth and ongoing intersystem
             frequency coordination; and

         —   all other requirements for full—duplex operation will apply to half—duplex METs.

     The FCC in coordination with NTIA has granted waivers for the half—duplex METs. These
waivers contain limitations on the time period that MET transmissions must cease and on the
number of MET‘s that can be operated during a specified time frame after which the waiver is

2. If the transmissions are kept short their length will have no significant impact on the amount of time required to
shift resources for AMS(R)S and GMDSS communications, There are new approaches for half—duplex METs
employing shorter transmission bursts and improved protocols that can simulate full duplex operation." System
operators are encouraged to implement techniques that will minimize the length of transmission to enable
compliance with the priority and preemptive access requirements. For example, MET‘s can also operate in a packet—
data mode with packet switched connections, where a physical path is not dedicated to a particular connection
during a call. Since the connection is based on packet switching, the MET can be directed to cease transmitting at
any time by using an appropriate command to accommodate AMS(R)S and GMDSS.

3. See Letter from William T. Hatch, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, to Mr. Donald
Abelson, Chief, International Bureau, Federal Communications Commission (August 25, 2000).

terminated (e.g., two years). The FCC placed these conditions on the waivers to allow NTIA to
work with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and United States Coast Guard (USCG) to
periodically evaluate the spectrum requirements to support AMS(R)S and GMDSS emergency
communications. NTIA, in coordination with the FAA and USCG, believe these waiver
conditions are necessary to ensure that safety related functions continue to have access to
spectrum to meet their emergency communications requirements, consistent with the intent of
footnotes US308 and US315. For MET‘s that are not capable of ceasing transmission and
inhibiting any further transmissions within three seconds of a command from the network, or by
cessation of a command signal that can occur under all circumstances, NTIA recommends that
the following conditions be applied:

       —   for each applicant the FCC place an aggregate limit of 10,000 on the construction and
           operation of half—duplex MET‘s that cannot comply with the priority access with real—
           time preemptive capability requirements necessary for AMS(R)S and GMDSS
           emergency communications;

       — the waivers should be limited to a period not to exceed two years; and

       —   the FCC include, for any waiver granted that allows half—duplex transmissions
           exceeding 3 seconds, a condition that the MSS operator submit an analysis of its
           MET operations in the United States showing the number of packets each month that
           exceed 3 seconds in duration.

      As NTIA continues to work with the FAA and USCG, we will review the number of
waivers granted for non—conforming METs. Based on this review, we will re—evaluate our
position and may request alternate conditions be established to preserve use of this spectrum for
AMS(R)S and GMDSS emergency communications.


                                                   Karl B. Nebbia
                                                    Associate Administrator
                                                     Office of Spectrum Management

Document Created: 2019-04-28 10:47:44
Document Modified: 2019-04-28 10:47:44

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