Attachment RadHaz.pdf

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20090201-00110 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                               EXHIBIT A                              (Page 1 of 3)

                   RADIATION HAZARD STUDY

This radiation hazard study describes the R.F. radiation environment of the
permanent fixed Ku-band R/T earth station terminal operated by the McLean
Bible Church. This fixed Ku-band R/T earth station terminal will be located
and operated at a lattitude of 38d - 56m - 25.1s North and a longitude of
77d - 15m - 09s West, in Fairfax, VA.

This study is done to comply with the requirements of Section 1.1307(b) of
the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. All calculations
conform to the proceedures presented in OET Bulletin No. 65 for aperature

Transmit antenna: Andrew 1.8 meter KU-band
Antenna Diameter D 1.8. m
Antenna Efficency η     67. %

Transmitter: 25 watt output flange SSPA, operated at 100% power
Transmit Power        P 25. watt. 100. %                     mw
                     P = 25 watt                                        1000

                       at 14.0 GHz                  at 14.5 GHz
Antenna Gain           G1     49.10                  G2      49.30
Wavelength             λ1     2.14285. cm            λ2      2.06896. cm

Calculations for the Near Field (Fresnel Region)

 Extent of the Near Field
                                   2                              2
                                D                               D
                       R n1                           R n2
                               4. λ
                                  1                            4. λ
                       R n1 = 37.8 m                  R n2 = 39.15 m

Maximum Near Field
Power Density
                              16. η. P
                              π. D
                       S n = 2.633

Calculations for the Far Field (Fraunhofer Region)                            (Page 2 of 3)

                                   at 14.0 GHz                 at 14.5 GHz

                                                  2                            2
                                           0.6. D                       0.6. D
Distance to Far Field             R f1                         R f2
                                           λ1                           λ2
                                  R f1 = 90.72 m               R f2 = 93.96 m

                                                G1                           G2
                                                10                           10
Absolute Gain of Antenna          G a1     10                  G a2     10

                                            P. G a1                      P. G a2
Maximum Far Field Power           S f1                         S f2
                                                     2                             2
Density                                   4. π. R f1                    4. π. R f2

                                                     mw                           mw
                                  S f1 = 1.965                 S f2 = 1.918
                                                          2                            2
                                                     cm                           cm

Calculations for the Transition Zone

The farthest point in the near field is the beginning of the transition zone -
                                         R t1        R n2

                                         R t1 = 39.15 m

The end of the Transition Zone is the beginning of the Far Field -

                                         R t2        R f2
                                         R t2 = 93.96 m

                                         Beginning                       End
                                          S n. R n2                     S n. R n2
Transition Zone Power Density S
                                t1                             S t2
                                             R t1                         R t2

                                                     mw                           mw
                                  S t1 = 2.633                 S t2 = 1.097
                                                          2                            2
                                                     cm                           cm

Calculations at the Reflector Surface:                                 (Page 3 of 3)

Area of Reflector         A       π.
                          A = 2.545 m

Power Density at the      S ref      2.
Reflector Surface                       A

                          S ref = 1.965

Calculations between the Antenna and the Ground:

Power Density between               P
                           S ga
Antenna and Ground                  A

                           S ga = 0.982


The power densities in the Near Field, Far Field, Transition Zone, at the
Surface of the Reflector, and between the Reflector and the Ground are all
below the allowable limit. Nowhere do they exceed the level of 5 mw/cm2
as listed in OET Bulletin No. 65. Thus, this transmit earth terminal meets
FCC requirements for human exposure to radio frequency energy.

                              EXHIBIT B                                     (Page 1 of 3)


In regard to Section 1.1307(a) of the Commission's rules:

This site is not in a designated wilderness area or wildlife preserve; it does not
threaten endangered species or critical habitats; nor does it affect sites,
structures, or habitats which are significant in American history, architecture,
archeology, engineering or culture that are listed or are eligible for listing in the
National Registry of Historic Places; it does not affect Indian religious sites or
flood plains; nor does it cause significant change in wetland fill, deforestation, or
water diversion.

In regard to section 1.1307(b) of the Commission's rules:

We have prepared the calculations of radio frequency radiation for this
transmitter and antenna combination, under the operating conditions specified in
this application, with these results:

Region                         Radiation level             Hazard assessment
________                        ______________             _________________

Near field                       2.633                     Complies with guidelines

Far field                        1.965                     Complies with guidelines

Transition zone                  2.633                     Complies with guidance

At reflector surface             1.965                     Complies with guidance

Between the rim of the           0.982                     Complies with guidance
antenna and the ground

                                                                       (Page 2 of 3)

Conclusions: Based on the study, which is summarized above, we conclude that
in the regions of concern, the radiation level complies with the guidance; the level
is less than 5 milliwatts per square centimeter.

Accordingly, this action does not have a significant environmental impact as
described in the Commission's rules and does not require the preparation of an
environmental assessment.

Michael Kirk

Satellite Engineer
(title or position)


                                                                            (Page 3 of 3)

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the public and operational personnel are
not exposed to harmful levels of radiation.

Further Conclusions:
Based on this analysis it is concluded that the FCC RF Guidelines have not been exceeded
in the specific regions shown in this report. The applicant proposes to comply with
the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits of 1 mW/cm2 for the Uncontrolled
areas, and the MPE limits of 5 mW/cm2 for the Controlled areas by one or more of the
following methods:

Means of Compliance Uncontrolled Areas:
This antenna will be located in a fenced area. This area will be sufficient to prohibit
access by the general public to the areas that exceed the MPE limited. The general
public will not have access to areas within ½ diameter removed from the edge of the

Since one diameter removed from the main beam of the antenna, or ½ diameter
removed from the edge of the antenna, the RF levels are reduced by a factor of 100 or
20 dB. None of the areas exceeding the MPE levels will be accessible by the general

Radiation hazard signs will be posted while this earth station is in operation.

The applicant will ensure that no buildings or other obstacles will be in the area that
exceed the MPE levels.

Means of Compliance Controlled Areas:
The earth station’s operational personnel will not have access to the areas that
exceed the MPE levels while the earth station is in operation.

The transmitters will be turned off during antenna maintenance.

                          EXHIBIT C                               (Page 1 of 1)

                         FAA INFORMATION

       The proposed 1.8 meter Ku band R/T antenna, which is the subject
of this application, is a fixed earth station that will be operated from the
ground. The maximum height of this antenna will be about 5 meters
above the ground. Therefore since the proposed antenna does not extend
more than 6 meters above the ground, notice to the FAA is not required
pursuant to Section 17.4 of the Commission's rules.

Document Created: 2009-02-01 13:30:54
Document Modified: 2009-02-01 13:30:54

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