Attachment Administrative name

Administrative name

NAME CHANGE NOTIFICATION submitted by Tribune Media Company



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20081215-01615 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Elisabeth M. Washburn                                       '                             Tribune Media Company
Assistant General Counsel                                                                 435 North Michigan Avenue
(312) 222—4191                                                                            Chicago, Illinois 60611                                                      

                                                  Tribune Media

        October 21, 2014


        Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
        Federal Communications Commission
        The Portals
        445 12"" Street SW
        Washington, DC 20554


       Re:       Earth Station Facilities Listed in Attachment 1
                 Administrative Updates to Correct FCC Records

       Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Tribune Media Company is the parent company of Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC and
       Tribune Broadcasting Company II, LLC, each of which are the corporate parents of the licensees
       of the eighty—eight (88) Earth Stations listed in Attachment 1. By this letter, we hereby request
       administrative updates to correct certain licensee name, address and contact information,
       consistent with the information in the attachment. These are corrections and changes to licensee
       name and contact information only; no change in ownership requiring prior FCC consent has

       Please direct any questions regarding this matter to this office.

       Respectfully submitted,

       Elisabeth M. Washburn



                                                                       ATTACHMENT 1

                                    Administative Updates to Earth Stations for Parent Company Tribune Media Company

Correct Licensee Name & Address               Main Call Sign    Earth Station Call Sign   FRN               Correct Contact
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Seattle, LLC                                                                           Tribune Media Company
1813 Westlake Avenue North                                                                                  435 N. Michigan Avenue
Seattle, WA 98109                             KCPQ              E990062                   0021—7810—75      Chicago, 1L 60611
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Seattle, LLC                                                                           Tribune Media Company
1813 Westlake Avenue North                                                                                  435 N. Michigan Avenue
Seattle, WA 98109                             KCPQ              E050057                   0021—7810—75      Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Seattle, LLC                                                                           Tribune Media Company
1813 Westlake Avenue North                                                                                  435 N. Michigan Avenue
Seattle, WA 98109                             KCPQ              E030207                   0021—7810—75      Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Seattle, LLC                                                                           Tribune Media Company
1813 Westlake Avenue North                                                                                  435 N. Michigan Avenue
Seattle, WA 98109                             KCPQ              E120001                   0021—7810—75      Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
KDAF, LLC                                                                                                   Tribune Media Company
8001 John Carpenter Freeway                                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Dallas, TX 75247                              KDAF              E000143                   0021—7813—98      Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
KIAH, LLC                                                                                                   Tribune Media Company
7700 Westpark Drive                                                                                         435 N. Michigan Avenue
Houston, TX 77063                             KIAH              E000330                   0021—7811—58      Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
KSWB, LLC                                                                                                   Tribune Media Company
7191 Engineer Road                                                                                          435 N. Michigan Avenue
San Diego, CA 92111                           KSWB—TV           E080179                   0021—7811—82      Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
KTLA, LLC                                                                                                    Tribune Media Company
5800 Sunset Boulevard                                                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028                         KTLA              E870836                   0021—7813—23      Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                            Jason Roberts
KTLA, LLC                                                                                                    Tribune Media Company
5800 Sunset Boulevard                                                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028                         KTLA              E010013                   0021—7813—23       Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                             Jason Roberts
KTLA, LLC                                                                                                    Tribune Media Company
5800 Sunset Boulevard                                                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028                         KTLA              E040245                   0021—7813—23       Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                                             Jason Roberts
KTLA, LLC                                                                                                    Tribune Media Company
5800 Sunset Boulevard                                                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028                         KTLA              E110041                   0021—7813—23       Chicago, IL 60611

                                                                                   Jason Roberts
KTLA, LLC                                                                          Tribune Media Company
5800 Sunset Boulevard                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028                           KTLA      E140024   0021—7813—23   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
KTLA, LLC                                                                          Tribune Media Company
5800 Sunset Boulevard                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90028                       |KTLA         E130043   0021—7813—23   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
KTXL, LLC                                                                          Tribune Media Company
4655 Fruitridge Road                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95820                        _lKTXL        E070263   0021—7810—91   Chicago, IL 60611
                                            |                                      Jason Roberts
KTXL, LLC                                   |                                      Tribune Media Company
4655 Fruitridge Road                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95820                        !KTXL         E130028   0021—7810—91   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
KWGN, LLC                                                                          Tribune Media Company
100 E. Speer Blvd.                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Denver, CO 80203                                KWGN—TV   E990179   0021—7817—37   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
KWGN, LLC                                                                          Tribune Media Company
100 E. Speer Blvd.                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Denver, CO 80203                                KWGN—TV   E020240   0021—7817—37   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
Tribune Television New Orleans, Inc.                                               Tribune Media Company
1 Galleria Blvd., Suite 850                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Metairie, LA 70001                              WGNO      E960025   0002—8475—64   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
Tribune Television New Orleans, Inc.                                               Tribune Media Company
1 Galleria Blvd., Suite 850                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Metairie, LA 70001                              WGNo      E090031   0002—8475—64   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
Tribune Television New Orleans, Inc.                                               Tribune Media Company
1 Galleria Blvd., Suite 850                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
|Metairie, LA 70001                             WGNO      E060339   0002—8475—64   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
Tribune Television New Orleans, Inc.                                               Tribune Media Company
1 Galleria Blvd., Suite 850                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Metairie, LA 70001                              WGNO      E070143   0002—8475—64   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
WGN Continental Broadcasting Company, LLC                                          Tribune Media Company
2501 West Bradley Place                                                            435 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618                               WGN—TV    E980088   0021—7816—61   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
WGN Continental Broadcasting Company, LLC                                          Tribune Media Company
2501 West Bradley Place                                                            435 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618                               WGN—TV    E030276   0021—7816—61   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                   Jason Roberts
WGN Continental Broadcasting Company, LLC                                          Tribune Media Company
2501 West Bradley Place                                                            435 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618                               WGN—TV    E040339   0021—7816—61   Chicago, IL 60611

                                                                               Jason Roberts
WGN Continental Broadcasting Company, LLC                                      Tribune Media Company
2501 West Bradley Place                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618                           WGN—TV    E090016   0021—7816—61   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WGN Continental Broadcasting Company, LLC                                      Tribune Media Company
2501 West Bradley Place                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618                           WGN—TV    E040146   0021—7816—61   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WPHL, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
5001 Wynnefield Avenue                                                         435 N. Michigan Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131                      WPHL—TV   E861091   0021—7814—63   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WPIX, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
220 East 42nd Street, 10th Floor                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
New York, NY 10017                          WPIX      E860695   0021—7817—60   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WPIX, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
220 East 42nd Street, 10th Floor                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
New York, NY 10017                          WPIX      E970060   0021—7817—60   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WPIX, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
220 East 42nd Street, 10th Floor                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
New York, NY 10017                          WPIX      E040317   0021—7817—60   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WPIX, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
220 East 42nd Street, 10th Floor                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
New York, NY 10017                          WPIX      E110038   0021—7817—60   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WPIX, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
220 East 42nd Street, 10th Floor                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
New York, NY 10017                          WPIX      E120002   0021—7817—60   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WPMT, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
2005 South Queen Street                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
York, PA 17403                              WPMT      E910286   0021—7814—48   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WPMT, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
2005 South Queen Street                                                        435 N. Michigan Avenue
York, PA 17403                              WPMT      £030089   0021—7814—48   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
WSFL, LLC                                                                      Tribune Media Company
500 E. Broward Blvd, Suite 900                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394                    WSFL—TV   E5159     0021—7816—95   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Hartford, LLC                                             Tribune Media Company
285 Broad Street                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Hartford, CT 06115                          WTIC—TV   E960251   0021—7814—22   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                               Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Hartford, LLC                                             Tribune Media Company
285 Broad Street                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Hartford, CT 06115                          WTIC—TV   E130234   0021—7814—22   Chicago, IL 60611

                                                                                 Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Hartford, LLC                                               Tribune Media Company
285 Broad Street                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Hartford, CT 06115                        WTIC—TV   E880192       0021—7814—22   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Hartford, LLC                                               Tribune Media Company _
285 Broad Street                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Hartford, CT 06115                        WTIC—TV   E090014       0021—7814—22   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
\Tribune Broadcasting Indianapolis, LLC                                          Tribune Media Company
6910 Network Place                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
|Indianapolis, IN 46278                   WTTV      E000117       0021—7816—12   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
\Tribune Broadcasting Indianapolis, LLC                                          Tribune Media Company
6910 Network Place                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46278                    WTTV      E940434       0021—7816—12   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Indianapolis, LLC                                           Tribune Media Company
6910 Network Place                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46278                    WXIN      E940358   |0021—7816—12      Chicago, IL 60611
                                                              |                  Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Indianapolis, LLC                                           Tribune Media Company
6910 Network Place                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46278                    WXIN      E050094       0021—7816—12   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Indianapolis, LLC                                           Tribune Media Company
6910 Network Place                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46278                    WXIN      E010294       0021—7816—12   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Indianapolis, LLC                                           Tribune Media Company
6910 Network Place                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46278                    WXIN      E110039       0021—7816—12   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Indianapolis, LLC                                           Tribune Media Company
6910 Network Place                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46278                    WXIN      E120209       0021—7816—12   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
WTVR License, LLC                                                                Tribune Media Company
3301 W. Broad St.                                                                435 N. Michigan Avenue
 RICHMOND, VA 23230                       WTVR—TV   E010136       0017—7908—33   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
 WTVR License, LLC                                                               Tribune Media Company
 3301 W. Broad St.                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
 RICHMOND, VA 23230                       WTVR—TV   E040341       0017—7908—33   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
 WTVR License, LLC                                                               Tribune Media Company
 3301 W. Broad St.                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
 RICHMOND, VA 23230                       WTVR—TV   E090131       0017—7908—33   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                 Jason Roberts
‘WGHP License, LLC                                                               Tribune Media Company
 2005 Francis St                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
‘High Point, NC 27263                     WGHP      E874292       0017—7909—16   Chicago, IL 60611

                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WGHP License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
2005 Francis St                                                                   435 N. Michigan Avenue
High Point, NC 27263                           WGHP      E090127   0017—7909—16   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WHNT License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
200 Holmes Avenue                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801                           WHNT—TV   E5430     0016—2159—49   Chicago, IL. 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WHNT License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
200 Holmes Avenue                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801                           WHNT—TV   E910615   0016—2159—49   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WHNT License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
200 Holmes Avenue                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801                           WHNT—TV   E950143   0016—2159—49   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Fort Smith License, LLC                                      Tribune Media Company
318 North 13th Street                                                             435 N. Michigan Avenue
Fort Smith, AR 72901                           KFSM—TV   E920286   0016—2160—38   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Fort Smith License, LLC                                      Tribune Media Company
318 North 13th Street                                                             435 N. Michigan Avenue
Fort Smith, AR 72901                           KFSM—TV   E5173     0016—2160—38   Chicago, |L 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Fort Smith License, LLC                                      Tribune Media Company
318 North 13th Street                                                             435 N. Michigan Avenue
Fort Smith, AR 72901                           KFSM—TV   E080247   0016—2160—38   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WREG License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
803 Channel 3 Drive                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103                              WREG—TV   E910432   0016—2161—03   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WREG License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
803 Channel 3 Drive                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103                              WREG—TV   E940157   0016—2161—03   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WREG License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
803 Channel 3 Drive                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103                              WREG—TV   E5063     0016—2161—03   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WREG License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
803 Channel 3 Drive                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103                              WREG—TV   E110034   0016—2161—03   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WREG License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
803 Channel 3 Drive                                                               435 N. Michigan Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103                              WREG—TV   E140018   0016—2161—03   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WJIW License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
5800 S. Marginal Rd.                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103                            WIW       E060142   0017—7909—32   Chicago, IL 60611

                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WJIW License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
5800 S. Marginal Rd.                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103                            WIW       E080140   0017—7909—32   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WJIW License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
5800 S. Marginal Rd.                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103                            WIW       E140019   0017—7909—32   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WITI License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
9001 N. Green Bay Rd.                                                             435 N. Michigan Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53209                            WITI      E890118   0017—7910—47   Chicago, IL 60611
                                           |                                      Jason Roberts
KTVE License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
2250 Ball Drive                                                                   435 N. Michigan Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63146                            KTVI      E110115   0017—7908—90   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
KTVI License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
2250 Ball Drive                                                                   435 N. Michigan Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63146                            KTVI      E120175   0017—7908—90   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WDAF License, Inc.                                                                Tribune Media Company
3030 Summit St., Signal Hill                                                      435 N. Michigan Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64108                          WDAF—TV   E980499   0003—4764—21   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WDAF License, Inc.                                                                Tribune Media Company
3030 Summit St., Signal Hill                                                      435 N. Michigan Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64108                          WDAF—TV   E100190   0003—4764—21   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WHO License, LLC                                                                  Tribune Media Company
1801 Grand Avenue                                                                 435 N. Michigan Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309                           WHO—DT    E110116   0016—2201—21   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WQAD License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
3003 Park 16th Street                                                             435 N. Michigan Avenue
Moline, IL 61265                               wQAD—TV   E050127   0016—2160—46   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WQAD License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
3003 Park 16th Street                                                             435 N. Michigan Avenue
Moline, IL 61265                               WQAD—TV   E8190     0016—2160—46   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
WQAD License, LLC                                                                 Tribune Media Company
3003 Park 16th Street                                                             435 N. Michigan Avenue
Moline, IL 61265                               WQAD—TV   E3683     0016—2160—46   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Denver License, LLC                                          Tribune Media Company
100 E. Speer Blvd.                                                                435 N. Michigan Avenue
Denver, CO 80203                               KDVR      E000014   0017—7908—82   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                  Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Denver License, LLC                                          Tribune Media Company
100 E. Speer Blvd.                                                                435 N. Michigan Avenue
Denver, CO 80203                               KDVR      E110117   0017—7908—82   Chicago, IL 60611

                                                                                      Jason Roberts
\Tribune Broadcasting Oklahoma City License, LLC                                      Tribune Media Company
 444 E. Britton Road                                                                  435 N. Michigan Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73114                            KFOR—TV   E020032   0016—2160—61   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Oklahoma City License, LLC                                       Tribune Media Company
444 E. Britton Road                                                                   435 N. Michigan Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73114                            KFOR—TV   E880052   0016—2160—61   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
Tribune Broadcasting Oklahoma City License, LLC                                       Tribune Media Company
444 E. Britton Road                                                                   435 N. Michigan Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73114                            KFOR—TV   E872101   0016—2160—61   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
KSTU License, LLC                                                                     Tribune Media Company
5020 W. Amelia Earhart Dr.                                                            435 N. Michigan Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84116                           KSTU      E000210   0017—7909—99   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
KSTU License, LLC                                                                     Tribune Media Company
5020 W. Amelia Earhart Dr.                                                            435 N. Michigan Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84116                           KSTU      E100028   0017—7909—99   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
Local TV Virginia License, LLC                                                        Tribune Media Company
720 Boush Street                                                                      435 N. Michigan Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23510                                  WGNT      E910112   0016—2161—29   Chicago, 1L 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
Local TV Virginia License, LLC                                                        Tribune Media Company
720 Boush Street                                                                      435 N. Michigan Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23510                                  WTKR      E130096   0016—2161—29   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
Local TV Virginia License, LLC                                                        Tribune Media Company
720 Boush Street                                                                      435 N. Michigan Avenue
 Norfolk, VA 23510                                 WTKR      E880108   0016—2161—29   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
 Local TV Pennsylvania License, LLC                                                   Tribune Media Company
 16 Montage Mountain Rd.                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
 Moosic, PA 18507                                  WNEP—TV   E110029   0016—2160—95   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
 Local TV Pennsylvania License, LLC                                                   Tribune Media Company
 16 Montage Mountain Rd.                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
 Moosic, PA 18507                                  WNEP—TV   E140020   0016—2160—95   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
 Local TV Pennsylvania License, LLC                                                   Tribune Media Company
 16 Montage Mountain Rd.                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
 Moosic, PA 18507                                  WNEP—TV   E880774   0016—2160—95   Chicago, IL 60611
                                                                                      Jason Roberts
 Local TV Pennsylvania License, LLC                                                   Tribune Media Company
 16 Montage Mountain Rd.                                                              435 N. Michigan Avenue
 Moosic, PA 18507                                  WNEP—TV   E880982   0016—2160—95   Chicago, IL 60611

Document Created: 2017-06-08 11:42:25
Document Modified: 2017-06-08 11:42:25

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