Attachment 20091123105438.pdf


LETTER submitted by Intelsat Corporation



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20081010-01322 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


November 18, 2009                                                  FILED/ACCEPTED

                                                                          NOV 18 2009
Ms. Marlene Dortch                                                                leations   Commissl
Secretary                                                         Federal Commumcattons ommission
                ols          20.                                                    he Secret
Federal Communications Commission                                         Otfineof ts Sartclts
445 12¢" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

          RE: Certificate of Completion of Construction
              Intelsat LLC
                 Call Sign: E080224

Dear Ms. Dortch,

Pursuant to Section 25.133 of the Rules of the Federal Communications
Commission, Intelsat LLC certifies that it has completed construction and
begun operation of its E080224 VSAT network. The Commission granted
Intelsat LLC‘s license to operate this network on November 25, 2008. The
network became fully operational on or about January 30, 2009. The
remote antennas authorized by the E080224 license have been tested and
operations are consistent with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules. The
antennas authorized pursuant to the license will remain operational
during the license period unless the license is submitted for cancellation.

Respectfully submitted,

y {«..2~$B.
SusanX. Crandall
Assistant General Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

Intelsat Corporation
3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T +1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—944—7898

Document Created: 2019-04-12 10:23:53
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 10:23:53

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