Attachment Hughes Ex Parte Ltr

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20080508-00570 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



                                                                                          STEPHEN D. BARUCH
     WASHINGTON, DC                                                                         202.416.6782

                                        February 10, 2009

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

               Re:       Ex Parte Notice —— Applications of Row 44, Inc. (Call Sign
                         £080100; File Nos. SES—LIC—20080508—00570, SES—AMD—
                         20080619—00826; SES—AMD—20080819—01074; SES—AMD—
                         20080829—01117; SES—AMD—20090115—00041; and SES—STA—

Dear Ms. Dortch

        This letter is submitted on behalf of Hughes Network Systems, LLC ("Hughes"), pursuant
to Section 1.1206 of the Commission‘s Rules, to provide details of a joint ex parte meeting
involving Hughes and counsel for Row 44, Inc. ("Row 44") concerning the above—referenced
applications. Hughes understands that Row 44 will be filing a separate ex parte notice regarding
this meeting.

       At yesterday‘s meeting, Hughes was represented by Steven Doiron, its Senior Director of
Regulatory Affairs, and the undersigned counsel. Hughes expressed its concern that the extended
application process was unnecessarily hindering Row 44‘s ability to test both the technical and
system performance characteristics of its innovative system. Hughes also expressed its belief that
Row 44 has demonstrated that it is fully qualified to be granted, at a minimum, the limited Special
Temporary Authority it seeks to operate twelve remote terminals to conduct technical trials and
marketing studies.

        In this last connection, Hughes identified its own strong interest in the integrity of the two—
degree spacing policy to prevent harmful and unacceptable interference to satellite operators and
their customers who are potentially affected by Row 44‘s operations. As a significant customer of
both Intelsat and SES Americom, with capacity both on the satellites to be accessed by Row 44
and on other satellites within the +6 degree coordination zone adjacent to these satellites, Hughes,
like the satellite operators that have signed on to the Row 44 Test Plan, has a direct and substantial
interest in protecting the value and utility of the spectrum it uses on a daily basis. Hughes is

                     2000 K STREET, NW SuUIrTE 600 | WaASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809
                  TEL 202.429.8970 | Fax 202.293.7783 | wWW.LERMANSENTER.COM

 L             February 10, 2009
       S       Page 2 of 2

satisfied that Row 44‘s proposed operations under both the requested STA and the associated
long—pending license application, do not pose any unresolved interference concerns about the
antenna system that Row 44 will deploy. Hughes also noted for the participants that as the Hub
service provider for the Row 44 network, Hughes will work closely with Row 44 on an ongoing
basis to help monitor the performance of its system, both in the testing phase and following full
system deployment.

       For these reasons, Hughes urged the International Bureau to proceed quickly to review
Row 44‘s Test Plan and grant the requested STA necessary to proceed with the technical trials

       Should there be any further questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned

                                             Respectfully gubmitted,

                                              tephen P. Baruch

                                             Attorney for Hughes Network Systems, LLC

 cc:   John Giusti
       Rod Porter
       Karl Kensinger
       Stephen Spaeth
       Bob Nelson
       Scott Kotler
       Steve Duall
       William Bell
       Steven Doiron, Hughes
       David Keir, Counsel to Row 44

Document Created: 2009-02-12 14:26:43
Document Modified: 2009-02-12 14:26:43

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