Attachment E960160 RAD HAD

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20080118-00074 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


               JUAN G PADIN, P.E.
               PO BOX 142755
               ARECIBO, P.R. 00614 USA
               (787) 383-9905


On February 20, 2008, Juan G Padín, P.E., Wireless Consulting Engineer conducted a site
survey of a satellite earth station located in Road #3, km 76.6, Humacao, Puerto Rico.
Coordinates (NAD83) 18°-09’-05.0”N, 065°-47’-19.0”W. Site elevation 1.2m. Transmitter
frequency 5925.000-6425.000 mhz.

Different areas were observed according to FCC Bulleting OET 65 “Evaluating Compliance
with Federal Communications Commission Guidelines for Human Exposure to
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field”.

The site survey recorded the Non- Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation levels surrounding the
antenna and transmitter location.


The measurements were taken in the antenna structure location area. Three different
measurements intervals were recorded, inside the concrete pad, 3.04 (10 ft) and 9.14 meters
(30 ft) from the center of the concrete pad. See figure 1 for details of the measured points.

The power levels recorded were taken with Narda Model 8718 Electromagnetic Survey
Meter, SN 04064, Calibration expiration date: October 11, 2008. Isotropic Electric Field
Probe Model 8721D SN 02027. Calibration expiration date August, 2008.

For this analysis the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) for Controlled and
Uncontrolled Environments parameters were used as the base for comparative analysis
according to ANSI/IEEE standards. As defined on the FCC Report and Order 96-326
released on August 1, 1996. The limits for maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for
general population / uncontrolled exposure are defined in the following tables:


               JUAN G PADIN, P.E.
               PO BOX 142755
               ARECIBO, P.R. 00614 USA
               (787) 383-9905

Table 1 – General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure

Frequency Range     Power Density (S)
     (Mhz)             (mW/cm2)
   0.3 – 1.342            100
   1.342 - 30            180/f2
    30 – 300              0.2
   300 – 1500         F(mhz)/1500
 1500 – 100,000           1.0

Table 2 – Occupational / Controlled Exposure

Frequency Range     Power Density (S)
     (Mhz)             (mW/cm2)
   0.3 – 1.342            100
   1.342 - 30            900/f2
    30 – 300              1.0
   300 – 1500         F(mhz)/300
 1500 – 100,000           5.0

The transmission frequency from the facilities evaluated (5925.000-6425.000 mhz) fall into
the 1,500 to 100,000 mhz band. The maximum Non Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation limit
for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure is 1.0 mW/cm2, and for Occupational /
Controlled Exposure is 5.0 mW/cm2. The transmission facilities are in an Occupational
Controlled Area.

Figure 1 shows a site plan of the antenna structure location and the different points of
measurements. The legend shows the different readings recorded at the site. The maximum
level recorded (see figure 1, point 8) was 0.0912 mW/cm2.


               JUAN G PADIN, P.E.
               PO BOX 142755
               ARECIBO, P.R. 00614 USA
               (787) 383-9905


The electromagnetic radiation measurements performed at Ultracom Station in Humacao, PR
do not exceed the maximum permissible exposure levels for a controlled and uncontrolled
environment. The Ultracom facilities are not considered an uncontrolled environment since
access to the premises is limited to authorized personnel with knowledge that radio frequency
radiation is present.
It can be concluded that no radiation hazard exists on the Ultracom, Humacao, PR facilities.

Study performed by:

Juan G Padin, P.E.



                                  15                                     5
                                                    6                                 4

                                                              8              10

                                                1                                 3




                   Survey Measurements

1- 0.0091
        mW/cm2         09- 0.0714 mW/cm2        17- 0.0009 mW/cm2
2- 0.0031 mW/cm2       10- 0.0211 mW/cm2
3- 0.0085 mW/cm2       11- 0.0000 mW/cm2
4- 0.0016 mW/cm2       12- 0.0000 mW/cm2                                                       Ultracom Site Survey
5- 0.0078 mW/cm2       13- 0.0001 mW/cm2
6- 0.0837 mW/cm2       14- 0.0002 mW/cm2
7- 0.0806 mW/cm2       15- 0.0006 mW/cm2
8- 0.0912 mW/cm2       16- 0.0009 mW/cm2


Figure 1


Document Created: 2008-02-25 11:56:47
Document Modified: 2008-02-25 11:56:47

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