Attachment 20120306144455.pdf


COMMENT submitted by NTIA



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20071203-01646 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                           UNITED STATES DEFPARTMENT Or cumms=aue
                                                           National Telecommunications ard
                                                           Information Administration
                                                           Washington, D.C. 20230

                                                                           JAN      6 2008
  Mr. Julius Knapp
  Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology
  Federal Communications Commission
  445 12th Street SW
  Washington, DC 20554

  Dear Mr. Knapp:

  The National Telscommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) provides the following
  comment concerning the New ICO Satellite Services G.P. (ICO) request to waive the Federal           .
  Communications Commission‘s (Commission} rules 47 C.F.R. Sections 25.252(a)(1) and 25.252(a)(6). /
  These rules provide out—of—band emission (OOBE) limits and a separation distance necessary to protect
— federal earth stations in the band 2200—2290 MHz from ancillary terrestrial component (ATC)} operations
  in the adjacent band 2180—2200 MHz. Specifically, Section 25.252(a)(1) requires an OOBE limit of —
  100.6 dBW/4 kHz and Section 25.252(a)(6) requires that ATC base stations be separated by at least 820
  meters from federal earth stations.

 ICO and the affected federal agencies have met and signed an agreement which is enclosed. I am
 forwarding this agrsement with NTHHA‘s concurrence and requesting the following Ordering Clauses be
 included in the ICO license:

          IT IS ORDERED that all ICO ATC operations will be conducted in a manner consistent with the
          "Operator—to—Operator Agreement between ICO Global Communications and United States
          Federal Government Agencies Operating Earth Stations in the 2200—2290 MHz Band".

          IT IS ORDERED that all ICO ATC base stations located within 133 km of an existing federal
          earth station shall not exceed an EIRP of —100.6 dBW/4 kHz for out—of—channel emissions at the
          edge of the 2200—2290 MHz band.

  If you have any questions my point—of—contact on this issue is Edward M. Davison (202—482—5526;


                                                          Karl B. Nebbia
                                                          Associate Administrator
                                                          Office of Spectrum Management


  ‘ See IBFS File Nos. SES—AMD—INTR2008—00147 (January 18, 2008) and SES—LIC—INTR2007—02866
  (December 3, 2007).

                                     Operator—to—Operator Agreement
                                         iC0 Global Communications
                              United States Federal Government Agencies
                          Operating Earth Stations in the 2200—2290 MHz Band

1. Introduction

In response to an ICO Global Communications {{CO]} request to the Federal Communications Commission
{FCC}, made pursuant to Section 25.252{a}(6}) of the Commisstion‘s rules, the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration {NTIA) sent a {etter, dated March 8, 2007, to Mr.
lultus Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology of FCC, identifyingfederal earth stations,
operating in the 2200—2290 MHz band, within the United States of America.‘ On October 2, 2007, NTIA
provided an updated list of federal earth station facilities."

On March 5, 2008, FCC released a Public Notice listing 10CO‘s application for authority to implement an
ancilizry terrestrial component ("ATC"}) for 1CO‘s 2 GHz MSS system." in the application ICO seeks to
waive specific portions of Section 25.252 of the Commission‘s rules, including Sections 25.252{a)(1)" and
25.252{a)(6)."                                    —

Consistent with its ATC request, ICO initiated a consultation process with the federal agencies that
operate earth stations in the 2200—2290 MHz band." The federal agencies identified in the NTIA
Corrected Letter are:

* Letter from Karl 8. Nebbia, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, National
Telecommunications and Information Administration toJulfus Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology,
Federal Communications Commission, dated March 8, 2007.°
* Letter from Karl 8. Nebbia, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, National
Telecommuntcations and Information Administration to Julius Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology,
Federal Communications Commission, dated October 2, 2007. ("NTIA Corrected Letter").
* Federal Communications Commission, Public Notice, Report No. SES—01012 {March 5, 2008) corrected by Public
Notice, Report No SES—01014 (March 12, 2008). in its ATC Application, ICO requests waiver of the distance °
restriction in 47 C.F.R. § 25.252{a)}{8} and requests that ATC operators be permitted instead to coordinate with U.S.
Earth Station facilities in the 2200—2290 MHz band on a case—by—case basis. See File Nos. SES—LIC—20071203—01546
(ICO ATC Application} at 22—23, Attachment O.
* 47 CEB. § 25.252(a)(1); Applicants for an anciliary terrestrial component in these bands must demonstrate that
ATC base stations shall not: (1) Exceed an ELRP of —100.6 dBW/4kHz for out—of—channel emission at the edge of the
MSS licenses‘s selected assignment.
* 47 CER. § 25.252{a)(6); Applicants for an ancillary terrestrial component in these bands must demonstrate that
ATC base stations shall not: (6) be located less than 820 meters from a U.S. Earth Station facilfty operating in the
2200—2290 MHz band. In its MSS ATC application, the MSS Hicensee should request a list of operational stations in
the 2200—2290 MHz band.
* The federal agencies holding the 2200—2290 MHz frequency assignment(s}, under Section 6.08 of the NTIA
Manual, and the associated earth station facility authorizations under Section 6.03 of the NTIA Manual have been
identified in the NTIA Corrected Letter.

U.S. Department of the Air Force {Air Force}
Nattonal Aesronautiecs and Space Administration {(NASA)
U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC}
U.S. Department of the Navy (Navy}
U.S. Department of Energy (Energy)

The federal agencies listed above are the points of contact, the responsible antities for this consultation
process, and the partiles to this operator—to—operator agreement.

The objective of the agreement is to ensure that the FCC‘s grant of the 1CO waiver requests (e.g.,
Sections 25.252(a){1} and 25.252(a}(6)) would not result in unacceptable interference to the federal
earth stations operating in the band 2200—2290 MHz due to tCOQ ATC base station cut—of—hband emissions.

Annex A as incorporated into this agreement sets out the technical basis for the agreement, identifies
procedures for ICO and federal agencies to follow when coordination is appropriate pursuant to this
agreement, and establishes a procedure for addressing observed unacceptable interference. Annex B as
incorporated into this agreement provides the locations of the existing federal earth stations. This list
has been revised and updated by the responsible federal agenicies frora the list provided in the NTIA
Corrected Lotter.

2. Conditions for compatible operation

The federal agencies and ICO exchanged potential interference assessments for ICO ATC base station
gut—of—band emissions into the federal earth stations in the 2200—2290 MHz band. In order to protect
the federal earth stations receiving in the 2200—2290 MHz band, the parties agree to the following
operational conditions for the I1CO ATC base stations:

    1.    All tCO ATC base stations cperating in the band 2180—21980 MHz and located within 133 km of
          those federal earth stations listed in Annex B shall have an out—of—band emission filter to ensure
          that the EIRP spectral density shall not exceed —100.6 dBW/4kHz for out—of—band emissions at
          the edge of the 2200—2290 MHz band.

    2.    Al ICO ATC base stations operating in the band 2180—2190 MHz and located more than 133 km
          from those federal earth stations listed in Annex B shail have out—of—band emissions outside of
          the 1CO frequency band {e.g., 2180—2190 MHz} attenuated at least 43+10log(P) dB, where P is
          the transmitter power in watts.

    3.    No ICO ATC base station shall be located less than 820 meters from the federal earth stations
          Histed in Annex 8 and operating in the 2200—2290 MHz band.

    4.      For new federal earth stations operating in the 2200—2290 MHz band belonging to the
            responsible federal agencies listed in this agreement or other federal agencies:
         t.     If the federal earth station is to be located within 3 km of an existing federal earth station
                (e.g., those contained in Annex B}, this new federal earth station shall betreated as an
                existing federal earth station, and its electromagnetic compatibifiity analysis ("EMC")
              protection is conferred by the existing earth station which is within a 3 km distance. 1CO will

              not be required to provide additfional EMC protection to this new federal earth station other
              than the existing obligation for the corresponding federal earth station. >
         L.   If the new federal earth station is to be located more than 3 km from an existing federal
              earth station (e.g., those contained in Annex B), this new federal earth station shall be
              protected as follows:
              A. AlICO ATC base stations operating in the band 2180—2190 MHz and located within 71
                   _ km of this new federal earth station shall have an out—of—band emission filter to ensure
                           that the EIRP spectral density shall not exceed —100.6 dBW/4kHz for out—of—band
                           emissions at the edge of 2200—2290 MHz band.
              B.           For all 1ICO ATC base stations operating in the band 2180—21980 MHz and located
                           between 71—km and 133—krm from the new federal earth station, tCO shall coordinate
                           the use of the spectrum with the responsible federal agency of the new federal earth
                           station as set out in Annex A to this agreement.
                    1. _       If the 1CO EMC analysis demonstrates that the protection level is less than 160 d8 of
                               isolation, the corresponding ICO based station shall have an out—of—band emission
                               filter to ensure that the EIRP spectral density shall not exceed —100.6 dBwW/4kHz for
                               out—of—band emissions at the edge of 2200—2290 MHz band.
                   t1.         If the ICO EMC analysis demonstrates that the protection level is squal to or more
                               than 160 dB of isolation, the corresponding ICO based station shall have an of out—
                               of—band emission outside of the ICO frequency band (e.g., 2180—2190 MHz)
                               attenuated at teast 43+10log(P) dB, where P is the transmitter power in watts.

    5.    New federal earth stations aperating in the 2200—2290 MHz band shall not be located closer
          than 820 meters from any existing ICO ATC base station.

3. Conclusion
Subject to the above operating conditions, all parties agree that operations consistent with this
agreement should protect the federal earth stations in the band 2200—2290 MHz from potential
unacceptable interference due to ICQ ATC out—of—band emissions. Instances of observed unacceptable
interference to a federal earth station operating in the 2200~2290'M Hz band will be resolved as set out
in Annex A to this agreement.

The responsible federal agencies shall convey this agreement to NTIA through the Interdepartment
Radio Advisory Committee {IRAC), indicating that they have no objection to the ICO ATC waiver requests
as stated in the I1CO ATC application if (CO complies with the conditions of this agreement and its
Annexes, and urging NTIA to concur with the ICO ATC waiver requests with the aforementioned
limitations in the FCC/NTIA consultation process.

iCO and the responsible federal agancies have each caused this sgreement to be signed by its duly
authorized representatives.,

                                                  f&file Ac‘tmg DHHrector, ipectrm Palicy and Fiannmg
lCfi                                               National Aecronsutics and Space Administration


                                              —       "IRAC Represen:atwe
                                                  .S Denartment of the Mavy _

Title: Assccsate CIQ for it fixdutecture.     / 'ue- Chiet, Office of Radio Frequency Mansegament
        Panning, and E—Government                 U,5. Department of Cammercae
U.5. Department of Energy

                                                  ANNEX A

Protection of Existing Federal Earth Stations in the 2200—2290 MHz Band

iCO and the federal agencies agree that to protect existing federal earth station sites in the 2200—2290
MHz band, all 1CO ATC base stations operating in the band 2180—2190 MHz and located within 133 km of
those receiving earth stations listed in Annex B shall have an out—of—band emission filter to ensure that
the EIRP spectral density shall not exceed —100.6 dBW/4kHz for out—of—hand emissions at the edge of the
2200—22%0 MHz band.

            e   The EMC analysis determining the 133 kim distance utifized the NTIAZITS Irregular
                Terrain Model {ITM} in Area Prediction Mode with the following input assumptions:
                    o   The propagation percentage of time and confidence factor
                            * percentage of time= 1.0% and
                            a—_ 10% confidence factor;
                    o   The interference budget is based on TU—R SA.1154;
                    o   The acceptable interferencethreshold:
                            a     10% of interference budget and 2 simxltancous interferers plus 2 dB
                                  correction factor.
                    o   Antenna heights:
                            «_    iCO base station: 30 m
                            a     federal earth station: 10 m
                    o   The terrain irregularity parameter:;
                            a     Delta_H=90 m —"average" terrain
                    o   The mode of variability
                            @     Individual
                    0   Radio Climate
                            a——   Continental Temperate
                        Polarization: Y

                        Conductivity of Ground: 0.005 S/m

                        Surface Refractivity: 301 N—units

                        Cielectric Constant of Ground: 15


Construction of New Federal Earth Stations in the 2200—2290 MHz Band

ICO and the federal agencies agree that for new federal earth station sites in the 2200—2290 MHz band,
a basic coordination process will be followed as set out below:

    1.   The responsible federal agency will notify ICO of the location of a new federal earth station 24
         months prior to initial operation, including:                                                    (

              e    coordinates (latitude and longitude}
              e   antenna height above ground level (AGL).

         ICO will plan to retrofit all existing base stations within 71 km of the proposed earth station with
         an out—of—band emissfon fiiter that ensures the EIRP spectral density shall not exceed —100.6
         dsW/4kHz for out—of—band emissions at the edge of the 2200—2290 MHz band.

         ICO will run the NTIA trregular Terrain Model (ETM) in Point—To—Point Mode on every existing,
         unfiltsred site that is between 71 and 133 km of the proposed earth station location, using a
         terrain database selected by the responsible federeal agency with ICO‘s concurrence.

             a    The federal agency will provide terrain database to ICO within 60 days of notification of
                  the new federal earth station.
             e    Actual antenna heights will be used in the point—to—point analysis.
             *    Other input parameters to the ITM model will be identical to those listed above, as
                  appropriate.                  x

         Alf 1COQ basestations between the 71 km and the 133 km radius of a federal garth station that
         provide fess than 160 dB of isolation to the federal earth station will be identified as sites
         requiring retrofit with a filter as described in Step 2 above.

         CQ will send the calculstion results to the responsible federal agency for validation.

         Upon agreement with the calculations and conclustons, (CO will submit a plan to the responsible
         federal agancy that outlines the retrofit schedule for all base stations identified as requiring a
         filter per this process.                                             '

         ICO and responsible federasl agency will agree to the propaosed retrofit schedule.

         Upon completion of the retrofit process, ICO will submit formal notification that all base stations
         requiring filters per this agreement have been retrofit.

Per the agreament, new federal earth stations that are within 3 km of an existing federal earth station
will be exermpt from this process.


  Observed Unacceptable Interference

— In the instence of observed unacceptable interference to a federal earth station operating in the 2200—
  2290 MHz band, since there will be multiple transmitters in the bands adjacent to 2200—2290 MHz that
  may be located in the vicinity of federal earth stations, including those ATC base—stations belonging to
  ICO and Terrestar, the federal agency observing unacceptable interference must identify the specific
 ATC base—station antenna causing the unacceptable interference and contact the responsible entity. if
 {CO is responsible for the identified ATC base—station antenna, (CO will correct the identified ATC base—
 station transmitter to prevent unacceptable Interference. If ICO‘s actions do not resolve the          ,
 unacceptable interference the responsible federal agency will ask NTIA to work with the FCC to obtain
 satisfactory relief.

 ICO Point of Contact

          Alfredo Echeverria

          Director, Network Systems

          11700 Plaza America Drive, Syuite 10180

          Reston, VA 20190

          703 9654 1400 {office)

         703 964 1452 {direct}

         443 386 4882 {mobile}


                                   ANNEX B
             2200—2290 MHz Feeiera}v Earth Station. <_§._c;c_atian_s
       LOCATION                           _ _COORDINATES                AGENCY
    _AK, Fairbanks                     _ 645838N1473054W                _ NASA      _
     AK, Fairbanks                    [ 6AS131IN147S12TW                  NASA
     AK, Fairbanks _                — |. 6A4S5822N1473004W              Commerce
      AK, Fairbanks                  _|. 645824N1473007TW_|            _ Commerce
      AK, Fairbanks                  _| 645826N1473036W_|___ Commerce:
   __ AK, Fairbanks                       _ 6§45826N1473021W_|____ Commerce
     . AK, Fairbanks                        645836N1473103W        Commerce
     AK, Fairbanks                          §45842N1472951W |__        Commerce
     AK, North Pole                        644818M1473000W        NASA _
     AK, Poker Flat                        650705N1472559W      _ NASA
     AK, Poker Flat                        650700N1472736W |____ NASA
       CA, Azusa                            341259N117523ZW             Air Force
      CA, Berkeley                          375248N1221438W .            NASA
   _ CA, Camp Parks                        ~374400N1215200W |_ _        Air Force
   CA, Edwards AFB       L                  345739N1175441W                NASA
_CA, Goldstone (BSS—14)._                   352533N1 165322W               NASA
 CA, Goldstone (DSS—15) ___                 352519N1165314W.             _ NASA
 CA, Goldstons (PSS—24).                  |_352074N1165229W _|             NASA
 CA, Goldstope (DSS—27):                    351418NL164644W                NASA
    CA, Lagung Peak                         340630N1190354W             _ Navy
   CA, Table Mountain                      342256N1174056W               NASA
  CA, Vandenberg AFB                       342924N1203154W             Air Force:
      CO, Boulder _                       —395926NIOS1SS1W         |   Commerce
    CO, Buckley Field                      —394255N1044629W |           Air Force
   CO, Schriever AFB                      — 38ATSANLOMA3L2SW            Air Force
   FL, Cape Canaveral ._                    282910N0803434W_|.___       Air Force
    FL, Merritt Island                    _ 283030N0804137W__|           NASA__
 FL, New Smyrna Beach                     _ 290400N0805447W__|_____NASA
   Guam, Andersen AFB                     133648N1445112E |              Air Force
      Guam, GRGT                      |_ 133655N1445122E |             _. NASA
     Guam, Marianas   |                  _133655N1445122E _ |             NASA .
Guam, NCTAMS WESTPAC                      133455N1445050E                  Navy
     HI, Kaena Point                     213418N1581634W                 Air Force __
  _HI, Kamaoa—Puueo                         190049N15S53948W             NASA
        HL, Kauai                         _ 220735N1593954W_|____ NASA
        HI, Nelba                           194332N156433ZW_|_____       NASA
     HIL, South Point                       190449N1553948W              NASA _
       HL, Wahiawa                          2131 1SN1575M6W            Commerce
      MA, Westford                          423T2ANOTL291.8SW            NASA

                                   B— 1

              LOCATION                  _COORDINATES           _|             AGENCY
           MD, Blossom Point            _ 382MM44N0770500W _| NASA andNayy |
             MD, Greenbelt _              385959N0765024W                      NASA
           _ MD, Greenbelt                385957NO765116W                     Commerce        |
             MD, Greeabelt >            ©390002N0765020W                |_    Commerce _
           —_ MD, Laurel                  391014N0765334W |                    NASA
            MD, Pomonkey _ _              382548N0770512W | _                   Navy
          ME, Prospect Harbor           | 442455N0680150W [                    _Navy _
            NH, New Boston              _ 425654N0713824W                     Air Force ___
          _NM, Albuquerque _            _ 350459N1063900W _                    Energy
          "NM, Kirtland AFB             _ 350300NL062400W                     Air Force
          NM, Kirtland AFB              — 350150N1063245W _                    Enesgy _ _ |
           NM, Las Cruces                . _321622N1064438W                    NASA _
       ____NM, Los Alamos           ___| 355220N1061937W |____                 Enersy
      ~_NM,White Sands (WSGT)        _| 322954N1063631W                         NASA
|       NM, White Sands (STGTD) ______|_323240N1063648W                       _ NASA
  NM, White Sands (WSGT—TDRS Central) | 323059N1063631W _                       NASA
    NM, White Sands (WSGT—TDRS )      _| 323059N1063631W ____                   NASA.
             NV, Las Vegas_            _ 361245N1151004W |_____NASA
             PA, Horsham                 401210N0751028W _                     NASA
             PA, Horsham                 401209N0751029W                       NASA
            PTR, Mayaguez                 181258N0670802W                      NASA       _
            SD, Sioux Falls             — 434410N0963721W _                   _NASA _
            _TX, Houston                   293339N095053 1W                    NASA _
          __TX, Kelly AFB                 (294800N0983600W |                  Air Force
            _VA, Chantilly               390045N0772540W                       NASA
              VA, Dulles               |_390051N0772538W                      _ NASA
             VA, Herndon                _ 385732N0772234W                     _NASA
             VA,. Quartfico              3829SZNO772223W            |           Navy
           VA, WalopsIsland                375538N0752831W _ |      NASA
           VA, Waii &Island                375530N0752835W          NASA _
                         ,                 375644N0752740W        Commerce
           VA, W&fi D s[Isiand          {_ 375644N0T73527A44W      Commerce
           VA, WallapsIsland             _ 375645NCT52T738W       Commerce_
         __VA, Wallop§Island _             375647TNO732738W    |_ Commerce
           VA, WallopsIsland               375647NO7S2T743W       Commerce
           VA, WallopsIsland .           3756A48NO732T3IW                     Commerce _
           VA, Wallops Island_           375648NQ752T736W                    _ Commerce
           VA, WallopsIsland             375650NO0752750W                     Commerce
     ____ VA, WEIBLSIsland                375651N0752743W                     Commerce_
       VA, Wallops Island (SWAS)_         375600N0753000W .                     NASA
             wy,Falrmont                  392600N0801200W                       NASA

Document Created: 2012-03-20 15:26:03
Document Modified: 2012-03-20 15:26:03

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