ICO USG agreement ex


Ex Parte Notification


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20071203-01646 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      December 15, 2008

By Electronic Delivery
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re: Ex parte submission in File Nos. SES—LIC—20071203—01646, SES—AMD—
              20080118—00075, SES—AMD—20080219—00172
Dear Ms. Dortch:

       This letteris to inform the Federal Communications Commission that ICO has
entered into a coordination agreement with affected United States Federal Government
agencies to protect federal earth stations receiving in the 2200—2290 MHz band.

       ICO references this agreement in support ofits application for blanket authority to
operate Ancillary Terrestrial Component ("ATC") base stations and ICO‘s related request
to waive specific portions of Section 25.252 of the Commission‘s rules. The agreement
sets forth specific technical requirements for ICO ATC base stations for protection of
federal earth stations operating in the 2200—2290 MHz band, including provision for
protection of any future federal earth stations. The objective of the agreementis to ensure
that grant of the ICO waiver requests would not result in unacceptable interference to the
federal earth stations operating in the band 2200—2290 MHz due to ICO ATC base station
out—of—band emissions.

       ICO and the federal agencies have agreed that waiver of Sections 25.252(a)(1)‘
and 25.252(a)(6)" of the Commission‘s rules should be conditioned upon ICO‘s

147 C.F.R. § 25.252(a)(1): Applicants for an ancillary terrestrial component in these
bands must demonstrate that ATC base stations shall not: (1) Exceed an EIRP of —100.6
dBW/4kHz for out—of—channel emission at the edge of the MSS licensee‘s selected
247 CFR. § 25.252(a)(6); Applicants for an ancillary terrestrial component in these
bands must demonstrate that ATC base stations shall not: (6) be located less than 820
meters from a U.S. Earth Station facility operating in the 2200—2290 MHz band. In its
MSS ATC application, the MSS licensee should request a list of operational stations in
the 2200—2290 MHz band.                                                          815 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                                                                 Suite 610
                                                                                 Washington, DC 20006

                                                                                 202 330 4005 phone
                                                                                 202 330 4008 fax
                                                                                 web: wwrw.co.com

compliance with the terms of the coordination agreement. ICO and the federal agencies
also agree that grant of ATC authority to ICO should be conditioned upon ICO‘s
compliance with the terms of the coordination agreement.

       Please direct any questions about this submission to the undersigned.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Suza,fie Hutchings Maééy %/
                                           Senior V.P., Regulatory Affairs
                                           ICO Global Communications

ce:    Helen Domenici
       Robert Nelson
       Karl Kensinger

Document Created: 2008-12-15 17:06:30
Document Modified: 2008-12-15 17:06:30

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