Attachment Comm of Oper

Comm of Oper

LETTER submitted by Level 3 Communications

Comm of Oper


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20071025-01464 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Level (3),&
                                                                                                       JAN 1 1 2008
¢ o uo m u s PC AG P a a s                                                                            Satellite Divigion
                                                _                FILED/ACCEPTED                      International Bureau
8 January 2008
                                                                        JAN =8 2008
                                                                 Federal Communications Commission
BY HAND DELIVERY                                                         Office of the Secretary

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

           Re:__—      Certification of Commencement of Operation for Call Sign E070247, FCC File
                      No. SES—LIC—20071025—01464

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Pursuant to Section 25.133(b)(1) of the Commission‘s rules and the terms of the satellite
earth station authorization for the above—referenced call sign, Vyvx, LLC ("Vyvx"), hereby
certifies that construction of the earth station described below has been completed. Specifically,
Vyyx certifies to the following:

            1.         Licensee: Vyvx, LLC

           2.          File Number: SES—LIC—20071025—01464

           3.          Call Sign: E070247

           4.          Date of License: 12/05/2007

            5.         Antenna Performance Standard Certification: The facility as authorized has been
                       completed and that each antenna facility has been tested and is within 2 dB of the
                       pattern specified in Section 25.209(a)—(b) of the Commission‘s rules.

           6.          Date of First Operation: 12/06/2007, under the current call sign. The earth
                       station was previously authorized under Call Sign E865124, FCC File Nos. SES—
                       LIC—19860912—01965 and SES—RWL—19970609—00735. Construction was
                       originally completed in 1986.

            7.         Continuous Operation: This earth station will remain operational during the
                       license period unless the license is submitted for cancellation.

Respectfully submitted,

By:      Richard Gibson

Title:   Director, Vyvx Teleport Operations

Document Created: 2019-04-19 23:18:58
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 23:18:58

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