Attachment E070232

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20070928-01335 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                               Federal Communications Commission
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                                    DA 07-4941

                                              December 11,2007

Mr. Eric L. K e d e r , Esq.
ESPN, Inc.
ESPN Plaza
Bristol, CT 06010-7454

                                                        Re: Call Sign E070231
                                                            File No. SES-LIC-20070928-01334

                                                             Call Sign E070232
                                                             File No. SES-LIC-20070928-01335

Dear Mr. Kemmler:

On September 28,2007, ESPN, Inc. (ESPN) filed the above-captioned applications for authority to
operate two fixed earth stations that transmit in the 14.0-14.5 GHz frequency band and receive in the
10.95-11.2, 11.45-11.7, and 11.7-12.2 GHz frequency bands. Pursuant to Section 25.1 12(a)(2),we
dismiss both applications in part as defective without prejudice to refiling.

Pursuant to Section 25.1 12(a)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. 5 25.1 12(a)(2), we dismiss the
portion of the applications regarding the 10.95-11.2 and 11.45-11.7 GHz frequency bands. In the
applications, ESPN proposes to operate in a variety of frequency bands and lists ALS AT-designated
satellites as the point of communication for all the bands. Only those fixed-satellite service earth stations
that are both two-degree compliant and operate in the 3700-4200 MHz, 5925-6425 MHz, 11.7 -12.2 GHz,
or 14.0-14.5 GHz bands can request ALSAT as a point of communication. In all other cases, the
application must identify the specific satellite or satellites with which the proposed earth station seeks to
communicate.’ Thus, the portions of ESPN’s application pertaining to the 10.95-11.2 and 11.45-11.7
GHz frequency bands are defective.

    Amendment of the Commission’s Regulatory Policies to Allow Non-U.S.-LicensedSpace Stations to Provide
 Domestic and International Services in the United States, First Order on Reconsideration,IB Docket No. 96- 111, 15
 FCC Rcd 7207,7214-16 (paras. 16-20).

                                 Federal Communications Commission                   DA 07-4941

Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.1 12(a)(2) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. 5 25.1 12(a)(2), and
Section 0.261 of the Commission’s rules on delegations of authority, 47 C.F.R. 5 0.261, we dismiss the
above-captioned applications to the extent that the applicant seeks to operate in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and
11.45-11.7 GHz bands. If ESPN chooses to refile an application for these frequency bands, it must
specify the satellite or satellites with which the earth stations seek to communicate.


                                                 Scott A. Kotler
                                                 Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                 Satellite Division
                                                 International Bureau


Document Created: 2007-12-11 13:59:09
Document Modified: 2007-12-11 13:59:09

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